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2. Targeted Next Generation Sequencing reveals previously unidentified TSC1 and TSC2 mutations
作者:Mark Nellist (1)
Rutger WW Brouwer (2)
Christel EM Kockx (2)
Monique van Veghel-Plandsoen (1)
Caroline Withagen-Hermans (1)
Lida Prins-Bakker (1)
Marianne Hoogeveen-Westerveld (1)
Alan Mrsic (1)
Mike MP van den Berg (1) (3)
Anna E Koopmans (1) (3)
Marie-Claire de Wit (4)
Floor E Jansen (5)
Anneke JA Maat-Kievit (1)
Ans van den Ouweland (1)
Dicky Halley (1)
Annelies de Klein (1)
Wilfred FJ van IJcken (2)

1. Department of Clinical Genetics
; Ee-2426 ; Erasmus Medical Center ; Wytemaweg 80 ; 3015 ; Rotterdam ; CN ; The Netherlands
2. Center for Biomics
; Erasmus Medical Center ; Wytemaweg 80 ; 3015 ; Rotterdam ; CN ; The Netherlands
3. Department of Ophthalmology
; Erasmus Medical Center ; Wytemaweg 80 ; 3015 ; Rotterdam ; CN ; The Netherlands
4. Department of Neurology
; Sophia Children鈥檚 Hospital ; Erasmus Medical Center ; Wytemaweg 80 ; 3015 ; Rotterdam ; CN ; The Netherlands
5. Department of Pediatric Neurology
; Brain Center Rudolf Magnus ; University Medical Center Utrecht ; 3508 ; Utrecht ; EA ; The Netherlands
刊名:BMC Medical Genetics
3. Selection and characterization of llama single domain antibodies against N-terminal huntingtin
刊名:Neurological Sciences
4. A haploproficient interaction of the transaldolase paralogue NQM1 with the transcription factor VHR1 affects stationary phase survival and oxidative stress resistance
5. The Dutch national summit on preconception care: a summary of definitions, evidence and recommendations
6. Apparently synonymous substitutions in FGFR2 affect splicing and result in mild Crouzon syndrome
作者:Aimee L Fenwick (1)
Jacqueline AC Goos (2)
Julia Rankin (3)
Helen Lord (4)
Tracy Lester (4)
A Jeannette M Hoogeboom (5)
Ans MW van den Ouweland (5)
Steven A Wall (6)
Irene MJ Mathijssen (2)
Andrew OM Wilkie (1) (6)

1. Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine
; John Radcliffe Hospital ; University of Oxford ; Headington ; Oxford ; OX3 9DS ; UK
2. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery
; Erasmus MC ; University Medical Center ; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
3. Clinical Genetics Department
; Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust ; Exeter ; UK
4. Genetics Laboratories
; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust ; Churchill Hospital ; Oxford ; UK
5. Department of Clinical Genetics
; Erasmus MC ; University Medical Center ; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
6. Craniofacial Unit
; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust ; John Radcliffe Hospital ; Oxford ; UK
刊名:BMC Medical Genetics
8. RD-Connect: An Integrated Platform Connecting Databases, Registries, Biobanks and Clinical Bioinformatics for Rare Disease Research
作者:Rachel Thompson M.Chem. (1)
Louise Johnston Ph.D. (1)
Domenica Taruscio PhD
; M.D. (2)
Lucia Monaco Ph.D. (3)
Christophe B茅roud PharmD
; Ph.D. (4)
Ivo G. Gut Ph.D. (5)
Mats G. Hansson Ph.D. (6)
Peter-Bram A. 鈥檛 Hoen Ph.D. (7)
George P. Patrinos PhD (8)
Hugh Dawkins Ph.D. (9)
Monica Ensini Ph.D. (1)
Kurt Zatloukal M.D. (10)
David Koubi Ph.D. (11)
Emma Heslop M.Sc. (1)
Justin E. Paschall M.A. (12)
Manuel Posada Ph.D. (13)
Peter N. Robinson M.D.
; Ph.D. (14)
Kate Bushby M.D.
; F.R.C.P. (1)
Hanns Lochm眉ller Ph.D.
; M.D. (1)

1. Institute of Genetic Medicine
; MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases ; Newcastle University ; London ; UK
2. Istituto Superiore di Sanit脿
; Rome ; Italy
3. Fondazione Telethon
; Milan ; Italy
4. Aix Marseille Universit茅
; INSERM ; GMGF UMR_S 910 ; 13385 ; Marseille ; France
5. Centre Nacional d鈥橝n脿lisi Gen貌mica
; Barcelona ; Spain
6. Uppsala University
; Uppsala ; Sweden
7. Leiden University Medical Centre
; Leiden ; Netherlands
8. University of Patras
; Patras ; Greece
9. Office of Population Health Genomics
; Department of Health Western Australia ; Perth ; Australia
10. Medical University of Graz
; Graz ; Austria
11. Finovatis
; Lyon ; France
12. European Molecular Biology Laboratory
; European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) ; Hinxton ; UK
13. Instituto de Salud Carlos III
; Instituto de Investigaci贸n de Enfermedades Raras ; CIBERER ; Madrid ; Spain
14. Institute for Medical Genetics and Human Genetics
; Charit茅-Universit盲tsmedizin ; Berlin ; Germany
刊名:Journal of General Internal Medicine
9. PMP22 related neuropathies: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A and Hereditary Neuropathy with liability to Pressure Palsies
刊名:Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
10. Paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma upon maternal transmission of SDHD mutations
作者:Jean-Pierre Bayley (1)
Rogier A Oldenburg (6)
Jennifer Nuk (8)
Attje S Hoekstra (1)
Conny A van der Meer (6)
Esther Korpershoek (7)
Barbara McGillivray (8)
Eleonora PM Corssmit (5)
Winand NM Dinjens (7)
Ronald R de Krijger (7)
Peter Devilee (1) (3)
Jeroen C Jansen (4)
Frederik J Hes (2)

1. Department of Human Genetics
; Leiden University Medical Center ; PZ S-04 ; P.O. Box 9600 ; 2300 ; RC ; Leiden ; the Netherlands
6. Department of Clinical Genetics
; Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam ; Rotterdam ; the Netherlands
8. Hereditary Cancer Program
; BC Cancer Agency ; Vancouver ; Canada
7. Department of Pathology
; Josephine Nefkens Institute ; Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam ; Rotterdam ; the Netherlands
5. Department of Endocrinology
; Leiden University Medical Center ; Leiden ; the Netherlands
3. Department of Pathology
; Leiden University Medical Center ; Leiden ; the Netherlands
4. Department of Otorhinolaryngology
; Leiden University Medical Center ; Leiden ; the Netherlands
2. Department of Clinical Genetics
; Leiden University Medical Center ; Leiden ; the Netherlands
刊名:BMC Medical Genetics

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