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3. Statistics and genetics between Italy and Britain in the 20th century: an interview with A. W. F. Edwards
4. Specifying the target difference in the primary outcome for a randomised controlled trial: guidance for researchers
作者:Jonathan A Cook (1) (2)
Jenni Hislop (3)
Douglas G Altman (1)
Peter Fayers (4) (5)
Andrew H Briggs (6)
Craig R Ramsay (2)
John D Norrie (7)
Ian M Harvey (8)
Brian Buckley (9)
Dean Fergusson (10)
Ian Ford (11)
Luke D Vale (3)
for the DELTA group

1. Centre for Statistics in Medicine
; Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics ; Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences ; University of Oxford ; Botnar Research Centre ; Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre ; Windmill Road ; Oxford ; OX3 7LD ; UK
2. Health Services Research Unit
; University of Aberdeen ; Health Sciences Building ; Foresthill ; Aberdeen ; AB25 2ZD ; UK
3. Institute of Health and Society
; Newcastle University ; The Baddiley-Clark Building ; Richardson Road ; Newcastle upon Tyne ; NE2 4AX ; UK
4. Population Health
; University of Aberdeen ; Polwarth Building ; Foresterhill ; Aberdeen ; AB25 2ZD ; UK
5. Department of Cancer Research and Molecular
; Norwegian University of Science and Technology ; Mailbox 8905 ; Trondheim ; N-7491 ; Norway
6. Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment
; University of Glasgow ; 1 Lilybank Gardens ; Glasgow ; G12 8RZ ; UK
7. Centre for Healthcare Randomised Trials (CHaRT)
; University of Aberdeen ; Health Sciences Building ; Aberdeen ; AB25 2ZD ; UK
8. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
; University of East Anglia ; Elizabeth Fry Building ; Norwich Research Park ; Norwich ; NR4 7TJ ; UK
9. National University of Ireland
; University Road ; Galway ; Ireland
10. Clinical Epidemiology Program
; Ottawa Hospital Research Institute ; 725 Parkdale Avenue ; Ottawa ; ON ; K1Y 4E9 ; Canada
11. Robertson Centre for Biostatistics
; University of Glasgow ; Boyd Orr Building ; University Avenue ; Glasgow ; G12 8QQ ; UK
5. The efficacy of indwelling pleural catheter placement versus placement plus talc sclerosant in patients with malignant pleural effusions managed exclusively as outpatients (IPC-PLUS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
作者:Rahul Bhatnagar (1) (2)
Brennan C Kahan (3)
Anna J Morley (1) (2)
Emma K Keenan (1) (2)
Robert F Miller (4) (5)
Najib M Rahman (6) (7)
Nick A Maskell (1) (2)

1. Academic Respiratory Unit
; University of Bristol ; Southmead Hospital ; Learning and Research Building ; Southmead Road ; Bristol ; BS10 5NB ; UK
2. Respiratory Research
; Clinical Research Centre ; Southmead Hospital ; Southmead Road ; Bristol ; BS10 5NB ; UK
3. Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit
; Queen Mary University of London ; 58 Turner Street ; London ; E1 2AB ; UK
4. Research Department of Infection and Population Health
; Institute of Epidemiology and Healthcare ; University College London ; 222 Euston Road ; London ; NW1 2DA ; UK
5. Clinical Research Department
; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ; Keppel Street ; London ; WC1E 7HT ; UK
6. Oxford Centre for Respiratory Medicine
; Churchill Hospital ; Old Road ; Oxford ; OX3 7LE ; UK
7. Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit
; University of Oxford ; Churchill Hospital ; Old Road ; Oxford ; OX3 7LE ; UK
6. Clinical directors-views of centralisation and commissioning of cleft services in the UK
7. Food allergy in the Netherlands: differences in clinical severity, causative foods, sensitization and DBPCFC between community and outpatients
作者:Thuy-My Le (1)
Els van Hoffen (1) (10)
Ischa Kummeling (1) (2)
James Potts (2)
Barbara K Ballmer-Weber (3)
Carla AFM Bruijnzeel-Koomen (1)
Ans FM Lebens (1)
Jonas Lidholm (4)
Titia M Lindner (1)
Alan Mackie (5)
EN Clare Mills (6)
Ronald van Ree (7)
Stefan Vieths (8)
Montserrat Fern谩ndez-Rivas (9)
Peter G Burney (2)
Andr茅 C Knulst (1)

1. Department of Dermatology/Allergology
; University Medical Center Utrecht ; PO Box 85500 ; 3508 GA ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
10. Current affiliation
; NIZO food research ; Ede ; The Netherlands
2. Department of Respiratory Epidemiology
; Occupational Medicine and Public Health ; National Heart and Lung Institute ; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
3. Allergy Unit
; Department of Dermatology ; University Hospital Z眉rich ; Z眉rich ; Switzerland
4. Thermo Fisher Scientific
; Uppsala ; Sweden
5. Institute of Food Research
; Norwich Research Park ; Colney ; Norwich ; NR4 7UA ; UK
6. Institute of Inflammation and Repair
; Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre ; Manchester Institute of Biotechnology ; The University of Manchester ; Manchester ; UK
7. Department of Experimental Immunology and Department of Otorhinolaryngology
; Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
8. Division of Allergology
; Paul-Ehrlich-Institut ; Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines ; Langen ; Germany
9. Allergy Department
; Hospital Clinico San Carlos ; IdISSC ; Madrid ; Spain
刊名:Clinical and Translational Allergy
8. Health system challenges for the management of cardiovascular disease and diabetes: an empirical qualitative study from Syria
9. Genetic and Environmental Transactions Underlying the Association Between Physical Fitness/Physical Exercise and Body Composition
刊名:Behavior Genetics
10. Mapping hotspots of malaria transmission from pre-existing hydrology, geology and geomorphology data in the pre-elimination context of Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania
作者:Andrew Hardy (1)
Zawadi Mageni (2)
Stefan Dongus (3)
Gerry Killeen (2) (4)
Mark G Macklin (1)
Silas Majambare (2) (4)
Abdullah Ali (5)
Mwinyi Msellem (5)
Abdul-Wahiyd Al-Mafazy (5)
Mark Smith (6)
Chris Thomas (7)

1. Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
; Aberystwyth University ; Aberystwyth ; UK
2. Environmental Health and Ecological Sciences
; Ifakara Health Institute ; Ifakara ; United Republic of Tanzania
3. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
; Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute ; Basel ; Switzerland
4. Vector Biology Department
; Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine ; Liverpool ; UK
5. Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Program
; Zanzibar ; United Republic of Tanzania
6. School of Geography
; University of Leeds ; Leeds ; UK
7. Institute of Biological
; Environmental and Rural Sciences ; Aberystwyth University ; Aberystwyth ; UK
刊名:Parasites & Vectors

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