在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:12条,耗时:0.0369832 秒


1. Objective Measures of the Built Environment and Physical Activity in Children: From Walkability to Moveability
作者:Christoph Buck (1)
Tobias Tkaczick (2)
Yannis Pitsiladis (3) (4)
Ilse De Bourdehaudhuij (5)
Lucia Reisch (6)
Wolfgang Ahrens (7)
Iris Pigeot (1)

1. Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology
; BIPS ; Bremen ; Germany
2. Institute of Geography
; University of Bremen ; Bremen ; Germany
3. College of Medical
; Veterinary and Life Sciences ; Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences ; University of Glasgow ; Glasgow ; UK
4. School of Sport and Service Management
; University of Brighton ; Eastbourne ; UK
5. Department of Movement and Sports Sciences
; Ghent University ; Ghent ; Belgium
6. Department of Intercultural Communication and Management
; Copenhagen Business School ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
7. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
; University of Bremen ; Bremen ; Germany
刊名:Journal of Urban Health
2. Mapping hotspots of malaria transmission from pre-existing hydrology, geology and geomorphology data in the pre-elimination context of Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania
作者:Andrew Hardy (1)
Zawadi Mageni (2)
Stefan Dongus (3)
Gerry Killeen (2) (4)
Mark G Macklin (1)
Silas Majambare (2) (4)
Abdullah Ali (5)
Mwinyi Msellem (5)
Abdul-Wahiyd Al-Mafazy (5)
Mark Smith (6)
Chris Thomas (7)

1. Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
; Aberystwyth University ; Aberystwyth ; UK
2. Environmental Health and Ecological Sciences
; Ifakara Health Institute ; Ifakara ; United Republic of Tanzania
3. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
; Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute ; Basel ; Switzerland
4. Vector Biology Department
; Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine ; Liverpool ; UK
5. Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Program
; Zanzibar ; United Republic of Tanzania
6. School of Geography
; University of Leeds ; Leeds ; UK
7. Institute of Biological
; Environmental and Rural Sciences ; Aberystwyth University ; Aberystwyth ; UK
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
3. Understanding connected surface-water/groundwater systems using Fourier analysis of daily and sub-daily head fluctuations
4. Estimating the Effects of Light Rail Transit (LRT) System on Residential Property Values Using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)
5. Hyperresolution information and hyperresolution ignorance in modelling the hydrology of the land surface
刊名:Science China Earth Sciences
6. Effectiveness of interventions to reduce indoor air pollution and/or improve health in homes using solid fuel in lower and middle income countries: protocol for a systematic review
作者:Reginald Quansah (1) (2)
Caroline A Ochieng (3)
Sean Semple (4)
Sanjar Juvekar (5) (6)
Jacques Emina (6)
Frederick Ato Armah (7)
Isaac Luginaah (7)

1. Biological
; Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences ; School of Public Health ; College of Health Sciences ; University of Ghana ; Legon ; Accra ; Ghana
2. Department of Immunology
; Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research ; College of Health Sciences ; University of Ghana ; Legon ; Accra ; Ghana
3. Stockholm Environment Institute
; Stockholm ; Sweden
4. Scottish Centre for Indoor Air Division of Applied Health Science
; University of Aberdeen ; Aberdeen ; Scotland ; UK
5. KEM Hospital Research Centre
; Pune ; India
; Accra ; Ghana
7. Department of Geography
; Western University Canada ; London ; Ontario ; Canada
刊名:Systematic Reviews
9. A global assembly of adult female mosquito mark-release-recapture data to inform the control of mosquito-borne pathogens
作者:Carlos A Guerra (14) (15)
Robert C Reiner Jr (14) (16)
T Alex Perkins (14) (16)
Steve W Lindsay (14) (17) (18)
Janet T Midega (19) (20)
Oliver J Brady (21)
Christopher M Barker (14) (22)
William K Reisen (14) (22)
Laura C Harrington (23)
Willem Takken (24)
Uriel Kitron (14) (25)
Alun L Lloyd (14) (26)
Simon I Hay (14) (21)
Thomas W Scott (14) (16)
David L Smith (14) (15) (27)

14. Fogarty International Center
; National Institutes of Health ; Bethesda ; MD ; USA
15. Center for Disease Dynamics
; Economics & Policy ; Washington ; DC ; USA
16. Department of Entomology
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; USA
17. Department of Disease Control
; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ; London ; UK
18. School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
; Durham University ; Durham ; UK
19. Pathogen
; Vector and Human Biology Unit ; KEMRI鈥揢niversity of Oxford鈥揥ellcome Trust Research Programme ; Kilifi ; Kenya
20. Department of Life Sciences
; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
21. Spatial Ecology and Epidemiology Group
; Department of Zoology ; Tinbergen Building ; University of Oxford ; South Parks Road ; Oxford ; United Kingdom
22. Center for Vectorborne Diseases
; Department of Pathology ; Microbiology ; and Immunology ; School of Veterinary Medicine ; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; USA
23. Department of Entomology
; Cornell University ; Ithaca ; NY ; USA
24. Laboratory of Entomology
; Wageningen University ; Wageningen ; The Netherlands
25. Department of Environmental Sciences
; Emory University ; Atlanta ; GA ; USA
26. Department of Mathematics and Biomathematics Graduate Program
; North Carolina State University ; Raleigh ; NC ; USA
27. Department of Epidemiology
; Bloomberg School of Public Health ; Johns Hopkins University ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
刊名:Parasites & Vectors

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