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1. A spatial individual-based model predicting a great impact of copious sugar sources and resting sites on survival of Anopheles gambiae and malaria parasite transmission
作者:Lin Zhu (1)
Whitney A Qualls (1)
John M Marshall (2)
Kris L Arheart (1)
Donald L DeAngelis (3)
John W McManus (4)
Sekou F Traore (5)
Seydou Doumbia (5)
Yosef Schlein (6)
G眉nter C M眉ller (6)
John C Beier (1)

1. Department of Public Health Sciences
; Miller School of Medicine ; University of Miami ; Miami ; Florida ; USA
2. Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
; MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling ; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
3. USGS/Biological Resources Division and Department of Biology
; University of Miami ; Coral Gables ; Florida ; USA
4. Department of Marine Biology and Ecology
; University of Miami ; Miami ; Florida ; USA
5. Malaria Research and Training Center
; Faculty of Medicine ; Pharmacy and Odonto-Stomatology ; University of Bamako ; BP 1805 ; Bamako ; Mali
6. Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
; IMRIC ; Kuvin Centre for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases ; Faculty of Medicine ; Hebrew University ; Jerusalem ; Israel
刊名:Malaria Journal
2. Coordinated international action to accelerate genome-to-phenome with FAANG, the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes project
作者:Leif Andersson (1) (2)
Alan L Archibald (3)
Cynthia D Bottema (4)
Rudiger Brauning (5)
Shane C Burgess (6)
Dave W Burt (3)
Eduardo Casas (7)
Hans H Cheng (8)
Laura Clarke (9)
Christine Couldrey (10)
Brian P Dalrymple (11)
Christine G Elsik (12)
Sylvain Foissac (13)
Elisabetta Giuffra (14)
Martien A Groenen (15)
Ben J Hayes (16) (17) (18)
LuSheng S Huang (19)
Hassan Khatib (20)
James W Kijas (11)
Heebal Kim (21)
Joan K Lunney (22)
Fiona M McCarthy (23)
John C McEwan (24)
Stephen Moore (25)
Bindu Nanduri (26)
Cedric Notredame (27)
Yniv Palti (28)
Graham S Plastow (29)
James M Reecy (30)
Gary A Rohrer (31)
Elena Sarropoulou (32)
Carl J Schmidt (33)
Jeffrey Silverstein (34)
Ross L Tellam (35)
Michele Tixier-Boichard (14)
Gwenola Tosser-Klopp (13)
Christopher K Tuggle (30)
Johanna Vilkki (36)
Stephen N White (37) (38)
Shuhong Zhao (39)
Huaijun Zhou (40)
The FAANG Consortium

1. Science for Life Laboratory Uppsala
; Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology ; Uppsala University ; Uppsala ; SE 751 23 ; Sweden
2. Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences ; Uppsala ; SE-750 07 ; Sweden
3. The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
; University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; EH25 9RG ; UK
4. School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
; The University of Adelaide ; Roseworthy ; SA ; 5371 ; Australia
5. Invermay Agricultural Centre
; AgResearch Limited ; Mosgiel ; 9053 ; New Zealand
6. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85719 ; USA
7. National Animal Disease Center
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Ames ; IA ; 50010 ; USA
8. Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; East Lansing ; MI ; 48823 ; USA
9. European Molecular Biology Laboratory European Bioinformatics Institute
; Hinxton ; Cambridge ; CB10 1SD ; UK
10. Livestock Improvement Corporation
; Hamilton ; 3284 ; New Zealand
11. Agriculture Flagship
; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ; St Lucia ; 4067 ; Brisbane ; Australia
12. Division of Animal Sciences
; University of Missouri ; Columbia ; MO ; 65211 ; USA
13. UMR1388 G茅n茅tique
; Physiologie et Syst猫mes d鈥橢levage (GenPhySE) ; French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) ; F-31326 ; Castanet-Tolosan ; France
14. UMR1313 G茅n茅tique Animale et Biologie Int茅grative (GABI)
; French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) ; F-78352 ; Jouy-en-Josas ; France
15. Animal Breeding and Genomics Centre
; Wageningen University ; 6708聽PB ; Wageningen ; The Netherlands
16. Biosciences Research Division
; Department of Environment and Primary Industries Victoria ; Bundoora ; 3083 ; Australia
17. Dairy Futures Cooperative Research Centre
; Bundoora ; 3083 ; VIC ; Australia
18. La Trobe University
; Bundoora ; 3086 ; VIC ; Australia
19. Key Laboratory for Animal Biotechnology of Jiangxi Province and the Ministry of Agriculture of China
; Jiangxi Agricultural University ; Jiangxi ; 330029 ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
20. Department of Animal Sciences
; University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Madison ; WI ; 53706 ; USA
21. Department of Agricultural Biotechnology
; Seoul National University ; Seoul ; Republic of Korea
22. Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Beltsville ; MD ; 20705 ; USA
23. School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85721 ; USA
24. Animal Productivity Group
; AgResearch Limited ; Mosgiel ; 9053 ; New Zealand
25. Centre for Animal Science
; Queensland Alliance for Agriculture & Food Innovation ; University of Queensland ; St Lucia ; QLD ; 4067 ; Australia
26. Department of Basic Sciences
; College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute for Genomics ; Biocomputing and Biotechnology ; Mississippi State University ; Mississippi ; MS ; 39762 ; USA
27. Comparative Bioinformatics
; Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) ; Dr. Aiguader 88 ; 08003 ; Barcelona ; Spain
28. National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Kearneysville ; WV ; 25430 ; USA
29. Livestock Gentec Centre
; Department of Agricultural ; Food and Nutritional Science ; University of Alberta ; Edmonton ; Alberta ; T6G 2C8 ; Canada
30. Department of Animal Science
; Iowa State University ; Ames ; IA ; 50011 ; USA
31. US Meat Animal Research Center
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Clay Center ; NE ; 68933 ; USA
32. Institute of Marine Biology
; Biotechnology and Aquaculture ; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research ; 71003 ; Heraklion ; Greece
33. Department of Animal and Food Sciences
; University of Delaware ; Newark ; DE ; 19716 ; USA
34. Animal Production and Protection
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service Aquaculture ; Beltsville ; MD ; 20705 ; USA
35. CSIRO Agriculture
; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ; St Lucia ; 4067 ; Australia
36. Green Technology
; Natural Resources Institute Finland ; 31600 ; Jokioinen ; Finland
37. Animal Disease Research Unit
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-6630 ; USA
38. Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology
; Washington State University ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-7040 ; USA
39. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics
; Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education of China ; Huazhong Agricultural University ; Wuhan ; Hubei ; 430070 ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
40. Department of Animal Science
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
刊名:Genome Biology
3. An ontology approach to comparative phenomics in plants
作者:Anika Oellrich (1)
Ramona L Walls (2)
Ethalinda KS Cannon (3)
Steven B Cannon (4) (5)
Laurel Cooper (6)
Jack Gardiner (7)
Georgios V Gkoutos (8)
Lisa Harper (4)
Mingze He (7)
Robert Hoehndorf (9)
Pankaj Jaiswal (6)
Scott R Kalberer (4)
John P Lloyd (10)
David Meinke (11)
Naama Menda (12)
Laura Moore (6)
Rex T Nelson (4)
Anuradha Pujar (12)
Carolyn J Lawrence (5) (7)
Eva Huala (13)

1. Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
; Wellcome Trust Genome Campus ; Hinxton ; CB10 1SA ; UK
2. iPlant Collaborative
; University of Arizona ; 1657 E. Helen St. ; Tucson ; Arizona ; 85721 ; USA
3. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University
; 1018 Crop Informatics Lab ; Ames ; Iowa ; 50011 ; USA
4. USDA-ARS Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit
; Iowa State University ; Crop Genome Informatics Lab ; Iowa State University ; Ames ; IA ; 50011 ; USA
5. Department of Agronomy
; Agronomy Hall ; Iowa State University ; Ames ; IA ; 50010 ; USA
6. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
; 2082 Cordley Hall ; Oregon State University ; Corvallis ; OR ; 97331 ; USA
7. Department of Genetics
; Development and Cell Biology ; Roy J Carver Co-Laboratory ; Iowa State University ; Ames ; IA ; 50010 ; USA
8. Department of Computer Science
; Aberystwyth University ; Llandinam Building ; Aberystwyth ; SY23 3DB ; UK
9. Computer
; Electrical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering Division and Computational Bioscience Research Center ; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; 4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ; P.O. Box 2882 ; Thuwal ; 23955-6900 ; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
10. Department of Plant Biology
; Michigan State University ; 220 Trowbridge Rd ; East Lansing ; MI ; 48824 ; USA
11. Department of Botany
; Oklahoma State University ; 301 Physical Sciences ; Stillwater ; OK ; 74078 ; USA
12. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
; 533 Tower Road ; Ithaca ; NY ; 14853 ; USA
13. Phoenix Bioinformatics
; 643 Bair Island Rd Suite 403 ; Redwood City ; CA ; 94063 ; USA
刊名:Plant Methods
4. Faculty experiences regarding a global partnership for anesthesia postgraduate training: a qualitative study
作者:M. Dylan Bould MBChB (1)
Chantalle L. Clarkin MScN (2)
Sylvain Boet MD (3)
Ashlee-Ann E. Pigford MSc (4)
Feruza Ismailova MD (5)
Emily Measures MA (6)
Anne E. McCarthy MD (7) (8)
John A. Kinnear MBBCh (9)

1. Department of Anesthesiology
; Children鈥檚 Hospital of Eastern Ontario ; University of Ottawa ; 401 Smyth Road ; Ottawa ; ON ; K1H 8L1 ; Canada
2. Children鈥檚 Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute
; Ottawa ; ON ; Canada
3. Department of Anesthesiology
; Ottawa Hospital ; University of Ottawa ; Ottawa ; ON ; Canada
4. Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
; Ottawa ; ON ; Canada
5. Department of Anesthesia
; University Teaching Hospital ; University of Zambia ; Lusaka ; Zambia
6. Tropical Health and Education Trust
; Lusaka ; Zambia
7. Faculty of Medicine
; University of Ottawa ; Ottawa ; ON ; Canada
8. Division Infectious Diseases and Director Tropical Medicine and International Health Clinic
; The Ottawa Hospital ; Ottawa ; ON ; Canada
9. Postgraduate Medical Institute
; Anglia Medical Institute ; Essex ; UK
刊名:Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesth¨|sie
5. The burden and spatial distribution of bovine African trypanosomes in small holder crop-livestock production systems in Tororo District, south-eastern Uganda
作者:Dennis Muhanguzi (1) (2)
Kim Picozzi (2)
Jan Hattendorf (3) (4)
Michael Thrusfield (5)
John David Kabasa (6)
Charles Waiswa (7)
Susan Christina Welburn (2)

1. Department of Biomolecular and Biolaboratory Sciences
; School of Biosecurity ; Biotechnical and Laboratory Sciences ; College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity ; Makerere University ; P.O. Box 7062 ; Kampala ; Uganda
2. Division of Infection & Pathway Medicine
; Centre for Infectious Diseases ; School of Biomedical Sciences ; College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine ; The University of Edinburgh ; Chancellor鈥檚 Building ; 49 Little France Crescent ; Edinburgh ; EH16 4SB ; UK
3. Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
; Swiss Tropical Institute ; Socinstrasse 57 ; CH-4002 ; Basel ; Switzerland
4. University of Basel
; Petersplatz 1 ; 4003 ; Basel ; Switzerland
5. Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
; The University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; EH25 9RG ; UK
6. Department of Biosecurity
; Ecosystems & Veterinary Public Health ; School of Biosecurity ; Biotechnical and Laboratory Sciences ; College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity ; Makerere University ; P.O. Box 7062 ; Kampala ; Uganda
7. Department of Pharmacy
; Clinical and Comparative Medicine ; School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Resources ; College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity ; Makerere University ; P.O. Box 7062 ; Kampala ; Uganda
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
6. Comparative assessment of diverse strategies for malaria vector population control based on measured rates at which mosquitoes utilize targeted resource subsets
作者:Gerry F Killeen (1) (2)
Samson S Kiware (1) (4)
Aklilu Seyoum (2)
John E Gimnig (3)
George F Corliss (4)
Jennifer Stevenson (5) (6)
Christopher J Drakeley (5)
Nakul Chitnis (7) (8) (9)

1. Environmental Health and Ecological Sciences Thematic Group
; Ifakara Health Institute ; Ifakara ; Kilombero ; Morogoro ; United Republic of Tanzania
2. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
; Vector Biology Department ; Pembroke Place ; Liverpool ; L3 5QA ; UK
4. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
; Marquette University ; Milwaukee ; WI ; 53201-1881 ; USA
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
; Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria ; Atlanta ; Georgia ; 30333 ; USA
5. Department of Immunology and Infection
; Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases ; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ; Keppel Street ; London ; WC1E 7HT ; UK
6. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
; Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute ; Baltimore ; MD ; 21205 ; USA
7. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
; Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute ; Basel ; Switzerland
8. University of Basel
; Basel ; Switzerland
9. Fogarty International Center
; National Institutes of Health ; Bethesda ; MD ; 20892 ; USA
刊名:Malaria Journal
7. Collateral benefits of restricted insecticide application for control of African trypanosomiasis on Theileria parva in cattle: a randomized controlled trial
作者:Dennis Muhanguzi (70) (71)
Kim Picozzi (71)
Jan Hatendorf (72) (73)
Michael Thrusfield (74)
Susan Christina Welburn (71)
John David Kabasa (70)
Charles Waiswa (70)

70. Department of Biomolecular and Biolaboratory Sciences
; College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity ; Makerere University ; P.O. Box 7062 ; Kampala ; Uganda
71. Division of pathway Medicine
; Centre for Infectious Diseases ; School of Biomedical Sciences ; College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine ; The University of Edinburgh ; Chancellor鈥檚 Building ; 49 Little France Crescent ; Edinburgh ; EH16 4SB ; UK
72. Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
; Swiss Tropical Institute ; Socinstrasse 57 ; Basel ; CH-4002 ; Switzerland
73. University of Basel
; Petersplatz 1 ; Basel ; 4003 ; Switzerland
74. Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
; The University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; EH25 9RG ; UK
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
8. Impact of early daycare on healthcare resource use related to upper respiratory tract infections during childhood: prospective WHISTLER cohort study
作者:Marieke LA de Hoog (78)
Roderick P Venekamp (78) (79)
Cornelis K van der Ent (80)
Anne Schilder (78) (79) (82)
Elisabeth AM Sanders (81)
Roger AMJ Damoiseaux (78)
Debby Bogaert (81)
Cuno SPM Uiterwaal (78)
Henriette A Smit (78)
Patricia Bruijning-Verhagen (78) (83)

78. Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care
; University Medical Center Utrecht ; STR 6.131 ; PO Box 85500 ; 3508 GA ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
79. Department of Otorhinolaryngology
; Division Surgical Specialties ; Wilhelmina Children鈥檚 Hospital ; University Medical Center Utrecht ; 3508 AB ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
80. Department of Paediatric Pulmonology
; Wilhelmina Children鈥檚 Hospital ; University Medical Center Utrecht ; 3508 AB ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
82. evidENT
; Ear Institute ; University College London ; WC1X8EE ; London ; UK
81. Department Paediatric Immunology
; Wilhelmina Children鈥檚 Hospital ; University Medical Center Utrecht ; 3508 AB ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
83. National Institute for Public Health and the environment (RIVM)
; 3720 BA ; Bilthoven ; The Netherlands
刊名:BMC Medicine

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