在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:14条,耗时:0.0239877 秒


1. BorreliaBase: a phylogeny-centered browser of Borrelia genomes
作者:Lia Di (13)
Pedro E Pagan (13)
Daniel Packer (14)
Che L Martin (15)
Saymon Akther (13)
Girish Ramrattan (13)
Emmanuel F Mongodin (17)
Claire M Fraser (17)
Steven E Schutzer (18)
Benjamin J Luft (19)
Sherwood R Casjens (20)
Wei-Gang Qiu (13) (15) (16) (21)

13. Department of Biological Sciences
; Hunter College ; The City University of New York ; 10065 ; New York ; NY ; USA
14. Department of Computer Science
; Hunter College ; The City University of New York ; 10065 ; New York ; NY ; USA
15. Department of Biology
; The Graduate Center ; City University of New York ; 10016 ; New York ; USA
17. Institute for Genome Sciences
; University of Maryland School of Medicine ; 21201 ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
18. Department of Medicine
; New Jersey Medical School ; Rutgers ; The State University of New Jersey ; 07103 ; Newark ; NJ ; USA
19. Department of Medicine
; Health Science Center ; Stony Brook University ; 11794 ; Stony Brook ; NY ; USA
20. Department of Pathology
; Division of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology ; University of Utah School of Medicine ; 84112 ; Salt Lake City ; UT ; USA
16. Center for Translational and Basic Research
; Hunter College ; The City University of New York ; 10065 ; New York ; NY ; USA
21. Department of Biological Sciences
; Hunter College of the City University of New York ; 695 Park Avenue ; 10065 ; New York ; NY ; USA
刊名:BMC Bioinformatics
2. Submicroscopic and asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections are common in western Thailand - molecular and serological evidence
作者:Elisabeth Baum (1)
Jetsumon Sattabongkot (2)
Jeeraphat Sirichaisinthop (3)
Kirakorn Kiattibutr (2)
D Huw Davies (1)
Aarti Jain (1)
Eugenia Lo (4)
Ming-Chieh Lee (4)
Arlo Z Randall (5)
Douglas M Molina (5)
Xiaowu Liang (5)
Liwang Cui (6)
Philip L Felgner (1)
Guiyun Yan (4)

1. Department of Medicine
; Division of Infectious Diseases ; University of California Irvine ; Irvine ; CA ; USA
2. Mahidol Vivax Research Unit
; Faculty of Tropical Medicine ; Mahidol University ; Bangkok ; Thailand
3. Vector-Borne Disease Training Center
; Saraburi ; Thailand
4. Program in Public Health
; University of California Irvine ; Irvine ; CA ; USA
5. Antigen Discovery Inc.
; Irvine ; CA ; USA
6. Department of Entomology
; School of Agricultural Sciences ; Pennsylvania State University ; University Park ; PA ; USA
刊名:Malaria Journal
3. A global assembly of adult female mosquito mark-release-recapture data to inform the control of mosquito-borne pathogens
作者:Carlos A Guerra (14) (15)
Robert C Reiner Jr (14) (16)
T Alex Perkins (14) (16)
Steve W Lindsay (14) (17) (18)
Janet T Midega (19) (20)
Oliver J Brady (21)
Christopher M Barker (14) (22)
William K Reisen (14) (22)
Laura C Harrington (23)
Willem Takken (24)
Uriel Kitron (14) (25)
Alun L Lloyd (14) (26)
Simon I Hay (14) (21)
Thomas W Scott (14) (16)
David L Smith (14) (15) (27)

14. Fogarty International Center
; National Institutes of Health ; Bethesda ; MD ; USA
15. Center for Disease Dynamics
; Economics & Policy ; Washington ; DC ; USA
16. Department of Entomology
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; USA
17. Department of Disease Control
; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ; London ; UK
18. School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
; Durham University ; Durham ; UK
19. Pathogen
; Vector and Human Biology Unit ; KEMRI鈥揢niversity of Oxford鈥揥ellcome Trust Research Programme ; Kilifi ; Kenya
20. Department of Life Sciences
; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
21. Spatial Ecology and Epidemiology Group
; Department of Zoology ; Tinbergen Building ; University of Oxford ; South Parks Road ; Oxford ; United Kingdom
22. Center for Vectorborne Diseases
; Department of Pathology ; Microbiology ; and Immunology ; School of Veterinary Medicine ; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; USA
23. Department of Entomology
; Cornell University ; Ithaca ; NY ; USA
24. Laboratory of Entomology
; Wageningen University ; Wageningen ; The Netherlands
25. Department of Environmental Sciences
; Emory University ; Atlanta ; GA ; USA
26. Department of Mathematics and Biomathematics Graduate Program
; North Carolina State University ; Raleigh ; NC ; USA
27. Department of Epidemiology
; Bloomberg School of Public Health ; Johns Hopkins University ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
5. Evaluation of blood and bone marrow in selected canine vector-borne diseases
作者:Anna S De Tommasi (1)
Domenico Otranto (1)
Tommaso Furlanello (2)
Silvia Tasca (2)
Cinzia Cantacessi (3)
Edward B Breitschwerdt (4)
Dorothee Stanneck (8)
Filipe Dantas-Torres (1) (5)
Gad Baneth (6)
Gioia Capelli (7)
Donato de Caprariis (1)

1. Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria
; Universit脿 degli Studi di Bari ; Valenzano ; Bari ; Italy
2. Laboratorio d鈥橝nalisi Veterinarie 鈥淪an Marco鈥? Padova
; Italy
3. Department of Veterinary Medicine
; University of Cambridge ; Cambridge ; UK
4. Department of Clinical Sciences
; Intracellular Pathogens Research Laboratory ; Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research ; College of Veterinary Medicine ; North Carolina State University ; 1060 William Moore Drive ; Raleigh ; NC ; 27607 ; USA
8. Bayer Animal Health GmbH
; Leverkusen ; Germany
5. Department of Immunology
; Aggeu Magal茫hes Research Institute ; Oswaldo Cruz Foundation ; Recife ; Pernambuco ; Brazil
6. School of Veterinary Medicine
; Hebrew University ; Rehovot ; Israel
7. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
; Laboratory of Parasitology ; Legnaro ; Italy
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
6. Quantitative factors proposed to influence the prevalence of canine tick-borne disease agents in the United States
作者:Roger W Stich (1)
Byron L Blagburn (2)
Dwight D Bowman (3)
Christopher Carpenter (4)
M Roberto Cortinas (5)
Sidney A Ewing (6)
Desmond Foley (7)
Janet E Foley (8)
Holly Gaff (9)
Graham J Hickling (10)
R Ryan Lash (11)
Susan E Little (6)
Catherine Lund (12)
Robert Lund (13)
Thomas N Mather (14)
Glen R Needham (15)
William L Nicholson (16)
Julia Sharp (13)
Andrea Varela-Stokes (17)
Dongmei Wang (13)

1. Department of Veterinary Pathobiology
; University of Missouri ; Columbia ; MO ; USA
2. Department of Pathobiology
; Auburn University ; Auburn ; AL ; USA
3. College of Veterinary Medicine
; Cornell University ; Ithaca ; NY ; USA
4. Companion Animal Parasite Council
; Salem ; OR ; USA
5. School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
; University of Nebraska ; Lincoln ; NE ; USA
6. Department of Veterinary Pathobiology
; Oklahoma State University ; Stillwater ; OK ; USA
7. Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit
; National Museum of Natural History ; Washington ; DC ; USA
8. Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; USA
9. Department of Biological Sciences
; Old Dominion University ; Norfolk ; VA ; USA
10. Department of Forestry
; Wildlife and Fisheries ; University of Tennessee ; Knoxville ; TN ; USA
11. Department of Geography
; University of Georgia ; Athens ; GA ; USA
12. City Kitty Veterinary Care for Cats
; Providence ; RI ; USA
13. Department of Mathematical Sciences
; Clemson University ; Clemson ; SC ; USA
14. Center for Vector-Borne Disease
; University of Rhode Island ; Kingston ; RI ; USA
15. Department of Entomology
; The Ohio State University ; Columbus ; OH ; USA
16. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
; Atlanta ; GA ; USA
17. Department of Basic Sciences
; College of Veterinary Medicine ; Mississippi State University ; Kragujevac ; Mississippi State ; MS ; USA
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
8. First report of Babesia gibsoni in Central America and survey for vector-borne infections in dogs from Nicaragua
刊名:Parasites & Vectors

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