在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:26条,耗时:0.0269867 秒


1. Depression and Sexual Dysfunction Among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Men Who Have Sex With Men: Mediation by Use of Antidepressants and Recreational Stimulants
作者:Trevor A. Hart (1) (2)
Brian Mustanski (3)
Daniel T. Ryan (3)
Pamina M. Gorbach (4)
Ron D. Stall (5)
Pamela J. Surkan (6)
Michael Plankey (7)

1. Department of Psychology
; Ryerson University ; 350 Victoria St. ; Toronto ; ON ; M5B 2K3 ; Canada
2. Dalla Lana School of Public Health
; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
3. Department of Medical Social Sciences
; Northwestern University ; Chicago ; IL ; USA
4. Department of Epidemiology
; University of California ; Los Angeles ; Los Angeles ; CA ; USA
5. Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
; University of Pittsburgh ; Pittsburgh ; PA ; USA
6. School of Public Health
; Johns Hopkins University ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
7. School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases
; Georgetown University ; Washington ; DC ; USA
刊名:Archives of Sexual Behavior
2. Health worker perspectives on barriers to delivery of routine tuberculosis diagnostic evaluation services in Uganda: a qualitative study to guide clinic-based interventions
作者:Adithya Cattamanchi (1) (2) (3) (8)
Cecily R Miller (1) (2) (4)
Asa Tapley (3)
Priscilla Haguma (8)
Emmanuel Ochom (8)
Sara Ackerman (5)
J Lucian Davis (1) (2) (3) (8)
Achilles Katamba (7) (8)
Margaret A Handley (3) (4) (6)

1. Department of Medicine
; Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine ; San Francisco General Hospital ; University of California San Francisco ; Room 5K1 ; 1001 Potrero Avenue ; San Francisco ; California ; 94110 ; USA
2. Curry International Tuberculosis Center
; University of California San Francisco ; San Francisco ; California ; USA
3. School of Medicine
; University of California San Francisco ; San Francisco ; California ; USA
8. Infectious Diseases Research Collaboration
; Kampala ; Uganda
4. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
; University of California San Francisco ; San Francisco ; California ; USA
5. Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
; University of California San Francisco ; San Francisco ; California ; USA
7. School of MedicineMakerere University College of Health Sciences
; Kampala ; Uganda
6. Center for Vulnerable Populations
; University of California San Francisco ; San Francisco ; California ; USA
刊名:BMC Health Services Research
3. A spatial individual-based model predicting a great impact of copious sugar sources and resting sites on survival of Anopheles gambiae and malaria parasite transmission
作者:Lin Zhu (1)
Whitney A Qualls (1)
John M Marshall (2)
Kris L Arheart (1)
Donald L DeAngelis (3)
John W McManus (4)
Sekou F Traore (5)
Seydou Doumbia (5)
Yosef Schlein (6)
G眉nter C M眉ller (6)
John C Beier (1)

1. Department of Public Health Sciences
; Miller School of Medicine ; University of Miami ; Miami ; Florida ; USA
2. Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
; MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling ; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
3. USGS/Biological Resources Division and Department of Biology
; University of Miami ; Coral Gables ; Florida ; USA
4. Department of Marine Biology and Ecology
; University of Miami ; Miami ; Florida ; USA
5. Malaria Research and Training Center
; Faculty of Medicine ; Pharmacy and Odonto-Stomatology ; University of Bamako ; BP 1805 ; Bamako ; Mali
6. Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
; IMRIC ; Kuvin Centre for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases ; Faculty of Medicine ; Hebrew University ; Jerusalem ; Israel
刊名:Malaria Journal
4. Accounting for behavioral responses during a flu epidemic using home television viewing
作者:Michael Springborn (1)
Gerardo Chowell (2) (3) (4)
Matthew MacLachlan (5)
Eli P Fenichel (6)

1. Department of Environmental Science & Policy
; University of California ; 2104 Wickson Hall ; One Shields Ave. ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
2. School of Public Health
; Georgia State University ; P.O. Box 3965 ; Atlanta ; GA ; 30302-3965 ; USA
3. Division of International Epidemiology and Population Studies
; Fogarty International Center ; National Institutes of Health ; 31 Center Dr ; MSC 2220 ; Bethesda ; MD ; 20892-2220 ; USA
4. Mathematical
; Computational & Modeling Sciences Center ; School of Human Evolution and Social Change ; Arizona State University ; 900 S. Cady Mall ; Tempe ; AZ ; 85287-2402 ; USA
5. Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
; University of California ; 2116 Social Sciences & Humanities ; One Shields Ave. ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
6. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
; 195 Prospect St. ; New Haven ; CT ; 06511 ; USA
刊名:BMC Infectious Diseases
5. An application of propensity score weighting to quantify the causal effect of rectal sexually transmitted infections on incident HIV among men who have sex with men
6. Combining phylogeography and spatial epidemiology to uncover predictors of H5N1 influenza A virus diffusion
刊名:Archives of Virology
7. Submicroscopic and asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections are common in western Thailand - molecular and serological evidence
作者:Elisabeth Baum (1)
Jetsumon Sattabongkot (2)
Jeeraphat Sirichaisinthop (3)
Kirakorn Kiattibutr (2)
D Huw Davies (1)
Aarti Jain (1)
Eugenia Lo (4)
Ming-Chieh Lee (4)
Arlo Z Randall (5)
Douglas M Molina (5)
Xiaowu Liang (5)
Liwang Cui (6)
Philip L Felgner (1)
Guiyun Yan (4)

1. Department of Medicine
; Division of Infectious Diseases ; University of California Irvine ; Irvine ; CA ; USA
2. Mahidol Vivax Research Unit
; Faculty of Tropical Medicine ; Mahidol University ; Bangkok ; Thailand
3. Vector-Borne Disease Training Center
; Saraburi ; Thailand
4. Program in Public Health
; University of California Irvine ; Irvine ; CA ; USA
5. Antigen Discovery Inc.
; Irvine ; CA ; USA
6. Department of Entomology
; School of Agricultural Sciences ; Pennsylvania State University ; University Park ; PA ; USA
刊名:Malaria Journal
8. Discharge diagnoses versus medical record review in the identification of community-acquired sepsis
作者:Henry E Wang (1)
Dylan R Addis (2)
John P Donnelly (1) (3) (4)
Nathan I Shapiro (5)
Russell L Griffin (3)
Monika M Safford (4)
John W Baddley (6)

1. Department of Emergency Medicine
; University of Alabama School of Medicine ; 619 19th Street South ; OHB 251 ; Birmingham ; AL ; 35249 ; USA
2. University of Alabama School of Medicine
; Birmingham ; Alabama ; USA
3. Department of Epidemiology
; School of Public Health ; University of Alabama at Birmingham ; Birmingham ; Alabama ; USA
4. Department of Medicine
; Division of Preventive Medicine ; University of Alabama School of Medicine ; Birmingham ; Alabama ; USA
5. Department of Emergency Medicine
; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center ; Boston ; Massachusetts ; USA
6. Department of Medicine
; Division of Infectious Diseases ; University of Alabama School of Medicine ; Birmingham ; Alabama ; USA
刊名:Critical Care
10. Year in review in Intensive Care Medicine 2014: I. Cardiac dysfunction and cardiac arrest, ultrasound, neurocritical care, ICU-acquired weakness, nutrition, acute kidney injury, and miscellaneous
作者:Giuseppe Citerio (1)
Jan Bakker (2)
Matteo Bassetti (3)
Dominique Benoit (4)
Maurizio Cecconi (5) (6)
J. Randall Curtis (7)
Gordon S. Doig (8)
Margaret Herridge (9)
Samir Jaber (10)
Michael Joannidis (11)
Laurent Papazian (12)
Anders Perner (13)
Mark J. Peters (14)
Pierre Singer (15)
Martin Smith (16)
Marcio Soares (17)
Antoni Torres (18)
Antoine Vieillard-Baron (19)
Jean-Fran莽ois Timsit (20)
Elie Azoulay (21)

1. Universit脿 Milano Bicocca
; Milan ; Italy
2. Erasmus MC University Medical Center
; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
3. Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Santa Maria della Misericordia
; Udine ; Italy
4. Ghent University Hospital
; Ghent ; Belgium
5. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
6. Department of Anaesthesia
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
7. Harborview Medical Center and The University of Washington
; Seattle ; WA ; USA
8. Northern Clinical School Intensive Care Research Unit
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
9. Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine
; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
10. Saint Eloi University Hospital
; Montpellier ; France
11. Division of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
; Department of Internal Medicine ; Medical University of Innsbruck ; Innsbruck ; Austria
12. H么pital Nord
; Aix-Marseille Universit茅 ; Marseille ; France
13. Department of Intensive Care
; Rigshospitalet ; University of Copenhagen ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
14. UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond St Hospital
; London ; UK
15. Rabin Medical Center
; Beilinson Hospital ; Sackler School of Medicine ; Tel Aviv University ; Tel Aviv ; Israel
16. The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
; University College London Hospitals ; London ; UK
17. D鈥橭r Institute for Research and Education
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil
18. Pulmonary Intensive Care Unit
; Department of Pulmonary Medicine ; Hospital Cl铆nic of Barcelona ; Barcelona ; Spain
19. INSERM U-1018
; CESP ; Team 5 (EpReC ; Renal and Cardiovascular Epidemiology) ; UVSQ ; H么pital Ambroise Par茅 ; Paris ; France
20. APHP-Hopital Bichat-Medical and Infectious Diseases ICU
; UMR 1137-IAME Team 5-DeSCID ; Decision Sciences in Infectious Diseases ; Control and Care Inserm/Univ Paris Diderot ; Sorbonne Paris Cit茅 ; 75018 ; Paris ; France
21. AP-HP
; H么pital Saint-Louis ; Medical ICU ; Groupe de Recherche Respiratoire en R茅animation Onco-H茅matologique (Grrr-OH) ; Paris ; France
刊名:Intensive Care Medicine

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