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2. Initial monomial invariants of holomorphic maps
刊名:Mathematische Zeitschrift
6. The outer disks of Herbig stars from the UV to NIR
作者:C. Grady (1)
M. Fukagawa (2)
Y. Maruta (2)
Y. Ohta (2)
J. Wisniewski (3)
J. Hashimoto (3)
Y. Okamoto (4)
M. Momose (4)
T. Currie (14) (5)
M. McElwain (6)
T. Muto (7)
T. Kotani (8)
N. Kusakabe (8)
M. Feldt (10)
M. Sitko (11)
K. Follette (9)
M. Bonnefoy (10)
T. Henning (10)
M. Takami (12)
J. Karr (12)
J. Kwon (15)
T. Kudo (8)
L. Abe (16)
W. Brandner (10)
T. Brandt (17)
J. Carson (18)
S. Egner (14)
M. Goto (19)
O. Guyon (14)
Y. Hayano (14)
M. Hayashi (8)
S. Hayashi (14)
K. Hodapp (20)
M. Ishii (8)
M. Iye (8)
M. Janson (30)
R. Kandori (14)
G. Knapp (13)
M. Kuzuhara (21)
T. Matsuo (22)
S. Miyama (23)
J.-I. Morino (8)
A. Moro-Mart铆n (24)
T. Nishimura (14)
T.-S. Pyo (14)
E. Serabyn (25)
T. Suenaga (26) (8)
H. Suto (8)
R. Suzuki (8)
Y. H. Takahashi (15) (8)
N. Takato (14)
H. Terada (14)
C. Thalmann (27)
D. Tomono (14)
E. L. Turner (13)
M. Watanabe (28)
T. Yamada (29)
H. Takami (8)
T. Usuda (8)
M. Tamura (15) (8)

1. Eureka Scientific and Goddard Space Flight Center
; Code 667 ; Goddard Space Flight Center ; Greenbelt ; MD ; 20771 ; USA
2. Graduate School of Science
; Osaka University ; 1-1 Machikaneyama ; Toyonaka ; Osaka ; 560-004 ; Japan
3. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; The University of Oklahoma ; 440 W. Brooks St. ; Norman ; OK ; 73019 ; USA
4. College of Science
; Ibaraki University ; 2-1-1 Bunkyo ; Mito ; Ibaraki ; 310-8512 ; Japan
14. Subaru Telescope
; 650 N Aohoku Pl ; Hilo ; HI ; 96720 ; USA
5. Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
; University of Toronto ; 50 St. George Street ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
6. Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
; Code 667 ; NASA鈥檚 Goddard Space Flight Center ; Greenbelt ; MD ; 20771 ; USA
7. Division of Liberal Arts
; Kogakuin University ; 1-24-2 ; Nishi-Shinjuku ; Shinjuku-ku ; Tokyo ; 163-8677 ; Japan
8. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
; 2-21-1 Osawa ; Mitaka ; Tokyo ; 181-8588 ; Japan
10. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
; K枚nigstuhl 17 ; 69117 ; Heidelberg ; Germany
11. Department of Physics
; University of Cincinnati ; Cincinnati ; OH ; 45221-0011 ; USA
9. Steward Observatory
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85721 ; USA
12. Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
; Academia Sinica ; P.O. Box 23-141 ; Taipei ; 10617 ; Taiwan
15. Department of Astronomy
; The University of Tokyo ; Hongo 7-3-1 ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-0033 ; Japan
16. Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR 7293)
; Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis ; CNRS ; Observatoire de la Cote d鈥橝zur ; 28 avenue Valrose ; 06108 ; Nice Cedex 2 ; France
17. Astrophysics Department
; Institute for Advanced Study ; Princeton ; NJ ; USA
18. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; College of Charleston ; 58 Coming St. ; Charleston ; SC ; 29424 ; USA
19. Universit盲ts-Sternwarte M眉nchen
; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit盲t ; Scheinerstr. 1 ; 81679 ; M眉nchen ; Germany
20. Institute for Astronomy
; University of Hawai鈥檌 ; 640 N. A鈥榦hoku Place ; Hilo ; HI ; 96720 ; USA
30. Department of Astronomy
; Stockholm University ; AlbaNova University Center ; Stockholm ; 106 91 ; Sweden
13. Department of Astrophysical Sciences
; Princeton University ; 4 Ivy Ln ; Princeton ; NJ ; 08544 ; USA
21. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
; Tokyo Institute of Technology ; 2-12-1 Ookayama ; Meguro-ku ; Tokyo ; 152-8551 ; Japan
22. Department of Astronomy
; Kyoto University ; Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho ; Sakyo-ku ; Kyoto ; Kyoto ; 606-8502 ; Japan
23. Hiroshima University
; 1-3-2 ; Kagamiyama ; Higashihiroshima ; Hiroshima ; 739-8511 ; Japan
24. Space Telescope Science Institute
; Baltimore ; MD ; 21218 ; USA
25. Jet Propulsion Laboratory
; California Institute of Technology ; Pasadena ; CA ; 171-113 ; USA
26. Department of Astronomical Science
; The Graduate University for Advanced Studies ; 2-21-1 ; Osawa ; Mitaka ; Tokyo ; 181-8588 ; Japan
27. Institute for Astronomy
; ETH Zurich ; Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27 ; 8093 ; Zurich ; Switzerland
28. Department of Cosmosciences
; Hokkaido University ; Kita-ku ; Sapporo ; Hokkaido ; 060-0810 ; Japan
29. Astronomical Institute
; Tohoku University ; Aoba-ku ; Sendai ; Miyagi ; 980-8578 ; Japan
刊名:Astrophysics and Space Science
8. Clinical Trials in Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes: Needs, Barriers, and Options
刊名:Current Diabetes Reports
9. Diverse metabolic and stress-tolerance pathways in chasmoendolithic and soil communities of Miers Valley, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
作者:Sean T. S. Wei (1)
Miguel-Angel Fernandez-Martinez (2)
Yuki Chan (1)
Joy D. Van Nostrand (3)
Asuncion de los Rios-Murillo (2)
Jill M. Y. Chiu (4)
Annapoorna Maitrayee Ganeshram (1)
S. Craig Cary (5)
Jizhong Zhou (3) (6) (7)
Stephen B. Pointing (1) (5)

1. Institute for Applied Ecology New Zealand
; School of Applied Sciences ; Auckland University of Technology ; Private Bag 92006 ; Auckland ; 1142 ; New Zealand
2. Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales
; C/Serrano 115 Duplicado ; 28006 ; Madrid ; Spain
3. Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology
; Institute for Environmental Genomics ; University of Oklahoma ; Norman ; OK ; 73019 ; USA
4. Department of Biology
; Hong Kong Baptist University ; Kowloon Tong ; Hong Kong ; China
5. International Centre for Terrestrial Antarctic Research
; University of Waikato ; Private Bag 3105 ; Hamilton ; 3240 ; New Zealand
6. Earth Sciences Division
; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ; Berkeley ; CA ; 94720 ; USA
7. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control
; School of Environment ; Tsinghua University ; Beijing ; 100084 ; China
刊名:Polar Biology
10. The interplay of contextual elements in implementation: an ethnographic case study
刊名:BMC Health Services Research

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