在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:6条,耗时:0.036982 秒


1. A simple data-adaptive probabilistic variant calling model
作者:Steve Hoffmann (1) (2) (3)
Peter F Stadler (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Korbinian Strimmer (10) (9)

1. Junior Research Group Transcriptome Bioinformatics
; University Leipzig ; Hrtelstra脽e 16-18 ; Leipzig ; Germany
2. Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics Group
; University Leipzig ; Hrtelstra脽e 16-18 ; Leipzig ; Germany
3. LIFE Research Center for Civilization Diseases
; University Leipzig ; Hrtelstra脽e 16-18 ; Leipzig ; Germany
4. Department of Theoretical Chemistry
; University Vienna ; W盲hringer Stra脽e 17 ; Vienna ; Austria
5. RNomics Group
; Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology 鈥?IZI ; Perlickstra脽e 1 ; Leipzig ; Germany
6. Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
; Inselstra脽e 22 ; Leipzig ; Germany
7. Center for non-coding RNA in Technology and Health
; University of Copenhagen ; Gr酶nneg氓rdsvej 3 ; Frederiksberg ; Denmark
8. Santa Fe Institute
; 1399 Hyde Park Road ; Santa Fe ; USA
10. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
; Imperial College London ; Norfolk Place ; London W2 1PG ; UK
9. Institute for Medical Informatics
; Statistics and Epidemiology ; University of Leipzig ; Hrtelstra脽e 16鈥?8 ; Leipzig ; D-04107 ; Germany
刊名:Algorithms for Molecular Biology
3. TSSAR: TSS annotation regime for dRNA-seq data
作者:Fabian Amman (30) (31)
Michael T Wolfinger (31) (32) (33)
Ronny Lorenz (31)
Ivo L Hofacker (31) (34) (38)
Peter F Stadler (30) (31) (34) (35) (36) (37)
Sven Findei (31) (38)

30. Bioinformatics Group
; Department of Computer Science and the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatic ; University of Leipzig ; Hrtelstra脽e 16鈥?8 ; 04107 ; Leipzig ; Germany
31. Institute for Theoretical Chemistry
; University of Vienna ; W盲hringerstra脽e 17 ; 1090 ; Vienna ; Austria
32. Center for Integrative Bioinformatics Vienna (CIBIV)
; Max F. Perutz Laboratories ; University of Vienna ; Medical University of Vienna ; Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9 ; 1030 ; Vienna ; Austria
33. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology
; Max F. Perutz Laboratories ; University of Vienna ; Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9 ; 1030 ; Vienna ; Austria
34. Center for RNA in Technology and Health
; University of Copenhagen ; Gr酶nneg氓rdsvej 3 ; Frederiksberg C ; Denmark
38. Research group Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
; Faculty of Computer Science ; University of Vienna ; W盲hringerstra脽e 29 ; 1090 ; Vienna ; Austria
35. Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
; Inselstra脽e 22 ; D-04103 ; Leipzig ; Germany
36. Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology
; Perlickstra脽e 1 ; D-04103 ; Leipzig ; Germany
37. Santa Fe Institute
; 1399 Hyde Park Road ; Santa Fe NM ; 87501 ; USA
刊名:BMC Bioinformatics
4. QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives
作者:N. Brambilla (1)
S. Eidelman (2) (3)
P. Foka (4)
S. Gardner (5)
A. S. Kronfeld (6)
M. G. Alford (7)
R. Alkofer (8)
M. Butenschoen (9)
T. D. Cohen (10)
J. Erdmenger (11)
L. Fabbietti (12)
M. Faber (13)
J. L. Goity (14) (15)
B. Ketzer (1) (53)
H. W. Lin (16)
F. J. Llanes-Estrada (17)
H. B. Meyer (18)
P. Pakhlov (19) (20)
E. Pallante (21)
M. I. Polikarpov (19) (20)
H. Sazdjian (22)
A. Schmitt (23)
W. M. Snow (24)
A. Vairo (1)
R. Vogt (25) (26)
A. Vuorinen (27)
H. Wittig (18)
P. Arnold (28)
P. Christakoglou (29)
P. Di Nezza (30)
Z. Fodor (31) (32) (33)
X. Garcia i Tormo (34)
R. H枚llwieser (13)
M. A. Janik (35)
A. Kalweit (36)
D. Keane (37)
E. Kiritsis (38) (39) (40)
A. Mischke (41)
R. Mizuk (19) (42)
G. Odyniec (43)
K. Papadodimas (21)
A. Pich (44)
R. Pittau (45)
J.-W. Qiu (46) (47)
G. Ricciardi (48) (49)
C. A. Salgado (50)
K. Schwenzer (7)
N. G. Stefanis (51)
G. M. von Hippel (18)
V. I. Zakharov (11) (19) (20) (52)

1. Physik Department
; Technische Universitt M眉nchen ; James-Franck-Stra脽e 1 ; 85748聽 ; Garching ; Germany
2. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
; SB RAS ; Novosibirsk聽 ; 630090 ; Russia
3. Novosibirsk State University
; Novosibirsk聽 ; 630090 ; Russia
4. GSI Helmholtzzentrum f眉r Schwerionenforschung GmbH
; Planckstra脽e 1 ; 64291聽 ; Darmstadt ; Germany
5. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; University of Kentucky ; Lexington ; KY聽 ; 40506-0055 ; USA
6. Theoretical Physics Department
; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ; P.O. Box 500 ; Batavia ; IL聽 ; 60510-5011 ; USA
7. Department of Physics
; Washington University ; St Louis ; MO聽 ; 63130 ; USA
8. University of Graz
; 8010聽 ; Graz ; Austria
9. Faculty of Physics
; University of Vienna ; Boltzmanngasse 5 ; 1090聽 ; Wien ; Austria
10. Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics and Department of Physics
; University of Maryland ; College Park ; MD聽 ; 20742-4111 ; USA
11. Max-Planck-Institute for Physics
; F枚hringer Ring 6 ; 80805聽 ; Munich ; Germany
12. Excellence Cluster 鈥淥rigin and Structure of the Universe鈥? Technische Universitt M眉nchen
; 85748聽 ; Garching ; Germany
13. Atominstitut
; Technische Universitt Wien ; 1040聽 ; Vienna ; Austria
14. Hampton University
; Hampton ; VA聽 ; 23668 ; USA
15. Jefferson Laboratory
; Newport News ; VA聽 ; 23606 ; USA
53. Helmholtz-Institut f眉r Strahlen- und Kernphysik
; Universitt Bonn ; 53115聽 ; Bonn ; Germany
16. Department of Physics
; University of Washington ; Seattle ; WA ; 98195-1560 ; USA
17. Department Fisica Teorica I
; Universidad Complutense de Madrid ; 28040聽 ; Madrid ; Spain
18. PRISMA Cluster of Excellence
; Institut f眉r Kernphysik and Helmholtz Institut Mainz ; Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt Mainz ; 55099聽 ; Mainz ; Germany
19. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
; Moscow ; 117218 ; Russia
20. Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology
; Dolgoprudny ; 141700 ; Russia
21. Centre for Theoretical Physics
; University of Groningen ; 9747聽AG聽 ; Groningen ; The Netherlands
22. Institut de Physique Nucl茅aire CNRS/IN2P3
; Universit茅 Paris-Sud ; 91405聽 ; Orsay ; France
23. Institut f眉r Theoretische Physik
; Technische Universitt Wien ; 1040聽 ; Vienna ; Austria
24. Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter and Department of Physics
; Indiana University ; Bloomington ; IN ; 47408 ; USA
25. Physics Division
; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ; Livermore ; CA ; 94551 ; USA
26. Physics Department
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
27. Department of Physics and Helsinki Institute of Physics
; University of Helsinki ; Helsinki ; P.O. Box 64 ; 00014 ; Finland
28. Department of Physics
; University of Virginia ; 382 McCormick Rd. ; P.O. Box 400714 ; Charlottesville ; VA聽 ; 22904-4714 ; USA
; Science Park 105 ; 1098聽XG聽 ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
30. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
; Via E. Fermi 40 ; 00044聽 ; Frascati ; Italy
31. Wuppertal University
; 42119聽 ; Wuppertal ; Germany
32. E枚tv枚s University
; 1117聽 ; Budapest ; Hungary
33. Forschungszentrum J眉lich
; 52425 ; J眉lich ; Germany
34. Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics
; Institut f眉r Theoretische Physik ; Universitt Bern ; Sidlerstra脽e 5 ; 3012聽 ; Bern ; Switzerland
35. Faculty of Physics
; Warsaw University of Technology ; 00-662聽 ; Warsaw ; Poland
36. European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
; Geneva ; Switzerland
37. Department of Physics
; Kent State University ; Kent ; OH聽 ; 44242 ; USA
38. Crete Center for Theoretical Physics
; Department of Physics ; University of Crete ; 71003聽 ; Heraklion ; Greece
39. Laboratoire APC
; Universit茅 Paris Diderot ; Paris Cedex 13 ; Sorbonne Paris-Cit茅聽 ; 75205 ; France
40. Theory Group
; Physics Department ; CERN ; 1211 ; Geneva 23 ; Switzerland
41. Faculty of Science
; Utrecht University ; Princetonplein 5 ; 3584聽CC聽 ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
42. Moscow Physical Engineering Institute
; Moscow ; 115409 ; Russia
43. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
; 1 Cyclotron Rd ; Berkeley ; CA ; 94720 ; USA
44. IFIC
; Universitat de Val猫ncia ; CSIC ; Apt. Correus 22085 ; 46071聽 ; Val猫ncia ; Spain
45. Departamento de Fisica Teorica y del Cosmos and CAFPE
; Campus Fuentenueva s. n. ; Universidad de Granada ; 18071聽 ; Granada ; Spain
46. Physics Department
; Brookhaven National Laboratory ; Upton ; NY ; 11973 ; USA
47. C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics and Astronomy
; Stony Brook University ; Stony Brook ; NY ; 11794 ; USA
48. Dipartimento di Fisica
; Universit脿 degli Studi di Napoli Federico II ; 80126聽 ; Napoli ; Italy
49. INFN
; Sezione di Napoli ; 80126聽 ; Napoli ; Italy
50. Departamento de Fisica de Particulas y IGFAE
; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela ; 15782聽 ; Santiago de Compostela ; Galicia ; Spain
51. Institut f眉r Theoretische Physik II
; Ruhr-Universitt Bochum ; 44780聽 ; Bochum ; Germany
52. School of Biomedicine
; Far Eastern Federal University ; Sukhanova str 8 ; Vladivostok ; 690950 ; Russia
刊名:The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields

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