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2. Comparative assessment of diverse strategies for malaria vector population control based on measured rates at which mosquitoes utilize targeted resource subsets
作者:Gerry F Killeen (1) (2)
Samson S Kiware (1) (4)
Aklilu Seyoum (2)
John E Gimnig (3)
George F Corliss (4)
Jennifer Stevenson (5) (6)
Christopher J Drakeley (5)
Nakul Chitnis (7) (8) (9)

1. Environmental Health and Ecological Sciences Thematic Group
; Ifakara Health Institute ; Ifakara ; Kilombero ; Morogoro ; United Republic of Tanzania
2. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
; Vector Biology Department ; Pembroke Place ; Liverpool ; L3 5QA ; UK
4. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
; Marquette University ; Milwaukee ; WI ; 53201-1881 ; USA
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
; Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria ; Atlanta ; Georgia ; 30333 ; USA
5. Department of Immunology and Infection
; Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases ; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ; Keppel Street ; London ; WC1E 7HT ; UK
6. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
; Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute ; Baltimore ; MD ; 21205 ; USA
7. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
; Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute ; Basel ; Switzerland
8. University of Basel
; Basel ; Switzerland
9. Fogarty International Center
; National Institutes of Health ; Bethesda ; MD ; 20892 ; USA
刊名:Malaria Journal
3. EChO
作者:G. Tinetti (1) g.tinetti@ucl.ac.uk
J. P. Beaulieu (2) beaulieu@iap.fr
T. Henning (3) henning@mpia.de
M. Meyer (4) mmeyer@phys.ethz.ch
G. Micela (5) giusi@astropa.inaf.it
I. Ribas (6) iribas@ieec.uab.es
D. Stam (7) d.m.stam@sron.nl
M. Swain (8) swain@s383.jpl.nasa.gov
O. Krause (3)
M. Ollivier (9)
E. Pace (10)
B. Swinyard (11)
A. Aylward (1)
R. van Boekel (3)
A. Coradini (5)
T. Encrenaz (12)
I. Snellen (13)
M. R. Zapatero-Osorio (14)
J. Bouwman (3)
J. Y-K. Cho (15)
V. Coudé de Foresto (12)
T. Guillot (16)
M. Lopez-Morales (17)
I. Mueller-Wodarg (18)
E. Palle (19)
F. Selsis (20)
A. Sozzetti (5)
P. A. R. Ade (21)
N. Achilleos (1)
A. Adriani (5)
C. B. Agnor (15)
C. Afonso (3)
C. Allende Prieto (19)
G. Bakos (22)
R. J. Barber (1)
M. Barlow (1)
V. Batista (2)
P. Bernath (23)
B. Bézard (12)
P. Bordé (9)
L. R. Brown (8)
A. Cassan (2)
C. Cavarroc (9)
A. Ciaravella (5)
C. Cockell (24)
A. Coustenis (12)
C. Danielski (1)
L. Decin (25)
R. De Kok (7)
O. Demangeon (9)
P. Deroo (8)
P. Doel (1)
P. Drossart (12)
L. N. Fletcher (26)
M. Focardi (10)
F. Forget (27)
S. Fossey (1)
P. Fouqué (28)
J. Frith (29)
M. Galand (18)
P. Gaulme (9)
J. I. González Hernández (19)
O. Grasset (30)
D. Grassi (5)
J. L. Grenfell (31)
M. J. Griffin (21)
C. A. Griffith (32)
U. Gr?zinger (3)
M. Guedel (33)
P. Guio (1)
O. Hainaut (34)
R. Hargreaves (23)
P. H. Hauschildt (35)
K. Heng (4)
D. Heyrovsky (36)
R. Hueso (37)
P. Irwin (26)
L. Kaltenegger (3)
P. Kervella (12)
D. Kipping (38)
T. T. Koskinen (32)
G. Kovács (39)
A. La Barbera (5)
H. Lammer (40)
E. Lellouch (12)
G. Leto (41)
M. Lopez Morales (17)
M. A. Lopez Valverde (42)
M. Lopez-Puertas (43)
C. Lovis (44)
A. Maggio (45)
J. P. Maillard (2)
J. Maldonado Prado (46)
J. B. Marquette (2)
F. J. Martin-Torres (14)
P. Maxted (47)
S. Miller (1)
S. Molinari (10)
D. Montes (48)
A. Moro-Martin (14)
J. I. Moses (49)
O. Mousis (50)
N. Nguyen Tuong (12)
R. Nelson (15)
G. S. Orton (8)
E. Pantin (51)
E. Pascale (21)
S. Pezzuto (52)
D. Pinfield (29)
E. Poretti (53)
R. Prinja (1)
L. Prisinzano (54)
J. M. Rees (12)
A. Reiners (55)
B. Samuel (9)
A. Sánchez-Lavega (37)
J. Sanz Forcada (14)
D. Sasselov (38)
G. Savini (1)
B. Sicardy (12)
A. Smith (56)
L. Stixrude (1)
G. Strazzulla (41)
J. Tennyson (1)
M. Tessenyi (1)
G. Vasisht (8)
S. Vinatier (12)
S. Viti (1)
I. Waldmann (1)
G. J. White (57)
T. Widemann (12)
R. Wordsworth (27)
R. Yelle (32)
Y. Yung (58)
S. N. Yurchenko (1)
刊名:Experimental Astronomy

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