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1. Synthesis in land change science: methodological patterns, challenges, and guidelines
作者:Nicholas R. Magliocca (1) (8)
Thomas K. Rudel (2)
Peter H. Verburg (3)
William J. McConnell (4)
Ole Mertz (5)
Katharina Gerstner (6)
Andreas Heinimann (7)
Erle C. Ellis (1)

1. Department of Geography and Environmental Systems
; University of Maryland ; Baltimore County ; 211 Sondheim ; 1000 Hilltop Circle ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
8. The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
; University of Maryland ; College Park ; 1 Park Place ; Annapolis ; MD ; USA
2. Department of Sociology
; Rutgers University ; 26 Nichol Avenue ; New Brunswick ; NJ ; USA
3. Institute for Environmental Studies
; VU University Amsterdam ; De Boelelaan 1087 ; 1081 HV ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
4. Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability
; Michigan State University ; Manly Miles Building ; Suite 115 ; 1405 South Harrison Road ; East Lansing ; MI ; USA
5. Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
; University of Copenhagen ; Oster Voldgade 10 ; 1350 ; Copenhagen K ; Denmark
6. Department of Computational Landscape Ecology
; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research 鈥?UFZ ; Permoserstra脽e 15 ; 04318 ; Leipzig ; Germany
7. Swiss National Centre of Research (NCCR) North鈥揝outh
; Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) ; University of Bern ; Hallerstrasse 10 ; 3012 ; Bern ; Switzerland
刊名:Regional Environmental Change
2. An international cross-sectional survey on the Quality and Costs of Primary Care (QUALICO-PC): recruitment and data collection of places delivering primary care across Canada
作者:Sabrina T Wong (1) (2) (3) (4)
Leena W Chau (1) (2)
William Hogg (4) (5) (6)
Gary F Teare (10) (7) (9)
Baukje Miedema (11) (12)
Mylaine Breton (13)
Kris Aubrey-Bassler (14) (15)
Alan Katz (16) (17)
Fred Burge (11)
Antoine Boivin (18)
Tim Cooke (19)
Dani猫le Francoeur (20)
Walter P Wodchis (7) (8) (9)

1. School of Nursing
; University of British Columbia (UBC) ; Vancouver ; Canada
2. Centre for Health Services and Policy Research
; University of British Columbia (UBC) ; Vancouver ; Canada
3. Department of Family Medicine
; University of British Columbia (UBC) ; Vancouver ; Canada
4. The Canadian Primary Health Care Research and Innovation Network (CPHCRIN)
; Ottawa ; Canada
5. Department of Family Medicine
; University of Ottawa ; Ottawa ; Canada
6. C.T. Lamont Primary Health Care Research Centre
; 脡lisabeth Bruy猫re Research Institute ; Ottawa ; Canada
10. Saskatchewan Health Quality Council
; Saskatoon ; Canada
7. Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation
; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; Canada
9. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
; Toronto ; Canada
11. Faculty of Medicine
; Dalhousie University ; Halifax ; Canada
12. Family Medicine Teaching Unit
; University of New Brunswick ; Fredericton ; Canada
13. Universit茅 de Sherbrooke
; Charles LeMoyne Research Center Hospital ; Sherbrooke ; Canada
14. Faculty of Medicine
; Memorial University of Newfoundland ; St. John鈥檚 ; Canada
15. Health Sciences Centre
; St. John鈥檚 ; Canada
16. Departments of Community Health Sciences and Family Medicine
; University of Manitoba ; Winnipeg ; Canada
17. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
; Winnipeg ; Canada
18. Department of Family Medicine
; University of Montreal ; Montreal ; Canada
19. Health Quality Council of Alberta
; Calgary ; Canada
20. Institut national de sant茅 publique du Qu茅bec (INSPQ)
; Qu茅bec ; Canada
8. Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
; Toronto ; Canada
刊名:BMC Family Practice

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