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3. The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data
作者:Paul M. Thompson (1)
Jason L. Stein (178)
Sarah E. Medland (179)
Derrek P. Hibar (1)
Alejandro Arias Vasquez (4) (5)
Miguel E. Renteria (179)
Roberto Toro (6) (7) (8)
Neda Jahanshad (1)
Gunter Schumann (73)
Barbara Franke (4) (5)
Margaret J. Wright (181)
Nicholas G. Martin (180)
Ingrid Agartz (141) (65)
Martin Alda (119)
Saud Alhusaini (117) (13)
Laura Almasy (14)
Jorge Almeida (118) (119)
Kathryn Alpert (145)
Nancy C. Andreasen (15)
Ole A. Andreassen (12)
Liana G. Apostolova (16)
Katja Appel (11)
Nicola J. Armstrong (166)
Benjamin Aribisala (17) (18) (19)
Mark E. Bastin (110) (17) (19)
Michael Bauer (126)
Carrie E. Bearden (123) (182)
?rjan Bergmann (141)
Elisabeth B. Binder (20)
John Blangero (14)
Henry J. Bockholt (177)
Erlend B?en (140) (141)
Catherine Bois (58)
Dorret I. Boomsma (112) (22)
Tom Booth (17)
Ian J. Bowman (1)
Janita Bralten (23) (4) (5)
Rachel M. Brouwer (24)
Han G. Brunner (4)
David G. Brohawn (70)
Randy L. Buckner (106) (25)
Jan Buitelaar (26) (5)
Kazima Bulayeva (27)
Juan R. Bustillo (28)
Vince D. Calhoun (21) (29)
Dara M. Cannon (30)
Rita M. Cantor (31)
Melanie A. Carless (14)
Xavier Caseras (156)
Gianpiero L. Cavalleri (13)
M. Mallar Chakravarty (151) (32)
Kiki D. Chang (168)
Christopher R. K. Ching (1)
Andrea Christoforou (12) (33)
Sven Cichon (36) (37) (38)
Vincent P. Clark (139)
Patricia Conrod (160) (161)
Giovanni Coppola (123) (16)
Benedicto Crespo-Facorro (39) (40)
Joanne E. Curran (14)
Michael Czisch (20)
Ian J. Deary (17)
Eco J. C. de Geus (112) (22)
Anouk den Braber (22)
Giuseppe Delvecchio (73)
Chantal Depondt (42)
Lieuwe de Haan (112)
Greig I. de Zubicaray (43)
Danai Dima (73)
Rali Dimitrova (58)
Srdjan Djurovic (12) (44)
Hongwei Dong (1)
Gary Donohoe (30) (45)
Ravindranath Duggirala (14)
Thomas D. Dyer (14)
Stefan Ehrlich (46) (47)
Carl Johan Ekman (65)
Torbj?rn Elvs?shagen (140) (141)
Louise Emsell (30)
Susanne Erk (48)
Thomas Espeseth (12) (49)
Jesen Fagerness (25) (70)
Scott Fears (123) (31)
Iryna Fedko (22)
Guillén Fernández (23)
Simon E. Fisher (5) (50)
Tatiana Foroud (93)
Peter T. Fox (162) (51) (52)
Clyde Francks (5) (50)
Sophia Frangou (130)
Eva Maria Frey (134)
Thomas Frodl (134) (135)
Vincent Frouin (53)
Hugh Garavan (185)
Sudheer Giddaluru (33) (34)
David C. Glahn (10) (9)
Beata Godlewska (120)
Rita Z. Goldstein (175)
Randy L. Gollub (46) (54)
Hans J. Grabe (11) (127) (55)
Oliver Grimm (56)
Oliver Gruber (57)
Tulio Guadalupe (50)
Raquel E. Gur (132)
Ruben C. Gur (132) (133)
Harald H. H. G?ring (14)
Saskia Hagenaars (58)
Tomas Hajek (119)
Geoffrey B. Hall (138)
Jeremy Hall (157) (58)
John Hardy (59)
Catharina A. Hartman (61)
Johanna Hass (47)
Sean N. Hatton (107)
Unn K. Haukvik (114) (12)
Katrin Hegenscheid (60)
Andreas Heinz (48)
Ian B. Hickie (107)
Beng-Choon Ho (15)
David Hoehn (20)
Pieter J. Hoekstra (61)
Marisa Hollinshead (106) (46)
Avram J. Holmes (106) (46) (54)
Georg Homuth (62)
Martine Hoogman (4)
L. Elliot Hong (69)
Norbert Hosten (60)
Jouke-Jan Hottenga (22)
Hilleke E. Hulshoff Pol (24)
Kristy S. Hwang (159)
Clifford R. Jack Jr (173)
Mark Jenkinson (103)
Caroline Johnston (63) (64)
Erik G. J?nsson (65)
René S. Kahn (24)
Dalia Kasperaviciute (66)
Sinead Kelly (45)
Sungeun Kim (68)
Peter Kochunov (69)
Laura Koenders (112)
Bernd Kr?mer (57)
John B. J. Kwok (104) (105) (158)
Jim Lagopoulos (107)
Gonzalo Laje (153)
Mikael Landen (149) (150)
Bennett A. Landman (146)
John Lauriello (171)
Stephen M. Lawrie (58)
Phil H. Lee (3) (54) (70)
Stephanie Le Hellard (12) (33)
Herve Lema?tre (163)
Cassandra D. Leonardo (1)
Chiang-shan Li (10)
Benny Liberg (65)
David C. Liewald (17)
Xinmin Liu (71) (72)
Lorna M. Lopez (17) (41)
Eva Loth (73)
Anbarasu Lourdusamy (167)
Michelle Luciano (17)
Fabio Macciardi (183) (74)
Marise W. J. Machielsen (112)
Glenda M. MacQueen (154)
Ulrik F. Malt (140) (141)
René Mandl (24)
Dara S. Manoach (46) (54)
Jean-Luc Martinot (163)
Mar Matarin (66)
Karen A. Mather (75)
Manuel Mattheisen (76) (77)
Morten Mattingsdal (12) (78)
Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (56)
Colm McDonald (30)
Andrew M. McIntosh (58)
Francis J. McMahon (71)
Katie L. McMahon (79)
Eva Meisenzahl (80)
Ingrid Melle (12)
Yuri Milaneschi (112) (124)
Sebastian Mohnke (48)
Grant W. Montgomery (2)
Derek W. Morris (45)
Eric K. Moses (14) (82)
Bryon A. Mueller (83)
Susana Mu?oz Maniega (17) (18) (19)
Thomas W. Mühleisen (35) (36) (37)
Bertram Müller-Myhsok (155) (20)
Benson Mwangi (121) (122)
Matthias Nauck (148)
Kwangsik Nho (68)
Thomas E. Nichols (144)
Lars-G?ran Nilsson (136) (84)
Allison C. Nugent (147)
Lars Nyberg (85)
Rene L. Olvera (86)
Jaap Oosterlaan (115)
Roel A. Ophoff (24) (31)
Massimo Pandolfo (42)
Melina Papalampropoulou-Tsiridou (58)
Martina Papmeyer (58)
Tomas Paus (87)
Zdenka Pausova (88)
Godfrey D. Pearlson (11) (172)
Brenda W. Penninx (112) (81)
Charles P. Peterson (14)
Andrea Pfennig (126)
Mary Phillips (118)
G. Bruce Pike (143)
Jean-Baptiste Poline (170)
Steven G. Potkin (74)
Benno Pütz (20)
Adaikalavan Ramasamy (116) (90)
Jerod Rasmussen (74)
Marcella Rietschel (56)
Mark Rijpkema (5)
Shannon L. Risacher (142) (68)
Joshua L. Roffman (54)
Roberto Roiz-Santia?ez (39) (40)
Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth (48)
Emma J. Rose (174)
Natalie A. Royle (17) (19)
Dan Rujescu (176)
Mina Ryten (59) (90)
Perminder S. Sachdev (75) (91)
Alireza Salami (169) (85)
Theodore D. Satterthwaite (132)
Jonathan Savitz (152) (92)
Andrew J. Saykin (68) (93)
Cathy Scanlon (30)
Lianne Schmaal (81)
Hugo G. Schnack (24)
Andrew J. Schork (113)
S. Charles Schulz (83)
Remmelt Schür (24)
Larry Seidman (128) (94)
Li Shen (67) (68)
Jody M. Shoemaker (21)
Andrew Simmons (95) (96)
Sanjay M. Sisodiya (66)
Colin Smith (110)
Jordan W. Smoller (3) (54) (70)
Jair C. Soares (121)
Scott R. Sponheim (83) (97)
Emma Sprooten (10)
John M. Starr (108) (17)
Vidar M. Steen (12) (33)
Stephen Strakowski (131)
Lachlan Strike (2)
Jessika Sussmann (58)
Philipp G. S?mann (20)
Alexander Teumer (62)
Arthur W. Toga (1)
Diana Tordesillas-Gutierrez (39) (40)
Daniah Trabzuni (164) (59)
Sarah Trost (57)
Jessica Turner (137) (21)
Martijn Van den Heuvel (24)
Nic J. van der Wee (89)
Kristel van Eijk (165)
Theo G. M. van Erp (74)
Neeltje E. M. van Haren (24)
Dennis van ‘t Ent (22)
Marie-Jose van Tol (98)
Maria C. Valdés Hernández (17) (19)
Dick J. Veltman (81)
Amelia Versace (118)
Henry V?lzke (99)
Robert Walker (109)
Henrik Walter (125) (48)
Lei Wang (145)
Joanna M. Wardlaw (17) (18) (19)
Michael E. Weale (90)
Michael W. Weiner (100)
Wei Wen (75)
Lars T. Westlye (12) (49)
Heather C. Whalley (58)
Christopher D. Whelan (13)
Tonya White (101)
Anderson M. Winkler (10) (103)
Katharina Wittfeld (55)
Girma Woldehawariat (71)
Christiane Wolf (20)
David Zilles (57)
Marcel P. Zwiers (102) (5)
Anbupalam Thalamuthu (186)
Peter R. Schofield (104) (105)
Nelson B. Freimer (187)
Natalia S. Lawrence (188)
Wayne Drevets (189)
刊名:Brain Imaging and Behavior
5. Genetic modifiers in carriers of repeat expansions in the C9ORF72 gene
作者:Marka van Blitterswijk (1)
Bianca Mullen (1)
Aleksandra Wojtas (1)
Michael G Heckman (2)
Nancy N Diehl (2)
Matthew C Baker (1)
Mariely DeJesus-Hernandez (1)
Patricia H Brown (1)
Melissa E Murray (1)
Ging-Yuek R Hsiung (3)
Heather Stewart (3)
Anna M Karydas (4)
Elizabeth Finger (5)
Andrew Kertesz (5)
Eileen H Bigio (6)
Sandra Weintraub (6)
Marsel Mesulam (6)
Kimmo J Hatanpaa (7)
Charles L White III (7)
Manuela Neumann (8)
Michael J Strong (9)
Thomas G Beach (10)
Zbigniew K Wszolek (11)
Carol Lippa (12)
Richard Caselli (13)
Leonard Petrucelli (1)
Keith A Josephs (14)
Joseph E Parisi (14)
David S Knopman (14)
Ronald C Petersen (14)
Ian R Mackenzie (15)
William W Seeley (4)
Lea T Grinberg (4)
Bruce L Miller (4)
Kevin B Boylan (11)
Neill R Graff-Radford (11)
Bradley F Boeve (14)
Dennis W Dickson (1)
Rosa Rademakers (1)

1. Department of Neuroscience
; Mayo Clinic ; 4500 San Pablo Road ; Jacksonville ; FL ; 32224 ; USA
2. Section of Biostatistics
; Mayo Clinic ; 4500 San Pablo Road ; Jacksonville ; FL ; 32224 ; USA
3. Division of Neurology
; University of British Columbia ; 2211 Wesbrook Mall ; Vancouver ; BC ; V6T 2B5 ; Canada
4. Department of Neurology
; University of California ; 500 Parnassus Ave ; San Francisco ; CA ; 94143 ; USA
5. The University of Western Ontario
; 1151 Richmond St ; London ; ON ; N6A 3 K7 ; Canada
6. Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer鈥檚 Disease Center
; Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine ; 320 East Superior Street ; Chicago ; IL ; 60611 ; USA
7. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
; 5323 Harry Hines Blvd ; Dallas ; TX ; 75390 ; USA
8. Department of Neuropathology
; University of T眉bingen and German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases ; Calwerstr. 3 ; T眉bingen ; 72076 ; Germany
9. Molecular Brain Research Group
; Robarts Research Institute ; 100 Perth Drive ; London ; ON ; N6A 5 K8 ; Canada
10. Banner Sun Health Research Institute
; 10515 W Santa Fe Dr ; Sun City ; AZ ; 85351 ; USA
11. Department of Neurology
; Mayo Clinic ; 4500 San Pablo Road ; Jacksonville ; FL ; 32224 ; USA
12. Department of Neurology
; Drexel University College of Medicine ; 2900 W Queen Ln ; Philadelphia ; PA ; 19129 ; USA
13. Department of Neurology
; Mayo Clinic ; 5777 E Mayo Blvd ; Phoenix ; AZ ; 85054 ; USA
14. Department of Neurology
; Mayo Clinic ; 1216 2nd St SW ; Rochester ; MN ; 55902 ; USA
15. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
; University of British Columbia ; 2329W Mall ; Vancouver ; BC ; V6T 1Z4 ; Canada
刊名:Molecular Neurodegeneration
6. Collateral benefits of restricted insecticide application for control of African trypanosomiasis on Theileria parva in cattle: a randomized controlled trial
作者:Dennis Muhanguzi (70) (71)
Kim Picozzi (71)
Jan Hatendorf (72) (73)
Michael Thrusfield (74)
Susan Christina Welburn (71)
John David Kabasa (70)
Charles Waiswa (70)

70. Department of Biomolecular and Biolaboratory Sciences
; College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity ; Makerere University ; P.O. Box 7062 ; Kampala ; Uganda
71. Division of pathway Medicine
; Centre for Infectious Diseases ; School of Biomedical Sciences ; College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine ; The University of Edinburgh ; Chancellor鈥檚 Building ; 49 Little France Crescent ; Edinburgh ; EH16 4SB ; UK
72. Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
; Swiss Tropical Institute ; Socinstrasse 57 ; Basel ; CH-4002 ; Switzerland
73. University of Basel
; Petersplatz 1 ; Basel ; 4003 ; Switzerland
74. Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
; The University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; EH25 9RG ; UK
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
7. The burden and spatial distribution of bovine African trypanosomes in small holder crop-livestock production systems in Tororo District, south-eastern Uganda
作者:Dennis Muhanguzi (1) (2)
Kim Picozzi (2)
Jan Hattendorf (3) (4)
Michael Thrusfield (5)
John David Kabasa (6)
Charles Waiswa (7)
Susan Christina Welburn (2)

1. Department of Biomolecular and Biolaboratory Sciences
; School of Biosecurity ; Biotechnical and Laboratory Sciences ; College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity ; Makerere University ; P.O. Box 7062 ; Kampala ; Uganda
2. Division of Infection & Pathway Medicine
; Centre for Infectious Diseases ; School of Biomedical Sciences ; College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine ; The University of Edinburgh ; Chancellor鈥檚 Building ; 49 Little France Crescent ; Edinburgh ; EH16 4SB ; UK
3. Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
; Swiss Tropical Institute ; Socinstrasse 57 ; CH-4002 ; Basel ; Switzerland
4. University of Basel
; Petersplatz 1 ; 4003 ; Basel ; Switzerland
5. Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
; The University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; EH25 9RG ; UK
6. Department of Biosecurity
; Ecosystems & Veterinary Public Health ; School of Biosecurity ; Biotechnical and Laboratory Sciences ; College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity ; Makerere University ; P.O. Box 7062 ; Kampala ; Uganda
7. Department of Pharmacy
; Clinical and Comparative Medicine ; School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Resources ; College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Resources and Biosecurity ; Makerere University ; P.O. Box 7062 ; Kampala ; Uganda
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
8. TMEM106B protects C9ORF72 expansion carriers against frontotemporal dementia
作者:Marka van Blitterswijk (1)
Bianca Mullen (1)
Alexandra M. Nicholson (1)
Kevin F. Bieniek (1)
Michael G. Heckman (2)
Matthew C. Baker (1)
Mariely DeJesus-Hernandez (1)
NiCole A. Finch (1)
Patricia H. Brown (1)
Melissa E. Murray (1)
Ging-Yuek R. Hsiung (3)
Heather Stewart (3)
Anna M. Karydas (4)
Elizabeth Finger (5)
Andrew Kertesz (5)
Eileen H. Bigio (6)
Sandra Weintraub (6)
Marsel Mesulam (6)
Kimmo J. Hatanpaa (7)
Charles L. White III (7)
Michael J. Strong (8)
Thomas G. Beach (9)
Zbigniew K. Wszolek (10)
Carol Lippa (11)
Richard Caselli (12)
Leonard Petrucelli (1)
Keith A. Josephs (13)
Joseph E. Parisi (13)
David S. Knopman (13)
Ronald C. Petersen (13)
Ian R. Mackenzie (14)
William W. Seeley (4)
Lea T. Grinberg (4)
Bruce L. Miller (4)
Kevin B. Boylan (10)
Neill R. Graff-Radford (10)
Bradley F. Boeve (13)
Dennis W. Dickson (1)
Rosa Rademakers (1)
刊名:Acta Neuropathologica
9. TREM2 in neurodegeneration: evidence for association of the p.R47H variant with frontotemporal dementia and Parkinson’s disease
刊名:Molecular Neurodegeneration
10. The phenotype of Floating-Harbor syndrome: clinical characterization of 52 individuals with mutations in exon 34 of SRCAP
作者:Sarah M Nikkel (1)
Andrew Dauber (2)
Sonja de Munnik (3)
Meghan Connolly (4)
Rebecca L Hood (5)
Oana Caluseriu (6)
Jane Hurst (7)
Usha Kini (8)
Malgorzata JM Nowaczyk (9)
Alexandra Afenjar (10)
Beate Albrecht (11)
Judith E Allanson (1)
Paolo Balestri (12)
Tawfeg Ben-Omran (13)
Francesco Brancati (14) (15)
Isabel Cordeiro (16)
Bruna Santos da Cunha (17)
Louisa A Delaney (17)
Anne Destrée (18)
David Fitzpatrick (19)
Francesca Forzano (20)
Neeti Ghali (21)
Greta Gillies (22)
Katerina Harwood (23)
Yvonne MC Hendriks (24)
Delphine Héron (25)
Alexander Hoischen (26)
Engela Magdalena Honey (27)
Lies H Hoefsloot (3)
Jennifer Ibrahim (28)
Claire M Jacob (29)
Sarina G Kant (30)
Chong Ae Kim (31)
Edwin P Kirk (32)
Nine VAM Knoers (33)
Didier Lacombe (34)
Chung Lee (35)
Ivan FM Lo (36)
Luiza S Lucas (17)
Francesca Mari (12)
Veronica Mericq (37)
Jukka S Moilanen (38)
Sanne Traasdahl M?ller (39)
Stephanie Moortgat (18)
Daniela T Pilz (40)
Kate Pope (22)
Susan Price (41)
Alessandra Renieri (12)
Joaquim Sá (42)
Jeroen Schoots (3)
Elizabeth L Silveira (43)
Marleen EH Simon (44)
Anne Slavotinek (35)
I Karen Temple (45)
Ineke van der Burgt (3)
Bert BA de Vries (3)
James D Weisfeld-Adams (46)
Margo L Whiteford (47)
Dagmar Wierczorek (11)
Jan M Wit (48)
Connie Fung On Yee (36)
Chandree L Beaulieu (5)
Sue M White (49)
Dennis E Bulman (5)
Ernie Bongers (3)
Han Brunner (3)
Murray Feingold (50)
Kym M Boycott (1) (5)
刊名:Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases

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