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1. Frank Horan 1933᾿015
刊名:International Orthopaedics
2. Dietary animal and plant protein intakes and their associations with obesity and cardio-metabolic indicators in European adolescents: the HELENA cross-sectional study
作者:Yi Lin (1)
Theodora Mouratidou (2)
Carine Vereecken (1) (18)
Mathilde Kersting (3)
Selin Bolca (4)
Augusto César F de Moraes (19) (2)
Magdalena Cuenca-García (5)
Luis A Moreno (2) (22)
Marcela González-Gross (6)
Jara Valtue?a (6)
Idoia Labayen (7)
Evangelia Grammatikaki (1) (11)
Lena Hallstrom (8)
Catherine Leclercq (9)
Marika Ferrari (9)
Frederic Gottrand (10) (21)
Laurent Beghin (10) (21)
Yannis Manios (11)
Charlene Ottevaere (1)
Herman Van Oyen (12)
Denes Molnar (13)
Anthony Kafatos (14)
Kurt Widhalm (15)
Sonia Gómez-Martinez (16)
Ligia Esperanza Díaz Prieto (16)
Stefaan De Henauw (1) (20)
Inge Huybrechts (1) (17)
On behalf of the HELENA study group

1. Department of Public Health
; Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences ; Ghent University ; UZ -4K3 ; De Pintelaan 185 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
2. Growth
; Exercise ; Nutrition and Development (GENUD) Research Group ; Faculty of Health Sciences ; University of Zaragoza ; c/ Perdro Cerbuna 12 ; 50009 ; Zaragoza ; Spain
18. Research Foundation -Flanders (FWO)
; Egmontstraat 5 ; 1000 ; Brussels ; Belgium
3. Forschungsinstitut für Kinderern?hrung
; Research Institute of Child Nutrition ; Dortmund ; Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms ; Universit?t Bonn ; Heinstück 11 ; 44225 ; Dortmund ; Germany
4. Laboratory for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics (Biobix)
; Faculty of Bioscience Engineering ; Ghent University ; Coupure Links 653 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
19. YCARE (Youth/Child and cArdiovascular Risk and Environmental) Research Group
; Department of Preventive Medicine School of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo ; 01246-903 ; S?o Paulo ; Brazil
5. Department of Medical Physiology
; School of Medicine ; Granada University ; Avenida Madrid 12 ; 18012 ; Granada ; Spain
22. Department of Preventive Medicine
; School of Medicine of the University of S?o Paulo ; S?o Paulo ; Brazil
6. ImFine Research Group
; Department of Health and Human Performance ; Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (INEF) ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Martin Fierro 7 ; 28040 ; Madrid ; Spain
7. Department of Nutrition and Food Science
; University of the Basque Country ; Paseo de la Universidad 7 ; 01006 ; Vitoria-Gasteiz ; Spain
11. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
; Harokopio University ; 70 ; El Venizelou Ave ; 17671 ; Kallithea ; Athens ; Greece
8. Division of Public Health Sciences and Division of Sociology
; School of Health ; Care and Social Welfare ; M?rlardalens University ; Box 883 ; 72123 ; V?ster?s ; Sweden
9. Agricultural Research Council—Food and Nutrition Research Centre
; Via Ardeatina 546 ; 00178 ; Rome ; Italy
10. Inserm U995
; Faculté de Médecine ; Université de Lille ; Lille ; France
21. Centre d’Investigation Clinique
; CIC-PT-1403-Inserm-CH&U ; 59037 ; Lille ; France
12. Scientific Institute of Public Health
; J. Wytsmanstraat 14 ; 1050 ; Brussels ; Belgium
13. Department of Pediatrics
; University of Pécs ; Pécs ; József A. u. 7 ; 7623 ; Pécs ; Hungary
14. Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Unit
; University of Crete ; School of Medicine ; Heraklion ; Crete ; Greece
15. Department of Pediatrics
; Private Medical University ; Strubergasse 21 ; 5020 ; Salzburg ; Austria
16. Immunonutrition Research Group
; Department of Metabolism and Nutrition ; Institute of Food Science ; Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) ; Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) ; 10 Antonio Novais street ; 28040 ; Madrid ; Spain
20. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
; Faculty of Health Care Vesalius ; University College Ghent ; Keramiekstraat 80 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
17. Dietary Exposure Assessment group
; International Agency for Research on Cancer ; 150 Cours Albert Thomas ; 69372 ; Lyon ; CEDEX 08 ; France
刊名:Nutrition Journal
3. A haplotype map of allohexaploid wheat reveals distinct patterns of selection on homoeologous genomes
作者:Katherine W Jordan (1)
Shichen Wang (1)
Yanni Lun (1) (2)
Laura-Jayne Gardiner (3)
Ron MacLachlan (4)
Pierre Hucl (4)
Krysta Wiebe (4)
Debbie Wong (5)
Kerrie L Forrest (5)
Andrew G Sharpe (6)
Christine HD Sidebottom (6)
Neil Hall (3)
Christopher Toomajian (1)
Timothy Close (7)
Jorge Dubcovsky (8) (9)
Alina Akhunova (1) (2)
Luther Talbert (10)
Urmil K Bansal (11)
Harbans S Bariana (11)
Matthew J Hayden (5)
Curtis Pozniak (4)
Jeffrey A Jeddeloh (12)
Anthony Hall (3)
Eduard Akhunov (1)
IWGS Consortium

1. Department Plant Pathology
; Kansas State University ; Manhattan ; KS ; 66506 ; USA
2. Integrated Genomics Facility
; Kansas State University ; Manhattan ; KS ; 66506 ; USA
3. Institute of Integrative Biology
; University of Liverpool ; Liverpool ; L69 7ZB ; UK
4. Department Plant Sciences
; University of Saskatchewan ; Saskatoon ; SK ; S7N 5A8 ; Canada
5. Department Environment and Primary Industries
; Bundoora ; VIC ; 3083 ; Australia
6. National Research Council Canada
; 110 Gymnasium Place ; Saskatoon ; SK ; S7N 0聽W9 ; Canada
7. Department Botany & Plant Sciences
; University of California ; Riverside ; CA ; 92521 ; USA
8. Department Plant Sciences
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
9. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
; Chevy Chase ; MD ; 20815 ; USA
10. Department Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology
; Montana State University ; Bozeman ; MT ; 59717 ; USA
11. Plant Breeding Institute-Cobbitty
; The University of Sydney ; PMB4011 ; Narellan ; NSW ; 2567 ; Australia
12. Roche NimbleGen
; Inc ; Madison ; WI ; 53719 ; USA
刊名:Genome Biology
4. Limited antigenic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 supports the development of effective multi-allele vaccines
作者:Ulrich Terheggen (1) (2)
Damien R Drew (1)
Anthony N Hodder (3)
Nadia J Cross (1)
Cleopatra K Mugyenyi (4)
Alyssa E Barry (3) (5)
Robin F Anders (6)
Sheetij Dutta (7)
Faith HA Osier (4)
Salenna R Elliott (1)
Nicolas Senn (8) (9)
Danielle I Stanisic (3) (8)
Kevin Marsh (4)
Peter M Siba (8)
Ivo Mueller (3) (5) (8)
Jack S Richards (1) (10) (2)
James G Beeson (1) (10) (2)

1. The Burnet Institute of Medical Research and Public Health
; 85 Commercial Road ; Melbourne ; Victoria ; 3004 ; Australia
2. Department of Medicine
; University of Melbourne ; Melbourne ; Victoria ; Australia
3. Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
; Melbourne ; Australia
4. Centre for Geographic Medicine
; Coast ; Kenya Medical Research Institute ; Kilifi ; Kenya
5. Department of Medical Biology
; University of Melbourne ; Melbourne ; Victoria ; Australia
6. La Trobe University
; Melbourne ; Australia
7. Walter Reed Army Institute
; Silver Spring ; MD ; USA
8. Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research
; Madang ; Papua New Guinea
9. Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
; Basel ; Switzerland
10. Department of Microbiology
; Monash University ; Clayton ; Victoria ; Australia
刊名:BMC Medicine
5. Genome-wide association study of subtype-specific epithelial ovarian cancer risk alleles using pooled DNA
作者:Madalene A. Earp (1)
Linda E. Kelemen (2) (3)
Anthony M. Magliocco (4)
Kenneth D. Swenerton (5)
Georgia Chenevix-Trench (6)
Yi Lu (6)
Alexander Hein (8)
Arif B. Ekici (9)
Matthias W. Beckmann (8)
Peter A. Fasching (10) (8)
Diether Lambrechts (11) (12)
Evelyn Despierre (13)
Ignace Vergote (13)
Sandrina Lambrechts (13)
Jennifer A. Doherty (14) (15)
Mary Anne Rossing (15) (16)
Jenny Chang-Claude (17)
Anja Rudolph (17)
Grace Friel (18)
Kirsten B. Moysich (18)
Kunle Odunsi (18)
Lara Sucheston-Campbell (18)
Galina Lurie (19)
Marc T. Goodman (20)
Michael E. Carney (19)
Pamela J. Thompson (20)
Ingo B. Runnebaum (21)
Matthias Dürst (21)
Peter Hillemanns (22)
Thilo D?rk (23)
Natalia Antonenkova (24)
Natalia Bogdanova (23)
Arto Leminen (25)
Heli Nevanlinna (25)
Liisa M. Pelttari (25)
Ralf Butzow (25) (26)
Clareann H. Bunker (27)
Francesmary Modugno (27) (28) (29)
Robert P. Edwards (28) (29)
Roberta B. Ness (30)
Andreas du Bois (31) (32)
Florian Heitz (31) (32)
Ira Schwaab (33)
Philipp Harter (31) (32)
Beth Y. Karlan (34)
Christine Walsh (34)
Jenny Lester (34)
Allan Jensen (35)
Susanne K. Kj?r (35) (36)
Claus K. H?gdall (36)
Estrid H?gdall (35) (37)
Lene Lundvall (36)
Thomas A. Sellers (38)
Brooke L. Fridley (39)
Ellen L. Goode (40)
Julie M. Cunningham (41)
Robert A. Vierkant (42)
Graham G. Giles (43) (44)
Laura Baglietto (43) (44)
Gianluca Severi (43) (44)
Melissa C. Southey (45)
Dong Liang (46)
Xifeng Wu (47)
Karen Lu (48)
Michelle A. T. Hildebrandt (47)
Douglas A. Levine (49)
Maria Bisogna (49)
Joellen M. Schildkraut (50) (51)
Edwin S. Iversen (51) (52)
Rachel Palmieri Weber (50)
Andrew Berchuck (53)
Daniel W. Cramer (54) (55)
Kathryn L. Terry (54) (55)
Elizabeth M. Poole (55) (56)
Shelley S. Tworoger (55) (56)
Elisa V. Bandera (57)
Urmila Chandran (57)
Irene Orlow (58)
Sara H. Olson (58)
Elisabeth Wik (59) (60)
Helga B. Salvesen (60) (61)
Line Bjorge (60) (61)
Mari K. Halle (60) (61)
Anne M. van Altena (62)
Katja K. H. Aben (63) (64)
Lambertus A. Kiemeney (63) (65)
Leon F. A. G. Massuger (62)
Tanja Pejovic (66) (67)
Yukie T. Bean (66) (67)
Cezary Cybulski (68)
Jacek Gronwald (68)
Jan Lubinski (68)
Nicolas Wentzensen (69)
Louise A. Brinton (69)
Jolanta Lissowska (70)
Montserrat Garcia-Closas (71) (72)
Ed Dicks (73)
Joe Dennis (74)
Douglas F. Easton (74)
Honglin Song (73)
Jonathan P. Tyrer (73)
Paul D. P. Pharoah (73) (74)
Diana Eccles (75)
Ian G. Campbell (45) (7) (76)
Alice S. Whittemore (77)
Valerie McGuire (77)
Weiva Sieh (77)
Joseph H. Rothstein (77)
James M. Flanagan (78)
James Paul (79)
Robert Brown (78)
Catherine M. Phelan (38)
Harvey A. Risch (80)
John R. McLaughlin (81)
Steven A. Narod (82)
Argyrios Ziogas (83)
Hoda Anton-Culver (83)
Aleksandra Gentry-Maharaj (84)
Usha Menon (84)
Simon A. Gayther (85)
Susan J. Ramus (85)
Anna H. Wu (85)
Celeste L. Pearce (85)
Malcolm C. Pike (58) (85)
Agnieszka Dansonka-Mieszkowska (86)
Iwona K. Rzepecka (86)
Lukasz M. Szafron (86)
Jolanta Kupryjanczyk (86)
Linda S. Cook (2) (87) (88)
Nhu D. Le (89)
Angela Brooks-Wilson (1) (90)
刊名:Human Genetics
9. Genome-wide association study of glioma and meta-analysis
作者:Preetha Rajaraman (1) (40)
Beatrice S. Melin (2)
Zhaoming Wang (1) (3)
Roberta McKean-Cowdin (4)
Dominique S. Michaud (5) (6)
Sophia S. Wang (7)
Melissa Bondy (8)
Richard Houlston (9)
Robert B. Jenkins (10)
Margaret Wrensch (11)
Meredith Yeager (1) (3)
Anders Ahlbom (12)
Demetrius Albanes (1)
Ulrika Andersson (2)
Laura E. Beane Freeman (1)
Julie E. Buring (13)
Mary Ann Butler (14)
Melissa Braganza (1)
Tania Carreon (14)
Maria Feychting (12)
Sarah J. Fleming (15)
Susan M. Gapstur (16)
J. Michael Gaziano (13) (17)
Graham G. Giles (18) (19)
Goran Hallmans (20)
Roger Henriksson (2)
Judith Hoffman-Bolton (21)
Peter D. Inskip (1)
Christoffer Johansen (22)
Cari M. Kitahara (1)
Mark Lathrop (23) (24)
Chenwei Liu (3)
Loic Le Marchand (25)
Martha S. Linet (1)
Stefan Lonn (12) (26)
Ulrike Peters (27) (28)
Mark P. Purdue (1)
Nathaniel Rothman (1)
Avima M. Ruder (14)
Marc Sanson (29)
Howard D. Sesso (13)
Gianluca Severi (18) (19)
Xiao-Ou Shu (30)
Matthias Simon (31)
Meir Stampfer (32) (33)
Victoria L. Stevens (16)
Kala Visvanathan (21) (34)
Emily White (27) (28)
Alicja Wolk (35)
Anne Zeleniuch-Jacquotte (36)
Wei Zheng (30)
Paul Decker (10)
Victor Enciso-Mora (9)
Brooke Fridley (10)
Yu-Tang Gao (37)
Matthew Kosel (10)
Daniel H. Lachance (10)
Ching Lau (8)
Terri Rice (11)
Anthony Swerdlow (38) (9)
Joseph L. Wiemels (11)
John K. Wiencke (11)
Sanjay Shete (39)
Yong-Bing Xiang (37)
Yuanyuan Xiao (11)
Robert N. Hoover (1)
Joseph F. Fraumeni Jr. (1)
Nilanjan Chatterjee (1)
Patricia Hartge (1)
Stephen J. Chanock (1) (3)
刊名:Human Genetics

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