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2. Safe and efficacious artemisinin-based combination treatments for African pregnant women with malaria: a multicentre randomized control trial
作者:Michael Nambozi (1) (7)
Modest Mulenga (1)
Tinto Halidou (2)
Harry Tagbor (3)
Victor Mwapasa (4)
Linda Kalilani Phiri (4)
Gertrude Kalanda (4)
Innocent Valea (2)
Maminata Traore (2)
David Mwakazanga (1)
Yves Claeys (5)
Céline Schurmans (5)
Maaike De Crop (5)
Joris Menten (5)
Raffaella Ravinetto (11) (5)
Kamala Thriemer (5) (6)
Jean-Pierre Van geertruyden (7)
Theonest Mutabingwa (8)
Umberto D’Alessandro (10) (5) (9)
Pregact Group

1. Department of Clinical Sciences
; Tropical Diseases Research Centre ; Ndola ; Zambia
7. International Health Unit
; University of Antwerp ; Antwerp ; Belgium
2. Clinical Research Unit
; Nanoro ; Burkina Faso
3. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
; Kumasi ; Ghana
4. College of Medicine
; University of Malawi ; Zomba ; Malawi
5. Institute of Tropical Medicine
; Antwerp ; Belgium
11. Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences Department
; Leuven ; KU ; Belgium
6. Menzies School of Health Research
; Darwin ; Australia
8. Hubert Kairuki Memorial University
; Dar es Salaam ; Tanzania
10. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
; London ; UK
9. Medical Research Council Unit
; Serrekunda ; The Gambia
刊名:Reproductive Health
3. Metabolic and nutritional support of critically ill patients: consensus and controversies
作者:Jean-Charles Preiser (1)
Arthur RH van Zanten (2)
Mette M Berger (3)
Gianni Biolo (4)
Michael P Casaer (5)
Gordon S Doig (6)
Richard D Griffiths (7)
Daren K Heyland (8)
Michael Hiesmayr (9)
Gaetano Iapichino (10)
Alessandro Laviano (11)
Claude Pichard (12)
Pierre Singer (13)
Greet Van den Berghe (5)
Jan Wernerman (14)
Paul Wischmeyer (15)
Jean-Louis Vincent (1)

1. Department of Intensive Care
; Erasme University Hospital ; Universit茅 Libre de Bruxelles ; 808 route de Lennik ; Brussels ; 1070 ; Belgium
2. Department of Intensive Care
; Gelderse Vallei Hospital ; Willy Brandtlaan 10 ; Ede ; Gld 6716RP ; The Netherlands
3. Service de M茅decine Intensive Adulte et Br没l茅s
; CHUV BH 08.612 ; Lausanne ; CH 1011 ; Switzerland
4. Department of Medical
; Surgical and Health Sciences ; Clinica Medica AOUTS ; University of Trieste ; via Farneto 3 ; Trieste ; 34142 ; Italy
5. Department and Laboratory of Intensive Care Medicine
; University Hospitals Leuven (UZ Leuven) ; Herestraat 49 ; Leuven ; B-3000 ; Belgium
6. Northern Clinical School Intensive Care Research Unit
; University of Sydney ; Reserve Road ; St Leonards ; NSW ; 2065 ; Australia
7. Department of Medicine
; University of Liverpool ; Liverpool ; Merseyside ; L69 3BX ; UK
8. Clinical Evaluation Research Unit
; Kingston General Hospital ; Kingston ; ON ; K7L 2聽V7 ; Canada
9. Division of Cardiac-Thoracic-Vascular Anesthesia and Intensive Care
; Medical University Vienna ; Spitalgasse 23 ; Wien ; 1090 ; Austria
10. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
; Universita鈥?degli Studi di Milano ; via Di Rudini鈥?8 ; Milano ; 20142 ; Italy
11. Department of Clinical Medicine
; Sapienza University ; Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 ; Roma ; 00185 ; Italy
12. Department of Nutrition
; Geneva University Hospital ; Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 ; Geneva ; 1211 ; Switzerland
13. Department of Intensive Care
; Beilison Hospital ; Petah Tikva ; 49100 ; Israel
14. Department of Anesthesiology & Intensive Care Medicine
; Karolinska University Hospital ; Huddinge ; Stockholm ; 141 86 ; Sweden
15. Department of Anesthesiology
; University of Colorado School of Medicine ; 12700 E. 19th Ave ; Box 8602 ; Aurora ; CO ; RC2 P15-7120 ; USA
刊名:Critical Care
4. Rationale, design and objectives of ARegPKD, a European ARPKD registry study
作者:Kathrin Ebner (1)
Markus Feldkoetter (2)
Gema Ariceta (3)
Carsten Bergmann (4) (5)
Reinhard Buettner (6)
Anke Doyon (7)
Ali Duzova (8)
Heike Goebel (6)
Dieter Haffner (9)
Barbara Hero (1)
Bernd Hoppe (2)
Thomas Illig (10) (11)
Augustina Jankauskiene (12)
Norman Klopp (10)
Jens K枚nig (13)
Mieczyslaw Litwin (14)
Djalila Mekahli (15)
Bruno Ranchin (16)
Anja Sander (17)
Sara Testa (18)
Lutz Thorsten Weber (1)
Dorota Wicher (14)
Ayse Yuzbasioglu (19)
Klaus Zerres (20)
J枚rg D枚tsch (1)
Franz Schaefer (7)
Max Christoph Liebau (1) (21) (22)
ESCAPE Study Group
GPN Study Group

1. Department of Pediatrics
; University Hospital of Cologne ; Kerpener Str. 62 ; 50937 ; Cologne ; Germany
2. Department of Pediatrics
; University Hospital Bonn ; Adenauerallee 119 ; 53113 ; Bonn ; Germany
3. Department of Pediatric Nephrology
; University Hospital Vall d鈥橦ebron ; Pg/Vall d鈥?Hebron 119-129 ; 08034 ; Barcelona ; Spain
4. Bioscientia Center for Human Genetics
; Konrad-Adenauer-Stra脽e 17 ; 55218 ; Ingelheim ; Germany
5. Renal Division
; Department of Medicine ; University Freiburg Medical Center ; Hugstetter Stra脽e 55 ; 79106 ; Freiburg ; Germany
6. Institute of Pathology
; University Hospital of Cologne ; Kerpener Str. 62 ; 50937 ; Cologne ; Germany
7. Division of Pediatric Nephrology
; University Children鈥檚 Hospital Heidelberg ; Im Neuenheimer Feld 430 ; 69120 ; Heidelberg ; Germany
8. Department of Pediatrics
; Division of Pediatric Nephrology ; Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine ; Sihhiye ; 06100 ; Ankara ; Turkey
9. Department of Pediatric Kidney
; Liver and Metabolic Diseases ; Hannover Medical School ; Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1 ; 30625 ; Hannover ; Germany
10. Hannover Unified Biobank
; Hannover Medical School ; Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1 ; 30625 ; Hannover ; Germany
11. Institute for Human Genetics
; Hannover Medical School ; Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1 ; 30625 ; Hannover ; Germany
12. Vilnius University Hospital
; Center for Pediatrics ; Santariskiu ; 08406 ; Vilnius ; Lithuania
13. Department of General Pediatrics
; University Hospital M眉nster ; Waldeyerstr. 22 ; 48149 ; Muenster ; Germany
14. The Children鈥檚 Memorial Health Institute
; Al. Dzieci Polskich 20 ; 04-730 ; Warsaw ; Poland
15. Department of Pediatric Nephrology
; University Hospitals Leuven ; Herestrtaat 49 ; 3000 ; Leuven ; Belgium
16. Service de N茅phrologie P茅diatrique
; Hospices Civils de Lyon ; Universit茅 de Lyon ; H么pital Femme M猫re Enfant ; 69677 ; Bron ; France
17. Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics
; University of Heidelberg ; Im Neuenheimer Feld 305 ; 69120 ; Heidelberg ; Germany
18. Pediatric Nephrology Unit
; Fondazione IRCCS Ca Granda Ospedale Maggiore Polic ; Via della Commenda 9 ; 20122 ; Milano ; Italy
19. Department of Medical Biology
; Center for Biobanking and Genomics ; Hacettepe University ; Ankara ; Turkey
20. Institute of Human Genetics
; RWTH University Hospital Aachen ; Pauwelsstrasse 30 ; 52074 ; Aachen ; Germany
21. Center for Molecular Medicine
; University Hospital of Cologne ; Robert-Koch-Str. 21 ; 50931 ; Cologne ; Germany
22. Nephrology Research Laboratory
; Department II of Internal Medicine ; University Hospital of Cologne ; CECAD Building ; Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 26 ; 50931 ; Cologne ; Germany
刊名:BMC Nephrology
5. Epidemiology of invasive aspergillosis in critically ill patients: clinical presentation, underlying conditions, and outcomes
作者:Fabio Silvio Taccone (1)
Anne-Marie Van den Abeele (2)
Pierre Bulpa (3)
Benoit Misset (4)
Wouter Meersseman (5)
Teresa Cardoso (6)
Jos茅-Artur Paiva (7)
Miguel Blasco-Navalpotro (8)
Emmanuel De Laere (9)
George Dimopoulos (10)
Jordi Rello (11)
Dirk Vogelaers (12)
Stijn I Blot (12) (13)
on behalf of the AspICU Study Investigators

1. Department of Intensive Care Erasme Hospital
; Free University of Brussels ; Route de Lennik 808 ; 1070 ; Brussels ; Belgium
2. Department of Microbiology General Hospital St. Lucas
; Groenebriel 1 ; 9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
3. Department of Intensive Care Mont-Godinne University Hospital
; Catholic University of Louvain ; Avenue G.Th茅rasse 1 ; 5530 ; Yvoir ; Belgium
4. Department of Intensive Care Foundation Hospital Saint-Joseph
; Paris-Descartes University ; 185 Rue Raymond Losserand ; 75014 ; Paris ; France
5. Medical Intensive Care Unit
; University Hospital Leuven ; Herestraat 49 ; 3000 ; Leuven ; Belgium
6. Department of Intensive Care
; Santo Antonio Hospital ; Largo Prof. Abel Salazar ; 4099-001 ; Porto ; Portugal
7. Department of Emergency and Intensive Care
; Hospital Centre S. Joao and University of Porto Medical School Alameda Professor Hern芒ni Monteiro ; 4200-319 ; Porto ; Portugal
8. Department of Intensive Care
; University Hospital Severo Ochoa ; Avenida de Orellana ; s/n 28911 ; Legan茅s ; Madrid ; Spain
9. Department of Microbiology
; General Hospital Delta ; Brugsesteenweg 90 ; 8800 ; Roeselare ; Belgium
10. Department of Critical Care Medicine
; Attikon University Hospital ; University of Athens Medical School ; 1 Rimini Street ; Haidari ; 124 62 ; Athens ; Greece
11. Hospital Universitari Vall d鈥橦ebron
; Vall D鈥橦ebron ; Institute of Research ; CIBERES ; Autonomous University of Barcelona ; Passeig Vall d鈥橦ebron ; 119-129 ; 08035 ; Barcelona ; Spain
12. Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine & Health Science
; Ghent University ; De Pintelaan 185 ; 9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
13. Burns
; Trauma ; and Critical Care Research Centre ; The University of Queensland ; Butterfield Street ; Herston (Brisbane) ; 4006 ; Queensland ; Australia
刊名:Critical Care
6. Renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury: controversy and consensus
作者:Claudio Ronco (1)
Zaccaria Ricci (2)
Daniel De Backer (3)
John A Kellum (4)
Fabio S Taccone (3)
Michael Joannidis (5)
Peter Pickkers (6)
Vincenzo Cantaluppi (7)
Franco Turani (8)
Patrick Saudan (9)
Rinaldo Bellomo (10)
Olivier Joannes-Boyau (11)
Massimo Antonelli (12)
Didier Payen (13)
John R Prowle (14)
Jean-Louis Vincent (3)

1. Department Nephrology Dialysis & Transplantation
; International Renal Research Institute (IRRIV) ; San Bortolo Hospital ; Viale Rodolfi ; 36100 ; Vicenza ; Italy
2. Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
; Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit ; Bambino Ges霉 Children鈥檚 Hospital ; IRCCS ; Piazza S. Onofrio 4 ; 00165 ; Rome ; Italy
3. Department of Intensive Care
; Erasme Hospital ; Universit茅 libre de Bruxelles ; Route de Lennik 808 ; 1070 ; Brussels ; Belgium
4. Center for Critical Care Nephrology
; Department of Critical Care Medicine ; University of Pittsburgh ; 3550 Terrace Street ; Pittsburgh ; PA ; 15261 ; USA
5. Division of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine
; Department of Internal Medicine ; Medical University of Innsbruck ; Anichstra脽e 35 ; 6020 ; Innsbruck ; Austria
6. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; Radboud University Medical Centre ; PO Box 9101 ; 6500 ; HB ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
7. Nephrology
; Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation Unit ; University of Torino ; Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria 鈥楥itt脿 della Salute e della Scienza di Torino Presidio Molinette鈥? Corso Bramante 88 ; 10126 ; Turin ; Italy
8. Department of Intensive Care
; Aurelia Hospital and European Hospital ; Via Portuense 694 ; 00416 ; Rome ; Italy
9. Service of Nephrology
; Department of Internal Medicine Specialties ; University Hospital of Geneva ; 4 rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil ; CH 1211 ; Geneva ; Switzerland
10. Department of Intensive Care
; Austin Hospital ; 145 Studley Road ; Heidelberg ; Melbourne ; VIC ; 3084 ; Australia
11. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) de Bordeaux
; Service d鈥橝nesth茅sie-R茅animation 2 ; Avenue de Magellan ; F-33600 ; Pessac ; France
12. Universit脿 Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli
; Largo Agostino Gemelli 8 ; 00168 ; Rome ; Italy
13. Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
; Lariboisi猫re Hospital ; Assistance Publique-H么pitaux de Paris ; University of Paris ; 7 Denis Diderot ; 75475 ; Paris ; Cedex 10 ; France
14. Adult Critical Care Unit
; The Royal London Hospital ; Barts Health ; Whitechapel Road ; London ; E1 1BB ; UK
刊名:Critical Care
7. The International Multidisciplinary Consensus Conference on Multimodality Monitoring in Neurocritical Care: Evidentiary Tables
作者:Peter Le Roux (1)
David K. Menon (2)
Giuseppe Citerio (4)
Paul Vespa (3)
Mary Kay Bader (5)
Gretchen Brophy (6)
Michael N. Diringer (7)
Nino Stocchetti (8)
Walter Videtta (9)
Rocco Armonda (10)
Neeraj Badjatia (11)
Julian B枚sel (12)
Randall Chesnut (13)
Sherry Chou (14)
Jan Claassen (15)
Marek Czosnyka (16)
Michael De Georgia (17)
Anthony Figaji (18)
Jennifer Fugate (19)
Raimund Helbok (20)
David Horowitz (21)
Peter Hutchinson (22)
Monisha Kumar (23)
Molly McNett (24)
Chad Miller (25)
Andrew Naidech (26)
Mauro Oddo (27)
DaiWai Olson (28)
Kristine O鈥橮helan (29)
J. Javier Provencio (30)
Corinna Puppo (31)
Richard Riker (32)
Claudia Roberson (33)
Michael Schmidt (34)
Fabio Taccone (35)

1. Brain and Spine Center
; Suite 370 ; Medical Science Building ; Lankenau Medical Center ; 100 East Lancaster Avenue ; Wynnewood ; PA ; 19096 ; USA
2. Neurosciences Critical Care Unit
; Division of Anaesthesia ; University of Cambridge ; Addenbrooke鈥檚 Hospital ; Box 93 ; Cambridge ; CB2 2QQ ; UK
4. NeuroIntensive Care Unit
; Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care ; Ospedale San Gerardo ; Via Pergolesi 33 ; 20900 ; Monza ; Italy
3. David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
; Los Angeles ; CA ; 90095 ; USA
5. Neuro/Critical Care CNS
; Mission Hospital ; Mission Viejo ; CA ; 92691 ; USA
6. Virginia Commonwealth University
; Medical College of Virginia Campus ; 410聽N. 12th Street ; Richmond ; VA ; 23298-0533 ; USA
7. Neurocritical Care Section
; Washington University ; Department of Neurology ; Campus Box 8111 ; 660 S Euclid Ave ; St Louis ; MO ; 63110 ; USA
8. Department of Physiopathology and Transplant
; Milan University ; Neuro ICU ; Fondazione IRCCS C脿 Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico ; Via F Sforza ; 35 ; 20122 ; Milan ; Italy
9. ICU Neurocritical Care
; Hospital Nacional 鈥楶rof. a. Posadas鈥? El Palomar ; Pcia de Buenos Aires ; Argentina
10. Department of Neurosurgery
; MedStar Georgetown University Hospital ; Medstar Health ; 3800 Reservoir Road NW ; Washington ; DC ; 20007 ; USA
11. Department of Neurology
; University of Maryland Medical Center ; 22 S Greene St ; Baltimore ; MD ; 21201 ; USA
12. Department of Neurology
; Ruprect-Karls University ; Hospital Heidelberg ; Im Neuenheimer Feld 400 ; 69120 ; Heidelberg ; Germany
13. Harborview Medical Center
; University of Washington ; Mailstop 359766 ; 325 Ninth Ave ; Seattle ; WA ; 98104-2499 ; USA
14. Department of Neurology
; Brigham and Women鈥檚 Hospital ; 75 Francis Street ; Boston ; MA ; 02115 ; USA
15. Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons
; 177 Fort Washington Avenue ; Milstein 8 Center Room 300 ; New York ; NY ; 10032 ; USA
16. Department of Neurosurgery
; University of Cambridge ; Addenbrooke鈥檚 Hospital ; Box 167 ; Cambridge ; CB2 0QQ ; UK
17. University Hospital Case Medical Center
; Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine ; 11100 Euclid Avenue ; Cleveland ; OH ; 44106 ; USA
18. University of Cape Town
; 617 Institute for Child Health ; Red Cross Children鈥檚 Hospital ; Rondebosch ; Cape Town ; 7700 ; South Africa
19. Department of Neurology
; Mayo Clinic ; 200 First Street SW ; Rochester ; MN ; 55905 ; USA
20. Department of Neurology
; Neurocritical Care Unit ; Innsbruck Medical University ; Anichstr.35 ; 6020 ; Innsbruck ; Austria
21. University of Pennsylvania Health System
; 3701 Market Street ; Philadelphia ; PA ; 19104 ; USA
22. Department of Clinical Neurosciences
; University of Cambridge ; Box 167 Addenbrooke鈥檚 Hospital ; Cambridge ; CB2 2QQ ; UK
23. Department of Neurology
; Perelman School of Medicine ; University of Pennsylvania ; 3 West Gates ; 3400 Spruce Street ; Philadelphia ; PA ; 19104 ; USA
24. Nursing Research
; The MetroHealth System ; 2500 MetroHealth Drive ; Cleveland ; OH ; 44109 ; USA
25. Division of Cerebrovascular Diseases and Neurocritical Care
; The Ohio State University ; 395W. 12th Ave ; 7th Floor ; Columbus ; OH ; 43210 ; USA
26. Department of Neurology
; Northwestern University Feinberg ; SOM 710 ; N Lake Shore Drive ; 11th Floor ; Chicago ; IL ; 60611 ; USA
27. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; Faculty of Biology and Medicine University of Lausanne ; CHUV University Hospital ; 08-623 ; Lausanne ; Switzerland
28. University of Texas Southwestern
; 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. ; Dallas ; TX ; 75390-8897 ; USA
29. Department of Neurology
; University of Miami ; Miller School of Medicine ; JMH ; 1611 NW 12th Ave ; Suite 405 ; Miami ; FL ; 33136 ; USA
30. Cerebrovascular Center and Neuroinflammation Research Center
; Lerner College of Medicine ; Cleveland Clinic ; 9500 Euclid Ave ; NC30 ; Cleveland ; OH ; 44195 ; USA
31. Intensive Care Unit
; Hospital de Clinicas ; Universidad de la Rep煤blica ; Montevideo ; Uruguay
32. Critical Care Medicine
; Maine Medical Center ; 22 Bramhall Street ; Portland ; ME ; 04102-3175 ; USA
33. Department of Neurosurgery
; Ben Taub Hospital ; Baylor College of Medicine ; 1504 Taub Loop ; Houston ; TX ; 77030 ; USA
34. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
; Milstein Hospital 8 Garden South ; Suite 331 ; 177 Fort Washington Avenue ; New York ; NY ; 10032 ; USA
35. Department of Intensive Care
; Laboratoire de Recherche Experimentale ; Erasme Hospital ; Route de Lennik ; 808 ; 1070 ; Brussels ; Belgium
刊名:Neurocritical Care
8. Year in review in Intensive Care Medicine 2014: I. Cardiac dysfunction and cardiac arrest, ultrasound, neurocritical care, ICU-acquired weakness, nutrition, acute kidney injury, and miscellaneous
作者:Giuseppe Citerio (1)
Jan Bakker (2)
Matteo Bassetti (3)
Dominique Benoit (4)
Maurizio Cecconi (5) (6)
J. Randall Curtis (7)
Gordon S. Doig (8)
Margaret Herridge (9)
Samir Jaber (10)
Michael Joannidis (11)
Laurent Papazian (12)
Anders Perner (13)
Mark J. Peters (14)
Pierre Singer (15)
Martin Smith (16)
Marcio Soares (17)
Antoni Torres (18)
Antoine Vieillard-Baron (19)
Jean-Fran莽ois Timsit (20)
Elie Azoulay (21)

1. Universit脿 Milano Bicocca
; Milan ; Italy
2. Erasmus MC University Medical Center
; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
3. Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Santa Maria della Misericordia
; Udine ; Italy
4. Ghent University Hospital
; Ghent ; Belgium
5. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
6. Department of Anaesthesia
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
7. Harborview Medical Center and The University of Washington
; Seattle ; WA ; USA
8. Northern Clinical School Intensive Care Research Unit
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
9. Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine
; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
10. Saint Eloi University Hospital
; Montpellier ; France
11. Division of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
; Department of Internal Medicine ; Medical University of Innsbruck ; Innsbruck ; Austria
12. H么pital Nord
; Aix-Marseille Universit茅 ; Marseille ; France
13. Department of Intensive Care
; Rigshospitalet ; University of Copenhagen ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
14. UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond St Hospital
; London ; UK
15. Rabin Medical Center
; Beilinson Hospital ; Sackler School of Medicine ; Tel Aviv University ; Tel Aviv ; Israel
16. The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
; University College London Hospitals ; London ; UK
17. D鈥橭r Institute for Research and Education
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil
18. Pulmonary Intensive Care Unit
; Department of Pulmonary Medicine ; Hospital Cl铆nic of Barcelona ; Barcelona ; Spain
19. INSERM U-1018
; CESP ; Team 5 (EpReC ; Renal and Cardiovascular Epidemiology) ; UVSQ ; H么pital Ambroise Par茅 ; Paris ; France
20. APHP-Hopital Bichat-Medical and Infectious Diseases ICU
; UMR 1137-IAME Team 5-DeSCID ; Decision Sciences in Infectious Diseases ; Control and Care Inserm/Univ Paris Diderot ; Sorbonne Paris Cit茅 ; 75018 ; Paris ; France
21. AP-HP
; H么pital Saint-Louis ; Medical ICU ; Groupe de Recherche Respiratoire en R茅animation Onco-H茅matologique (Grrr-OH) ; Paris ; France
刊名:Intensive Care Medicine
9. Year in review in Intensive Care Medicine 2014: II. ARDS, airway management, ventilation, adjuvants in sepsis, hepatic failure, symptoms assessment and management, palliative care and support for families, prognostication, organ donation, outcome, organi
作者:Anders Perner (1)
Giuseppe Citerio (2)
Jan Bakker (3)
Matteo Bassetti (4)
Dominique Benoit (5)
Maurizio Cecconi (6) (7)
J. Randall Curtis (8)
Gordon S. Doig (9)
Margaret Herridge (10)
Samir Jaber (11)
Michael Joannidis (12)
Laurent Papazian (13)
Mark J. Peters (14)
Pierre Singer (15)
Martin Smith (16)
Marcio Soares (17)
Antoni Torres (18)
Antoine Vieillard-Baron (19)
Jean-Fran莽ois Timsit (20)
Elie Azoulay (21)

1. Department of Intensive Care
; Rigshospitalet ; University of Copenhagen ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
2. Universit脿 Milano Bicocca
; Milan ; Italy
3. Erasmus MC University Medical Center
; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
4. Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Santa Maria della Misericordia
; Udine ; Italy
5. Ghent University Hospital
; Ghent ; Belgium
6. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
7. Department of Anaesthesia
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
8. Harborview Medical Center
; The University of Washington ; Seattle ; WA ; USA
9. Northern Clinical School Intensive Care Research Unit
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
10. Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine
; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
11. Saint Eloi University Hospital
; Montpellier ; France
12. Division of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
; Department of Internal Medicine ; Medical University of Innsbruck ; Innsbruck ; Austria
13. H么pital Nord
; Aix-Marseille Universit茅 ; Marseille ; France
14. UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond St Hospital
; London ; UK
15. Rabin Medical Center
; Beilinson Hospital ; Sackler School of Medicine ; Tel Aviv University ; Tel Aviv ; Israel
16. The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
; University College London Hospitals ; London ; UK
17. D鈥橭r Institute for Research and Education
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil
18. Pulmonary Intensive Care Unit
; Department of Pulmonary Medicine ; Hospital Cl铆nic of Barcelona ; Barcelona ; Spain
19. INSERM U-1018
; CESP ; Team 5 (EpReC ; Renal and Cardiovascular Epidemiology) ; UVSQ ; H么pital Ambroise Par茅 ; Paris ; France
20. APHP-Hopital Bichat-Medical and Infectious Diseases ICU
; UMR 1137-IAME Team 5-DeSCID ; Decision Sciences in Infectious Diseases ; Control and Care Inserm/Univ Paris Diderot ; Sorbonne Paris Cit茅 ; 75018 ; Paris ; France
21. AP-HP
; H么pital Saint-Louis ; Medical ICU ; Groupe de Recherche Respiratoire en R茅animation Onco-H茅matologique (Grrr-OH) ; Paris ; France
刊名:Intensive Care Medicine
10. Clinical indications for computed tomographic colonography: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) Guideline
作者:Cristiano Spada (1)
Jaap Stoker (2)
Onofre Alarcon (3)
Federico Barbaro (1)
Davide Bellini (4)
Michael Bretthauer (5)
Margriet C. De Haan (2)
Jean-Marc Dumonceau (6)
Monika Ferlitsch (7)
Steve Halligan (8)
Emma Helbren (8)
Mikael Hellstrom (9)
Ernst J. Kuipers (10)
Philippe Lefere (11) (12)
Thomas Mang (13)
Emanuele Neri (14)
Lucio Petruzziello (1)
Andrew Plumb (8)
Daniele Regge (15)
Stuart A. Taylor (8)
Cesare Hassan (1) (16)
Andrea Laghi (4)

1. Digestive Endoscopy Unit
; Catholic University ; Rome ; Italy
2. Department of Radiology
; Academic Medical Center ; University of Amsterdam ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
3. Department of Gastroenterology
; Hospital Universitario de Canarias ; Facultad de Medicina ; Universidad de La Laguna ; La Laguna ; Tenerife ; Spain
4. Department of Radiological Sciences
; Oncology and Pathology ; Sapienza University of Rome ; I.C.O.T. Hospital ; Latina ; Italy
5. Department of Health Economy and Health Management
; University of Oslo ; and Department of Transplantation Medicine ; Gastroenterology Unit ; Oslo University Hospital ; Oslo ; Norway
6. Gedyt Endoscopy Center
; Buenos Aires ; Argentina
7. Department of Internal Medicine III
; Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ; Medical University of Vienna ; Vienna ; Austria
8. Centre for Medical Imaging
; University College London ; London ; UK
9. Department of Radiology
; Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg ; Gothenburg ; Sweden
10. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
; Erasmus MC University Medical Center ; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
11. Virtual Colonoscopy Teaching Centre
; Hooglede ; Belgium
12. AZ Delta
; Roeselare ; Belgium
13. Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy
; Medical University of Vienna ; Vienna ; Austria
14. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
; University of Pisa ; Pisa ; Italy
15. Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment
; Candiolo-Torino ; Italy
16. Department of Gastroenterology
; Ospedale Nuovo Regina Margherita ; Via Morosini 30 ; Rome ; 00100 ; Italy
刊名:European Radiology

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