常用资源 电子图书期刊论文学位会议外文资源特色专题内部出版物 
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1. Experimental search for the electron electric dipole moment with laser cooled francium atoms
作者:T. Inoue (1) (2)
S. Ando (2)
T. Aoki (2)
H. Arikawa (2)
S. Ezure (2)
K. Harada (2)
T. Hayamizu (2)
T. Ishikawa (2)
M. Itoh (2)
K. Kato (2)
H. Kawamura (2)
A. Uchiyama (2)
T. Aoki (3)
K. Asahi (4)
T. Furukawa (5)
A. Hatakeyama (6)
K. Hatanaka (7)
K. Imai (8)
T. Murakami (9)
H. S. Nataraj (10)
T. Sato (4)
Y. Shimizu (11)
T. Wakasa (12)
H. P. Yoshida (7)
A. Yoshimi (13)
Y. Sakemi (2)

1. Frontier Research Institute of Interdisciplinary Sciences
; Tohoku University ; 6-3 Aoba ; Aramaki ; Aoba-ku ; Sendai ; Miyagi ; 980-8578 ; Japan
2. Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center
; Tohoku University ; Miyagi ; Japan
3. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
; University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
4. Department of Physics
; Tokyo Institute of Technology ; Tokyo ; Japan
5. Department of Physics
; Tokyo Metropolitan University ; Tokyo ; Japan
6. Department of Applied Physics
; Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ; Tokyo ; Japan
7. Research Center for Nuclear Physics
; Osaka University ; Osaka ; Japan
8. Advanced Science Research Center
; Japan Atomic Energy Agency ; Ibaraki ; Japan
9. Department of Physics
; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
10. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
; Uttarakhand ; India
11. Department of Physics
; Tohoku University ; Miyagi ; Japan
12. Department of Physics
; Kyushu University ; Fukuoka ; Japan
13. Research Core for Extreme Quantum World
; Okayama University ; Okayama ; Japan
刊名:Hyperfine Interactions
2. The outer disks of Herbig stars from the UV to NIR
作者:C. Grady (1)
M. Fukagawa (2)
Y. Maruta (2)
Y. Ohta (2)
J. Wisniewski (3)
J. Hashimoto (3)
Y. Okamoto (4)
M. Momose (4)
T. Currie (14) (5)
M. McElwain (6)
T. Muto (7)
T. Kotani (8)
N. Kusakabe (8)
M. Feldt (10)
M. Sitko (11)
K. Follette (9)
M. Bonnefoy (10)
T. Henning (10)
M. Takami (12)
J. Karr (12)
J. Kwon (15)
T. Kudo (8)
L. Abe (16)
W. Brandner (10)
T. Brandt (17)
J. Carson (18)
S. Egner (14)
M. Goto (19)
O. Guyon (14)
Y. Hayano (14)
M. Hayashi (8)
S. Hayashi (14)
K. Hodapp (20)
M. Ishii (8)
M. Iye (8)
M. Janson (30)
R. Kandori (14)
G. Knapp (13)
M. Kuzuhara (21)
T. Matsuo (22)
S. Miyama (23)
J.-I. Morino (8)
A. Moro-Mart铆n (24)
T. Nishimura (14)
T.-S. Pyo (14)
E. Serabyn (25)
T. Suenaga (26) (8)
H. Suto (8)
R. Suzuki (8)
Y. H. Takahashi (15) (8)
N. Takato (14)
H. Terada (14)
C. Thalmann (27)
D. Tomono (14)
E. L. Turner (13)
M. Watanabe (28)
T. Yamada (29)
H. Takami (8)
T. Usuda (8)
M. Tamura (15) (8)

1. Eureka Scientific and Goddard Space Flight Center
; Code 667 ; Goddard Space Flight Center ; Greenbelt ; MD ; 20771 ; USA
2. Graduate School of Science
; Osaka University ; 1-1 Machikaneyama ; Toyonaka ; Osaka ; 560-004 ; Japan
3. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; The University of Oklahoma ; 440 W. Brooks St. ; Norman ; OK ; 73019 ; USA
4. College of Science
; Ibaraki University ; 2-1-1 Bunkyo ; Mito ; Ibaraki ; 310-8512 ; Japan
14. Subaru Telescope
; 650 N Aohoku Pl ; Hilo ; HI ; 96720 ; USA
5. Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
; University of Toronto ; 50 St. George Street ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
6. Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
; Code 667 ; NASA鈥檚 Goddard Space Flight Center ; Greenbelt ; MD ; 20771 ; USA
7. Division of Liberal Arts
; Kogakuin University ; 1-24-2 ; Nishi-Shinjuku ; Shinjuku-ku ; Tokyo ; 163-8677 ; Japan
8. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
; 2-21-1 Osawa ; Mitaka ; Tokyo ; 181-8588 ; Japan
10. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
; K枚nigstuhl 17 ; 69117 ; Heidelberg ; Germany
11. Department of Physics
; University of Cincinnati ; Cincinnati ; OH ; 45221-0011 ; USA
9. Steward Observatory
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85721 ; USA
12. Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
; Academia Sinica ; P.O. Box 23-141 ; Taipei ; 10617 ; Taiwan
15. Department of Astronomy
; The University of Tokyo ; Hongo 7-3-1 ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-0033 ; Japan
16. Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR 7293)
; Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis ; CNRS ; Observatoire de la Cote d鈥橝zur ; 28 avenue Valrose ; 06108 ; Nice Cedex 2 ; France
17. Astrophysics Department
; Institute for Advanced Study ; Princeton ; NJ ; USA
18. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; College of Charleston ; 58 Coming St. ; Charleston ; SC ; 29424 ; USA
19. Universit盲ts-Sternwarte M眉nchen
; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit盲t ; Scheinerstr. 1 ; 81679 ; M眉nchen ; Germany
20. Institute for Astronomy
; University of Hawai鈥檌 ; 640 N. A鈥榦hoku Place ; Hilo ; HI ; 96720 ; USA
30. Department of Astronomy
; Stockholm University ; AlbaNova University Center ; Stockholm ; 106 91 ; Sweden
13. Department of Astrophysical Sciences
; Princeton University ; 4 Ivy Ln ; Princeton ; NJ ; 08544 ; USA
21. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
; Tokyo Institute of Technology ; 2-12-1 Ookayama ; Meguro-ku ; Tokyo ; 152-8551 ; Japan
22. Department of Astronomy
; Kyoto University ; Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho ; Sakyo-ku ; Kyoto ; Kyoto ; 606-8502 ; Japan
23. Hiroshima University
; 1-3-2 ; Kagamiyama ; Higashihiroshima ; Hiroshima ; 739-8511 ; Japan
24. Space Telescope Science Institute
; Baltimore ; MD ; 21218 ; USA
25. Jet Propulsion Laboratory
; California Institute of Technology ; Pasadena ; CA ; 171-113 ; USA
26. Department of Astronomical Science
; The Graduate University for Advanced Studies ; 2-21-1 ; Osawa ; Mitaka ; Tokyo ; 181-8588 ; Japan
27. Institute for Astronomy
; ETH Zurich ; Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27 ; 8093 ; Zurich ; Switzerland
28. Department of Cosmosciences
; Hokkaido University ; Kita-ku ; Sapporo ; Hokkaido ; 060-0810 ; Japan
29. Astronomical Institute
; Tohoku University ; Aoba-ku ; Sendai ; Miyagi ; 980-8578 ; Japan
刊名:Astrophysics and Space Science
3. Electrochemical impedance study of LiCoO2 cathode reactions in a lithium ion cell incorporating a reference electrode
刊名:Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
4. Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR) Guidelines 2014 for treatment of colorectal cancer
作者:Toshiaki Watanabe (1)
Michio Itabashi (2)
Yasuhiro Shimada (3)
Shinji Tanaka (4)
Yoshinori Ito (5)
Yoichi Ajioka (6)
Tetsuya Hamaguchi (3)
Ichinosuke Hyodo (7)
Masahiro Igarashi (8)
Hideyuki Ishida (9)
Soichiro Ishihara (1)
Megumi Ishiguro (10)
Yukihide Kanemitsu (11)
Norihiro Kokudo (12)
Kei Muro (13)
Atsushi Ochiai (14)
Masahiko Oguchi (15)
Yasuo Ohkura (16)
Yutaka Saito (17)
Yoshiharu Sakai (18)
Hideki Ueno (19)
Takayuki Yoshino (20)
Narikazu Boku (21)
Takahiro Fujimori (22)
Nobuo Koinuma (23)
Takayuki Morita (24)
Genichi Nishimura (25)
Yuh Sakata (26)
Keiichi Takahashi (27)
Osamu Tsuruta (28)
Toshiharu Yamaguchi (29)
Masahiro Yoshida (30)
Naohiko Yamaguchi (31)
Kenjiro Kotake (32)
Kenichi Sugihara (10)
Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum

1. Department of Surgical Oncology
; Graduate School of Medicine ; The University of Tokyo ; 7-3-1 Hongo ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8655 ; Japan
2. Department of Surgery 2
; Tokyo Women鈥檚 Medical University ; Tokyo ; Japan
3. Division of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
4. Department of Endoscopy
; Hiroshima University Hospital ; Hiroshima ; Japan
5. Department of Radiation Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
6. Division of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Niigata University ; Niigata ; Japan
7. Division of Gastroenterology
; Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences ; University of Tsukuba ; Ibaraki ; Japan
8. Department of Endoscopy
; The Cancer Institute Hospital ; Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; Tokyo ; Japan
9. Department of Digestive Tract and General Surgery
; Saitama Medical Center ; Saitama Medical University ; Saitama ; Japan
10. Department of Surgical Oncology
; Graduate School ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; Tokyo ; Japan
11. Colorectal Surgery Division
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
12. Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Division
; Artificial Organ and Transplantation Division ; Department of Surgery ; Graduate School of Medicine ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
13. Department of Clinical Oncology
; Aichi Cancer Center Hospital ; Nagoya ; Japan
14. Pathology Division
; Research Center for Innovative Oncology ; National Cancer Centre Hospital East ; Chiba ; Japan
15. Radiation Oncology Department
; The Cancer Institute Hospital ; Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; Tokyo ; Japan
16. Department of Pathology
; Kyorin University School of Medicine ; Tokyo ; Japan
17. Endoscopy Division
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
18. Department of Surgery
; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
19. Department of Surgery
; National Defense Medical College ; Saitama ; Japan
20. Department of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital East ; Chiba ; Japan
21. Department of Clinical Oncology
; St. Marianna University ; Kawasaki ; Japan
22. Department of Surgical and Molecular Pathology
; Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine ; Tochigi ; Japan
23. Department of Health Administration and Policy
; Tohoku Pharmaceutical University ; Miyagi ; Japan
24. Department of Surgery
; Cancer Center ; Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital ; Aomori ; Japan
25. Department of Surgery
; Japanese Red Cross Kanazawa Hospital ; Ishikawa ; Japan
26. CEO
; Misawa City Hospital ; Aomori ; Japan
27. Department of Surgery
; Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center Komagome Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
28. Division of GI Endoscopy
; Kurume University School of Medicine ; Fukuoka ; Japan
29. Department of Gastroenterological Surgery
; The Cancer Institute Hospital ; Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; Tokyo ; Japan
30. Department of Hemodialysis and Surgery
; Chemotherapy Research Institute ; International University of Health and Welfare ; Chiba ; Japan
31. Library
; Toho University Medical Center Sakura Hospital ; Chiba ; Japan
32. Department of Surgery
; Tochigi Cancer Center ; Tochigi ; Japan
刊名:International Journal of Clinical Oncology
5. Biotic homogenization and differentiation of soil faunal communities in the production forest landscape: taxonomic and functional perspectives
7. Identification of the Sex Pheromone of the Diurnal Hawk Moth, Hemaris affinis
刊名:Journal of Chemical Ecology
8. Effect of stem radial growth on seasonal and spatial variations in stem CO2 efflux of Chamaecyparis obtusa
作者:Masatake G. Araki (1) (2)
Takuya Kajimoto (3)
Qingmin Han (3) (4)
Tatsuro Kawasaki (3) (5)
Hajime Utsugi (3)
Koichiro Gyokusen (6)
Yukihiro Chiba (3) (5)

1. Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences
; Kyushu University ; Hakozaki 6-10-1 ; Higashi-Ku ; Fukuoka ; 812-8581 ; Japan
2. Kyushu Research Center
; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ; Kurokami 4-11-16 ; Chuou-Ku ; Kumamoto ; 860-0862 ; Japan
3. Department of Plant Ecology
; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ; Matsunosato 1 ; Tsukuba ; Ibaraki ; 305-8687 ; Japan
4. Hokkaido Research Center
; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ; Hitsujigaoka 7 ; Toyohira ; Sapporo ; Hokkaido ; 062-8516 ; Japan
5. Research Planning and Coordination Department
; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ; Matsunosato 1 ; Tsukuba ; Ibaraki ; 305-8687 ; Japan
6. Faculty of Agriculture
; Kyushu University ; Hakozaki 6-10-1 ; Higashi-Ku ; Fukuoka ; 812-8581 ; Japan
刊名:Trees - Structure and Function

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