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3. Bevacizumab treatment induces metabolic adaptation toward anaerobic metabolism in glioblastomas
作者:Fred Fack (1)
Heidi Espedal (2)
Olivier Keunen (1)
Anna Golebiewska (1)
Nina Obad (2)
Patrick N. Harter (3)
Michel Mittelbronn (3)
Oliver B盲hr (4)
Astrid Weyerbrock (5)
Linda Stuhr (6)
Hrvoje Miletic (11) (2) (7)
Per 脴. Sakariassen (2)
Daniel Stieber (1)
Cecilie B. Rygh (8)
Morten Lund-Johansen (11) (9)
Liang Zheng (10)
Eyal Gottlieb (10)
Simone P. Niclou (1) (11)
Rolf Bjerkvig (1) (11) (2)

1. NorLux Neuro-Oncology Laboratory
; Department of Oncology ; Centre de Recherche Public de la Sant茅 ; Strassen ; Luxembourg
2. NorLux Neuro-Oncology
; Department of Biomedicine ; University of Bergen ; Jonas Lies vei 91 ; 5019 ; Bergen ; Norway
3. Edinger Institute
; Institute of Neurology ; Goethe University ; Hospital Frankfurt ; Frankfurt am Main ; Germany
4. Dr. Senckenberg Institute of Neurooncology
; Goethe University ; Hospital Frankfurt ; Frankfurt am Main ; Germany
5. Department of Neurosurgery
; University Hospital Freiburg ; Freiburg ; Germany
6. Matrix Biology Group
; Department of Biomedicine ; University of Bergen ; Bergen ; Norway
11. KG Jebsen Brain Tumour Research Center
; University of Bergen ; Bergen ; Norway
7. Department of Pathology
; Haukeland University Hospital ; The Gade Institute ; Bergen ; Norway
8. Department of Biomedicine
; Molecular Imaging Center ; University of Bergen ; Bergen ; Norway
9. Department of Neurosurgery
; Haukeland University Hospital ; Bergen ; Norway
10. Cancer Research UK
; Beatson Institute ; Glasgow ; Scotland ; UK
刊名:Acta Neuropathologica
4. Volumetric velocity measurements in restricted geometries using spiral sampling: a phantom study
5. Glucose tolerance is associated with differential expression of microRNAs in skeletal muscle: results from studies of twins with and without type 2 diabetes
作者:Jette Bork-Jensen (1) (2)
Camilla Scheele (3)
Daniel V. Christophersen (1) (4)
Emma Nilsson (1)
Martin Friedrichsen (1) (2) (5)
Denise S. Fernandez-Twinn (6)
Louise G. Grunnet (2)
Thomas Litman (7)
Kim Holmstr酶m (8)
Birgitte Vind (9)
Kurt H酶jlund (9)
Henning Beck-Nielsen (9)
J酶rgen Wojtaszewski (5)
Susan E. Ozanne (6)
Bente K. Pedersen (3)
Pernille Poulsen (1) (4)
Allan Vaag (1) (2)

1. Steno Diabetes Center
; Gentofte ; Denmark
2. Department of Endocrinology (Diabetes and Metabolism)
; Rigshospitalet ; sec. 7652 ; Tagensvej 20 ; DK-2200 ; Copenhagen N ; Denmark
3. Centre of Inflammation and Metabolism
; Faculty of Health Sciences ; University of Copenhagen ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
4. Novo Nordisk
; Bagsv忙rd ; Denmark
5. Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
; University of Copenhagen ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
6. University of Cambridge Metabolic Research Laboratories and MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit
; Wellcome Trust-Institute of Metabolic Science ; Addenbrooke鈥檚 Treatment Centre ; Addenbrooke鈥檚 Hospital ; Cambridge ; UK
7. Molecular Biomedicine
; LEO Pharma ; Ballerup ; Denmark
8. Bioneer
; H酶rsholm ; Denmark
9. Odense University Hospital
; Odense ; Denmark
6. Problem-Based Self-care Groups Versus Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Persons on Sick Leave Due to Common Mental Disorders: A Randomised Controlled Study
刊名:Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
7. MicroRNAs: new biomarkers and therapeutic targets after cardiac arrest?
作者:Yvan Devaux (1)
Pascal Stammet (2)
Hans Friberg (3)
Christian Hassager (4)
Michael A Kuiper (5)
Matt P Wise (6)
Niklas Nielsen (7)
for the Biomarker subcommittee of the TTM trial (Target Temperature Management After Cardiac Arrest
; NCT01020916)

1. Laboratory of Cardiovascular Research
; Luxembourg Institute of Health ; L-1526 ; Luxembourg ; Luxembourg
2. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
; Centre Hospitalier ; L-1445 ; Luxembourg ; Luxembourg
3. Skane University Hospital
; Lund University ; SE-205 02 ; Malmo ; Sweden
4. Department of Cardiology
; The Heart Center ; Rigshospitalet ; DK - 2100 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
5. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; Medical Center Leeuwarden ; 8934 AD ; Leeuwarden ; The Netherlands
6. Adult Critical Care
; University Hospital of Wales ; Cardiff ; CF14 4XW ; UK
7. Helsingborg Hospital
; Lund University ; S-251 87 ; Helsingborg ; Sweden
刊名:Critical Care
8. Design of clinical cardioprotection trials using CMR: impact of myocardial salvage index and a narrow inclusion window on sample size
刊名:Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
9. Clinical initiatives linking Japanese and Swedish healthcare resources on cancer studies utilizing Biobank Repositories
作者:Toshihide Nishimura (1)
Takeshi Kawamura (2)
Yutaka Sugihara (3)
Yasuhiko Bando (4)
Shigeru Sakamoto (5)
Masaharu Nomura (1)
Norihiko Ikeda (1)
Tatsuo Ohira (1)
Junichiro Fujimoto (6)
Hiromasa Tojo (7)
Takao Hamakubo (2)
Tatsuhiko Kodama (2)
Roland Andersson (8)
Thomas E Fehniger (9)
Harubumi Kato (1)
Gy枚rgy Marko-Varga (1) (3) (9)

1. First Department of Surgery
; Tokyo Medical University ; 6-7-1 Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku ; Tokyo ; 160-0023 ; Japan
2. Laboratory for Systems Biology and Medicine
; Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology ; The University of Tokyo ; 4-6-1 ; Komaba ; Meguro-Ku ; Tokyo ; 153-8904 ; Japan
3. Clinical Protein Science & Imaging
; Biomedical Center ; Dept. of Biomedical Engineering ; Lund University ; BMC D13 ; 221 84 ; Lund ; Sweden
4. Biosys Technology
; Daihyaku Seimei Toritsudai Ekimae Bldg 5聽F 13-18 ; Nakane 2 ; Meguro-ku ; Tokyo ; 152-0031 ; Japan
5. ThermoFisher Scientific
; 3-9 Moriya-cho ; Kanagawa-ku ; Yokohama ; 221-0022 ; Japan
6. National Medical Center for Children and Mothers Research Institute
; 2-10-1 Okura Setagaya-ku ; Tokyo ; 157-8535 ; Japan
7. Dept. of Biophysics and Biochemistry
; Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine ; 2-2 Yamadaoka ; Suita ; 565-0871 ; Japan
8. Department of Surgery
; Clinical Sciences Lund ; Lund University ; and Sk氓ne University Hospital ; Lund ; Sweden 221 84 ; Lund ; Sweden
9. Center of Excellence in Biological and Medical mass spectrometry (CEBMMS)
; 221 84 ; Lund ; Sweden
刊名:Clinical and Translational Medicine
10. Semi-automatic segmentation of myocardium at risk from contrast enhanced SSFP images - validation against manual delineation and SPECT
刊名:Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

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