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1. Measurement of the inelastic pp cross-section at a centre-of-mass energy of
作者:R. Aaij (41)
B. Adeva (37)
M. Adinolfi (46)
A. Affolder (52)
Z. Ajaltouni (5)
S. Akar (6)
J. Albrecht (9)
F. Alessio (38)
M. Alexander (51)
S. Ali (41)
G. Alkhazov (30)
P. Alvarez Cartelle (37)
A. A. Alves Jr. (25) (38)
S. Amato (2)
S. Amerio (22)
Y. Amhis (7)
L. An (3)
L. Anderlini (17) (74)
J. Anderson (40)
R. Andreassen (57)
M. Andreotti (16) (73)
J. E. Andrews (58)
R. B. Appleby (54)
O. Aquines Gutierrez (10)
F. Archilli (38)
A. Artamonov (35)
M. Artuso (59)
E. Aslanides (6)
G. Auriemma (25) (81)
M. Baalouch (5)
S. Bachmann (11)
J. J. Back (48)
A. Badalov (36)
C. Baesso (60)
W. Baldini (16)
R. J. Barlow (54)
C. Barschel (38)
S. Barsuk (7)
W. Barter (47)
V. Batozskaya (28)
V. Battista (39)
A. Bay (39)
L. Beaucourt (4)
J. Beddow (51)
F. Bedeschi (23)
I. Bediaga (1)
S. Belogurov (31)
K. Belous (35)
I. Belyaev (31)
E. Ben-Haim (8)
G. Bencivenni (18)
S. Benson (38)
J. Benton (46)
A. Berezhnoy (32)
R. Bernet (40)
A. Bertolin (22)
M.-O. Bettler (47)
M. van Beuzekom (41)
A. Bien (11)
S. Bifani (45)
T. Bird (54)
A. Bizzeti (17) (76)
P. M. Bj酶rnstad (54)
T. Blake (48)
F. Blanc (39)
J. Blouw (10)
S. Blusk (59)
V. Bocci (25)
A. Bondar (34)
N. Bondar (30) (38)
W. Bonivento (15)
S. Borghi (54)
A. Borgia (59)
M. Borsato (7)
T. J. V. Bowcock (52)
E. Bowen (40)
C. Bozzi (16)
D. Brett (54)
M. Britsch (10)
T. Britton (59)
J. Brodzicka (54)
N. H. Brook (46)
H. Brown (52)
A. Bursche (40)
J. Buytaert (38)
S. Cadeddu (15)
R. Calabrese (16) (73)
M. Calvi (20) (78)
M. Calvo Gomez (36) (83)
P. Campana (18)
D. Campora Perez (38)
A. Carbone (14) (71)
G. Carboni (24) (79)
R. Cardinale (19) (38) (77)
A. Cardini (15)
L. Carson (50)
K. Carvalho Akiba (2) (38)
R. C. M. Casanova Mohr (36)
G. Casse (52)
L. Cassina (20) (78)
L. Castillo Garcia (38)
M. Cattaneo (38)
Ch. Cauet (9)
R. Cenci (23) (87)
M. Charles (8)
Ph. Charpentier (38)
M. Chefdeville (4)
S. Chen (54)
S.-F. Cheung (55)
N. Chiapolini (40)
M. Chrzaszcz (26) (40)
X. Cid Vidal (38)
G. Ciezarek (41)
P. E. L. Clarke (50)
M. Clemencic (38)
H. V. Cliff (47)
J. Closier (38)
V. Coco (38)
J. Cogan (6)
E. Cogneras (5)
V. Cogoni (15)
L. Cojocariu (29)
G. Collazuol (22)
P. Collins (38)
A. Comerma-Montells (11)
A. Contu (15) (38)
A. Cook (46)
M. Coombes (46)
S. Coquereau (8)
G. Corti (38)
M. Corvo (16) (73)
I. Counts (56)
B. Couturier (38)
G. A. Cowan (50)
D. C. Craik (48)
A. C. Crocombe (48)
M. Cruz Torres (60)
S. Cunliffe (53)
R. Currie (53)
C. D鈥橝mbrosio (38)
J. Dalseno (46)
P. David (8)
P. N. Y. David (41)
A. Davis (57)
K. De Bruyn (41)
S. De Capua (54)
M. De Cian (11)
J. M. De Miranda (1)
L. De Paula (2)
W. De Silva (57)
P. De Simone (18)
C.-T. Dean (51)
D. Decamp (4)
M. Deckenhoff (9)
L. Del Buono (8)
N. D茅l茅age (4)
D. Derkach (55)
O. Deschamps (5)
F. Dettori (38)
A. Di Canto (38)
H. Dijkstra (38)
S. Donleavy (52)
F. Dordei (11)
M. Dorigo (39)
A. Dosil Su谩rez (37)
D. Dossett (48)
A. Dovbnya (43)
K. Dreimanis (52)
G. Dujany (54)
F. Dupertuis (39)
P. Durante (38)
R. Dzhelyadin (35)
A. Dziurda (26)
A. Dzyuba (30)
S. Easo (38) (49)
U. Egede (53)
V. Egorychev (31)
S. Eidelman (34)
S. Eisenhardt (50)
U. Eitschberger (9)
R. Ekelhof (9)
L. Eklund (51)
I. El Rifai (5)
Ch. Elsasser (40)
S. Ely (59)
S. Esen (11)
H. M. Evans (47)
T. Evans (55)
A. Falabella (14)
C. F盲rber (11)
C. Farinelli (41)
N. Farley (45)
S. Farry (52)
R. Fay (52)
D. Ferguson (50)
V. Fernandez Albor (37)
F. Ferreira Rodrigues (1)
M. Ferro-Luzzi (38)
S. Filippov (33)
M. Fiore (16) (73)
M. Fiorini (16) (73)
M. Firlej (27)
C. Fitzpatrick (39)
T. Fiutowski (27)
P. Fol (53)
M. Fontana (10)
F. Fontanelli (19) (77)
R. Forty (38)
O. Francisco (2)
M. Frank (38)
C. Frei (38)
M. Frosini (17)
J. Fu (21) (38)
E. Furfaro (24) (79)
A. Gallas Torreira (37)
D. Galli (14) (71)
S. Gallorini (22) (38)
S. Gambetta (19) (77)
M. Gandelman (2)
P. Gandini (59)
Y. Gao (3)
J. Garc铆a Pardi帽as (37)
J. Garofoli (59)
J. Garra Tico (47)
L. Garrido (36)
D. Gascon (36)
C. Gaspar (38)
U. Gastaldi (16)
R. Gauld (55)
L. Gavardi (9)
A. Geraci (21) (89)
E. Gersabeck (11)
M. Gersabeck (54)
T. Gershon (48)
Ph. Ghez (4)
A. Gianelle (22)
S. Gian矛 (39)
V. Gibson (47)
L. Giubega (29)
V. V. Gligorov (38)
C. G枚bel (60)
D. Golubkov (31)
A. Golutvin (31) (38) (53)
A. Gomes (1) (68)
C. Gotti (20) (78)
M. Grabalosa G谩ndara (5)
R. Graciani Diaz (36)
L. A. Granado Cardoso (38)
E. Graug茅s (36)
E. Graverini (40)
G. Graziani (17)
A. Grecu (29)
E. Greening (55)
S. Gregson (47)
P. Griffith (45)
L. Grillo (11)
O. Gr眉nberg (63)
B. Gui (59)
E. Gushchin (33)
Yu. Guz (35) (38)
T. Gys (38)
C. Hadjivasiliou (59)
G. Haefeli (39)
C. Haen (38)
S. C. Haines (47)
S. Hall (53)
B. Hamilton (58)
T. Hampson (46)
X. Han (11)
S. Hansmann-Menzemer (11)
N. Harnew (55)
S. T. Harnew (46)
J. Harrison (54)
J. He (38)
T. Head (39)
V. Heijne (41)
K. Hennessy (52)
P. Henrard (5)
L. Henry (8)
J. A. Hernando Morata (37)
E. van Herwijnen (38)
M. He脽 (63)
A. Hicheur (2)
D. Hill (55)
M. Hoballah (5)
C. Hombach (54)
W. Hulsbergen (41)
N. Hussain (55)
D. Hutchcroft (52)
D. Hynds (51)
M. Idzik (27)
P. Ilten (56)
R. Jacobsson (38)
A. Jaeger (11)
J. Jalocha (55)
E. Jans (41)
P. Jaton (39)
A. Jawahery (58)
F. Jing (3)
M. John (55)
D. Johnson (38)
C. R. Jones (47)
C. Joram (38)
B. Jost (38)
N. Jurik (59)
S. Kandybei (43)
W. Kanso (6)
M. Karacson (38)
T. M. Karbach (38)
S. Karodia (51)
M. Kelsey (59)
I. R. Kenyon (45)
T. Ketel (42)
B. Khanji (20) (38) (78)
C. Khurewathanakul (39)
S. Klaver (54)
K. Klimaszewski (28)
O. Kochebina (7)
M. Kolpin (11)
I. Komarov (39)
R. F. Koopman (42)
P. Koppenburg (38) (41)
M. Korolev (32)
L. Kravchuk (33)
K. Kreplin (11)
M. Kreps (48)
G. Krocker (11)
P. Krokovny (34)
F. Kruse (9)
W. Kucewicz (26) (82)
M. Kucharczyk (20) (26) (78)
V. Kudryavtsev (34)
K. Kurek (28)
T. Kvaratskheliya (31)
V. N. La Thi (39)
D. Lacarrere (38)
G. Lafferty (54)
A. Lai (15)
D. Lambert (50)
R. W. Lambert (42)
G. Lanfranchi (18)
C. Langenbruch (48)
B. Langhans (38)
T. Latham (48)
C. Lazzeroni (45)
R. Le Gac (6)
J. van Leerdam (41)
J.-P. Lees (4)
R. Lef猫vre (5)
A. Leflat (32)
J. Lefran莽ois (7)
S. Leo (23)
O. Leroy (6)
T. Lesiak (26)
B. Leverington (11)
Y. Li (3)
T. Likhomanenko (64)
M. Liles (52)
R. Lindner (38)
C. Linn (38)
F. Lionetto (40)
B. Liu (15)
S. Lohn (38)
I. Longstaff (51)
J. H. Lopes (2)
P. Lowdon (40)
D. Lucchesi (22) (85)
H. Luo (50)
A. Lupato (22)
E. Luppi (16) (73)
O. Lupton (55)
F. Machefert (7)
I. V. Machikhiliyan (31)
F. Maciuc (29)
O. Maev (30)
S. Malde (55)
A. Malinin (64)
G. Manca (15) (72)
G. Mancinelli (6)
A. Mapelli (38)
J. Maratas (5)
J. F. Marchand (4)
U. Marconi (14)
C. Marin Benito (36)
P. Marino (23) (87)
R. M盲rki (39)
J. Marks (11)
G. Martellotti (25)
A. Mart铆n S谩nchez (7)
M. Martinelli (39)
D. Martinez Santos (38) (42)
F. Martinez Vidal (65)
D. Martins Tostes (2)
A. Massafferri (1)
R. Matev (38)
Z. Mathe (38)
C. Matteuzzi (20)
A. Mazurov (45)
M. McCann (53)
J. McCarthy (45)
A. McNab (54)
R. McNulty (12)
B. McSkelly (52)
B. Meadows (57)
F. Meier (9)
M. Meissner (11)
M. Merk (41)
D. A. Milanes (62)
M.-N. Minard (4)
N. Moggi (14)
J. Molina Rodriguez (60)
S. Monteil (5)
M. Morandin (22)
P. Morawski (27)
A. Mord脿 (6)
M. J. Morello (23) (87)
J. Moron (27)
A.-B. Morris (50)
R. Mountain (59)
F. Muheim (50)
K. M眉ller (40)
M. Mussini (14)
B. Muster (39)
P. Naik (46)
T. Nakada (39)
R. Nandakumar (49)
I. Nasteva (2)
M. Needham (50)
N. Neri (21)
S. Neubert (38)
N. Neufeld (38)
M. Neuner (11)
A. D. Nguyen (39)
T. D. Nguyen (39)
C. Nguyen-Mau (39) (84)
M. Nicol (7)
V. Niess (5)
R. Niet (9)
N. Nikitin (32)
T. Nikodem (11)
A. Novoselov (35)
D. P. O鈥橦anlon (48)
A. Oblakowska-Mucha (27) (38)
V. Obraztsov (35)
S. Oggero (41)
S. Ogilvy (51)
O. Okhrimenko (44)
R. Oldeman (15) (72)
C. J. G. Onderwater (66)
M. Orlandea (29)
J. M. Otalora Goicochea (2)
A. Otto (38)
P. Owen (53)
A. Oyanguren (65)
B. K. Pal (59)
A. Palano (13) (70)
F. Palombo (21) (88)
M. Palutan (18)
J. Panman (38)
A. Papanestis (38) (49)
M. Pappagallo (51)
L. L. Pappalardo (16) (73)
C. Parkes (54)
C. J. Parkinson (45) (9)
G. Passaleva (17)
G. D. Patel (52)
M. Patel (53)
C. Patrignani (19) (77)
A. Pearce (49) (54)
A. Pellegrino (41)
G. Penso (25) (80)
M. Pepe Altarelli (38)
S. Perazzini (14) (71)
P. Perret (5)
M. Perrin-Terrin (6)
L. Pescatore (45)
E. Pesen (67)
K. Petridis (53)
A. Petrolini (19) (77)
E. Picatoste Olloqui (36)
B. Pietrzyk (4)
T. Pila艡 (48)
D. Pinci (25)
A. Pistone (19)
S. Playfer (50)
M. Plo Casasus (37)
F. Polci (8)
A. Poluektov (34) (48)
I. Polyakov (31)
E. Polycarpo (2)
A. Popov (35)
D. Popov (10)
B. Popovici (29)
C. Potterat (2)
E. Price (46)
J. D. Price (52)
J. Prisciandaro (39)
A. Pritchard (52)
C. Prouve (46)
V. Pugatch (44)
A. Puig Navarro (39)
G. Punzi (23) (86)
W. Qian (4)
B. Rachwal (26)
J. H. Rademacker (46)
B. Rakotomiaramanana (39)
M. Rama (18)
M. S. Rangel (2)
I. Raniuk (43)
N. Rauschmayr (38)
G. Raven (42)
F. Redi (53)
S. Reichert (54)
M. M. Reid (48)
A. C. dos Reis (1)
S. Ricciardi (49)
S. Richards (46)
M. Rihl (38)
K. Rinnert (52)
V. Rives Molina (36)
P. Robbe (7)
A. B. Rodrigues (1)
E. Rodrigues (54)
P. Rodriguez Perez (54)
S. Roiser (38)
V. Romanovsky (35)
A. Romero Vidal (37)
M. Rotondo (22)
J. Rouvinet (39)
T. Ruf (38)
H. Ruiz (36)
P. Ruiz Valls (65)
J. J. Saborido Silva (37)
N. Sagidova (30)
P. Sail (51)
B. Saitta (15) (72)
V. Salustino Guimaraes (2)
C. Sanchez Mayordomo (65)
B. Sanmartin Sedes (37)
R. Santacesaria (25)
C. Santamarina Rios (37)
E. Santovetti (24) (79)
A. Sarti (18) (80)
C. Satriano (25) (81)
A. Satta (24)
D. M. Saunders (46)
D. Savrina (31) (32)
M. Schiller (38)
H. Schindler (38)
M. Schlupp (9)
M. Schmelling (10)
B. Schmidt (38)
O. Schneider (39)
A. Schopper (38)
M.-H. Schune (7)
R. Schwemmer (38)
B. Sciascia (18)
A. Sciubba (25) (80)
A. Semennikov (31)
I. Sepp (53)
N. Serra (40)
J. Serrano (6)
L. Sestini (22)
P. Seyfert (11)
M. Shapkin (35)
I. Shapoval (16) (43) (73)
Y. Shcheglov (30)
T. Shears (52)
L. Shekhtman (34)
V. Shevchenko (64)
A. Shires (9)
R. Silva Coutinho (48)
G. Simi (22)
M. Sirendi (47)
N. Skidmore (46)
I. Skillicorn (51)
T. Skwarnicki (59)
N. A. Smith (52)
E. Smith (49) (55)
E. Smith (53)
J. Smith (47)
M. Smith (54)
H. Snoek (41)
M. D. Sokoloff (57)
F. J. P. Soler (51)
F. Soomro (39)
D. Souza (46)
B. Souza De Paula (2)
B. Spaan (9)
P. Spradlin (51)
S. Sridharan (38)
F. Stagni (38)
M. Stahl (11)
S. Stahl (11)
O. Steinkamp (40)
O. Stenyakin (35)
F Sterpka (59)
S. Stevenson (55)
S. Stoica (29)
S. Stone (59)
B. Storaci (40)
S. Stracka (23) (87)
M. Straticiuc (29)
U. Straumann (40)
R. Stroili (22)
L. Sun (57)
W. Sutcliffe (53)
K. Swientek (27)
S. Swientek (9)
V. Syropoulos (42)
M. Szczekowski (28)
P. Szczypka (38) (39)
T. Szumlak (27)
S. T鈥橨ampens (4)
M. Teklishyn (7)
G. Tellarini (16) (73)
F. Teubert (38)
C. Thomas (55)
E. Thomas (38)
J. van Tilburg (41)
V. Tisserand (4)
M. Tobin (39)
J. Todd (57)
S. Tolk (42)
L. Tomassetti (16) (73)
D. Tonelli (38)
S. Topp-Joergensen (55)
N. Torr (55)
E. Tournefier (4)
S. Tourneur (39)
M. T. Tran (39)
M. Tresch (40)
A. Trisovic (38)
A. Tsaregorodtsev (6)
P. Tsopelas (41)
N. Tuning (41)
M. Ubeda Garcia (38)
A. Ukleja (28)
A. Ustyuzhanin (64)
U. Uwer (11)
C. Vacca (15)
V. Vagnoni (14)
G. Valenti (14)
A. Vallier (7)
R. Vazquez Gomez (18)
P. Vazquez Regueiro (37)
C. V谩zquez Sierra (37)
S. Vecchi (16)
J. J. Velthuis (46)
M. Veltri (17) (75)
G. Veneziano (39)
M. Vesterinen (11)
B. Viaud (7)
D. Vieira (2)
M. Vieites Diaz (37)
X. Vilasis-Cardona (36) (83)
A. Vollhardt (40)
D. Volyanskyy (10)
D. Voong (46)
A. Vorobyev (30)
V. Vorobyev (34)
C. Vo脽 (63)
J. A. de Vries (41)
R. Waldi (63)
C. Wallace (48)
R. Wallace (12)
J. Walsh (23)
S. Wandernoth (11)
J. Wang (59)
D. R. Ward (47)
N. K. Watson (45)
D. Websdale (53)
M. Whitehead (48)
D. Wiedner (11)
G. Wilkinson (38) (55)
M. Wilkinson (59)
M. P. Williams (45)
M. Williams (56)
H. W. Wilschut (66)
F. F. Wilson (49)
J. Wimberley (58)
J. Wishahi (9)
W. Wislicki (28)
M. Witek (26)
G. Wormser (7)
S. A. Wotton (47)
S. Wright (47)
K. Wyllie (38)
Y. Xie (61)
Z. Xing (59)
Z. Xu (39)
Z. Yang (3)
X. Yuan (3)
O. Yushchenko (35)
M. Zangoli (14)
M. Zavertyaev (10) (69)
L. Zhang (3)
W. C. Zhang (12)
Y. Zhang (3)
A. Zhelezov (11)
A. Zhokhov (31)
L. Zhong (3)
The LHCb collaboration

41. Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics
; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
37. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
; Santiago de Compostela ; Spain
46. H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory
; University of Bristol ; Bristol ; United Kingdom
52. Oliver Lodge Laboratory
; University of Liverpool ; Liverpool ; United Kingdom
5. Clermont Universit茅
; Universit茅 Blaise Pascal ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; LPC ; Clermont-Ferrand ; France
; Aix-Marseille Universit茅 ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; Marseille ; France
9. Fakult盲t Physik
; Technische Universit盲t Dortmund ; Dortmund ; Germany
38. European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
; Geneva ; Switzerland
51. School of Physics and Astronomy
; University of Glasgow ; Glasgow ; United Kingdom
30. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI)
; Gatchina ; Russia
25. Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza
; Roma ; Italy
2. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil
22. Sezione INFN di Padova
; Padova ; Italy
7. LAL
; Universit茅 Paris-Sud ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; Orsay ; France
3. Center for High Energy Physics
; Tsinghua University ; Beijing ; China
17. Sezione INFN di Firenze
; Firenze ; Italy
74. Universit脿 di Firenze
; Firenze ; Italy
40. Physik-Institut
; Universit盲t Z眉rich ; Z眉rich ; Switzerland
57. University of Cincinnati
; Cincinnati ; OH ; United States
16. Sezione INFN di Ferrara
; Ferrara ; Italy
73. Universit脿 di Ferrara
; Ferrara ; Italy
58. University of Maryland
; College Park ; MD ; United States
54. School of Physics and Astronomy
; University of Manchester ; Manchester ; United Kingdom
10. Max-Planck-Institut f眉r Kernphysik (MPIK)
; Heidelberg ; Germany
35. Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP)
; Protvino ; Russia
59. Syracuse University
; Syracuse ; NY ; United States
81. Universit脿 della Basilicata
; Potenza ; Italy
11. Physikalisches Institut
; Ruprecht-Karls-Universit盲t Heidelberg ; Heidelberg ; Germany
48. Department of Physics
; University of Warwick ; Coventry ; United Kingdom
36. Universitat de Barcelona
; Barcelona ; Spain
60. Pontif铆cia Universidade Cat贸lica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil ; associated to 2
47. Cavendish Laboratory
; University of Cambridge ; Cambridge ; United Kingdom
28. National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ)
; Warsaw ; Poland
39. Ecole Polytechnique F茅d茅rale de Lausanne (EPFL)
; Lausanne ; Switzerland
; Universit茅 de Savoie ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; Annecy-Le-Vieux ; France
23. Sezione INFN di Pisa
; Pisa ; Italy
1. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F铆sicas (CBPF)
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil
31. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP)
; Moscow ; Russia
; Universit茅 Pierre et Marie Curie ; Universit茅 Paris Diderot ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; Paris ; France
18. Laboratori Nazionali dell鈥橧NFN di Frascati
; Frascati ; Italy
32. Institute of Nuclear Physics
; Moscow State University (SINP MSU) ; Moscow ; Russia
45. University of Birmingham
; Birmingham ; United Kingdom
76. Universit脿 di Modena e Reggio Emilia
; Modena ; Italy
34. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University
; Novosibirsk ; Russia
15. Sezione INFN di Cagliari
; Cagliari ; Italy
20. Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca
; Milano ; Italy
78. Universit脿 di Milano Bicocca
; Milano ; Italy
; La Salle ; Universitat Ramon Llull ; Barcelona ; Spain
14. Sezione INFN di Bologna
; Bologna ; Italy
71. Universit脿 di Bologna
; Bologna ; Italy
24. Sezione INFN di Roma Tor Vergata
; Roma ; Italy
79. Universit脿 di Roma Tor Vergata
; Roma ; Italy
19. Sezione INFN di Genova
; Genova ; Italy
77. Universit脿 di Genova
; Genova ; Italy
50. School of Physics and Astronomy
; University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; United Kingdom
87. Scuola Normale Superiore
; Pisa ; Italy
55. Department of Physics
; University of Oxford ; Oxford ; United Kingdom
26. Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
; Krak贸w ; Poland
29. Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
; Bucharest ; Magurele ; Romania
56. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
; Cambridge ; MA ; United States
53. Imperial College London
; London ; United Kingdom
43. NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT)
; Kharkiv ; Ukraine
49. STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
; Didcot ; United Kingdom
33. Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAN)
; Moscow ; Russia
27. AGH - University of Science and Technology
; Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science ; Krak贸w ; Poland
21. Sezione INFN di Milano
; Milano ; Italy
89. Politecnico di Milano
; Milano ; Italy
68. Universidade Federal do Tri芒ngulo Mineiro (UFTM)
; Uberaba ; MG ; Brazil
63. Institut f眉r Physik
; Universit盲t Rostock ; Rostock ; Germany ; associated to 11
42. Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam
; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
82. AGH - University of Science and Technology
; Faculty of Computer Science ; Electronics and Telecommunications ; Krak贸w ; Poland
64. National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute
; Moscow ; Russia ; associated to 31
85. Universit脿 di Padova
; Padova ; Italy
72. Universit脿 di Cagliari
; Cagliari ; Italy
65. Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)
; Universitat de Valencia-CSIC ; Valencia ; Spain ; associated to 36
12. School of Physics
; University College Dublin ; Dublin ; Ireland
62. Departamento de Fisica
; Universidad Nacional de Colombia ; Bogota ; Colombia ; associated to8
84. Hanoi University of Science
; Hanoi ; Viet Nam
44. Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences (KINR)
; Kyiv ; Ukraine
66. Van Swinderen Institute
; University of Groningen ; Groningen ; The Netherlands ; associated to 41
13. Sezione INFN di Bari
; Bari ; Italy
70. Universit脿 di Bari
; Bari ; Italy
88. Universit脿 degli Studi di Milano
; Milano ; Italy
80. Universit脿 di Roma La Sapienza
; Roma ; Italy
67. Celal Bayar University
; Manisa ; Turkey ; associated to 38
86. Universit脿 di Pisa
; Pisa ; Italy
75. Universit脿 di Urbino
; Urbino ; Italy
61. Institute of Particle Physics
; Central China Normal University ; Wuhan ; Hubei ; China ; associated to 3
69. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute
; Russian Academy of Science (LPI RAS) ; Moscow ; Russia
刊名:Journal of High Energy Physics
2. Measurement of the Z+b-jet cross-section in pp collisions at \( \sqrt{s} \) = 7 TeV in the forward region
作者:R. Aaij (41)
B. Adeva (37)
M. Adinolfi (46)
A. Affolder (52)
Z. Ajaltouni (5)
S. Akar (6)
J. Albrecht (9)
F. Alessio (38)
M. Alexander (51)
S. Ali (41)
G. Alkhazov (30)
P. Alvarez Cartelle (37)
A. A. Alves Jr. (25) (38)
S. Amato (2)
S. Amerio (22)
Y. Amhis (7)
L. An (3)
L. Anderlini (17) (74)
J. Anderson (40)
R. Andreassen (57)
M. Andreotti (16) (73)
J. E. Andrews (58)
R. B. Appleby (54)
O. Aquines Gutierrez (10)
F. Archilli (38)
A. Artamonov (35)
M. Artuso (59)
E. Aslanides (6)
G. Auriemma (25) (81)
M. Baalouch (5)
S. Bachmann (11)
J. J. Back (48)
A. Badalov (36)
C. Baesso (60)
W. Baldini (16)
R. J. Barlow (54)
C. Barschel (38)
S. Barsuk (7)
W. Barter (47)
V. Batozskaya (28)
V. Battista (39)
A. Bay (39)
L. Beaucourt (4)
J. Beddow (51)
F. Bedeschi (23)
I. Bediaga (1)
S. Belogurov (31)
K. Belous (35)
I. Belyaev (31)
E. Ben-Haim (8)
G. Bencivenni (18)
S. Benson (38)
J. Benton (46)
A. Berezhnoy (32)
R. Bernet (40)
AB Bertolin (22)
M.-O. Bettler (47)
M. van Beuzekom (41)
A. Bien (11)
S. Bifani (45)
T. Bird (54)
A. Bizzeti (17) (76)
P. M. Bj酶rnstad (54)
T. Blake (48)
F. Blanc (39)
J. Blouw (10)
S. Blusk (59)
V. Bocci (25)
A. Bondar (34)
N. Bondar (30) (38)
W. Bonivento (15)
S. Borghi (54)
A. Borgia (59)
M. Borsato (7)
T. J. V. Bowcock (52)
E. Bowen (40)
C. Bozzi (16)
D. Brett (54)
M. Britsch (10)
T. Britton (59)
J. Brodzicka (54)
N. H. Brook (46)
A. Bursche (40)
J. Buytaert (38)
S. Cadeddu (15)
R. Calabrese (16) (73)
M. Calvi (20) (78)
M. Calvo Gomez (36) (83)
P. Campana (18)
D. Campora Perez (38)
L. Capriotti (54)
A. Carbone (14) (71)
G. Carboni (24) (79)
R. Cardinale (19) (38) (77)
A. Cardini (15)
L. Carson (50)
K. Carvalho Akiba (2) (38)
R. C. M. Casanova Mohr (36)
G. Casse (52)
L. Cassina (20) (78)
L. Castillo Garcia (38)
M. Cattaneo (38)
Ch. Cauet (9)
R. Cenci (23) (87)
M. Charles (8)
Ph. Charpentier (38)
M. Chefdeville (4)
S. Chen (54)
S.-F. Cheung (55)
N. Chiapolini (40)
M. Chrzaszcz (26) (40)
X. Cid Vidal (38)
G. Ciezarek (41)
P. E. L. Clarke (50)
M. Clemencic (38)
H. V. Cliff (47)
J. Closier (38)
V. Coco (38)
J. Cogan (6)
E. Cogneras (5)
V. Cogoni (15)
L. Cojocariu (29)
G. Collazuol (22)
P. Collins (38)
A. Comerma-Montells (11)
A. Contu (15) (38)
A. Cook (46)
M. Coombes (46)
S. Coquereau (8)
G. Corti (38)
M. Corvo (16) (73)
I. Counts (56)
B. Couturier (38)
G. A. Cowan (50)
D. C. Craik (48)
A. C. Crocombe (48)
M. Cruz Torres (60)
S. Cunliffe (53)
R. Currie (53)
C. D鈥橝mbrosio (38)
J. Dalseno (46)
P. David (8)
P. N. Y. David (41)
A. Davis (57)
K. De Bruyn (41)
S. De Capua (54)
M. De Cian (11)
J. M. De Miranda (1)
L. De Paula (2)
W. De Silva (57)
P. De Simone (18)
C.-T. Dean (51)
D. Decamp (4)
M. Deckenhoff (9)
L. Del Buono (8)
N. D茅l茅age (4)
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O. Deschamps (5)
F. Dettori (38)
B. Dey (40)
A. Di Canto (38)
A Di Domenico (25)
H. Dijkstra (38)
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M. Dorigo (39)
A. Dosil Su谩rez (37)
D. Dossett (48)
A. Dovbnya (43)
K. Dreimanis (52)
G. Dujany (54)
F. Dupertuis (39)
P. Durante (38)
R. Dzhelyadin (35)
A. Dziurda (26)
A. Dzyuba (30)
S. Easo (38) (49)
U. Egede (53)
V. Egorychev (31)
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S. Eisenhardt (50)
U. Eitschberger (9)
R. Ekelhof (9)
L. Eklund (51)
I. El Rifai (5)
Ch. Elsasser (40)
S. Ely (59)
S. Esen (11)
H.-M. Evans (47)
T. Evans (55)
A. Falabella (14)
C. F盲rber (11)
C. Farinelli (41)
N. Farley (45)
S. Farry (52)
R. Fay (52)
D. Ferguson (50)
V. Fernandez Albor (37)
F. Ferreira Rodrigues (1)
M. Ferro-Luzzi (38)
S. Filippov (33)
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M. Fiorini (16) (73)
M. Firlej (27)
C. Fitzpatrick (39)
T. Fiutowski (27)
P. Fol (53)
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R. Forty (38)
O. Francisco (2)
M. Frank (38)
C. Frei (38)
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J. Fu (21) (38)
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Y. Gao (3)
J. Garc铆a Pardi帽as (37)
J. Garofoli (59)
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Yu. Guz (35) (38)
T. Gys (38)
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J. M. Otalora Goicochea (2)
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E. Smith (53)
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F Sterpka (59)
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S. Wandernoth (11)
J. Wang (59)
D. R. Ward (47)
N. K. Watson (45)
D. Websdale (53)
M. Whitehead (48)
D. Wiedner (11)
G. Wilkinson (38) (55)
M. Wilkinson (59)
M. P. Williams (45)
M. Williams (56)
H. W. Wilschut (66)
F. F. Wilson (49)
J. Wimberley (58)
J. Wishahi (9)
W. Wislicki (28)
M. Witek (26)
G. Wormser (7)
S. A. Wotton (47)
S. Wright (47)
K. Wyllie (38)
Y. Xie (61)
Z. Xing (59)
Z. Xu (39)
Z. Yang (3)
X. Yuan (3)
O. Yushchenko (35)
M. Zangoli (14)
M. Zavertyaev (10) (69)
L. Zhang (3)
W. C. Zhang (12)
Y. Zhang (3)
A. Zhelezov (11)
A. Zhokhov (31)
L. Zhong (3)
The LHCb collaboration

41. Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics
; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
37. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
; Santiago de Compostela ; Spain
46. H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory
; University of Bristol ; Bristol ; United Kingdom
52. Oliver Lodge Laboratory
; University of Liverpool ; Liverpool ; United Kingdom
5. Clermont Universit茅
; Universit茅 Blaise Pascal ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; LPC ; Clermont-Ferrand ; France
; Aix-Marseille Universit茅 ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; Marseille ; France
9. Fakult盲t Physik
; Technische Universit盲t Dortmund ; Dortmund ; Germany
38. European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
; Geneva ; Switzerland
51. School of Physics and Astronomy
; University of Glasgow ; Glasgow ; United Kingdom
30. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI)
; Gatchina ; Russia
25. Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza
; Roma ; Italy
2. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil
22. Sezione INFN di Padova
; Padova ; Italy
7. LAL
; Universit茅 Paris-Sud ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; Orsay ; France
3. Center for High Energy Physics
; Tsinghua University ; Beijing ; China
17. Sezione INFN di Firenze
; Firenze ; Italy
74. Universit脿 di Firenze
; Firenze ; Italy
40. Physik-Institut
; Universit盲t Z眉rich ; Z眉rich ; Switzerland
57. University of Cincinnati
; Cincinnati ; OH ; United States
16. Sezione INFN di Ferrara
; Ferrara ; Italy
73. Universit脿 di Ferrara
; Ferrara ; Italy
58. University of Maryland
; College Park ; MD ; United States
54. School of Physics and Astronomy
; University of Manchester ; Manchester ; United Kingdom
10. Max-Planck-Institut f眉r Kernphysik (MPIK)
; Heidelberg ; Germany
35. Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP)
; Protvino ; Russia
59. Syracuse University
; Syracuse ; NY ; United States
81. Universit脿 della Basilicata
; Potenza ; Italy
11. Physikalisches Institut
; Ruprecht-Karls-Universit盲t Heidelberg ; Heidelberg ; Germany
48. Department of Physics
; University of Warwick ; Coventry ; United Kingdom
36. Universitat de Barcelona
; Barcelona ; Spain
60. Pontif铆cia Universidade Cat贸lica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil ; associated to 2
47. Cavendish Laboratory
; University of Cambridge ; Cambridge ; United Kingdom
28. National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ)
; Warsaw ; Poland
39. Ecole Polytechnique F茅d茅rale de Lausanne (EPFL)
; Lausanne ; Switzerland
; Universit茅 de Savoie ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; Annecy-Le-Vieux ; France
23. Sezione INFN di Pisa
; Pisa ; Italy
1. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F铆sicas (CBPF)
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil
31. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP)
; Moscow ; Russia
; Universit茅 Pierre et Marie Curie ; Universit茅 Paris Diderot ; CNRS/IN2P3 ; Paris ; France
18. Laboratori Nazionali dell鈥橧NFN di Frascati
; Frascati ; Italy
32. Institute of Nuclear Physics
; Moscow State University (SINP MSU) ; Moscow ; Russia
45. University of Birmingham
; Birmingham ; United Kingdom
76. Universit脿 di Modena e Reggio Emilia
; Modena ; Italy
34. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University
; Novosibirsk ; Russia
15. Sezione INFN di Cagliari
; Cagliari ; Italy
20. Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca
; Milano ; Italy
78. Universit脿 di Milano Bicocca
; Milano ; Italy
; La Salle ; Universitat Ramon Llull ; Barcelona ; Spain
14. Sezione INFN di Bologna
; Bologna ; Italy
71. Universit脿 di Bologna
; Bologna ; Italy
24. Sezione INFN di Roma Tor Vergata
; Roma ; Italy
79. Universit脿 di Roma Tor Vergata
; Roma ; Italy
19. Sezione INFN di Genova
; Genova ; Italy
77. Universit脿 di Genova
; Genova ; Italy
50. School of Physics and Astronomy
; University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; United Kingdom
87. Scuola Normale Superiore
; Pisa ; Italy
55. Department of Physics
; University of Oxford ; Oxford ; United Kingdom
26. Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
; Krak贸w ; Poland
29. Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
; Bucharest ; Magurele ; Romania
56. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
; Cambridge ; MA ; United States
53. Imperial College London
; London ; United Kingdom
43. NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT)
; Kharkiv ; Ukraine
49. STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
; Didcot ; United Kingdom
33. Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAN)
; Moscow ; Russia
27. AGH - University of Science and Technology
; Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science ; Krak贸w ; Poland
21. Sezione INFN di Milano
; Milano ; Italy
89. Politecnico di Milano
; Milano ; Italy
68. Universidade Federal do Tri芒ngulo Mineiro (UFTM)
; Uberaba ; MG ; Brazil
63. Institut f眉r Physik
; Universit盲t Rostock ; Rostock ; Germany ; associated to 11
42. Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam
; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
82. AGH - University of Science and Technology
; Faculty of Computer Science ; Electronics and Telecommunications ; Krak贸w ; Poland
64. National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute
; Moscow ; Russia ; associated to 31
85. Universit脿 di Padova
; Padova ; Italy
72. Universit脿 di Cagliari
; Cagliari ; Italy
65. Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)
; Universitat de Valencia-CSIC ; Valencia ; Spain ; associated to 36
12. School of Physics
; University College Dublin ; Dublin ; Ireland
62. Departamento de Fisica
; Universidad Nacional de Colombia ; Bogota ; Colombia ; associated to 8
84. Hanoi University of Science
; Hanoi ; Viet Nam
44. Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences (KINR)
; Kyiv ; Ukraine
66. Van Swinderen Institute
; University of Groningen ; Groningen ; The Netherlands ; associated to 41
13. Sezione INFN di Bari
; Bari ; Italy
70. Universit脿 di Bari
; Bari ; Italy
88. Universit脿 degli Studi di Milano
; Milano ; Italy
80. Universit脿 di Roma La Sapienza
; Roma ; Italy
67. Celal Bayar University
; Manisa ; Turkey ; associated to 38
86. Universit脿 di Pisa
; Pisa ; Italy
75. Universit脿 di Urbino
; Urbino ; Italy
61. Institute of Particle Physics
; Central China Normal University ; Wuhan ; Hubei ; China ; associated to 3
69. P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute
; Russian Academy of Science (LPI RAS) ; Moscow ; Russia
刊名:Journal of High Energy Physics
4. Bacteria or melanosomes? A geochemical analysis of micro-bodies on a tadpole from the Oligocene Enspel Formation of Germany
5. Food allergy in the Netherlands: differences in clinical severity, causative foods, sensitization and DBPCFC between community and outpatients
作者:Thuy-My Le (1)
Els van Hoffen (1) (10)
Ischa Kummeling (1) (2)
James Potts (2)
Barbara K Ballmer-Weber (3)
Carla AFM Bruijnzeel-Koomen (1)
Ans FM Lebens (1)
Jonas Lidholm (4)
Titia M Lindner (1)
Alan Mackie (5)
EN Clare Mills (6)
Ronald van Ree (7)
Stefan Vieths (8)
Montserrat Fern谩ndez-Rivas (9)
Peter G Burney (2)
Andr茅 C Knulst (1)

1. Department of Dermatology/Allergology
; University Medical Center Utrecht ; PO Box 85500 ; 3508 GA ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
10. Current affiliation
; NIZO food research ; Ede ; The Netherlands
2. Department of Respiratory Epidemiology
; Occupational Medicine and Public Health ; National Heart and Lung Institute ; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
3. Allergy Unit
; Department of Dermatology ; University Hospital Z眉rich ; Z眉rich ; Switzerland
4. Thermo Fisher Scientific
; Uppsala ; Sweden
5. Institute of Food Research
; Norwich Research Park ; Colney ; Norwich ; NR4 7UA ; UK
6. Institute of Inflammation and Repair
; Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre ; Manchester Institute of Biotechnology ; The University of Manchester ; Manchester ; UK
7. Department of Experimental Immunology and Department of Otorhinolaryngology
; Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
8. Division of Allergology
; Paul-Ehrlich-Institut ; Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines ; Langen ; Germany
9. Allergy Department
; Hospital Clinico San Carlos ; IdISSC ; Madrid ; Spain
刊名:Clinical and Translational Allergy
7. A reliable method for the detection of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in fixed tumour tissue utilising multiplex PCR-based targeted next generation sequencing
8. COMBINE archive and OMEX format: one file to share all information to reproduce a modeling project
作者:Frank T Bergmann (1)
Richard Adams (2)
Stuart Moodie (3) (4)
Jonathan Cooper (5)
Mihai Glont (3)
Martin Golebiewski (6)
Michael Hucka (7)
Camille Laibe (3)
Andrew K Miller (8)
David P Nickerson (8)
Brett G Olivier (9)
Nicolas Rodriguez (10)
Herbert M Sauro (11)
Martin Scharm (12)
Stian Soiland-Reyes (13)
Dagmar Waltemath (12)
Florent Yvon (3)
Nicolas Le Nov猫re (10) (3)

1. Modelling of Biological Processes
; BioQUANT/COS ; University of Heidelberg ; INF 267 ; Heidelberg ; 69120 ; Germany
2. ResearchSpace
; 24 Fountainhall Road ; Edinburgh ; EH9 2LW ; UK
3. European Molecular Biology Laboratory
; European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) ; Wellcome Trust Genome Campus ; Hinxton ; Cambridge ; CB10 1SD ; UK
4. Current affiliation
; Eight Pillars Ltd ; 19 Redford Walk ; Edinburgh ; EH13 0AG ; UK
5. Department of Computer Science
; University of Oxford ; Wolfson Building ; Parks Road ; Oxford ; OX1 3QD ; UK
6. HITS gGmbH
; Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35 ; D-69118 ; Heidelberg ; Germany
7. Computing and Mathematical sciences
; California Institute of Technology ; Pasadena ; CA ; 91125 ; USA
8. Auckland Bioengineering Institute
; University of Auckland ; Private Bag 92019 ; Auckland Mail Centre ; Auckland ; 1142 ; New Zealand
9. Systems Bioinformatics
; VU University Amsterdam ; Amsterdam ; 1081 HV ; The Netherlands
10. Babraham Institute
; Babraham Research Campus ; Cambridge ; CB22 3AT ; UK
11. Department of Bioengineering
; University of Washington ; Seattle ; 98195 ; WA ; USA
12. Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
; University of Rostock ; Ulmenstrasse 69 ; Rostock ; 18057 ; Germany
13. School of Computer Science
; The University of Manchester ; Oxford Road ; Manchester ; M13 9PL ; UK
刊名:BMC Bioinformatics
9. Precautionary labelling of foods for allergen content: are we ready for a global framework?
作者:Katrina J Allen (1) (2) (3)
Paul J Turner (4) (5)
Ruby Pawankar (6)
Stephen Taylor (7)
Scott Sicherer (8)
Gideon Lack (10) (9)
Nelson Rosario (11)
Motohiro Ebisawa (12)
Gary Wong (13)
E N Clare Mills (3)
Kirsten Beyer (14)
Alessandro Fiocchi (15)
Hugh A Sampson (8)

1. Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
; Department of Allergy and Immunology ; The University of Melbourne ; Melbourne ; Australia
2. Department of Paediatrics
; Royal Children鈥檚 Hospital ; Parkville ; Australia
3. Institute of Inflammation and Repair
; Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre ; Manchester Institute of Biotechnology ; The University of Manchester ; Manchester ; UK
4. Section of Paediatrics
; Allergy and Infectious Diseases ; MRC and Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma ; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
5. Division of Paediatrics & Child Health
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
6. Division of Allergy
; Department of Pediatrics ; Nippon Medical School ; 1-1-5 ; Sendagi ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8603 ; Japan
7. Food Allergy Research & Resource Program
; Department of Food Science & Technology ; University of Nebraska ; Lincoln ; NE ; USA
8. Division of Allergy and Immunology
; Department of Pediatrics ; Jaffe Food Allergy Institute ; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai ; New York ; NY ; USA
10. Children鈥檚 Allergy Unit
; Guy鈥檚 and St. Thomas鈥?NHS Foundation Trust ; London ; UK
9. Division of Asthma
; Allergy and Lung Biology ; MRC and Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma ; King鈥檚 College London ; London ; UK
11. University of Parana
; Curitiba ; Brazil
12. Department of Allergy
; Clinical Research Center for Allergy and Rheumatology ; Sagamihara National Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
13. Department of Paediatrics and School of Public Health
; Chinese University of Hong Kong ; Shatin ; Hong Kong
14. Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunulogy
; Charit茅 Universit盲tsmedizin Berlin ; Berlin ; Germany
15. Hospital Bambino Ges霉
; Vatican City ; Rome ; Italy
刊名:World Allergy Organization Journal
10. A systematic review of the prevalence of Morquio A syndrome: challenges for study reporting in rare diseases
作者:Regina M Leadley (1)
Shona Lang (1)
Kate Misso (1)
Trudy Bekkering (2)
Janine Ross (1)
Takeyuki Akiyama (3)
Michael Fietz (4)
Roberto Giugliani (5)
Chris J Hendriksz (6)
Ngu Lock Hock (7)
Jim McGill (8)
Andrew Olaye (9)
Mohit Jain (10)
Jos Kleijnen (1) (11)

1. Kleijnen Systematic Reviews
; Unit 6 ; Escrick Business Park ; Escrick ; York ; YO19 6FD ; UK
2. BeSyReBekkering Systematic Reviews
; Geel ; Belgium
3. Japan society of patients and families with Mucopolysaccharidoses
; 2-37-3 ; Minamisyojyaku ; Suita-Shi ; Osaka ; 564-0012 ; Japan
4. Department of Biochemical Genetics
; SA Pathology (at WCH) ; 72 King William Road ; North Adelaide ; SA ; 5006 ; Australia
5. Chief of the Medical Genetics Service
; Clinic Hospital of Porto ; Porto Alegre ; Rio Grande do Sul ; Brazil
6. Clinical lead- Adult Inherited Metabolic Disorders
; Consultant Transitional Metabolic Medicine ; Manchester Academic Health Science Centre ; The Mark Holland Metabolic Unit ; Salford Royal Foundation NHS Trust ; Ladywell NW2- 2nd Floor Room 107 ; Salford ; Manchester ; M6 8H ; UK
7. Consultant Pediatrician and Clinical Geneticist
; Clinical Genetics & Metabolic Department ; Kuala Lumpur Hospital ; Jalan Pahang ; Kuala Lumpur ; 50586 ; Malaysia
8. Metabolic physician and Clinical geneticist Department of Metabolic Medicine
; Royal Children鈥檚 Hospital ; Brisbane ; Australia
9. Snr Market Access Manager EUMEA
; BioMarin Europe Ltd ; 164 Shaftesbury Ave ; London ; WC2H 8HL ; United Kingdom
10. Market Access & Public Policy EUMEA BioMarin Europe Ltd
; 164 Shaftesbury Ave ; London ; WC2H 8HL ; United Kingdom
11. School for Public Health and Primary Care (CAPHRI)
; Maastricht University ; Maastricht ; Netherlands
刊名:Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases

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