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1. Postharvest decay of nectarine and plum caused by Penicillium spp.
刊名:European Journal of Plant Pathology
3. Methodological Considerations in Service Use Assessment for Children and Youth with Mental Health Conditions; Issues for Economic Evaluation
作者:M. Woolderink (1)
F. L. Lynch (2)
A. D. I. van Asselt (3)
J. Beecham (4)
S. M. A. A. Evers (5)
A. T. G. Paulus (5)
C. P. van Schayck (6)

1. Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Technology Assessment (KEMTA)
; Maastricht University Medical Centre MUMC+/CAPHRI School for Public Health and Primary Care ; Maastricht University ; Postbus 5800 ; 6202 AZ ; Maastricht ; The Netherlands
2. Kaiser Permanente
; Center for Health Research ; Portland ; OR ; USA
3. Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Technology Assessment (KEMTA)
; Maastricht UMC+ ; Maastricht ; The Netherlands
4. Personal Social Services Research Unit
; London School of Economics and Political Sciences ; London ; UK
5. Department of Health Services Research
; Maastricht University/CAPHRI School for Public Health and Primary Care ; Maastricht ; The Netherlands
6. Department of General Practice
; CAPHRI School for Public Health and Primary Care ; Maastricht ; The Netherlands
刊名:Mental Health Services Research
4. How does context influence performance of community health workers in low- and middle-income countries? Evidence from the literature
刊名:Health Research Policy and Systems
5. Choosing care homes as the least preferred place to die: a cross-national survey of public preferences in seven European countries
作者:Natalia Calanzani (1) (2)
Katrien Moens (1)
Joachim Cohen (3)
Irene J Higginson (1)
Richard Harding (1)
Luc Deliens (3) (4)
Franco Toscani (5)
Pedro L Ferreira (6)
Claudia Bausewein (1) (7)
Barbara A Daveson (1)
Marjolein Gysels (8) (9)
Lucas Ceulemans (10)
Barbara Gomes (1)
on behalf of Project PRISMA

1. Department of Palliative Care
; Policy & Rehabilitation ; Cicely Saunders Institute ; King鈥檚 College London ; London ; SE5 9PJ ; UK
2. Centre for Population Health Sciences
; University of Edinburgh ; Teviot Place ; Doorway 1 ; Edinburgh ; EH8 9AG ; UK
3. End-of-Life Care Research Group
; Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) & Ghent University ; Laarbeeklaan 103 ; 1090 ; Brussels ; Belgium
4. VU University Medical Center
; EMGO Institute for Health & Care Research ; Palliative Care Center of Expertise and Department of Public & Occupational Health ; P.O. Box 7057 ; 1007 ; MB ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
5. Fondazione Lino Maestroni - ONLUS
; Istituto di Ricerca in Medicina Palliativa ; Via Palestro ; 1 ; 26100 ; Cremona ; Italy
6. Centre for Health Studies and Research (CEISUC)
; Faculty of Economics ; University of Coimbra ; Av Dias da Silva 165 ; 3004-512 ; Coimbra ; Portugal
7. Department of Palliative Medicine
; Munich University Hospital ; Campus Gro脽hadern ; Marchioninistr ; 15 ; Munich ; Germany
8. Centre for Social Science and Global Health
; University of Amsterdam ; O.Z. Achterburgwal 185 ; 1012 ; DK ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
9. Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB 鈥?Hospital Cl铆nic 鈥?Universitat de Barcelona)
; Rossell贸 132 ; SA 1陋 ; Barcelona ; 08036 ; Spain
10. University Antwerp Belgium
; Campus Drie Eiken ; D.R.307 ; Universiteitsplein 1 ; 2610 ; Wilrijk ; Antwerp ; Antwerp ; Belgium
刊名:BMC Palliative Care
7. Migration intensity has no effect on peak HIV prevalence: an ecological study
刊名:BMC Infectious Diseases
8. Towards a standardised approach for evaluating guidelines and guidance documents on palliative sedation: study protocol
作者:Ebun Abarshi (1)
Judith Rietjens (2) (3)
Augusto Caraceni (4) (5)
Sheila Payne (1)
Luc Deliens (3) (6)
Lieve Van Den Block (3) (7)
on behalf of EURO IMPACT

1. International Observatory on End-of-Life Care
; Lancaster University ; Lancaster ; LA1 4YG ; UK
2. Department of Public Health
; Erasmus Medical Centre ; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
3. End-of-Life Care Research Group
; Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Ghent University ; Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) ; Brussels ; Belgium
4. Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
; Milan ; Italy
5. European Palliative Care Research Center
; Trondheim Norway ; EAPC Research Network ; Milan ; Italy
6. Vrije University Medical Center
; EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
7. Department of Family Medicine
; Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) ; Brussels ; Belgium
刊名:BMC Palliative Care
9. Guidance on priority setting in health care (GPS-Health): the inclusion of equity criteria not captured by cost-effectiveness analysis
作者:Ole F Norheim (1)
Rob Baltussen (2)
Mira Johri (3)
Dan Chisholm (4)
Erik Nord (5)
DanW Brock (6)
Per Carlsson (7)
Richard Cookson (8)
Norman Daniels (9)
Marion Danis (10)
Marc Fleurbaey (11)
Kjell A Johansson (1)
Lydia Kapiriri (12)
Peter Littlejohns (13)
Thomas Mbeeli (14)
Krishna D Rao (15)
Tessa Tan-Torres Edejer (3)
Dan Wikler (9)

1. Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care
; University of Bergen ; PB 7800 ; 5020 ; Bergen ; Norway
2. Nijmegen International Centre for Health Systems Research and Education (NICHE)
; Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
3. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al (CRCHUM)
; Qu茅bec ; Canada
4. Department of Health Systems Financing
; World Health Organization ; Geneva ; Switzerland
5. Norwegian Institute of Public Health
; Oslo ; Norway
6. Harvard Medical School
; Harvard University ; Cambridge ; USA
7. National Centre for Priority Setting in Health Care
; Link枚ping University ; Link枚ping ; Sweden
8. Centre for Health Economics
; University of York ; York ; UK
9. Harvard School of Public Health
; Harvard University ; Cambridge ; USA
10. Section on Ethics and Health Policy
; NIH Clinical Centre ; Bethesda ; USA
11. Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
; Princeton University ; Princeton ; USA
12. Department of Health
; Aging ; and Society ; McMaster University ; Hamilton ; Canada
13. Department of Primary Care and Public Health Sciences
; Division of Health and Social Care Research ; King鈥檚 College London ; Previous affiliation the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) ; London ; England ; UK
14. Ministry of Health and Social Services
; Windhoek ; Namibia
15. Public Health Foundation of India
; New Delhi ; India
刊名:Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation
10. A global assembly of adult female mosquito mark-release-recapture data to inform the control of mosquito-borne pathogens
作者:Carlos A Guerra (14) (15)
Robert C Reiner Jr (14) (16)
T Alex Perkins (14) (16)
Steve W Lindsay (14) (17) (18)
Janet T Midega (19) (20)
Oliver J Brady (21)
Christopher M Barker (14) (22)
William K Reisen (14) (22)
Laura C Harrington (23)
Willem Takken (24)
Uriel Kitron (14) (25)
Alun L Lloyd (14) (26)
Simon I Hay (14) (21)
Thomas W Scott (14) (16)
David L Smith (14) (15) (27)

14. Fogarty International Center
; National Institutes of Health ; Bethesda ; MD ; USA
15. Center for Disease Dynamics
; Economics & Policy ; Washington ; DC ; USA
16. Department of Entomology
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; USA
17. Department of Disease Control
; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ; London ; UK
18. School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
; Durham University ; Durham ; UK
19. Pathogen
; Vector and Human Biology Unit ; KEMRI鈥揢niversity of Oxford鈥揥ellcome Trust Research Programme ; Kilifi ; Kenya
20. Department of Life Sciences
; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
21. Spatial Ecology and Epidemiology Group
; Department of Zoology ; Tinbergen Building ; University of Oxford ; South Parks Road ; Oxford ; United Kingdom
22. Center for Vectorborne Diseases
; Department of Pathology ; Microbiology ; and Immunology ; School of Veterinary Medicine ; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; USA
23. Department of Entomology
; Cornell University ; Ithaca ; NY ; USA
24. Laboratory of Entomology
; Wageningen University ; Wageningen ; The Netherlands
25. Department of Environmental Sciences
; Emory University ; Atlanta ; GA ; USA
26. Department of Mathematics and Biomathematics Graduate Program
; North Carolina State University ; Raleigh ; NC ; USA
27. Department of Epidemiology
; Bloomberg School of Public Health ; Johns Hopkins University ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
刊名:Parasites & Vectors

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