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1. FDG PET/CT: EANM procedure guidelines for tumour imaging: version 2.0
作者:Ronald Boellaard (1)
Roberto Delgado-Bolton (2)
Wim J. G. Oyen (3)
Francesco Giammarile (4)
Klaus Tatsch (5)
Wolfgang Eschner (6)
Fred J. Verzijlbergen (7)
Sally F. Barrington (8)
Lucy C. Pike (8)
Wolfgang A. Weber (9)
Sigrid Stroobants (10)
Dominique Delbeke (11)
Kevin J. Donohoe (12)
Scott Holbrook (13)
Michael M. Graham (14)
Giorgio Testanera (15)
Otto S. Hoekstra (1)
Josee Zijlstra (16)
Eric Visser (3)
Corneline J. Hoekstra (17)
Jan Pruim (18)
Antoon Willemsen (18)
Bertjan Arends (19)
J枚rg Kotzerke (20)
Andreas Bockisch (21)
Thomas Beyer (22)
Arturo Chiti (15)
Bernd J. Krause (23)

1. Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
; VU University Medical Centre ; De Boelelaan 1117 ; 1081 HV ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
2. Department of Diagnostic Imaging (Radiology) and Nuclear Medicine
; San Pedro Hospital and Centre for Biomedical Research of La Rioja (CIBIR) ; University of La Rioja ; Logro帽o ; La Rioja ; Spain
3. Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
; Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
4. Department of Nuclear Medicine
; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon ; Lyon ; France
5. Department of Nuclear Medicine
; Municipal Hospital Karlsruhe Inc. ; Karlsruhe ; Germany
6. Department of Nuclear Medicine
; University of Cologne ; Cologne ; Germany
7. Department of Nuclear Medicine
; Erasmus Medical Center ; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
8. PET Imaging Centre
; St Thomas鈥?Hospital ; Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering ; King鈥檚 College London ; King鈥檚 Health Partners ; London ; UK
9. Department of Radiology
; Memorial Sloan Kettering Center ; New York ; NY ; USA
10. Department of Nuclear Medicine
; Antwerp University Hospital ; Antwerp ; Belgium
11. Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences
; Vanderbilt University Medical Center ; Nashville ; TN ; USA
12. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
; Boston ; MA ; USA
13. Invivo Molecular Imaging LLC
; Gray ; TN ; USA
14. Department of Radiology
; University of Iowa ; Iowa City ; IA ; USA
15. Department of Nuclear Medicine
; Humanitas Clinical and Research Center ; Rozzano ; MI ; Italy
16. Department of Hematology
; VU University Medical Centre ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
17. Department of Nuclear Medicine
; Jeroen Bosch Hospital ; Den Bosch ; The Netherlands
18. Department of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging
; University Medical Centre Groningen ; Groningen ; The Netherlands
19. Department of Clinical Physics
; Catharina Hospital ; Eindhoven ; The Netherlands
20. Clinic and Outpatient Clinic for Nuclear Medicine
; University Hospital Dresden ; Dresden ; Germany
21. Clinic for Nuclear Medicine
; University Hospital Essen ; Essen ; Germany
22. Centre for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
; Medical University of Vienna ; Vienna ; Austria
23. Department of Nuclear Medicine
; University Hospital Rostock ; Rostock ; Germany
刊名:European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
2. Molecular imaging of hypoxia in non-small-cell lung cancer
作者:Connie Yip (1) (2) (7)
Philip J. Blower (3)
Vicky Goh (1) (4)
David B. Landau (1) (5)
Gary J. R. Cook (1) (6)

1. Department of Cancer Imaging
; Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical Engineering ; King鈥檚 College London ; St Thomas鈥?Hospital ; London ; UK
2. Department of Radiation Oncology
; National Cancer Centre ; Singapore ; Singapore
7. Imaging 2
; St Thomas鈥?Hospital ; Level 1 ; Lambeth Wing ; Lambeth Palace Road ; London ; SE1 7EH ; UK
3. Department of Imaging Chemistry & Biology
; Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical Engineering ; King鈥檚 College London ; St Thomas鈥?Hospital ; London ; UK
4. Department of Radiology
; Guy鈥檚 and St Thomas鈥?NHS Foundation Trust ; St Thomas鈥?Hospital ; London ; UK
5. Department of Clinical Oncology
; Guy鈥檚 and St Thomas鈥?NHS Foundation Trust ; St Thomas鈥?Hospital ; London ; UK
6. Clinical PET Imaging Centre
; Guy鈥檚 and St Thomas鈥?NHS Foundation Trust ; St Thomas鈥?Hospital ; London ; UK
刊名:European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
4. Current Status of Interventional Radiology in the Management of Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (GEP-NETs)
刊名:CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology
5. Ileal neuroendocrine tumors and heart: not only valvular consequences
6. Clinical indications for computed tomographic colonography: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) Guideline
作者:Cristiano Spada (1)
Jaap Stoker (2)
Onofre Alarcon (3)
Federico Barbaro (1)
Davide Bellini (4)
Michael Bretthauer (5)
Margriet C. De Haan (2)
Jean-Marc Dumonceau (6)
Monika Ferlitsch (7)
Steve Halligan (8)
Emma Helbren (8)
Mikael Hellstrom (9)
Ernst J. Kuipers (10)
Philippe Lefere (11) (12)
Thomas Mang (13)
Emanuele Neri (14)
Lucio Petruzziello (1)
Andrew Plumb (8)
Daniele Regge (15)
Stuart A. Taylor (8)
Cesare Hassan (1) (16)
Andrea Laghi (4)

1. Digestive Endoscopy Unit
; Catholic University ; Rome ; Italy
2. Department of Radiology
; Academic Medical Center ; University of Amsterdam ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
3. Department of Gastroenterology
; Hospital Universitario de Canarias ; Facultad de Medicina ; Universidad de La Laguna ; La Laguna ; Tenerife ; Spain
4. Department of Radiological Sciences
; Oncology and Pathology ; Sapienza University of Rome ; I.C.O.T. Hospital ; Latina ; Italy
5. Department of Health Economy and Health Management
; University of Oslo ; and Department of Transplantation Medicine ; Gastroenterology Unit ; Oslo University Hospital ; Oslo ; Norway
6. Gedyt Endoscopy Center
; Buenos Aires ; Argentina
7. Department of Internal Medicine III
; Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ; Medical University of Vienna ; Vienna ; Austria
8. Centre for Medical Imaging
; University College London ; London ; UK
9. Department of Radiology
; Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg ; Gothenburg ; Sweden
10. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
; Erasmus MC University Medical Center ; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
11. Virtual Colonoscopy Teaching Centre
; Hooglede ; Belgium
12. AZ Delta
; Roeselare ; Belgium
13. Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy
; Medical University of Vienna ; Vienna ; Austria
14. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
; University of Pisa ; Pisa ; Italy
15. Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment
; Candiolo-Torino ; Italy
16. Department of Gastroenterology
; Ospedale Nuovo Regina Margherita ; Via Morosini 30 ; Rome ; 00100 ; Italy
刊名:European Radiology
8. Diagnostic Performance and Comparative Cost-Effectiveness of Non-invasive Imaging Tests in Patients Presenting with Chronic Stable Chest Pain with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease: A Systematic Overview
作者:Claudia N. van Waardhuizen (1) (2) (7)
Marieke Langhout (1) (2)
Felisia Ly (1) (2)
Loes Braun (1) (2)
Tessa S. S. Genders (1) (2)
Steffen E. Petersen (3)
Kirsten E. Fleischmann (4)
Koen Nieman (5)
M. G. Myriam Hunink (1) (2) (6)

1. Department of Epidemiology
; Erasmus University Medical Center ; Internal postal address Na2818 ; P.O. Box 2040 ; 3000 ; CA ; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
2. Department of Radiology
; Erasmus University Medical Center ; Internal postal address Na2818 ; P.O. Box 2040 ; 3000 ; CA ; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
7. Department of Tertiary care
; Quality ; Audits and Finance ; Association of Tertiary Medical Teaching Hospitals (STZ) ; P.O. Box 9696 ; 3506 ; GR ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
3. Centre for Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
; NIHR Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit at Barts ; William Harvey Research Institute ; Queen Mary University of London ; Bethnal Green ; London ; E2 9JX ; UK
4. Division of Cardiology
; UCSF Medical Center ; 505 Parnassus Ave ; P.O. Box 0124 ; San Francisco ; CA ; 94143-0124 ; USA
5. Department of Cardiology
; Erasmus University Medical Center ; P.O. Box 2040 ; 3000 ; CA ; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
6. Department of Health Decision Sciences
; Harvard School of Public Health ; Harvard University ; Boston ; MA ; USA
刊名:Current Cardiology Reports
9. Excessive left ventricular trabeculation does not promote cardiac dysfunction in asymptomatic middle aged and older individuals with preserved cardiac function: an analysis from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
作者:Filip Zemrak (99)
Mark A Ahlman (100)
Gaby Captur (101) (102)
Saidi A Mohiddin (99)
Nadine Kawel-Boehm (103)
Martin R Prince (104)
James Moon (101) (102)
Gregory Hundley (105)
Joao A Lima (106)
David Bluemke (100)
Steffen E Petersen (99)

99. Centre of Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
; Queen Mary University of London/The London Chest Hospital ; London ; UK
100. Radiology and Imaging Sciences
; National Institutes of Health Clinical Center ; Bethesda ; MD ; USA
101. MRI Unit
; The Heart Hospital ; London ; UK
102. Institute of Cardiovascular Science
; University College London and The Heart Hospital ; London ; UK
103. Department of Radiology
; Kantonsspital Graubuenden ; Chur ; Switzerland
104. Weill Cornell Medical Center
; New York ; NY ; USA
105. Department of Internal Medicine
; Wake Forest University ; Winston-Salem ; NC ; USA
106. Cardiology Division
; Department of Medicine ; Johns Hopkins Hospital ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
刊名:Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
10. A realistic MR compatible aortic phantom to validate hemodynamic parameters from MRI data: aortic coarctation patients comparison using catheterization
作者:Jesus Urbina (57) (60)
Julio Sotelo (57) (61)
Cristian Tejos (57) (61)
Pablo Irarrazaval (57) (61)
Marcelo E Andia (57) (62)
Reza Razavi (58)
Israel Valverde (59) (63)
Sergio Uribe (57) (62)

57. Biomedical Imaging Center
; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ; Santiago ; Chile
60. School of Medicine
; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ; Santiago ; Chile
61. Electrical Engineering Department
; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ; Santiago ; Chile
62. Radiology Department
; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ; Santiago ; Chile
58. Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
; King’s College London ; London ; UK
59. Institute of Biomedicine of Seville
; Universidad de Sevilla ; Seville ; Spain
63. Cardiology Unit
; Hospital Virgen del Rocío ; Universidad de Sevilla ; Seville ; Spain
刊名:Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

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