在“Elsevier电子期刊”中,命中:36条,耗时:0.0769634 秒


1.Toiling with teeth: An integrated dental analysis of sheep and cattle dentition in Iron Age and Viking-Late Norse Orkney
作者:Ingrid Mainlanda ; ingrid.mainland@uhi.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Jacqueline Towersb ; J.R.Towers1@bradford.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Vicki Ewensc ; vewens@mola.org.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Geoffrey Davisd ; g.davis@exeter.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Janet Montgomerye ; janet.montgomery@durham.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Colleen Bateyf ; colleen.batey@glasgow.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Nick Carda ; nick.card@uhi.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Jane Downesa ; jane.downes@uhi.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
2.Expression of FBN1 during adipogenesis: Relevance to the lipodystrophy phenotype in Marfan syndrome and related conditions
刊名:Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
3.Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer: is it ‘what you do’ or ‘the way that you do it’? A UK Perspective on Technique and Quality Assurance
作者:M.D. Mason&lowast ; ; &dagger ; ; masonmd@cardiff.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; R. Moore&Dagger ; ; G. Jones§ ; ; G. Lewis§ ; ; J.L. Donovan ; ; D.E. Neal|| ; F.C. Hamdy&lowast ; &lowast ; ; J.A. Lane ; ; 1 ; J.N. Staffurth&dagger ; ; 1 ; the ProtecT Study GroupSue Bonnington ; Lynne Bradshaw ; Debbie Cooper ; Emma Elliott ; Pippa Herbert ; Peter Holding ; Joanne Howson ; Mandy Jones ; Teresa Lennon ; Norma Lyons ; Hilary Moody ; Claire Plumb ; Tricia O'Sullivan ; Liz Salter ; Sarah Tidball ; Pauline Thompson ; Tonia Adam ; Sarah Askew ; Sharon Atkinson ; Tim Baynes ; Jan Blaikie ; Carole Brain ; Viv Breen ; Sarah Brunt ; Sean Bryne ; Jo Bythem ; Jenny Clarke ; Jenny Cloete ; Susan Dark ; Gill Davis ; Rachael De La Rue ; Jane Denizot ; Elspeth Dewhurst ; Anna Dimes ; Nicola Dixon ; Penny Ebbs ; Ingrid Emmerson ; Jill Ferguson ; Ali Gadd ; Lisa Geoghegan ; Alison Grant ; Collette Grant ; Catherine Gray ; Rosemary Godfrey ; Louise Goodwin ; Susie Hall ; Liz Hart ; Andrew Harvey ; Chloe Hoult ; Sarah Hawkins ; Sharon Holling ; Alastair Innes ; Sue Kilner ; Fiona Marshall ; Louise Mellen ; Andrea Moore ; Sally Napier ; Julie Needham ; Kevin Pearse ; Anna Pisa ; Mark Rees ; Elliw Richards ; Lindsay Robson ; Janet Roxburgh ; Nikki Samuel ; Irene Sharkey ; Michael Slater ; Donna Smith ; Pippa Taggart ; Helen Taylor ; Vicky Taylor ; Ayesha Thomas ; Briony Tomkies ; Nicola Trewick ; Claire Ward ; Christy Walker ; Ayesha Williams ; Colin Woodhouse ; Elizabeth Wyber ; Jonathan Aning ; Prasad Bollina ; Jim Catto ; Andrew Doble ; Alan Doherty ; Garett Durkan ; David Gillatt ; Owen Hughes ; Roger Kocklebergh ; Anthony Kouparis ; Howard Kynaston ; Hing Leung ; Param Mariappan ; Alan McNeill ; Edgar Paez ; Alan Paul ; Raj Persad ; Philip Powell ; Stephen Prescott ; Derek Rosario ; Edward Rowe ; Hartwig Schwaibold ; David Tulloch ; Mike Wallace ; Amit Bahl ; Richard Benson ; Mark Beresford ; Catherine Ferguson ; John Graham ; Chris Herbert ; Graham Howard ; Nick James ; Alastair Law ; Carmel Loughrey ; Malcolm Mason ; Duncan McClaren ; Helen Patterson2 ; Ian Pedley ; Angus Robinson ; Simon Russell ; John Staffurth ; Paul Symonds ; Narottam Thanvi ; Subramaniam Vasanthan ; Paula Wilson ; Helen Appleby ; Dominic Ash ; Dean Aston ; Steven Bolton ; Graham Chalmers ; John Conway ; Nick Early ; Tony Geater ; Lynda Goddall ; Claire Heymann ; Deborah Hicks ; Liza Jones ; Susan Lamb ; Geoff Lambert ; Gill Lawrence ; Geraint Lewis ; John Lilley ; Aileen MacLeod ; Pauline Massey ; Alison McQueen ; Rollo Moore ; Lynda Penketh ; Janet Potterton ; Neil Roberts ; Helen Showler ; Stephen Slade ; Alasdair Steele ; James Swinscoe ; Marie Tiffany ; John Townley ; Jo Treeby ; Joyce Wilkinson ; Lorraine Williams ; Lucy Wills ; Owain Woodley ; Sue Yarrow ; Selina Bhattarai ; Neeta Deshmukh ; John Dormer ; Malee Fernando ; John Goepel ; David Griffiths ; Ken Grigor ; Nick Mayer ; Jon Oxley ; Mary Robinson ; Murali Varma ; Anne Warren ; Lucy Brindle ; Michael Davis ; Dan Dedman ; Elizabeth Down ; Hanan Khazragui ; Chris Metcalfe ; Sian Noble ; Tim Peters ; Hilary Taylor ; Emma Turner ; Julia Wade ; Eleanor Walsh ; Susan Baker ; Elizabeth Bellis-Sheldon ; Chantal Bougard ; Joanne Bowtell ; Catherine Brewer ; Chris Burton ; Jennie Charlton ; Nicholas Christoforou ; Rebecca Clark ; Susan Coull ; Christine Croker ; Rosemary Currer ; Claire Daisey ; Gill Delaney ; Rose Donohue ; Jane Drew ; Rebecca Farmer ; Susan Fry ; Jean Haddow ; Alex Hale ; Susan Halpin ; Belle Harris ; Barbara Hattrick ; Sharon Holmes ; Helen Hunt ; Vicky Jackson ; Donna Johnson ; Mandy Le Butt ; Jo Leworthy ; Tanya Liddiatt ; Alex Martin ; Jainee Mauree ; Susan Moore ; Gill Moulam ; Jackie Mutch ; Kathleen Parker ; Christopher Pawsey ; Michelle Purdie ; Teresa Robson ; Lynne Smith ; Carole Stenton ; Tom Steuart-Feilding ; Chris Sully ; Caroline Sutton ; Carol Torrington ; Zoe Wilkins ; Sharon Williams ; Andrea Wilson ; Adrian Grant ; Ian Roberts ; Deborah Ashby ; Richard Cowan ; Peter Fayers ; Killian Mellon ; James N'Dow ; Tim O'Brien ; Michael Sokhal ; Michael Baum ; Jan Adolfson ; Peter Albertsen ; David Dearnaley ; Fritz Schroeder ; Tracy Roberts ; Anthony Zietman
刊名:Clinical Oncology
4.Public reporting on quality, waiting times and patient experience in 11 high-income countries
作者:Bernd Rechela ; Bernd.Rechel@lshtm.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Martin McKeea ; Marion Haasb ; Marion.Haas@chere.uts.edu.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Gregory P. Marchildonc ; greg.marchildon@utoronto.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Frederic Bousquetd ; Frederic.Bousquet@cnamts.fr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Miriam Blü ; mele ; miriam.bluemel@tu-berlin.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Alexander Geisslere ; a.geissler@tu-berlin.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ewout van Ginnekene ; ewout.vanginneken@tu-berlin.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Toni Ashtonf ; toni.ashton@auckland.ac.nz" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ingrid Sperre Saunesg ; Ingrid.Sperre.Saunes@kunnskapssenteret.no" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Anders Anellh ; anders.anell@fek.lu.se" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Wilm Quentine ; wilm.quentin@tu-berlin.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Richard Saltmani ; rsaltma@sph.emory.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Steven Culleri ; sculler@sph.emory.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Andrew Barnesj ; andrew.barnes@vcuhealth.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Willy Palmk ; wpa@obs.euro.who.int" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ellen Noltel ; E.Nolte@lse.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Health Policy
9.Fish consumption in mid-childhood and its relationship to neuropsychological outcomes measured in 7-9 year old children using a NUTRIMENTHE neuropsychological battery
作者:M. Gispert-Llauradoa ; Miguel Perez-Garciab ; J. Escribanoa ; R. Closa-Monasteroloa ; V. Luquea ; V. Grotec ; M. Weberc ; F.J. Torres-Esp&iacute ; nolad ; J. Czech-Kowalskae ; E. Verducif ; F. Marting ; M.J. Piquerasd ; B. Koletzkoc ; T. Decsih ; Cristina Campoyb ; d ; P.M. Emmetti ; p.m.emmett@bristol.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; The EU Childhood Obesity Trial (CHOP) Study Group Philippe Goyensj ; Clotilde Carlierj ; Joana Hoyosj ; Pascale Ponceletj ; Elena Dainj ; Franç ; oise Martink ; Annick Xhonneuxk ; Jean-Paul Langhendriesk ; Jean-Noel Van Heesk ; Deborah Rousseauxk ; Ricardo Closa-Monasterolol ; Joaquin Escribanol ; Veronica Luquel ; Georgina Mendezl ; Natalia Ferrel ; Marta Zaragoza-Jordanal ; Marcello Giovanninim ; Enrica Rivam ; Carlo Agostonim ; Silvia Scaglionim ; Elvira Verducim ; Fiammetta Vecchim ; Alice Re Dionigim ; Chiara Arrizzam ; Benedetta Marianim ; Jerzy Sochan ; Piotr Sochan ; Anna Stolarczykn ; Katarzyna Szottn ; Anna Dobrzańskao ; Dariusz Gruszfeldo ; Agnieszka Kowalikp ; Roman Janasq ; Ewa Pietraszekq ; Emmanuel Perrinr ; ; diger von Kriess ; Helfried Groebet ; Anna Reitht ; Renate Hofmannt ; Berthold Koletzkou ; Veit Groteu ; Martina Weberu ; Peter Rzehaku ; Sonia Schiessu ; Jeannette Beyeru ; Michaela Fritschu ; Uschi Handelu ; Ingrid Pawelleku ; Sabine Verwied-Jorkyu ; Iris Hannibalu ; Hans Demmelmairu ; Gudrun Haileu ; Franca Kirchbergu ; Lusine Akopjanu
刊名:Clinical Nutrition

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