在“Elsevier电子期刊”中,命中:19条,耗时:0.0380115 秒


6.The Development of Cortical Microinfarcts Is Associated with Intracranial Atherosclerosis: Data from the Chinese Intracranial Atherosclerosis Study
刊名:Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
7.Comparison Between Intraoperative Two-Space Injection Thoracic Paravertebral Block and Wound Infiltration as a Component of Multimodal Analgesia for Postoperative Pain Management After Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Lobectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
8.Efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of an oral recombinant Helicobacter pylori vaccine in children in China: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
9.Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and accelerated DNA methylation ageing: an observational study
作者:Jun Li ; MDa ; b ; &dagger ; ; Xiaoyan Zhu ; MDa ; &dagger ; ; Siyun Deng ; MDa ; Xuezhen Liu ; MDa ; Qifei Deng ; MDa ; Kuai Yu ; MDa ; Huizhen Sun ; MDa ; Prof Xiaomin Zhang ; PhDa ; Prof Huan Guo ; PhDa ; Prof Weihong Chen ; PhDa ; Prof Jing Yuan ; PhDa ; Dan Kuang ; MDa ; Prof Meian He ; PhDa ; Yansen Bai ; MDa ; Xu Han ; MDa ; Bing Liu ; MDa ; Yizhi Zhang ; MDa ; Haijing Jiang ; MDa ; Prof Longxian Cheng ; MDc ; Xiaoting Luo ; MDd ; Wenhua Mei ; MDd ; Zhiming Zhou ; MDe ; Shunchang Sun ; MDe ; Xiaosheng He ; MDa ; Liyun Zhang ; MDf ; Chuanyao Liu ; MDa ; Yanjun Guo ; MDa ; Bing Zhang ; MDa ; Zhihong Zhang ; MDa ; Prof Frank B Hu ; MDb ; g ; h ; Prof Liming Liang ; PhDb ; i ; &dagger ; ; lliang@hsph.harvard.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Prof Tangchun Wu ; MDa ; &dagger ; ; wut@mails.tjmu.edu.cn" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:The Lancet
10.Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health
作者:Nick Watts ; MAa ; nicholas.watts.12@ucl.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Prof W Neil Adger ; PhDi ; Paolo Agnolucci ; PhDb ; Jason Blackstock ; PhDc ; Prof Peter Byass ; PhDl ; Wenjia Cai ; PhDm ; Sarah Chaytor ; MAd ; Tim Colbourn ; PhDa ; Prof Mat Collins ; PhDj ; Adam Cooper ; PhDc ; Prof Peter M Cox ; PhDj ; Joanna Depledge ; PhDn ; Paul Drummond ; MScb ; Prof Paul Ekins ; PhDb ; Victor Galaz ; PhDo ; Delia Grace ; PhDp ; Prof Hilary Graham ; PhDq ; Prof Michael Grubb ; PhDb ; Prof Andy Haines ; FMedScir ; Ian Hamilton ; PhDe ; Alasdair Hunter ; PhDj ; Xujia Jiang ; PhDm ; Moxuan Li ; PhDm ; Ilan Kelman ; PhDa ; Lu Liang ; PhDm ; Melissa Lott ; MSEngb ; Prof Robert Lowe ; PhDe ; Prof Yong Luo ; PhDm ; Prof Georgina Mace ; DPhilf ; Prof Mark Maslin ; PhDg ; Maria Nilsson ; PhDl ; Prof Tadj Oreszczyn ; PhDe ; Steve Pye ; MSce ; Tara Quinn ; PhDk ; My Svensdotter ; MSco ; Sergey Venevsky ; PhDm ; Koko Warner ; PhDs ; Prof Bing Xu ; PhDm ; Jun Yang ; PhDm ; Yongyuan Yin ; PhDm ; Chaoqing Yu ; PhDm ; Prof Qiang Zhang ; PhDm ; Prof Peng Gong ; PhDm ; &dagger ; ; Prof Hugh Montgomery ; MDh ; &dagger ; ; Prof Anthony Costello ; FMedSca ; &dagger ;
刊名:The Lancet

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