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3. Phylogenomic analyses data of the avian phylogenomics project
作者:Erich D Jarvis (1)
Siavash Mirarab (2)
Andre J Aberer (3)
Bo Li (4) (5) (6)
Peter Houde (7)
Cai Li (4) (6)
Simon Y W Ho (8)
Brant C Faircloth (10) (9)
Benoit Nabholz (11)
Jason T Howard (1)
Alexander Suh (12)
Claudia C Weber (12)
Rute R da Fonseca (6)
Alonzo Alfaro-N煤帽ez (6)
Nitish Narula (13) (7)
Liang Liu (14)
Dave Burt (15)
Hans Ellegren (12)
Scott V Edwards (16)
Alexandros Stamatakis (17) (3)
David P Mindell (18)
Joel Cracraft (19)
Edward L Braun (20)
Tandy Warnow (2)
Wang Jun (21) (22) (23) (24) (4)
M Thomas Pius Gilbert (25) (6)
Guojie Zhang (26) (4)
The Avian Phylogenomics Consortium

1. Department of Neurobiology
; Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke University Medical Center ; Durham ; NC ; 27710 ; USA
2. Department of Computer Science
; The University of Texas at Austin ; Austin ; TX ; 78712 ; USA
3. Scientific Computing Group
; Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies ; Heidelberg ; Germany
4. China National GeneBank
; BGI-Shenzhen ; Shenzhen ; 518083 ; China
5. College of Medicine and Forensics
; Xi鈥檃n Jiaotong University ; Xi鈥檃n ; 710061 ; China
6. Centre for GeoGenetics
; Natural History Museum of Denmark ; University of Copenhagen ; 脴ster Voldgade 5-7 ; 1350 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
7. Department of Biology
; New Mexico State University ; Las Cruces ; NM ; 88003 ; USA
8. School of Biological Sciences
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; NSW ; 2006 ; Australia
10. Department of Biological Sciences
; Louisiana State University ; Baton Rouge ; LA ; 70803 ; USA
9. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
; University of California Los Angeles ; Los Angeles ; CA ; 90095 ; USA
11. CNRS UMR 5554
; Institut des Sciences de l鈥橢volution de Montpellier ; Universit茅 Montpellier II ; Montpellier ; France
12. Department of Evolutionary Biology
; Uppsala University ; SE-752 36 ; Uppsala ; Sweden
13. Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit
; Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Onna-son ; Okinawa ; 904-0495 ; Japan
14. Department of Statistics and Institute of Bioinformatics
; University of Georgia ; Athens ; 30602 ; USA
15. Department of Genomics and Genetics
; The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies ; University of Edinburgh ; Easter Bush Campus ; Midlothian ; EH25 9RG ; UK
16. Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Comparative Zoology
; Harvard University ; Cambridge ; MA ; USA
17. Institute of Theoretical Informatics
; Department of Informatics ; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ; D- 76131 ; Karlsruhe ; Germany
18. Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
; University of California ; San Francisco ; CA ; 94158 ; USA
19. Department of Ornithology
; American Museum of Natural History ; New York ; NY ; 10024 ; USA
20. Department of Biology and Genetics Institute
; University of Florida ; Gainesville ; FL ; 32611 ; USA
21. Department of Biology
; University of Copenhagen ; Ole Maal酶es Vej 5 ; 2200 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
22. Princess Al Jawhara Center of Excellence in the Research of Hereditary Disorders
; King Abdulaziz University ; Jeddah ; 21589 ; Saudi Arabia
23. Macau University of Science and Technology
; Avenida Wai long ; Taipa ; Macau ; 999078 ; China
24. Department of Medicine
; University of Hong Kong ; Hong Kong ; Hong Kong
25. Trace and Environmental DNA Laboratory Department of Environment and Agriculture
; Curtin University ; Perth ; WA ; 6102 ; Australia
26. Centre for Social Evolution
; Department of Biology ; Universitetsparken 15 ; University of Copenhagen ; DK-2100 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
5. The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data
作者:Paul M. Thompson (1)
Jason L. Stein (178)
Sarah E. Medland (179)
Derrek P. Hibar (1)
Alejandro Arias Vasquez (4) (5)
Miguel E. Renteria (179)
Roberto Toro (6) (7) (8)
Neda Jahanshad (1)
Gunter Schumann (73)
Barbara Franke (4) (5)
Margaret J. Wright (181)
Nicholas G. Martin (180)
Ingrid Agartz (141) (65)
Martin Alda (119)
Saud Alhusaini (117) (13)
Laura Almasy (14)
Jorge Almeida (118) (119)
Kathryn Alpert (145)
Nancy C. Andreasen (15)
Ole A. Andreassen (12)
Liana G. Apostolova (16)
Katja Appel (11)
Nicola J. Armstrong (166)
Benjamin Aribisala (17) (18) (19)
Mark E. Bastin (110) (17) (19)
Michael Bauer (126)
Carrie E. Bearden (123) (182)
?rjan Bergmann (141)
Elisabeth B. Binder (20)
John Blangero (14)
Henry J. Bockholt (177)
Erlend B?en (140) (141)
Catherine Bois (58)
Dorret I. Boomsma (112) (22)
Tom Booth (17)
Ian J. Bowman (1)
Janita Bralten (23) (4) (5)
Rachel M. Brouwer (24)
Han G. Brunner (4)
David G. Brohawn (70)
Randy L. Buckner (106) (25)
Jan Buitelaar (26) (5)
Kazima Bulayeva (27)
Juan R. Bustillo (28)
Vince D. Calhoun (21) (29)
Dara M. Cannon (30)
Rita M. Cantor (31)
Melanie A. Carless (14)
Xavier Caseras (156)
Gianpiero L. Cavalleri (13)
M. Mallar Chakravarty (151) (32)
Kiki D. Chang (168)
Christopher R. K. Ching (1)
Andrea Christoforou (12) (33)
Sven Cichon (36) (37) (38)
Vincent P. Clark (139)
Patricia Conrod (160) (161)
Giovanni Coppola (123) (16)
Benedicto Crespo-Facorro (39) (40)
Joanne E. Curran (14)
Michael Czisch (20)
Ian J. Deary (17)
Eco J. C. de Geus (112) (22)
Anouk den Braber (22)
Giuseppe Delvecchio (73)
Chantal Depondt (42)
Lieuwe de Haan (112)
Greig I. de Zubicaray (43)
Danai Dima (73)
Rali Dimitrova (58)
Srdjan Djurovic (12) (44)
Hongwei Dong (1)
Gary Donohoe (30) (45)
Ravindranath Duggirala (14)
Thomas D. Dyer (14)
Stefan Ehrlich (46) (47)
Carl Johan Ekman (65)
Torbj?rn Elvs?shagen (140) (141)
Louise Emsell (30)
Susanne Erk (48)
Thomas Espeseth (12) (49)
Jesen Fagerness (25) (70)
Scott Fears (123) (31)
Iryna Fedko (22)
Guillén Fernández (23)
Simon E. Fisher (5) (50)
Tatiana Foroud (93)
Peter T. Fox (162) (51) (52)
Clyde Francks (5) (50)
Sophia Frangou (130)
Eva Maria Frey (134)
Thomas Frodl (134) (135)
Vincent Frouin (53)
Hugh Garavan (185)
Sudheer Giddaluru (33) (34)
David C. Glahn (10) (9)
Beata Godlewska (120)
Rita Z. Goldstein (175)
Randy L. Gollub (46) (54)
Hans J. Grabe (11) (127) (55)
Oliver Grimm (56)
Oliver Gruber (57)
Tulio Guadalupe (50)
Raquel E. Gur (132)
Ruben C. Gur (132) (133)
Harald H. H. G?ring (14)
Saskia Hagenaars (58)
Tomas Hajek (119)
Geoffrey B. Hall (138)
Jeremy Hall (157) (58)
John Hardy (59)
Catharina A. Hartman (61)
Johanna Hass (47)
Sean N. Hatton (107)
Unn K. Haukvik (114) (12)
Katrin Hegenscheid (60)
Andreas Heinz (48)
Ian B. Hickie (107)
Beng-Choon Ho (15)
David Hoehn (20)
Pieter J. Hoekstra (61)
Marisa Hollinshead (106) (46)
Avram J. Holmes (106) (46) (54)
Georg Homuth (62)
Martine Hoogman (4)
L. Elliot Hong (69)
Norbert Hosten (60)
Jouke-Jan Hottenga (22)
Hilleke E. Hulshoff Pol (24)
Kristy S. Hwang (159)
Clifford R. Jack Jr (173)
Mark Jenkinson (103)
Caroline Johnston (63) (64)
Erik G. J?nsson (65)
René S. Kahn (24)
Dalia Kasperaviciute (66)
Sinead Kelly (45)
Sungeun Kim (68)
Peter Kochunov (69)
Laura Koenders (112)
Bernd Kr?mer (57)
John B. J. Kwok (104) (105) (158)
Jim Lagopoulos (107)
Gonzalo Laje (153)
Mikael Landen (149) (150)
Bennett A. Landman (146)
John Lauriello (171)
Stephen M. Lawrie (58)
Phil H. Lee (3) (54) (70)
Stephanie Le Hellard (12) (33)
Herve Lema?tre (163)
Cassandra D. Leonardo (1)
Chiang-shan Li (10)
Benny Liberg (65)
David C. Liewald (17)
Xinmin Liu (71) (72)
Lorna M. Lopez (17) (41)
Eva Loth (73)
Anbarasu Lourdusamy (167)
Michelle Luciano (17)
Fabio Macciardi (183) (74)
Marise W. J. Machielsen (112)
Glenda M. MacQueen (154)
Ulrik F. Malt (140) (141)
René Mandl (24)
Dara S. Manoach (46) (54)
Jean-Luc Martinot (163)
Mar Matarin (66)
Karen A. Mather (75)
Manuel Mattheisen (76) (77)
Morten Mattingsdal (12) (78)
Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (56)
Colm McDonald (30)
Andrew M. McIntosh (58)
Francis J. McMahon (71)
Katie L. McMahon (79)
Eva Meisenzahl (80)
Ingrid Melle (12)
Yuri Milaneschi (112) (124)
Sebastian Mohnke (48)
Grant W. Montgomery (2)
Derek W. Morris (45)
Eric K. Moses (14) (82)
Bryon A. Mueller (83)
Susana Mu?oz Maniega (17) (18) (19)
Thomas W. Mühleisen (35) (36) (37)
Bertram Müller-Myhsok (155) (20)
Benson Mwangi (121) (122)
Matthias Nauck (148)
Kwangsik Nho (68)
Thomas E. Nichols (144)
Lars-G?ran Nilsson (136) (84)
Allison C. Nugent (147)
Lars Nyberg (85)
Rene L. Olvera (86)
Jaap Oosterlaan (115)
Roel A. Ophoff (24) (31)
Massimo Pandolfo (42)
Melina Papalampropoulou-Tsiridou (58)
Martina Papmeyer (58)
Tomas Paus (87)
Zdenka Pausova (88)
Godfrey D. Pearlson (11) (172)
Brenda W. Penninx (112) (81)
Charles P. Peterson (14)
Andrea Pfennig (126)
Mary Phillips (118)
G. Bruce Pike (143)
Jean-Baptiste Poline (170)
Steven G. Potkin (74)
Benno Pütz (20)
Adaikalavan Ramasamy (116) (90)
Jerod Rasmussen (74)
Marcella Rietschel (56)
Mark Rijpkema (5)
Shannon L. Risacher (142) (68)
Joshua L. Roffman (54)
Roberto Roiz-Santia?ez (39) (40)
Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth (48)
Emma J. Rose (174)
Natalie A. Royle (17) (19)
Dan Rujescu (176)
Mina Ryten (59) (90)
Perminder S. Sachdev (75) (91)
Alireza Salami (169) (85)
Theodore D. Satterthwaite (132)
Jonathan Savitz (152) (92)
Andrew J. Saykin (68) (93)
Cathy Scanlon (30)
Lianne Schmaal (81)
Hugo G. Schnack (24)
Andrew J. Schork (113)
S. Charles Schulz (83)
Remmelt Schür (24)
Larry Seidman (128) (94)
Li Shen (67) (68)
Jody M. Shoemaker (21)
Andrew Simmons (95) (96)
Sanjay M. Sisodiya (66)
Colin Smith (110)
Jordan W. Smoller (3) (54) (70)
Jair C. Soares (121)
Scott R. Sponheim (83) (97)
Emma Sprooten (10)
John M. Starr (108) (17)
Vidar M. Steen (12) (33)
Stephen Strakowski (131)
Lachlan Strike (2)
Jessika Sussmann (58)
Philipp G. S?mann (20)
Alexander Teumer (62)
Arthur W. Toga (1)
Diana Tordesillas-Gutierrez (39) (40)
Daniah Trabzuni (164) (59)
Sarah Trost (57)
Jessica Turner (137) (21)
Martijn Van den Heuvel (24)
Nic J. van der Wee (89)
Kristel van Eijk (165)
Theo G. M. van Erp (74)
Neeltje E. M. van Haren (24)
Dennis van ‘t Ent (22)
Marie-Jose van Tol (98)
Maria C. Valdés Hernández (17) (19)
Dick J. Veltman (81)
Amelia Versace (118)
Henry V?lzke (99)
Robert Walker (109)
Henrik Walter (125) (48)
Lei Wang (145)
Joanna M. Wardlaw (17) (18) (19)
Michael E. Weale (90)
Michael W. Weiner (100)
Wei Wen (75)
Lars T. Westlye (12) (49)
Heather C. Whalley (58)
Christopher D. Whelan (13)
Tonya White (101)
Anderson M. Winkler (10) (103)
Katharina Wittfeld (55)
Girma Woldehawariat (71)
Christiane Wolf (20)
David Zilles (57)
Marcel P. Zwiers (102) (5)
Anbupalam Thalamuthu (186)
Peter R. Schofield (104) (105)
Nelson B. Freimer (187)
Natalia S. Lawrence (188)
Wayne Drevets (189)
刊名:Brain Imaging and Behavior
6. Diverse modes of genomic alteration in hepatocellular carcinoma
作者:Suchit Jhunjhunwala (1)
Zhaoshi Jiang (1)
Eric W Stawiski (1) (2)
Florian Gnad (1)
Jinfeng Liu (1)
Oleg Mayba (1)
Pan Du (1)
Jingyu Diao (3)
Stephanie Johnson (4)
Kwong-Fai Wong (5)
Zhibo Gao (6)
Yingrui Li (6)
Thomas D Wu (1)
Sharookh B Kapadia (3)
Zora Modrusan (2)
Dorothy M French (4)
John M Luk (5) (7) (8)
Somasekar Seshagiri (2)
Zemin Zhang (1)

1. Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
; Genentech Inc. ; South San Francisco ; CA ; 94080 ; USA
2. Department of Molecular Biology
; Genentech Inc. ; South San Francisco ; CA ; 94080 ; USA
3. Department of Infectious diseases
; Genentech Inc. ; South San Francisco ; CA ; 94080 ; USA
4. Department of Pathology
; Genentech Inc. ; South San Francisco ; CA ; 94080 ; USA
5. Department of Surgery
; University of Hong Kong ; Pokfulam ; Hong Kong
6. BGI-Shenzhen
; Shenzhen ; 518083 ; China
7. Department of Pharmacology
; National University of Singapore ; Singapore ; 117597 ; Singapore
8. Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
; A*STAR ; 61 Biopolis Drive ; Singapore ; 138673 ; Singapore
刊名:Genome Biology
7. Genomic signatures of near-extinction and rebirth of the crested ibis and other endangered bird species
作者:Shengbin Li (1)
Bo Li (2)
Cheng Cheng (1) (2) (4)
Zijun Xiong (2)
Qingbo Liu (1)
Jianghua Lai (1)
Hannah V Carey (5)
Qiong Zhang (2) (6)
Haibo Zheng (1)
Shuguang Wei (1)
Hongbo Zhang (1)
Liao Chang (1) (2)
Shiping Liu (2)
Shanxin Zhang (1)
Bing Yu (1)
Xiaofan Zeng (2)
Yong Hou (2)
Wenhui Nie (7)
Youmin Guo (1)
Teng Chen (1)
Jiuqiang Han (1)
Jian Wang (2) (8)
Jun Wang (10) (2) (9)
Chen Chen (11)
Jiankang Liu (1) (4)
Peter J Stambrook (12)
Ming Xu (13)
Guojie Zhang (2) (9)
M Thomas P Gilbert (14) (15)
Huanming Yang (16) (2) (6) (8)
Erich D Jarvis (17)
Jun Yu (1) (3)
Jianqun Yan (1)

1. Xi鈥檃n Jiaotong University
; Xi鈥檃n ; 710049 ; P. R. China
2. BGI-Shenzhen
; Shenzhen ; 518083 ; P. R. China
4. Center for Mitochondrial Biology and Medicine
; The Key Laboratory of Biomedical Information Engineering of Ministry of Education ; School of Life Science and Technology and Frontier Institute of Science and Technology ; Xi鈥檃n Jiaotong University ; Xi鈥檃n ; 710049 ; China
5. University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine
; Madison ; Wisconsin ; USA
6. BGI-Northwest
; BGI-Shenzhen ; Xi鈥檃n ; 710000 ; P. R. China
7. Kunming Institute of Zoology
; Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Kunming ; Yunnan ; P. R. China
8. James D. Watson Institute of Genome Science
; Hangzhou ; China
10. King Abdulaziz University
; Jeddah ; Saudi Arabia
9. Department of Biology
; University of Copenhagen ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
11. School of Biomedical Sciences
; University of Queensland ; Queensland ; Australia
12. University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
; Cincinnati ; Ohio ; USA
13. College of medicine
; University of Chicago ; Chicago ; USA
14. Centre for GeoGenetics
; Natural History Museum of Denmark ; University of Copenhagen ; 脴sterVoldgade 5-7 ; 1350 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
15. Department of Environment and Agriculture
; Trace and Environmental DNA Laboratory ; Curtin University ; Perth ; Western Australia ; 6845 ; Australia
16. Prince Aljawhra Center of Excellence in Research of Hereditary Disorders
; King Abdulaziz University ; Jeddah ; Saudi Arabia
17. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
; Duke University Medical Center ; Durham ; NC ; 27710 ; USA
3. CAS Key Laboratory of Genome Sciences and Information
; Beijing Institute of Genomics ; Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Beijing ; 100101 ; P.R. China
刊名:Genome Biology

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