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3. Coordinated international action to accelerate genome-to-phenome with FAANG, the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes project
作者:Leif Andersson (1) (2)
Alan L Archibald (3)
Cynthia D Bottema (4)
Rudiger Brauning (5)
Shane C Burgess (6)
Dave W Burt (3)
Eduardo Casas (7)
Hans H Cheng (8)
Laura Clarke (9)
Christine Couldrey (10)
Brian P Dalrymple (11)
Christine G Elsik (12)
Sylvain Foissac (13)
Elisabetta Giuffra (14)
Martien A Groenen (15)
Ben J Hayes (16) (17) (18)
LuSheng S Huang (19)
Hassan Khatib (20)
James W Kijas (11)
Heebal Kim (21)
Joan K Lunney (22)
Fiona M McCarthy (23)
John C McEwan (24)
Stephen Moore (25)
Bindu Nanduri (26)
Cedric Notredame (27)
Yniv Palti (28)
Graham S Plastow (29)
James M Reecy (30)
Gary A Rohrer (31)
Elena Sarropoulou (32)
Carl J Schmidt (33)
Jeffrey Silverstein (34)
Ross L Tellam (35)
Michele Tixier-Boichard (14)
Gwenola Tosser-Klopp (13)
Christopher K Tuggle (30)
Johanna Vilkki (36)
Stephen N White (37) (38)
Shuhong Zhao (39)
Huaijun Zhou (40)
The FAANG Consortium

1. Science for Life Laboratory Uppsala
; Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology ; Uppsala University ; Uppsala ; SE 751 23 ; Sweden
2. Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences ; Uppsala ; SE-750 07 ; Sweden
3. The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
; University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; EH25 9RG ; UK
4. School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
; The University of Adelaide ; Roseworthy ; SA ; 5371 ; Australia
5. Invermay Agricultural Centre
; AgResearch Limited ; Mosgiel ; 9053 ; New Zealand
6. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85719 ; USA
7. National Animal Disease Center
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Ames ; IA ; 50010 ; USA
8. Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; East Lansing ; MI ; 48823 ; USA
9. European Molecular Biology Laboratory European Bioinformatics Institute
; Hinxton ; Cambridge ; CB10 1SD ; UK
10. Livestock Improvement Corporation
; Hamilton ; 3284 ; New Zealand
11. Agriculture Flagship
; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ; St Lucia ; 4067 ; Brisbane ; Australia
12. Division of Animal Sciences
; University of Missouri ; Columbia ; MO ; 65211 ; USA
13. UMR1388 G茅n茅tique
; Physiologie et Syst猫mes d鈥橢levage (GenPhySE) ; French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) ; F-31326 ; Castanet-Tolosan ; France
14. UMR1313 G茅n茅tique Animale et Biologie Int茅grative (GABI)
; French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) ; F-78352 ; Jouy-en-Josas ; France
15. Animal Breeding and Genomics Centre
; Wageningen University ; 6708聽PB ; Wageningen ; The Netherlands
16. Biosciences Research Division
; Department of Environment and Primary Industries Victoria ; Bundoora ; 3083 ; Australia
17. Dairy Futures Cooperative Research Centre
; Bundoora ; 3083 ; VIC ; Australia
18. La Trobe University
; Bundoora ; 3086 ; VIC ; Australia
19. Key Laboratory for Animal Biotechnology of Jiangxi Province and the Ministry of Agriculture of China
; Jiangxi Agricultural University ; Jiangxi ; 330029 ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
20. Department of Animal Sciences
; University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Madison ; WI ; 53706 ; USA
21. Department of Agricultural Biotechnology
; Seoul National University ; Seoul ; Republic of Korea
22. Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Beltsville ; MD ; 20705 ; USA
23. School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85721 ; USA
24. Animal Productivity Group
; AgResearch Limited ; Mosgiel ; 9053 ; New Zealand
25. Centre for Animal Science
; Queensland Alliance for Agriculture & Food Innovation ; University of Queensland ; St Lucia ; QLD ; 4067 ; Australia
26. Department of Basic Sciences
; College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute for Genomics ; Biocomputing and Biotechnology ; Mississippi State University ; Mississippi ; MS ; 39762 ; USA
27. Comparative Bioinformatics
; Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) ; Dr. Aiguader 88 ; 08003 ; Barcelona ; Spain
28. National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Kearneysville ; WV ; 25430 ; USA
29. Livestock Gentec Centre
; Department of Agricultural ; Food and Nutritional Science ; University of Alberta ; Edmonton ; Alberta ; T6G 2C8 ; Canada
30. Department of Animal Science
; Iowa State University ; Ames ; IA ; 50011 ; USA
31. US Meat Animal Research Center
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Clay Center ; NE ; 68933 ; USA
32. Institute of Marine Biology
; Biotechnology and Aquaculture ; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research ; 71003 ; Heraklion ; Greece
33. Department of Animal and Food Sciences
; University of Delaware ; Newark ; DE ; 19716 ; USA
34. Animal Production and Protection
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service Aquaculture ; Beltsville ; MD ; 20705 ; USA
35. CSIRO Agriculture
; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ; St Lucia ; 4067 ; Australia
36. Green Technology
; Natural Resources Institute Finland ; 31600 ; Jokioinen ; Finland
37. Animal Disease Research Unit
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-6630 ; USA
38. Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology
; Washington State University ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-7040 ; USA
39. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics
; Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education of China ; Huazhong Agricultural University ; Wuhan ; Hubei ; 430070 ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
40. Department of Animal Science
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
刊名:Genome Biology
10. Peer review versus editorial review and their role in innovative science
作者:Georg Steinhauser (1)
Wolfram Adlassnig
Jesaka Ahau Risch
Serena Anderlini
Petros Arguriou
Aaron Zolen Armendariz
William Bains
Clark Baker
Martin Barnes
Jonathan Barnett
Michael Baumgartner
Thomas Baumgartner
Charles A. Bendall
Yvonne S. Bender
Max Bichler
Teresa Biermann
Ronaldo Bini
Eduardo Blanco
John Bleau
Anthony Brink
Darin Brown
Christopher Burghuber
Roy Calne
Brian Carter
Cesar Casta帽o
Peter Celec
Maria Eugenia Celis
Nicky Clarke
David Cockrell
David Collins
Brian Coogan
Jennifer Craig
Cal Crilly
David Crowe
Antonei B. Csoka
Chaza Darwich
Topiciprin del Kebos
Michele DeRinaldi
Bongani Dlamini
Tomasz Drewa
Michael Dwyer
Fabienne Eder
Ra煤l Ehrichs de Palma
Dean Esmay
Catherine Evans R枚tt
Christopher Exley
Robin Falkov
Celia Ingrid Farber
William Fearn
Sophie Felsmann
Jarl Flensmark
Andrew K. Fletcher
Michaela Foster
Kostas N. Fountoulakis
Jim Fouratt
Jesus Garcia Blanca
Manuel Garrido Sotelo
Florian Gittler
Georg Gittler
Juan Gomez
Juan F. Gomez
Maria Grazia Gonzales Polar
Jossina Gonzalez
Christoph G枚sselsberger
Lynn Habermacher
Michael Hajek
Faith Hakala
Mary-Sue Haliburton
John Robert Hankins
Jason Hart
Sepp Hasslberger
Donalyn Hennessey
Andrea Herrmann
Mike Hersee
Connie Howard
Suzanne Humphries
Laeeth Isharc
Petar Ivanovski
Stephen Jenuth
Jens Jerndal
Christine Johnson
Yonas Keleta
Anna Kenny
Billie Kidd
Fritz Kohle
Jafar Kolahi
Marianne Koller-Peroutka
Lyubov Kostova
Arunachalam Kumar
Alejandro Kurosawa
Tony Lance
Michael Lechermann
Bernhard Lendl
Michael Leuchters
Evan Lewis
Edward Lieb
Gloria Lloyd
Angelika Losek
Yao Lu
Saadia Maestracci
Dennis Mangan
Alberto W. Mares
Juan Mazar Barnett
Valerie McClain
John Sydney McNair
Terry Michael
Lloyd Miller
Partizia Monzani
Belen Moran
Mike Morris
Georg M枚脽mer
Johny Mountain
Onnie Mary Moyo Phuthe
Marcos Mu帽oz
Sheri Nakken
Anne Nduta Wambui
Bettina Neunteufl
Dimitrije Nikoli膰
Devesh V. Oberoi
Gregory Obmode
Laura Ogar
Jo Ohara
Naion Olej Rybine
Bryan Owen
Kim Wilson Owen
Rakesh Parikh
Nicholas J. G. Pearce
Bernhard Pemmer
Chris Piper
Ian Prince
Terence Reid
Heiner Rindermann
Stefan Risch
Josh Robbins
Seth Roberts
Ajeandro Romero
Michael Thadd盲us Rothe
Sergio Ruiz
Juliane Sacher
Wolfgang Sackl
Markus Salletmaier
Jairaj Sanand
Clemens Sauerzopf
Thomas Schwarzgruber
David Scott
Laura Seegers
David Seppi
Kyle Shields
Jolanta Siller-Matula
Beldeu Singh
Sibusio Sithole
Florian Six
John R. Skoyles
Jildou Slofstra
Daphne Anne Sole
Werner F. Sommer
Mels Sonko
Chrislie J. Starr-Casanova
Marjorie Elizabeth Steakley
Wolfgang Steinhauser
Konstantin Steinhoff
Johannes H. Sterba
Martin Steppan
Reinhard Stindl
Joe Stokely
Karri Stokely
Gilles St-Pierre
James Stratford
Christina Streli
Carl Stryg
Mike Sullivan
Johann Summhammer
Amhayes Tadesse
David Tavares
Laura Thompson
Alison Tomlinson
Jack Tozer
Siro I. Trevisanato
Michaela Trimmel
Nicole Turner
Paul Vahur
Jennie van der Byl
Tine van der Maas
Leo Varela
Carlos A. Vega
Shiloh Vermaak
Alex Villasenor
Matt Vogel
Georg von Wintzigerode
Christoph Wagner
Manuel Weinberger
Peter Weinberger
Nick Wilson
Jennifer Finocchio Wolfe
Michael A. Woodley
Ian Young
Glenn Zuraw
Nicole Zwiren
刊名:Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics

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