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3. A paleolimnological perspective on aquatic biodiversity in Austrian mountain lakes
4. Synthesis in land change science: methodological patterns, challenges, and guidelines
作者:Nicholas R. Magliocca (1) (8)
Thomas K. Rudel (2)
Peter H. Verburg (3)
William J. McConnell (4)
Ole Mertz (5)
Katharina Gerstner (6)
Andreas Heinimann (7)
Erle C. Ellis (1)

1. Department of Geography and Environmental Systems
; University of Maryland ; Baltimore County ; 211 Sondheim ; 1000 Hilltop Circle ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
8. The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
; University of Maryland ; College Park ; 1 Park Place ; Annapolis ; MD ; USA
2. Department of Sociology
; Rutgers University ; 26 Nichol Avenue ; New Brunswick ; NJ ; USA
3. Institute for Environmental Studies
; VU University Amsterdam ; De Boelelaan 1087 ; 1081 HV ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
4. Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability
; Michigan State University ; Manly Miles Building ; Suite 115 ; 1405 South Harrison Road ; East Lansing ; MI ; USA
5. Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
; University of Copenhagen ; Oster Voldgade 10 ; 1350 ; Copenhagen K ; Denmark
6. Department of Computational Landscape Ecology
; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research 鈥?UFZ ; Permoserstra脽e 15 ; 04318 ; Leipzig ; Germany
7. Swiss National Centre of Research (NCCR) North鈥揝outh
; Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) ; University of Bern ; Hallerstrasse 10 ; 3012 ; Bern ; Switzerland
刊名:Regional Environmental Change
7. Quantifying the impact of drought on soil-plant interactions: a seasonal analysis of biotic and abiotic controls of carbon and nutrient dynamics in high-altitudinal grasslands
作者:Zhiyuan Wang (1) (2)
Lucas C. R. Silva (3)
Geng Sun (1)
Peng Luo (1)
Chengxiang Mou (1) (4)
William R. Horwath (3)

1. Key Laboratory of Mountain Ecological Restoration and Bioresource Utilization & Ecological Restoration Biodiversity Conservation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province
; Chengdu Institute of Biology ; Chinese Academy of Sciences ; No.9 Section 4 ; Renmin Road S ; Chengdu ; Sichuan ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
2. Institute of Agriculture Environment and Resources
; Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences ; No.2238 Beijing Road ; Kunming ; Yunnan ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
3. Biogeochemistry and Nutrient Cycling Lab
; University of California ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616-8627 ; USA
4. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
; No.19A Yuquan Road ; Beijing ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
刊名:Plant and Soil
8. Recurrent camouflaged invasions and dispersal of an Asian freshwater gastropod in tropical Africa
作者:Bert Van Bocxlaer (1) (2) (3) (4)
Catharina Clewing (1)
Jean-Papy Mongindo Etimosundja (4) (5)
Alidor Kankonda (5)
Oscar Wembo Ndeo (5) (6)
Christian Albrecht (1)

1. Department of Animal Ecology and Systematics
; Justus Liebig University Giessen ; Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32 (IFZ) ; D-35392 ; Giessen ; Germany
2. Departments of Paleobiology and Invertebrate Zoology
; National Museum of Natural History ; Smithsonian Institution ; 10th and Constitution NW ; Washington ; DC ; 20560 ; USA
3. Research Unit Palaeontology
; Department of Geology and Soil Science ; Ghent University ; Krijgslaan 281 (S8) ; 9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
4. Museum f眉r Naturkunde
; Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science ; Invalidenstra脽e 43 ; 10115 ; Berlin ; Germany
5. Department of Hydrobiology and Aquaculture
; University of Kisangani ; BP 2012 ; Kisangani ; D. R. Congo
6. Department of Hydrobiology
; Official University of Ruwenzori ; BP 560 ; Butembo ; D. R. Congo
刊名:BMC Evolutionary Biology

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