The northern coast of the Ottnangian (middle Burdigalian, early Miocene) Molasse Sea in Germany: sediments, foraminiferal assemblages and biostratigraphy
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  • 作者:Martina Pippèrr ; Bettina Reichenbacher…
  • 关键词:Early Miocene ; Paratethys ; Upper Marine Molasse ; Foraminifera ; Stratigraphy ; Palaeoecology
  • 刊名:International Journal of Earth Sciences
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:April 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:105
  • 期:3
  • 页码:1055-1085
  • 全文大小:6,024 KB
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  • 作者单位:Martina Pippèrr (1)
    Bettina Reichenbacher (1)
    Gerhard Doppler (2)
    Mischa Hagmaier (3)
    Dietmar Jung (4)

    1. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Palaeontology and Geobiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10, 80333, Munich, Germany
    2. Bavarian Environment Agency, Haunstetter Straße 112, 86161, Augsburg, Germany
    3. Gösstraße 71, 72070, Tübingen, Germany
    4. Bavarian Environment Agency, Hans-Högn-Straße 12, 95030, Hof/Saale, Germany
  • 刊物类别:Earth and Environmental Science
  • 刊物主题:Earth sciences
    Geophysics and Geodesy
  • 出版者:Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
  • ISSN:1437-3262
This study provides new data on the litho- and biostratigraphy of the middle Burdigalian (Ottnangian) marine sediments at or close to the former northern coastline of the German Molasse Basin, based on cores from three boreholes (Burgau, Hamlar 2 and Lutzingen) and two outcrops (Haunsheim and Dattenhausen). Methods include quantitative analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages (90 samples), studies of planktonic foraminifers and ostracods and investigations of lithofacies. The data indicate that the transgressive–regressive marine sediments of the Upper Marine Molasse (OMM) at Burgau and Hamlar 2 can be subdivided into the well-known lower and middle Ottnangian sedimentation cycles, with the first cycle being represented by the “OMM-Basisschichten” and Kalkofen Formation and the second by the Baltringen and Steinhöfe Formations. We show for the first time that also the northernmost marginal-marine OMM facies (Lutzingen, Haunsheim and Dattenhausen) can be correlated with the lower and middle Ottnangian sedimentation cycles. Consequently, our results do not support the presence of a previously suggested third sedimentation cycle within the OMM sediments. Our micropaleontological data reveal regionally diverse depositional environments, reflecting different water depths and co-varying environmental variables. Significant differences in abundance, diversity and species composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages demonstrate marginal-marine facies for Lutzingen, Haunsheim and Dattenhausen, nearshore facies for Hamlar 2 and shallow marine basin facies for Burgau. The characteristic lower Ottnangian benthic foraminiferal species exhibit restricted ecological tolerances. Hence, the absence or scarcity of these species in nearshore to marginal-marine deposits has no stratigraphic significance. The presence of two sedimentation cycles in the western German Molasse Basin alone may have resulted from the interplay of regional tectonics and basin development that have led to different rates of subsidence and sedimentation in the western and eastern sectors of the German Molasse Basin.
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