Effects of impurities in biodiesel-derived glycerol on growth and expression of heavy metal ion homeostasis genes and gene products in Pseudomonas putida LS46
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  • 作者:Jilagamazhi Fu ; Parveen Sharma ; Vic Spicer…
  • 关键词:Omics ; mcl ; PHA ; Heavy metals ; P. putida LS46 ; Biodiesel ; derived waste glycerol
  • 刊名:Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:July 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:99
  • 期:13
  • 页码:5583-5592
  • 全文大小:249 KB
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  • 作者单位:Jilagamazhi Fu (1)
    Parveen Sharma (1)
    Vic Spicer (2)
    Oleg V. Krokhin (2)
    Xiangli Zhang (3)
    Brian Fristensky (3)
    John A. Wilkins (2)
    Nazim Cicek (1)
    Richard Sparling (4)
    David. B. Levin (1)

    1. Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    2. Department of Internal Medicine and Manitoba Centre for Proteomics and Systems Biology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    3. Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    4. Department of Microbiology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
  • 刊物类别:Chemistry and Materials Science
  • 刊物主题:Chemistry
    Microbial Genetics and Genomics
  • 出版者:Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
  • ISSN:1432-0614
Biodiesel production-derived waste glycerol (WG) was previously investigated as potential carbon source for medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate (mcl-PHA) production by Pseudomonas putida LS46. In this study, we evaluated the effect of impurities in the WG on P. putida LS46 physiology during exponential growth and corresponding changes in transcription and protein expression profiles compared with cells grown on pure, reagent grade glycerol. High concentration of metal ions, such as Na+, and numbers of heavy metals ion, such as copper, ion, zinc, were detected in biodiesel-derived WG. Omics analysis from the corresponding cultures suggested altered expression of genes involved in transport and metabolism of ammonia and heavy metal ions. Expression of three groups of heavy metal homeostasis genes was significantly changed (mostly upregulated) in WG cultures and included the following: copper-responded cluster 1 and 2 genes, primarily containing cusABC; two copies of copAB and heavy metal translocating P-type ATPase; Fur-regulated, TonB-dependent siderophore receptor; and several cobalt/zinc/cadmium transporters. Expression of these genes suggests regulation of intracellular concentrations of heavy metals during growth on biodiesel-derived glycerol. Finally, a number of genes involved in adapting to, or metabolizing free fatty acids and other nonheavy metal contaminants, such as Na+, were also upregulated in P. putida LS46 grown on biodiesel-derived glycerol.
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