Large-scale parallelism for constraint-based local search: the costas array case study
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  • 作者:Yves Caniou (1) <br> Philippe Codognet (2) <br> Florian Richoux (3) <br> Daniel Diaz (4) <br> Salvador Abreu (5) <br><br>1. JFLI ; CNRS / University of Tokyo / UCBL ; Lyon ; France <br> 2. JFLI ; CNRS / University of Tokyo / UPMC ; Tokyo ; Japan <br> 3. JFLI ; CNRS / University of Tokyo / LINA ; UNAM ; Nantes ; France <br> 4. Universit茅 de Paris 1-Sorbonne ; Paris ; France <br> 5. Universidade de 脡vora / CENTRIA ; 脡vora ; Portugal <br>
  • 关键词:CSP ; Local search ; Metaheuristics ; Parallelism ; Implementation
  • 刊名:Constraints
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:January 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:20
  • 期:1
  • 页码:30-56
  • 全文大小:888 KB
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  • 刊物类别:Computer Science
  • 刊物主题:Artificial Intelligence and Robotics<br>Optimization<br>Computing Methodologies<br>Operation Research and Decision Theory<br>
  • 出版者:Springer Netherlands
  • ISSN:1572-9354
We present the parallel implementation of a constraint-based Local Search algorithm and investigate its performance on several hardware platforms with several hundreds or thousands of cores. We chose as the basis for these experiments the Adaptive Search method, an efficient sequential Local Search method for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). After preliminary experiments on some CSPLib benchmarks, we detail the modeling and solving of a hard combinatorial problem related to radar and sonar applications: the Costas Array Problem. Performance evaluation on some classical CSP benchmarks shows that speedups are very good for a few tens of cores, and good up to a few hundreds of cores. However for a hard combinatorial search problem such as the Costas Array Problem, performance evaluation of the sequential version shows results outperforming previous Local Search implementations, while the parallel version shows nearly linear speedups up to 8,192 cores. The proposed parallel scheme is simple and based on independent multi-walks with no communication between processes during search. We also investigated a cooperative multi-walk scheme where processes share simple information, but this scheme does not seem to improve performance.
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