Chronic low pH exposure affects the seawater readiness of juvenile Pacific sockeye salmon
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  • 作者:Christopher J. Kennedy (1)
    Chris Picard (2)
  • 关键词:pH &#8211 ; Hydrogen ion concentration &#8211 ; Sockeye salmon &#8211 ; Oncorhynchus nerka &#8211 ; Growth &#8211 ; Bioenergetics &#8211 ; Stress &#8211 ; Seawater challenge
  • 刊名:Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:August 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:38
  • 期:4
  • 页码:1131-1143
  • 全文大小:540.0 KB
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  • 作者单位:1. Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada2. Gitga鈥檃t Lands and Resources Stewardship Society, 445 Hayiimisaxaa Way, Hartley Bay, BC V0V 1A0, Canada
  • ISSN:1573-5168
Chronic exposure to water of low pH during the freshwater life stage of Pacific salmonids is presently the cause for concern due to its potential to reduce subsequent performance in the marine environment. Sockeye fry (0+) were raised under sublethal long-term, low pH conditions (pH 4.8–6.8) in soft water and assessed for effects on freshwater growth, stress physiology, and seawater tolerance following smoltification. Fish gained significantly lower mass (average 46% of control [pH 6.8] values) and had lower condition factor and liver somatic index values than control fish following a 126-days exposure to water at pH 5.0. Liver glycogen concentrations (49% of control values) and whole-body lipid content (65% of control values) were also significantly lower. Low pH exposure also resulted in a sustained organismal stress response that included significant and substantial increases in plasma cortisol concentrations. Fish exposed to pH 5.0 in freshwater for 30 days exhibited an average of 14% mortality in a seawater challenge, as well as a significant osmoregulatory stress measured by increases in plasma Na+ and Cl− concentrations as well as osmolality compared to controls. Significantly lower critical swimming speed values (Ucrit) were also seen (22% reductions compared to controls). The data generated indicate that sockeye salmon are sensitive and do not acclimate to low pH under long-term exposure conditions, potentially decreasing the probability of survival in the marine environment.
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