Dietary intake of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids is linked to gray matter volume and cognitive function in elderly
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  • 作者:Olga E. Titova (1)
    Per Sj?gren (2)
    Samantha J. Brooks (1)
    Joel Kullberg (3)
    Erika Ax (2)
    Lena Kilander (4)
    Ulf Riserus (2)
    Tommy Cederholm (2)
    Elna-Marie Larsson (3)
    Lars Johansson (3)
    H?kan Ahlstr?m (3)
    Lars Lind (5)
    Helgi B. Schi?th (1)
    Christian Benedict (1)
  • 关键词:Omega ; 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ; Elderly ; Cognitive function ; Magnetic resonance imaging
  • 刊名:AGE
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:August 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:35
  • 期:4
  • 页码:1495-1505
  • 全文大小:294KB
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  • 作者单位:Olga E. Titova (1)
    Per Sj?gren (2)
    Samantha J. Brooks (1)
    Joel Kullberg (3)
    Erika Ax (2)
    Lena Kilander (4)
    Ulf Riserus (2)
    Tommy Cederholm (2)
    Elna-Marie Larsson (3)
    Lars Johansson (3)
    H?kan Ahlstr?m (3)
    Lars Lind (5)
    Helgi B. Schi?th (1)
    Christian Benedict (1)

    1. Department of Neuroscience, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
    2. Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Section of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
    3. Department of Radiology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
    4. Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
    5. Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
In the present study, we tested whether elderly with a high dietary intake of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) would have higher cognitive test scores and greater brain volume than those with low dietary intake of these fatty acids. Data were obtained from the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS) cohort. The dietary intake of EPA and DHA was determined by a 7-day food protocol in 252 cognitively healthy elderly (122 females) at the age of 70?years. At age 75, participants' global cognitive function was examined, and their brain volumes were measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Three different multivariate linear regression models were applied to test our hypothesis: model A (adjusted for gender and age), model B (additionally controlled for lifestyle factors, e.g., education), and model C (further controlled for cardiometabolic factors, e.g., systolic blood pressure). We found that the self-reported 7-day dietary intake of EPA and DHA at the age of 70?years was positively associated with global gray matter volume (P-lt;-.05, except for model C) and increased global cognitive performance score (P-lt;-.05). However, no significant associations were observed between the dietary intake of EPA and DHA and global white matter, total brain volume, and regional gray matter, respectively. Further, no effects were observed when examining cognitively impaired (n--7) elderly as separate analyses. These cross-sectional findings suggest that dietary intake of EPA and DHA may be linked to improved cognitive health in late life but must be confirmed in patient studies.
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