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  • 英文篇名:From Substitute Decision-making of Adult Guardianship to Assisted Decision-making
  • 作者:李霞
  • 英文作者:LI Xia;
  • 关键词:成年监护 ; 协助决定 ; 替代决定 ; 行为能力 ; 婚姻家庭编
  • 英文关键词:adult guardianship;;assisted decision-making;;substitute decision-making;;legal capacity;;the Title of Marriage and Family
  • 中文刊名:LAWS
  • 英文刊名:Chinese Journal of Law
  • 机构:华东政法大学;
  • 出版日期:2019-01-15
  • 出版单位:法学研究
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.41;No.240
  • 基金:国家社科基金项目“老年人意定监护制度研究”(17BFX211);; 司法部国家法治与法学理论研究项目“民法典·老龄监护措施替代机制研究”(16SFB2032)的阶段性成果
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:LAWS201901006
  • 页数:19
  • CN:01
  • ISSN:11-1162/D
  • 分类号:102-120
        The assisted decision-making system, which acknowledges the civil capacity of persons with mental retardation, is fundamentally different from the substitute decision-making system in traditional civil law, which denies the civil capacity of persons with mental retardation. As a brand-new system in the 21 th century, assisted decision-making system has been widely used in the legislation and practice of the two major legal systems, with positive results. This system is also working very well in China's civil and judicial practices. Now the draft Title of Marriage and Family of the Chinese Civil Code has been released to the public for soliciting comments from various sectors of society. Taking this opportunity, the author of this article puts forward the following suggestions on the improvement of the draft law. Guardianship should be provided for as a separate chapter in the Title on Marriage and Family after the chapter on adoption and this chapter should be divided into two parts: adult guardianship and child guardianship. Adult guardianship should be further divided into monitoring and assistance. The section on monitoring should provide for the final monitoring principle and the minimum monitoring principle and clarify the sequence of application of monitoring and assistance, so as to gradually reduce complete monitoring in preparation for its ultimate abolition; persons with mental disability should be given the permanent right of appeal to ensure their participation in the process; "the respect for self-determination" should be provided for as the standard on the performance of functions by guardians; special guardianship measures should be provided for; and, in the section on "assistance", Article 33 of the General Provisions of the Civil Law should be further elaborated by providing for durable powers of attorney agreements and medical advance directives.
(1)https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities.html#Fulltext. 截至2018年11月,包括中国在内的177个国家批准或加入了联合国《残疾人权利公约》。中国还是《公约》最早的20个签署国之一。
    (3)联合国《残疾人权利公约》的中译本将其译为“行使其法律能力时可能需要的协助”,而残疾人权利委员会第十一届会议给出的旨在解释《残疾人权利公约》第12条的《第1号一般性意见(2014年)》(https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CRPD/C/GC/1)的中译本使用“协助”及“辅助”来翻译support,同时残疾人权利委员会《委员会第八届会议(2012年)就中国初次报告通过的结论性意见》(中文)(http://docstore.ohchr.org/SelfServices/FilesHandler.ashx?enc=6QkG1d%2fPPRiCAqhKb7yh srBkvDLHrFFq8wSOe2z9g3jLWXscOK3cW%2bh6NEqWxDjRLAKgX49CP9xOmOS0nj0fJHNv%2b1SI4%2fKzMuyj25QwQ mADAMX0tm9ekwKTnm2meQYw)及《第1号一般性意见(2014年)》中均使用了“协助决定制度”一词,是目前学术讨论中常用的与support in exercising legal capacity通用的术语。下文将使用“协助决定制度”或“协助”两种表述。
    (4)See Kristin Booth Glen, Piloting Personhood: Reflections from the First Year of a Supported Decision-Making Project, 39 Cardozo Law Review 502.
    (9)Michael Bach, Securing Self-Determination: Building the Agenda in Canada, reprinted with permission from the TASH Newsletter, June/July, 1998, pp.8-10, https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED429404.
    (10)Leslie Salzman, Guardianship for Persons with Mental Illness-A Legal and Appropriate Alternative, 4 Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 306-307 (2011).
    (11)Inclusion Europe’s Position about the proposed European Accessibility Act, Brussels, 25 January, 2016, http://inclusion-europe.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2.3.1.EAA_final.pdf.
    (12)Robert Dinerstein, Implementing Legal Capacity Under Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: The Difficult Road from Guardianship to Supported Decision-Making, 19 (2) Human Rights Brief 8-12 (2012).
    (13)A.Frank Johns, Person-Centered Guardianship and Supported Decision Making: An Assessment of Progress Made in Three Countries, 9 Journal of International Aging Law & Policy 1-32 (2016).
    (14)Pamela Teaster, The Wards of Public Guardians: Voices of the Unbefriended, 51 Family Relations 348 (2002).
    (15)Robert M.Gordon, The Emergence of Assisted (Supported) Decision-Making in the Canadian Law of Adult Guardianship and Substitute Decision-Making, 23 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 62-63 (2000).
    (16)Wendy Harrison, Representation Agreements in British Columbia: Who is Using Them and Why? (unpublished M.A.thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2008), p.77, http://summit.sfu.ca/system/files/iritems1/9236/etd4249.pdf.
    (17)Sarah H.Ailey et al., Evaluating an Interpersonal Model of Depression Among Adults with Down Syndrome, 20 (3) Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 241-242 (2006).
    (23)Shih-Ning Then, Evolution and Innovation in Guardianship Laws: Assisted Decision-Making, 35 Sydney Law Review 133 (2013).
    (24)A New Paradigm for Protecting Autonomy and the Right to Legal Capacity: Advancing Substantive Equality for Persons with Disabilities through Law, Policy and Practice, Commissioned by the Law Commission of Ontario, Prepared by Michael Bach & Lana Kerzner, October, 2010, p.24, https://www.mendeley.com/catalogue/new-paradigm-protecting-autonomy-right-legal-capacity/.
    (28)Gerard Quinn, Personhood & Legal Capacity Perspectives on the Paradigm Shift of Article 12 CRPD, Harvard Law School, HPOD Conference, 2010. http://www.fedvol.ie/_fileupload/Research/NDE%20Reading%20Lists/Harvard%20Legal%20Capacity%20gq%20draft%202%20Gerard%20Quinn%20Feb%202010.pdf.
    (36)Rebekah Diller, Legal Capacity for All: Including Older Persons in the Shift from Adult Guardianship to Supported Decision-Making, 43 Fordham Urban Law Journal 495-537 (2016).
    (37)Terry Carney, Clarifying, Operationalising, and Evaluating Supported Decision-Making Models, 1 Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 46-50 (2014).
    (38)前引[24],Law Commission of Ontario文件,第49页。
    (42)Gerard Quinn, Civil Death: Rethinking the Foundations of Legal Personhood for Persons with a Disability, 56 Irish Jurist 286-325 (2016).
    (43)Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C.House Select Committee on Aging, Abuses in Guardianship of the Elderly and Infirm: A National Disgrace, A Briefing by the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health and Long-Term Care of the Select Committee on Aging. House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, First Session, Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office, U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.20402, 1988, p.4, https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED297241.
    (44)The Law Reform Commission, Consultation Paper on Vulnerable Adults and the Law: Capacity (LRC CP 37-2005), Ireland, May 2005, p.12, http://www.lawreform.ie/_fileupload/consultation%20papers/cpCapacity.pdf.
    (45)Mary Keys, Legal Capacity Law Reform in Europe: An Urgent Challenge, in Gerard Quinn & Lisa Waddington (eds.), European Year Book of Disability Law, Vol.1, Intersentia, 2009, p.66.
    (48)Lawrence O.Gostin, Anna Garsia, Governing for Health as The World Grows Older: Healthy Lifespans in Aging Societies, 22 Elder Law Journal 111 (2014).
    (51)Stanley S.Herr & Lawrence O.Gostin (eds.), Self-Determination, Autonomy and Alternatives for Guardianship in The Human Right of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Different But Equal, Oxford and NewYork, Oxford University Press, 2003, pp.11-12.
    (52)See Robert M.Gordon, The 2015 Annotated British Columbia Incapacity Planning Legislation, Adult Guardianship Act and Related Statutes, Carswell, 2015, pp.20-22.
    (54)Representation Agreement Act, c.405, pt.2 §§ 7 (2.1) (a), 9 (1), 12.
    (56)Nina A.Kohn, Jeremy A.Blumenthal & Amy T.Campbell, Supported Decision-Making: A Viable Alternative to Guardianship, 117 (4) Penn. State Law Review 1136 (2013).
    (59)Civil Code of Quebec, S.Q.2016, c.64, art.154 (Can.).
    (61)Krista James & Laure Watts, Understanding the Lived Experiences of Supported Decision-Making in Canada: Legal Capacity, Decision-Making and Guardianship, Law Comm’n Ont., 2014, p.11.
    (63)In re Dameris L., 956 N.Y.S.2d 848, 855 (N.Y.Sup.Ct.2012). 纽约州最高法院承认Dameris在他人支持下有决定能力,并且承认其决定的法律效力,从而终止了对她的监护。
    (64)Theresa Vargas, Virginia Woman with Down Syndrome Becomes Hero to the Disabled, Wash.Post, Aug.17, 2013, https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-woman-with-down-syndrome-becomes-hero-to-the-disabled/2013/08/17/0da21766-062e-11e3-a07f-49ddc7417125_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.6d7eae571c91. Margaret Hatch是一名唐氏症患者,在被确定需要监护之前她一直生活在社区中,有工作,有朋友,生活状态积极而乐观。不幸的是,她在一次意外事故中被汽车撞伤,她的母亲和继父为她申请了永久、完全监护。法庭最初判决她接受临时监护并把她安置在一个机构中生活。在这个机构中,她被禁止使用手机和电脑,禁止从事之前的工作,而且禁止与朋友会面。一审判决后,Hatch在其支持者的帮助下提出上诉。在该案的终审听证中,法庭听取了专家证人对支持决策的阐述。专家证人进一步阐述Hatch通过其朋友和社区的帮助已经成功地建立了自己的生活网络,能够像正常人一样生活,而且在其他两个民间组织的帮助下,她可以生活得更好。专家证明,在这些资源的帮助下,Hatch 可以管理自己的事务,不需要被监护。法庭最终任命了一名有限监护人管理其“医疗和安全事务”,监护的有效期为一年,之后自动终止。法庭如此判决的目的是为了实现向协助决定的过渡。
    (65)Tex.Est.Code Ann.§ 1002.031 (2015). 协助决定由残疾人和协助者以协议的方式设立,以“支持和服务”为主要内容。德克萨斯州法承认协助决定协议的适用性和有效性,在医疗健康、财产管理、生活安排等方面作为监护的替代措施,协助决定协议可以通过正式或非正式的方式向需求者提供。
    (66)John Brayley, Supported Decision Making: A Case for Change, Paper presented at the Supported Decision Making Forum, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, June 2013, p.6.
    (67)Office of the Public Advocate, Supported Decision-Making: Background and Discussion Paper, 2009, p.23, https://recoverylibrary.unimelb.edu.au/_data/assets/pdf_file/0010/1391257/supported_decision_making_opa.pdf.
    (72)Lana Kerzner, Paving the Way to Full Realization of the CRPD’s Rights to Legal Capacity and Supported Decision-Making: A Canadian Perspective, in From the Margins: New Foundations for Personhood and Legal Capacity in the 21st Century, legal capacity symposium, Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2011, pp.31-33, http://www.supporteddecisionmaking.org/sites/default/files/paving_the_way_for_crpd_canada.pdf.
    (73)The Adult Guardianship Act 2011, Minbop , Art.933, revised by Law No.10429. See Cheolung Je, Recent Developments in Korean Adult Guardianship Law, The International Survey of Family Law, 2016, pp.481-497.
    (82)前引[73],CheoLung Je文,第481页以下。
    (83)Lawrence A.Frolik & Linda S.Whitton, The UPC Substituted Judgment/Best Interest Standard for Guardian Decisions: A Proposal for Reform, 45 U.Mich.J.L.Reform 740 (2012);黄诗淳:《从身心障碍者权利公约之观点评析台湾之成年监护制度》,《月旦法学杂志》总第233期(2014年),第139页。
    (85)Ursula K.Braun et al., Reconceptualizing the Experience of Surrogate Decision Making: Reports vs Genuine Decisions, 7 Ann.Fam.Med.249 (2009); Daniel P.Sulmasy, Substituted Interests and Best Judgments, 304 J.Am.Med.Ass’n 1946 (2010);前引[83],Frolik等文,第739页。
    (86)Council of Europe, Principles Concerning Continuing Powers of Attorney and Advance Directives for Incapacity-Recommendation CM/Rec (2009) 11 and Explanatory Memorandum, Council of Europe Publishing F- 67075 Strasburg Cedex, May 2011, p.9.
    (87)民法总则第33条被学界和公证实践称为意定监护。但此意定监护,非早期介绍到我国的彼意定监护(意定代理)。彼意定监护就是普通法上的持续性代理委任协议。德国2005年增设的照管法修正案中称之为“预先授予代理权(预防性代理权)”(德国民法典第1896条第2款、第1904条第2项和第1906条第5项)。法国2007年新增订民法典第425条时称之为“未来保护委托契约”。日本2000年实施的任意监护契约法第2条指出“任意监护人仅有代理权”。另外,自2009年12月9日开始,欧洲委员会(Council of Europe)通过了《部长委员会对于成员国有关失能者的持续代理权和生前预嘱相关原则的建议》,其英文版中采普通法的称谓(Continuing Power of Atterney)。笔者在早期的著述中就强调“意定监护”从普通法的持续性代理委任协议而来,意定监护人仅有代理权,所谓意定监护是一种新型意定代理——持续永久性的代理,可以附生效条件,有第三方监督并经公证登记与公示。参见李霞:《意定监护制度论纲》,《法学》2011年第4期,第122页;前引[40],李霞文,第214页。鉴于“意定监护”在我国学界和民间已经实践并指民法总则第33条和老年人权益保障法第26条,且与持续性代理委任协议没有冲突,与其为持续代理的中文冠名正本清源,不如直呼其名,强调该制度系一种新型代理,并属于协助决定的措施。
    (89)Michael Ganner, Austrian Guardianship Law-Status 2016 and Upcoming Reform, https://www.wcag2016.de/fileadmin/Mediendatenbank_WCAG/Tagungsmaterialien/Allgemeine_Infos/Ganner_Austrian_Guardianship_2016.pdf.
    (90)Ingeborg Schwenzer & Tomie Keller, A New Law for the Protection of Adults, in International Society of Family Law, The International Survey of Family Law, 2013 ed., UK, Bristol 2013, pp.375-386.
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