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There is an established link between education and manpower development(Mbua,2002;World Bank 1989;Thompson,1981).The kind of education dispensed in every society determines the type of manpower that the society intends to produce and consequently the kind of economy it hopes to establish in the future.In this regard,there has been a proliferation of literature regarding the type of primary education based on manpower development that the British colonial authorities implemented in their colonies and how it contributed to(under) development of an efficient/qualified personnel for all sectors of the colonial economy.None of such literature,known to the researcher however,has mentioned the application of British education policy on the Cameroons;a territory which was under their administration for about forty-five years.This analysis of the approach to primary education is established with the goal of filling the gap while questioning the motivations,relevance and impact of Britain's educational policy on the natives as a whole.My methodology is historical and I have collected primary data from the National Archives Buea(NAB) Cameroon and theoretical decolonization literature to support this analysis.
Abernathy,D.(1969).The Political dilemma of popular education-An African case.California;Stanford University Press.
    Aissat D.and Djafri Y.(nd).The Role of Education in Retrospect;The Gold Coast in the Era of Imperialism.University of Andelhamid,Ibn Badis,Algeria.
    Aka,E.A.(2002).The British Southern Cameroons 1922-1961:A study in Colonialism and underdevelopment Platteville MD;Nkemnji Global Tech.
    Ball,S.J.(1983).Imperialism,School Control and the Colonial Curriculum in Africa,Journal of Curriculum Studies,15(3),pp.237-263.
    Bude,U.(1983).The Adaptationist Concept in British Colonial Education.Comparative Education,19(3),pp.341-355.
    Colonial Office.(1925).Memorandum onEducation policy in British Tropical Africa,London;HMSO.
    Dervish,V.(1968).Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Activities of the West Cameroon Development Agency from 1959,Buea;West Cameroon Government Press.
    File Ba/a/1925/5.(1925).Report for the League of Nations 1925,Cameroons Province,NAB.
    File Ba/a/1927/1.(1927).Cameroons Province Annual Report for 1927.NAB.
    File Ba/a/1935/6.(1935).Notes for the Cameroons Report for the League of Nations for 1935.NAB.
    File Sb/a/1958/1.(1958).Statistics on Southern Cameroons Scholars January 1954-31"December 1958,NAB.
    Foster,P.,(1971).Education and Social Change in Ghana.London;Routledge.
    Grosfoguel,R.(2007).The Epistemic Decolonial turn;Beyond political-economy paradigms.Cultural Studies,21(2-3),March/May,pp.211-223.
    Grosfoguel,R.,(2011).Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies an Paradigms of PoliticalEconomy:Transmodemity,Decolonial Thinking,and Global Coloniality',Transmodemity;Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World 1(1),pp.1-19.
    Hall,C.,(2008).Making Colonial Subjects;Education in the Age of Empire,History of Education:Journal of the History of Education Society,37(6),pp.773-787.
    Hall,C.,(2008).Making Colonial Subjects:Education in the Age of Empire.History of Education;Journal of the History of Education Society,37(6),2008,pp.773-787.
    IBRD,(1955).International Bank for Reconstruction and Development;The Economic development of Nigeria.Washington:The John Hopkins'Press.
    Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925).Education in Africa;A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa by the African Education Commission,under the Auspices of the Phelps-Stokes Fund and Foreign Mission Societies of North America andEurope.New York:Phelps-Stokes Fund.
    Available onlinehttp://www.archive.org/details/educationinafricOOafriuoft Last accessed on 04/04/2015,9:51AM.
    Kallaway,P.(2005).Welfare and education in British colonial Africa and South Africa during the 1930s and 1940s.Paedagogica Historia;International Journal of the History of education,41(3),pp.337-356.
    Kallaway,P.,(2009).Education,health and social welfare in the late colonial context:the International Missionary Council and Educational transition in the interwar years with specific reference to colonial Africa.History of Education;Journal of the History of Education society,38(2),pp.217-246.
    King,K.(1971).Pan-Africanism and Education.Clarendon,Oxford.
    Lugard,F.(1965).The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa.London;Archon Books.
    Mac Ojong,T.T.(2008).Philosophical and Historical foundations of Education in Cameroon 1884-I960,Limbe:Design House.
    Maldonado-Torres,N.(2007).On the coloniality of being:Contributions to the development of a concept.Cultural Studies,21(2-3),March/May,pp.240-270.
    Mbile,N.N.(1999).The Cameroon Political story;Memories of an AuthenticEye Witness.Limbe;Presprint.
    Mbua,F.N.(2002).Educational planning;Issues and perspectives.Limbe;Presprint.
    Ndille,R.N.(2014).Teacher Training in British Southern Cameroons 1916-1961;Educational Historiography in Postcolonialism.African Journal of Social Sciences;A Multidisciplinary journal of Social Sciences.5(2).
    Ndlovu-Gatsheni,S.J.(2013a).The Entrapment of Africa within the Global Colonial Matrices of Power;Eurocentrism,Coloniality,and Deimperialization in the Twenty-first Century,Journal of Developing Societies.29(4),pp.331-353.
    Ndlovu-Gatsheni,S.J.(2013b).Coloniality of power in postcolonial Africa;the myth of decolonization.Dakar;CODESRIA.
    Ngoh,V.J.,(1987).Cameroon 1884-1985:A Hundred Years of History.Limbe:Navi-Group.
    Ngome,E.N.(2014)."The impact of colonialism and religion on traditional Authority in Mwetugland,Cameroon"Unpublished MA Thesis in History,University of Buea.
    Santos,Boaventura de Sousa(2006).Beyond Abyssal Thinking:From Global Lines to Ecology of Knowledges.Eurozine,pp.1-33.
    Southern Nigeria.(1930a).Provincial School Syllabus for Infants'Section and Elementary Schools up to Standard IV of Southern Nigeria.Lagos:CMS Bookshop.
    Tazifor,T.(2003).Cameroon History in the 19th and 20th centuries.Buea:Educational Books Centre.
    Thompson,A.R.(1981).Education and Development in Africa.London and Basingstoke;Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
    United Kingdom.(1948).Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the Administration of the Cameroons under United Kingdom Trusteeship for the year 1948.London:His Majesty's Stationery Office.
    West Cameroon,(1962).West Cameroon Ministry of Education and Social Welfare;Education Department Statistics at 31"December 1962.Buea:Government Press.
    Whitehead,C.(1995).The Medium of Instruction in British colonial education:a case of cultural imperialism or enlightened paternalism?History of Education-Journal of the History of Education Society,24(1),pp.1-15.
    Whitehead,C.(2005).The historiography of British Imperial education policy,Part II;Africa and the rest of the colonial empire.History of Education:Journal of the History of Education Society,34(4),pp.441-454.
    World Bank.(1989).Education in sub-Saharan Africa:Policies for adjustment,reviialization and expansion.Washington DC:World Bank.
    (1)Tazifor,T.(2003).Cameroon History in the 19th and 20th centuries.Buea:Educational Books Centre,p.148.
    (2)Colonial Office.(1925).Memorandum on Education policy in British Tropical Africa,London:HMSO.Vol.3.
    (3)Whitehead,C.(1995).The Medium of Instruction in British colonial education:a case of cultural imperialism or enlightened paternalism?History of Education:Journal of the History of Education Society,24(1),1-15.
    (4)Kallaway,P.(2005).Welfare and education in British colonial Africa and South Africa during the 1930s and 1940s.Paedagogica Historia:International Journal of the History of education,41(3),337-356;Kallaway,P.,(2009).Education,health and social welfare in the late colonial context:the International Missionary Council and Educational transition in the interwar years with specific reference to colonial Africa.History of Education:Journal of the History of Education society,38(2),217-246.Hall,C.,(2008).Making Colonial Subjects:Education in the Age of Empire,History of Education:Journal of the History of Education Society,37(6),773-787.Whitehead,C.(1995).The Medium of Instruction in British colonial education;a case of cultural imperialism or enlightened paternalism?History of Education:Journal of the History of Education Society,24(1),1-15.Whitehead,C.(2005).The historiography of British Imperial education policy,PartⅡ:Africa and the rest of the colonial empire.History of Education:Journal of the History of Education Society,34(4),441-454.Ball,S.J.(1983).Imperialism,School Control and the Colonial Curriculum in Africa,Journal of Curriculum Studies,15(3),237-263.
    (5)Ndille,R.N.(2014)Teacher Training in British Southern Cameroons 1916-1961:Educational Historiography in Postcolonialism.African Journal of Social Sciences:A Multidisciplinary journal of Social Sciences.5(2).Aissat D.and Djafri Y.(nd).The Role of Education in Retrospect:The Gold Coast in the Era of Imperialism.University of Andelhamid,Ibn Badis,Algeria.Bude,U.(1983)The Adaptationist Concept in British Colonial Education.Comparative Education,19(3),341-355.
    (1)See Ndlovu-Gatsheni,S.J.(2013b).Coloniality of power in postcolonial Africa:the myth of decolonization.Dakar;CODESRIA.
    (2)See Aka,E.A.(2002).The British Southern Cameroon!1922-1961:A study in Colonialism and underdevelopment.Platteville MD;Nkemnji Global Tech.
    (3)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925)Education in Africa;A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa by the African Education Commission,under the Auspices of the Phelps-Stokes Fund and Foreign Mission Societies of North America and Europe.New York;Phelps-Stokes Fund.p.xxvi Available online on http;//www.archive.org/details/educationinafricOOafriuoft,accessed on 04/04/2015,9;51AM.
    (1)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925)Education in Africa:A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa p.17.
    (3)File Ba/a/1935/6.(1935).Notes for the Cameroons Report for the League of Nations for1935.NAB,p.45.
    (1)Colonial Office.(1925).Memorandum on Education policy in British Tropical Africa,London;HMSO.p.4.
    (2)Foster,P.,(1971).Education and Social Change in Ghana.London;Routledge.p.156.
    (1)See Aka,E.A.(2002).The British Southern Cameroons 1922-1961:A study in Colonialism and underdevelopment.Platteville MD:Nkemnji Global Tech.
    (2)File Ba/a/1927/1.(1927).Cameroons Province Annual Report for 1927.NAB,p.93.
    (3)File Sb/a/1934/2.(1934).School Syllabuses,Schemes of Work and Time tables,Cameroons Province,NAB,pp.73-74.
    (1)A Provincial School Syllabus for Infants'Section and Elementary Schools up to StandardⅣof Southern Nigeria.Lagos:CMS Bookshop,p.3.
    (2)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925)Education in Africa:A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa,p.17.
    (3)A Provincial School Syllabus for ClassesⅠandⅡMiddle Schools or StandardsⅤandⅥPrimary Schools of Southern Nigeria.Lagos:CMS Bookshop,p.7.
    (1)File Sb/a/1934/2.(1934).School Syllabuses,Schemes of Work and Time tables,Cameroons Province,NAB,p.33.
    (1)See United Kingdom.(1958),Cameroons Under United Kingdom Administration:Report for the year 1958.London:Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
    (2)Southern Nigeria.(1930b),A Provincial School Syllabus for ClassesⅠandⅡMiddle Schools or StandardsⅤandⅥPrimary Schools of Southern Nigeria.Lagos:CMS Bookshop,p.16.
    (3)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925)Education in Africa:A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa p.21.
    (4)See File Ba/a/1927/1.(1927).Cameroons Province Annual Report for 1927.NAB.
    (5)See Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the Administration of the Cameroons under United Kingdom Trusteeship for the year 1949.London;His Majesty's Stationery Office.
    (1)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925)Education in Africa:A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa p.22.
    (2)File Sb/a/1934/2.(1934).School Syllabuses,Schemes of Work and Time tables,Cameroons Province,NAB p.73.
    (3)See File Ba/a/1927/1.(1927).Cameroons Province Annual Report for 1927.NAB.
    (4)See United Kingdom.(1958),Cameroons Under United Kingdom Administration:Report for the year 1958.London:Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
    (5)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925)Education in Africa:A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa p.23.
    (1)Southern Nigeria.(1930b),A Provincial School Syllabus for ClassesⅠandⅡMiddle Schools or StandardsⅤandⅥPrimary Schools of Southern Nigeria.Lagos:CMS Bookshop,p.20.
    (1)United Kingdom.(1954).Cameroons Under United Kingdom Administration:Report for the year 1954.London:Her Majesty's Stationery Office,p.114.
    (2)See File Sb/a/1958/4.(1958).Secret Educational Matters,Southern Cameroons,NAB.
    (3)West Cameroon Ministry of Education and Social Welfare(1962):Education Department Statistics at 31st December 1962.Buea:Government Press,p.16.
    (5)United Kingdom.(1954).Cameroons Under United Kingdom Administration;Report for the year 1954.London;Her Majesty's Stationery Office,pp.112-113.
    (7)See File Ba/a/1927/1.(1927).Cameroons Province Annual Report for 1927.NAB.
    (1)Ndille,R.N.(2014).Teacher Training in British Southern Cameroons 1916-1961:Educational Historiography in Postcolonialism.African Journal of Social Sciences:A Multidisciplinary journal of Social Sciences.5(2),p.20.
    (2)United Kingdom.(1954).Cameroons Under United Kingdom Administration;Report for the year 1954.London:Her Majesty's Stationery Office,p.116.
    (3)See Aka,E.A.(2002).The British Southern Cameroons 1922-1961:A study in Colonialism and underdevelopment.Platteville MD:Nkemnji Global Tech.
    (4)File Sb/a/1958/1.(1958).Statistics on Southern Cameroons Scholars January 1954-31st December 1958,NAB,p.13.
    (5)Aka,E.A.(2002).The British Southern Cameroons 1922-1961:A study in Colonialism and underdevelopment.Platteville MD:Nkemnji Global Tech.p.146.
    (6)See Dervish,V.(1968).Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Activities of the West Cameroon Development Agency from 1959,Buea:West Cameroon Government Press.
    (1)Whitehead,C.(199S).The Medium of Instruction in British colonial education:a case of cultural imperialism or enlightened paternalism?History of Education:Journal of the History of Education Society,24(1),p.15.
    (2)Bude,U.(1983).The Adaptationist Concept in British Colonial Education.Comparative Education,19(3),pp.341-355.
    (3)See Mukherjee,D.(2003).Development Policies,Problems and Institutions,Kolkata:New Central Book Agency.
    (4)Ndlovu-Gatsheni,S.J.(2013).The Entrapment of Africa within the Global Colonial Matrices of Power:Eurocentrism,Coloniality,and Deimperialization in the Twenty-first Century,Journal of Developing Societies.29(4),p.337.
    (5)See Mac Ojong,T.T.(2008).Philosophical and Historical foundations of Education in Cameroon 1884-1960.Limbe:Design House.
    (6)Aissat D.and Djafri Y.(nd).The Role of Education in Retrospect:The Gold Coast in the Era of Imperialism.University of Andelhamid,Ibn Badis,Algeria,p.4.
    (1)Lugard,F.(1965).The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa.London;Archon Books,p.151.
    (2)Grosfoguel,R.,(2011).Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies an Paradigms of Political-Economy;Transmodemity,Decolonial Thinking,and Global Coloniality,Transmodemity:Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World 1(1),pp.1-19
    (3)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925).Education in Africa:A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa p.20.
    (4)Ngome,E.N.(2014).The impact of colonialism and religion on traditional Authority in Mwetugland,Cameroon Unpublished MA Thesis in History,University of Buea.
    (5)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925).Education in Africa:A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa p.20.
    (6)Ngoh,V.J.,(1987).Cameroon 1884-1985:A Hundred Years of History.Limbe:NaviGroup.p.177.
    (7)See Maldonado-Torres,N.(2007).On the coloniality of being:Contributions to the development of a concept Cultural Studies,21(2-3),March/May,pp.240-270.
    (1)See King,K.(1971).Pan-Africanism and Education.Clarendon,Oxford.
    (2)See Mac Ojong,T.T.(2008).Philosophical and Historical foundations of Education in Cameroon 1884-1960.Limbe:Design House.
    (3)See United Kingdom.(1948).Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the Administration of the Cameroons under United Kingdom Trusteeship for the year 1948.London;His Majesty's Stationery Office.
    (4)See Ball,S.J.(1983).Imperialism,School Control and the Colonial Curriculum in Africa,Journal of Curriculum Studies,15(3),pp.237-263.
    (1)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925).Education in Africa:A Study of West,South,and Equatorial Africa p.18.
    (3)File Ba/a/1925/5.(1925).Report for the League of Nations 1925,Cameroons Province,NAB.p.45.
    (4)See Southern Cameroons.(1944).Memorandum of Evidence presented by the Cameroons Youth League(CYL)to the Visiting Elliot Commission of Higher Education in the Southern Cameroons.
    (1)See Ndille,R.N.(2014).Teacher Training in British Southern Cameroons 1916-1961:Educational Historiography in Postcolonialism.African Journal of Social Sciences:A Multidisciplinary journal of Social Sciences.5(2).
    (2)Jones,Thomas Jesse.(1925).Education in Africa:A Study of West,South.,and Equatorial Africa p.18.
    (3)See Ball,S.J.(1983).Imperialism,School Control and the Colonial Curriculum in Africa,Journal of Curriculum Studies,15(3),pp.237-263.
    (4)Whitehead,C.(2005).The historiography of British Imperial education policy,PartⅡ:Africa and the rest of the colonial empire.History of Education:Journal of the History of Education Society,34(4),p.442.
    (5)Santos,Boaventura de Sousa(2006).Beyond Abyssal Thinking:From Global Lines to Ecology of Knowledges.Eurozine,p.45.
    (6)Bude,U.(1983).The Adaptationist Concept in British Colonial Education.Comparative Education,19(3),p.351.
    (1)Abernathy,D.(1969).The Political dilemma of popular education:An African case.California:Stanford University Press,p.165.
    (2)Grosfoguel,R.(2007).The Epistemic Decolonial turn:Beyond political-economy paradigms.Cultural Studies,21(2-3),March/May,pp.211-223.
    (3)See Ndlovu-Gatsheni,S.J.(2013b).Coloniality of power in postcolonial Africa:the myth of decolonization.Dakar:CODESRIA.
    (4)Bude,U.(1983)The Adaptationist Concept in British Colonial Education.Comparative Education,19(3),pp.341-355.
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