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In the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, Japan, on the one hand, strives to evade the relations of its acquisition of "sovereignty" over these islands with the Treaty of Shimonoseki; on the other hand, it assumes that the Diaoyu Islands is a part of Ryukyu under its administrative system, and Ryukyu constitutes a part of Japanese territory, therefore, Japan has the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands. In this regard, Japan's absurd logic lies in that "the Diaoyu Islands belongs to Ryukyu, and the latter belongs to Japan, hence the Diaoyu Islands belongs to Japan". This paper attempts to eliminate the misstatements about the status of Ryukyu, by examining the status of pre-modern Ryukyu(1609-1879) in history and international law, and the marine boundaries between China and Ryukyu in history. In doing so, the paper further demonstrates that the Diaoyu Islands is an inherent part of China, thereby providing compelling evidences to support China's claim to the sovereignty of these islands.
    17费正清提出了晚清时期与朝贡体制并存的“条约体系”一词。参见J.K.Fairbank,The Early Treaty System in the Chinese World Order,in J.K.Fairbank ed.,The Chinese World Order:Traditional China’s Foreign Relations,Cambridge,MA/London:Harvard University Press,1969,pp.257~275.
    18《万国公法》一书,译自美国国际法学家亨利·惠顿(1785-1848)于1836年出版的《国际法原理》(Elements of International Law)一书,翻译者是美国传教士丁韪良(1827-1916),于1864年(同治三年)冬由北京崇实馆刊印发行。参见林学忠:《从万国公法到公法外交:晚清国际法的传入、诠释与应用》,上海:上海古籍出版社2009年版,第113页。
    21 1839年7月,九龙尖沙嘴村发生中国村民林维喜被英国水手所杀的案件。对该案的研究,参见林启彦、林锦源:《论中英两国政府处理林维喜事件的手法和态度》,载于《历史研究》2000年第2期,第97~113页。
    22 1864年4月,普鲁士公使李福斯乘坐“羚羊号”军舰来华,在天津大沽口海面上无端拿获了3艘丹麦商船。总理各国事务衙门当即提出抗议,指出公使拿获丹麦商船的水域是中国的“内洋”(领水),按照国际法的原则,应属中国政府管辖,并以如普鲁士公使不释放丹麦商船清廷将不予以接待相威胁。在这种情况下,普鲁士释放了2艘丹麦商船,并对第3艘商船赔偿1500元,事件最终和平解决。关于此案及清政府援引《万国公法》的经过,参见王维俭:《普丹大沽口船舶事件和西方国际法传入中国》,载于《学术研究》1985年第5期,第84~90页。
    26 James Lorimer,The Institutes of the Law of Nations:A Treaties on the Jural Relations of Separate Political Communities,Vol.1,Edinburgh/London:W.Blackwood&Sons,1883-1884,pp.102~103.
    30中国国家图书馆外文馆藏有Elements of International Law的多个版本,该书自1836年第一版问世后就多次再版,主体内容并无大的改动,而是由不同的编辑者加以注释,或添加国际公约作为附录。笔者参阅的是1866年在波士顿出版的第八版,该版本由Richard Henry Dana编辑并注释。参见Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,edited,with notes,by Richard Henry Dana,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1866,p.viii.
    31丁韪良翻译的《万国公法》由北京崇实馆1864年出版,该中文版译自Elements of International Law:With a Sketch of the History of the Science的第六版,即由William Beach Lawrence(1800-1881)编辑的注释版(Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1855)。参见林学忠:《从万国公法到公法外交:晚清国际法的传入、诠释与应用》,上海:上海古籍出版社2009年版,第113页。
    33 Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,edited,with notes,by Richard Henry Dana,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1866,p.22.
    35 Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,edited,with notes,by Richard Henry Dana,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1866,pp.45~46.
    37惠顿的《万国公法》第二章第37节题目就是“Tributary States”,参见Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,edited,with notes,by Richard Henry Dana,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1866,pp.48~49.
    40 Wheaton,Elements of International Law,edited,with notes,by Richard Henry Dana,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1866,p.49.
    43 John King Fairbank ed.,The Chinese World Order,Traditional China’s Foreign Relations,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968,p.2.
    68时际法,或称过渡法,是指解决法律时间抵触的法律,也就是决定法律时间适用范围的法律。领土争端中,时际法是需要考虑的重要法律因素。国际法上的“时际法”是在国际常设仲裁法院“帕尔马斯岛案”中,由仲裁员胡伯首先提出,并逐步在领土争端解决实践和条约法中得到发展。他所表述的时际国际法是:“一个法律事实应当按照与之同时的法律,而不是按照因该事实发生争端时所实行的法律或解决这个争端时所实行的法律予以判断”。参见The Island of Palmas Case(or Miangas),United States of America v.The Netherlands(1928),Permanent Court of Arbitration,pp.4~6,p.37.
    72 Suya P.Sharma,Territorial Acquisition,Dispute and International Law,The Hague/Boston/London:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1997,p.143.
    86 1877年4月12日,琉球紫巾官向德宏乘船到闽向清朝求助,面见闽浙总督何璟和福建巡抚丁日昌,呈递琉王陈情书,乞求代纾其国之难。面对驻日公使何如璋对日“阻贡不已,必灭琉球,琉球既灭,行及朝鲜”的警告和应对建议,李鸿章却主张:“(何如璋)所陈上、中、下三策,遣兵舶责问及约琉人以必救,似皆小题大作,转涉张皇。惟言之不听时复言之,日人自知理绌,或不敢遽废藩制改郡县,俾球人得保其土,亦不藉寇以兵。此虽似下策,实为今日一定办法。”参见《李鸿章全集·译署函稿》,卷八,第1页。
    89在有关钓鱼岛的国际法研究中,具有代表性的日本学者论著包括:[日]入江启四郎:《尖阁列岛海洋开发の基盘》,载于《季刊·冲绳》1971年3月,第56页;[日]入江启四郎:《日清讲和と尖阁列岛の地位》,载于《季刊·冲绳》1972年12月,第63页;[日]奥原敏雄:《尖阁列岛の领有权问题》,载于《季刊·冲绳》1971年3月,第56页;[日]尾崎重义:《关于尖阁列岛的归属》,载于《参考》1972年总第263号;[日]绿间荣:《尖阁列岛》,那霸:ひるぎ社1984年版;Unryu Suganuma,Sovereign Rights and Territorial Space in Sino-Japanese Relations-Irredentism and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands,Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,2000;Shigeyoshi Ozaki,Territorial Issues on the East China Sea:A Japanese Position,Journal of East Asia and International Law,No.3,2010;[日]尾崎重义:《尖阁诸岛与日本的领有权》,载于《外交》2012年第12期;[日]石井望:《尖阁前史(ぜんし)、无主地(むしゅち)の一角に领有史料有り》,载于《八重山日报》2013年8月3日(平成二十五年八月三日)。
    106 B03041152300の17,《日本外交文书(第18卷)》,第576页。
    108 Han-yi Shaw,The Inconvenient Truth Behind the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands,The New York Times,19 September 2012;台湾“外交部”:《对日本外务省网站有关钓鱼台列屿十六题问与答逐题驳斥全文》,下载于http://www.mofa.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=FBFB7416EA72736F&s=FAA8620A0EE72A91,2015年1月30日。
    109“沖縄県久米赤島、久場島、魚釣島ヘ国標建設ノ件”(JCAHR:B03041152300);Han-yi Shaw,The Inconvenient Truth Behind the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands,The New York Times,19 September 2012;台湾“外交部”:《对日本外务省网站有关钓鱼台列屿十六题问与答逐题驳斥全文》,下载于http://www.mofa.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=FBFB7416EA72736F&s=FAA8620A0EE72A91,2015年1月30日。
    111 1885年6-7月,内务省发出密令给冲绳县令西村舍三,指示其调查位于冲绳本岛东部的无人岛大东岛。在西村舍三的命令下,当年8月29日石泽兵吾等人乘“出云丸号”登陆南大东岛,31日登上北大东岛,遵照指令进行实地调查,并建立名为“冲绳县管辖”的国家标志。船长林鹤松建立了题为“奉大日本帝国冲绳县之命东京共同运输公司出云丸创开汽船航路”的航标。“出云丸号”于9月1日返回那霸港。参见[日]村田忠禧著,韦平和译:《日中领土争端的起源--从历史档案看钓鱼岛问题》,北京:社会科学文献出版社2013年版,第150~152页。
    112《鱼钓岛及另外二岛调查概略》记载:“此岛与英国出版之日本台湾间海图相对照,相当于Hoa Pin su……海图上以Tia u su标记,实有所误。久米赤岛相当于Raleigh Rock,唯一礁石尔……海图上以Pinnacle为久场岛,亦有所误。Pinnacle一语为顶点之意……故勘其误,鱼钓岛应为Hoa Pin Su,久场岛应为Tia u su,久米赤岛应为Raleigh Rock。”村田忠禧指出,报告的提交者石泽兵吾实际上是误将钓鱼屿认作花瓶屿。参见[日]村田忠禧著,韦平和译:《日中领土争端的起源--从历史档案看钓鱼岛问题》,北京:社会科学文献出版社2013年版,第169页。
    115“无主地”的概念一度在18世纪的国际法中流行,被欧洲各国用来为殖民行为辩护。18世纪著名国际法学家瓦特尔的《国家间的法律》中阐述了国际法上的“无主地”。他对英国占有大洋洲,或欧洲各国占有整个北美洲的行为进行合理化,将原住民的土地区别为“已垦殖”与“未垦殖”两类。瓦特尔认为,欧洲主导的国际法应当确认人类对于所栖身、使用的土地负有开发、垦殖的义务。那些居无定所的游牧部落失于开发、垦殖土地的义务本身,即意味着可以视他们从未“真正而合法地”占有这些土地;因为这些部落没有成型昭彰的社会组织者,其与土地二者间不得认作国际法上之占有关系,因而其土地为“无主地”,根据发现与先占原则,无主地向所有殖民者敞开。参见De Vattel,Les droit des Gens,ou Principles de la Loi naturelle,appliqués a la conduit at aux affaires des Nations et des Souverains(1758),translated by Charles Ghequiere Fenwick,Washington:Carnegie institution of Washington,1916,p.194.
    118 Robert Jennings and Arthur Watts,Oppenheim’s International Law,Vol.I,9th ed.,Harlow:Longmans Group UK Limited,1992,pp.689~690.
    124 Han-yi Shaw,The Inconvenient Truth Behind the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands,The New York Times,19 September 2012.
    1 Diaoyu Islands is also called“Diaoyu Dao”or“Diaoyutai”in China,or“Senkaku Islands”in Japan.Except as otherwise stated herein,the term Diaoyu Islands is used throughout this paper to refer to Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets.
    2 In recent years,concerns over the sovereignty of Ryukyu grew quickly in Chinese civil society.Calls for the“restoration of Ryukyu Kingdom”appeared in the internet social media.In Chinese academia,Xu Yong,Tang Chunfeng and other scholars also argue that the status of Ryukyu is uncertain.This argument,first raised by Taiwanese scholars,rose to prominence in Chinese Mainland around 2012,which sparked the attention of media in Japan and Okinawa.Sino-Japanese relations have become strained after Japan’s move to“nationalize”the Diaoyu Islands.On 8 May 2012,People’s Daily,the official newspaper of China,published an article titled“The Treaty of Shimonoseki and the Diaoyu Dao Issue”,by Zhang Haipeng and Li Guoqiang.This article,in its conclusion,says that“it is the high time to reconsider the pending issue of Ryukyu.”As to the position of Chinese government toward Ryukyu,a Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman asserted,“Chinese government has never changed its position to some relevant issues.The history of Okinawa and Ryukyu is a long-time concern in the academia,which stood up again recently,against the backdrop where the territorial sovereignty of China was jeopardized by Japan’s provocative acts concerning the Diaoyu Islands issue.The articles by scholars reflect the concerns and studies on the Diaoyu Islands and the relevant historical issues by Chinese civil society and academia”.
    3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,The Basic View on the Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands,at http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/senkaku/basic_view.html,8 October2016;Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,Senkaku Islands Q&A,at http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/senkaku/qa_1010.html,8 October 2016.
    4 Satsuma Domain is the local authority controlling the southern Kyushu Island before the Meiji Government replaced its feudal domain system with prefecture system.It is associated with the provinces of Satsuma in the western modern-day Kagoshima Prefecture,Osumi in the eastern modern-day Kagoshima Prefecture and Osumi Islands,and Hyūga in southwestern modern-day Miyazaki Prefecture.After the creation of the Tokugawa regime in the Edo period(1603-1868),this authority became the Satsuma Domain,which was formally named the Kagoshima Domain following the Meiji Restoration.See Sadafumi Fujii and RokurōHayashi,Hanshi Jiten,Tokyo:Akita Shoten,1976,p.342,quoted from Yuan Jiadong,The Japanese Satsuma Invasion of Ryukyu and the Changes in East Asian Geopolitics,Social Sciences in China,No.8,2013,p.189.(in Chinese)
    5 He Ciyi,The History of the Relations between Ryukyu and Japan in Ming and Qing Dynasties,Nanjing:Jiangsu Ancient Books Publishing House Co.Ltd.,2002,pp.3~5.(in Chinese)
    6 There is little debate,among the Chinese and Japanese scholars,over the times that the Qing Court sent imperial envoys to Ryukyu.It is generally maintained that the Qing Court sent envoys 8 times to perform investiture ceremony for Ryukyuan kings,involving 16envoys in all.However,historians failed to reach a consensus over the total times that China dispatched envoys to Ryukyu in the two dynasties of Ming and Qing.It is generally believed to be 24 times,but some scholars also assert that it is 23 times.The main difference lies in their different views on the times of investiture missions sent in the Ming Dynasty.Xie Bizhen,Wu Shangqing and Akamine Seiki all believe that the Ming Court sent investiture missions 15 times,involving 27 envoys;in contrast,Fang Baochuan asserts that the numbers are 14(times)and 26(envoys)respectively.Some scholars contend that the times of investiture missions should be determined on whether the central government has sent envoys to perform investiture ceremony for Ryukyuan King on the land of the kingdom,therefore,the mission carried out by Yang Zai should not be counted,and the Ming and Qing Courts sent envoys 23 times,rather than 24 times to Ryukyu to perform investiture rituals for its kings.See Xie Bizhen and Hu Xin,Historical Data and Research on the History of Sino-Ryukyuan Relations,Beijing:China Ocean Press,2010,pp.125~126(in Chinese);Xu Bin,Literati and Officialdom in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Ryukyu,Beijing:China Ocean Press,2011,p.83.(in Chinese)
    7 Veritable Records of Emperor Ming Taizu(Vol.71)stated,the imperial edict that Ming Taizu,also known as the Hongwu Emperor,ordered Yang Zai to carry along to confirm King Satto as king of Chūzan said:“only your country Ryukyu,which is located to the southeast of China and far away in the oversea land,was not informed of the news.Therefore,now I send my envoys to tell you the news.”See Veritable Records of Emperor Ming Taizu,Vol.71,16 January 1372(lunar calendar).
    8 Xu Bin,Literati and Officialdom in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Ryukyu,Beijing:China Ocean Press,2011,p.36.(in Chinese)
    9 Zheng Hailin,The History of Diaoyu Islands and the Relevant Jurisprudence(Revised and Enlarged Edition),Hong Kong:Ming Pao Publications Ltd.,2011,p.124.(in Chinese)
    10 Xu Bin,Literati and Officialdom in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Ryukyu,Beijing:China Ocean Press,2011,p.4.(in Chinese)
    11 Mi Qingyu,A Research on Ryukyuan History,Tianjin:Tianjin People’s Publishing House,1998,pp.112~114.(in Chinese)
    12 Yang Chungkui,Ancient and Modern Ryukyu,and the Issue of Diaoyutai,Taipei:The Commercial Press,Ltd.,1990,pp.64~65.(in Chinese)
    13 Yang Chungkui,Ancient and Modern Ryukyu,and the Issue of Diaoyutai,Taipei:The Commercial Press,Ltd.,1990,pp.64~65.(in Chinese)
    14 Ryukyuan castaways incidents:since the establishment of tributary relations between China and Ryukyu in the Ming Dynasty,12 Ryukyuan ships or ships used for tribute missions had been wrecked and wandered into the coastal areas of China.Both the Qing and Ming Courts had the practice of salvaging and resettling the castaways,including those from Ryukyu,granting pensions to them,and sending them back to their home countries.Such practices formed a sino-centric marine salvage mechanism,with participation from its tributary and non-tributary States(such as Japan).Since the shipwrecks were caused mainly by the miscalculation of the monsoon season,in the period of dual subordination,Shuri Royal Government ordered its subjects to strictly follow the right time to leave or return to its ports.Even in that case,shipwreck incidents still happened.See Lai Zhengwei,A Research on the Sino-Ryukyuan Relations in the Qing Dynasty,Beijing:China Ocean Press,2011,pp.56~60(in Chinese);[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Origin of Sino-Japanese Territorial Disputes:the Diaoyu Islands Issue Seen from Historical Archives,translated by Wei Pinghe,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013,p.52.(in Chinese)
    15[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Origin of Sino-Japanese Territorial Disputes:the Diaoyu Islands Issue Seen from Historical Archives,translated by Wei Pinghe,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013,pp.52~53.(in Chinese)
    16 Yang Chungkui,Ancient and Modern Ryukyu,and the Issue of Diaoyutai,Taipei:The Commercial Press,Ltd.,1990,pp.64~65.(in Chinese)
    17 The term“treaty system”,which coexisted with the tributary system in late Qing Dynasty,was proposed by Fairbank.See J.K.Fairbank,The Early Treaty System in the Chinese World Order,in J.K.Fairbank ed.,The Chinese World Order:Traditional China’s Foreign Relations,Cambridge,MA/London:Harvard University Press,1969,pp.257~275.
    18 The Chinese version of Elements of International Law(named“万国公法”in Chinese)is translated by William A.P.Martin(1827-1916),an American missionary,from its English version,which was published by the American publicist Henry Wheaton(1785-1848)in 1836.This Chinese version was printed by Beijing Chongshi School in the winter of 1864.See Lin Xuezhong,From Elements of International Law to Diplomacy Based on International Law:the Reception,Interpretation,and Application of International Law in the Late Qing,Shanghai:Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House,2009,p.113.(in Chinese)
    19 Zou Zhenhuan,A Comparative Study on the Distribution of the Elements of International Law Translated by W.A.P.Martin in China,Japan and Korea,in Center for South Korea Studies of Fudan University ed.,South Korea Studies,Vol.7,Beijing:China Social Sciences Press,2000,pp.258~278.(in Chinese)
    20 Mao Haijian,Collapse of the Celestial Empire:A Re-examination on the Opium Wars,Beijing:Joint Publishing,1995,pp.104~112.(in Chinese)
    21 In July 1839,a local named Lin Weixi in the village of Tsim Sha Tsui was beaten to death by a British sailor.For research on this incident,see Lam Kai-yin and Lam Kam-yuen,On the Approaches and Attitudes of the Chinese and British Governments in Dealing with the Lin Weixi Incident,Historical Research,No.2,2000,pp.97~113.(in Chinese)
    22 In April 1864,when the Prussian minister H.Von Rehfues came to China by the warship Gazelle,he,without causes,captured three Danish commercial ships in the waters of Dagu Port,Tianjin,China.Zongli Yamen(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)of Qing China protested against Prussia’s act immediately,by invoking international legal concepts.The Prussian minister was accused of capturing Danish ships in Chinese“inner ocean”(or“territorial sea”),over which China had jurisdiction.The Prussians were further informed that should the ships not be released then China could refuse a reception to their officials.Ultimately,Prussia released two of the captured ships,and paid a compensation at the amount of$1500.This incident was thus settled peacefully.For the details of this incident and the invocation of international law by Qing Court,see Wang Weijian,Prussian-Danish Incident in Dagu Port and the Introduction of Western International Law into China,Academic Research,No.5,1985,pp.84~90.(in Chinese)
    23[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato,A Study on the History of Relations between Ryukyu and Japan in the Late Qing Dynasty(I),translated by Hu Liancheng et al.,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2010,p.17.(in Chinese)
    24 Wang Hui,The Rise of Modern Chinese Thoughts,Beijing:SDX Joint Publishing Company,2004,p.680.(in Chinese)
    25 Lin Xuezhong,From Elements of International Law to Diplomacy Based on International Law:the Reception,Interpretation,and Application of International Law in the Late Qing,Shanghai:Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House,2009,p.243.(in Chinese)
    27 Oppenheim’s International Law is considered as another internationally renowned book,following the Elements of International Law,in the 20th century.This book finds its early form in the two volumes of International Law:A Treatise initially published in 1905-1906,by the internationalist L.F.L.Oppenheim(1858-1919).This work won him enough prestige to be appointed as the Whewell Professor of International Law in the University of Cambridge.The second edition of the book was revised by Oppenheim himself.Oppenheim’s International Law was afterwards edited by Ronald Francis Roxburgh,Arnold Duncan Mc Nair,Hersch Lauterpacht and other renowned scholars of international law,and is known as a“Cambridge Monograph”.Robert Jennings and Arthur Watts eds.,Oppenheim’s International Law,Vol.1,No.1,translated by Wang Tieya et al.,Beijing:Encyclopedia of China Publishing House,1998,pp.III~V.(in Chinese)
    28 Robert Jennings and Arthur Watts eds.,Oppenheim’s International Law,Vol.1,No.1,translated by Wang Tieya et al.,Beijing:Encyclopedia of China Publishing House,1998,p.90.(in Chinese)
    29 It is noteworthy that,Prof.He Qinhua,the proofreader of the Chinese version of Elements of International Law(Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law Press,2003)stated,William A.P.Martin’s translation was abridged and adjusted from the original work,with some contents deleted and its structure,style or chapters adjusted.For example,nearly 90%of original words of Volume 1,Chapter 2,Section 23(titled“Germanic Confederation”)were deleted by William in his translation,only retaining a summary.Additionally,subject to the historical conditions and the translator’s Chinese proficiency,the Chinese version is fraught with translation errors.See Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,translated by William A.P.Martin,proofread by He Qinhua,Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law Press,2003,Preface by Proofreader,p.51(in Chinese).By virtue of it,the paper pays a special attention to the difference between the Chinese and English versions,particularly those parts deleted or omitted in the Chinese version.
    30 The National Library of China collected several editions of Elements of International Law in its House of Foreign Literature.This book has been reprinted many times since its first publication in 1836.The main contents of this book remained unchanged,but with notes or international conventions added by editors as appendix.The author referred to the 8th edition published in Boston in 1866,edited with notes,by Richard Henry Dana.See Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,edited,with notes,by Richard Henry Dana,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1866,p.viii.
    31 William A.P.Martin’s translation of Elements of International Law was published in 1864by Beijing Chongshi School.This Chinese edition is translated from the 6th edition of Elements of International Law:With a Sketch of the History of the Science,which was edited with notes by William Beach Lawrence(1800-1881)(Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1855).See Lin Xuezhong,From Elements of International Law to Diplomacy Based on International Law:the Reception,Interpretation,and Application of International Law in the Late Qing,Shanghai:Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House,2009,p.113.(in Chinese)
    32 Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,translated by William A.P.Martin,proofread by He Qinhua,Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law Press,2003,pp.25~26.(in Chinese)
    34 Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,translated by William A.P.Martin,proofread by He Qinhua,Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law Press,2003,p.37.(in Chinese)
    36 Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,translated by William A.P.Martin,proofread by He Qinhua,Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law Press,2003,pp.35~36.(in Chinese)
    37 Section 37,Chapter 2 of Wheaton’s Elements of International Law is entitled“Tributary States”,see Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,edited,with notes,by Richard Henry Dana,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1866,pp.48~49.
    38 Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,translated by William A.P.Martin,proofread by He Qinhua,Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law Press,2003,p.41.(in Chinese)
    39 Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,translated by William A.P.Martin,proofread by He Qinhua,Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law Press,2003,pp.41~42.(in Chinese)
    41 Huang Songyun,Theoretic Problems in the Study of Chinese Tributary System,Social Science Front,No.6,2004,p.121.(in Chinese)
    42 John King Fairbank has done some pioneering researches on the Sino-centrist worldview,which is the theoretic basis of Chinese tributary system,as well as on the characteristics of the tributary system which merge politics,trade and diplomacy into its network.Plus,he also studied the trend of modern China with his impact-response model.Many concepts advanced by scholars afterwards,such as“Huayi Order”,“Chinese Confucian system”,“Chinese world order”and“East Asian world order”,are considered as related to ancient China’s foreign relations,diplomatic institutions and thoughts,which,however,are all associated with Chinese tributary system.Fairbank’s views above described the structure of the tributary system.Yet,it should be noted,inner Asian Nomads were greatly different from the tributary States within the Chinese culture circle,albeit in the same tributary system.Siam,Burma and other tributaries also varied from European States,which cannot be put under the same category,because the former States maintained an official tributary relations with China.See Wang Peipei,Tributary and Treaty Systems,Social Sciences Review,Vol.26,No.8,2011,pp.115~117.(in Chinese)
    44 Li Yunquan,The History of Tributary System:A Study on Institutions Related to the Foreign Relations of Ancient China,Beijing:Xinhua Press,2004,pp.134~148.(in Chinese)
    45 Li Yunquan,The History of Tributary System:A Study on Institutions Related to the Foreign Relations of Ancient China,Beijing:Xinhua Press,2004,p.137.(in Chinese)
    46 Lin Xuezhong,From Elements of International Law to Diplomacy Based on International Law:the Reception,Interpretation,and Application of International Law in the Late Qing,Shanghai:Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House,2009,pp.276~278.(in Chinese)
    47 Ma Dazheng ed.,An Outlined History of Chinese Borders/Book Series on the General History of China’s Borders,Zhengzhou:Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House,2000,p.398.(in Chinese)
    48 Kuo Ting-yee et al.eds.,Archives on Sino-French Negotiations over the Vietnam Issue(II),Taipei:Institute of Modern History,“Academia Sinica”,1962,p.927.(in Chinese)
    49 For example,Li Hongzhang,in June 1883,received a letter from France,which said:“Currently,France and Vietnam are at war,which,in accordance with international law,any third States should not intervene,therefore,we should discuss the matter after a ceasefire between France and Vietnam.”Kuo Ting-yee et al.eds.,Archives on Sino-French Negotiations over the Vietnam Issue(II),Taipei:Institute of Modern History,“Academia Sinica”,1962,p.910.(in Chinese)
    50 Zhang Denggui et al.eds.,??i Nam Th?c L?c,Tokyo:Keio University,1961-1981,p.4,quoted from Li Yunquan,Sino-French Negotiations over the Vietnam Issue before the SinoFrench War and the Change of Sino-Vietnamese Relations,Social Science Journal,No.5,2010,p.155.(in Chinese)
    51 Li Yunquan,Sino-French Negotiations over the Vietnam Issue before the Sino-French War and the Change of Sino-Vietnamese Relations,Social Science Journal,No.5,2010,p.151.(in Chinese)
    52 The text of the telegraph reads:“The Seal of Burma King was presented in 1790.The writing style of the characters on the seal was Shangfang Dazhuan(one type of greater seal scripts in ancient China)in the languages of Han and Manchu.The seal is made of silver and has a camel-shaped golden handle.The base of the seal is 3.5*3.5 Chinese cun(1 cun=31?3 cm)and 1 Chinese cun thick.And the words on the seal reads‘Seal of Burma King in Mandalay’.”See He Xinhua,An Analysis on the Tributary Status of Burma in Qing Dynasty,Historical Archives,No.1,2006,p.75.(in Chinese)
    53 Wang Yanwei,Historical Documents on Qing’s Foreign Relations(Vol.61),Beijing:The Palace Museum,1932,p.29.(in Chinese)
    54 He Xinhua,An Analysis on the Tributary Status of Burma in Qing Dynasty,Historical Archives,No.1,2006,p.75.(in Chinese)
    55 Burma’ambiguous attitude can be detected from Burma King’s attitude towards the seal presented by Qianlong Emperor in 1790.When“Chinese envoys carried the camel-shaped seal signifying Burma’s subordination to China,the Burma King,fearing to be controlled by Qing Court,was initially reluctant to accept the seal.However,he was also unwilling to reject such a piece of gold weighing 3 peittha(10 lb),eventually he decided to accept it,but ordering his court recorder not to recount this matter.”G.E.Harvey,History of Burma(Vol.2),translated by Yao Ziliang,Beijing:The Commercial Press,1973,p.453.(in Chinese)
    56 He Xinhua,An Analysis on the Tributary Status of Burma in Qing Dynasty,Historical Archives,No.1,2006,p.72.(in Chinese)
    57 Lu Fengshi,Veritable Records of Qing Emperor De Zong(Vol.232,September 1886),Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,1987.(in Chinese)
    58 The Mudan Incident of 1871:in the November of 1871,a Miyako Island ship encountered a violent storm at sea and was shipwrecked.66 crewmen landed on November 7,at the Mudan Community where Gaoshan people(raw or wild tribes in Taiwan)lived.Unfortunately,an armed conflict erupted between the crewmen and the local aborigines.Of the 66 crewmen,54 were killed,and 12 were rescued by Yang Youwang and other Han Chinese and were transferred to Miyako via Fujian.On 25 February 1872,Wen Yu,the Fuzhou General and Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces,reported the incident to Beijing.And Dibao,a kind of newspaper distributed in the capital of Qing Empire,also covered this incident.See Mi Qingyu,The Ryukyuan Shipwreck Incidence and Japanese Invasion of Taiwan(1871-1874),Historical Research,No.1,1999,pp.21~36.(in Chinese)
    59 Mi Qingyu,The Ryukyuan Shipwreck Incidence and Japanese Invasion of Taiwan(1871-1874),Historical Research,No.1,1999,pp.21~36.(in Chinese)
    60 Ju Deyuan,A Comment on the Basic View on the Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands Issued by the Japanese Government 30 Years Ago,The Journal of Studies of China’s Resistance War against Japan,No.4,2002,pp.147~166.(in Chinese)
    61[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato,A Study on the History of Relations between China,Ryukyu and Japan in Late Qing Dynasty(I),translated by Hu Liancheng et al.,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2010,p.312.(in Chinese)Affairs of Japan ed.,An Chronological Table of Japanese Foreign Policy and Important Documents,1840-1945(I),Tokyo:Hara Shobo,1965,pp.81~85(in Japanese);Ju Deyuan,A Comment on the Basic View on the Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands Issued by the Japanese Government 30 Years Ago,The Journal of Studies of China’s Resistance War against Japan,No.4,2002,pp.147~166.(in Chinese)
    63 Ueda Toshio,Negotiations between Japan and China over the Sovereignty of Ryukyu,in Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia ed.,The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia,No.2,1951.(in Japanese)
    64 Mi Qingyu,A Research on Ryukyuan History,Tianjin:Tianjin People’s Publishing House,1998,p.226.(in Chinese)
    65[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato,A Study on the History of Relations between Ryukyu and Japan in the Late Qing Dynasty(I),translated by Hu Liancheng et al.,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2010,p.35.(in Chinese)
    66 The Treaty of Shimonoseki(Japanese:下関条約,“Shimonoseki Jōyaku”)was a treaty signed in Shimonoseki,Japan on April 17,1895,between the Empire of Japan and the Qing Empire,ending the First Sino-Japanese War.It was signed by Li Hongzhang and Li Jingfang on behalf of the Emperor of China and Ito Hirobumi and Mutsu Munemitsu for the Emperor of Japan.
    67 Ryukyuan envoys sent to Tokyo asserted that the existence of a State subordinated to two other States was permitted under the Elements of International Law,since,for example,Poland was once subject to three States:Prussia,Austria and Russia.[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato,A Study on the History of Relations between Ryukyu and Japan in the Late Qing Dynasty(I),translated by Hu Liancheng et al.,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2010,pp.29~32.(in Chinese)
    68 Intertemporal Law,also known as Transitory Law,deals with the complications caused by the conflict of laws in time,which determines the time when a law is applicable.In territorial disputes,intertemporal law is a critical legal element to be considered.The origins of Intertemporal Law as a legal theoretical concept,are to be found in arbitrator Huber’s discussion in the Palmas Arbitration Case before the Permanent Court of Arbitration,where he stated“a juridical fact must be appreciated in the light of the law contemporary with it,and not of the law in force at the time when a dispute in regard to it arises or falls to be settled.”This concept has gradually developed in the practice of territorial disputes settlement and treaty laws.See The Island of Palmas Case(or Miangas),United States of America v.The Netherlands(1928),Permanent Court of Arbitration,pp.4~6,p.37.
    69 He Ciyi,The History of the Relations between Ryukyu and Japan in Ming and Qing Dynasties,Nanjing:Jiangsu Ancient Books Publishing House Co.Ltd.,2002,p.55.(in Chinese)
    70[Japan]Kuroita Katsumi,Tokugawa Jikki(Chapter 1),in Shintei Zoho,Kokushi Taikei(Vol.38),Tokyo:Yoshikawa Kobunkan,1929.(in Japanese)
    71 Su Yi-xiong,International Law in Peacetime,Taipei:San Min Book Co.,Ltd.,1993,p.178.(in Chinese)
    73 Mi Qingyu,A Research on Ryukyuan History,Tianjin:Tianjin People’s Publishing House,1998,p.199.(in Chinese)
    74 The claim of Japan’s exclusive sovereignty over Ryukyu was mainly proposed by Japanese foreign minister Terashima in his book A Brief Introduction.With regards to this claim,the Meiji Government stressed the similarity and connection between Ryukyu and Japan,prior to the Satsuma Invasion of Ryukyu in 1609,in terms of geographical relationship and location,as well as culture and ethnics,and also mentioned that Ryukyu paid tributes to Japan earlier than to China,which was subject to the administration of Daizaifu specially set up by Japan.Japan also emphasized,after 1609,Shogunate had already given Ryukyu to Satsuma Domain,which exercised political rule over Ryukyu in many aspects,including military,tax,and law-making.Mi Qingyu,A Research on Ryukyuan History,Tianjin:Tianjin People’s Publishing House,1998,p.199.(in Chinese)
    75 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan ed.,Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy,Vol.12,Tokyo:International Association of Japan,1973,quoted from[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato,AStudy on the History of Relations between Ryukyu and Japan in the Late Qing Dynasty(I),translated by Hu Liancheng et al.,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2010,p.30.(in Chinese)
    76[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato,A Study on the History of Relations between Ryukyu and Japan in the Late Qing Dynasty(I),translated by Hu Liancheng et al.,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2010,p.30.(in Chinese)
    77 Existing literature has attempted,by invoking the relations between the principal maritime powers of Europe and Barbary States,to draw an analogy between the status of Ryukyu and these powers of Europe.See Wang Xin,Historical Changes of the Legal Status of Ryukyu under International Law,Graduate Law Review.CUPL,Vol.24,No.2,pp.112~120(in Chinese);Wang Xin,An Exploration of the Diaoyu Islands Disputes Seen from the Historical Changes of the Legal Status of Ryukyu(master thesis),Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law,2010,p.8(in Chinese);Zhang Yi,The Study on Legal Status of the Ryukyu Islands on International Law(doctoral thesis),Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law,2013,pp.63~64.(in Chinese)Such practice has appeared in history:in order to protest against the Meiji Government’s claim of exclusive sovereignty over Ryukyu,Ryukyuan envoys sent to Tokyo asserted that the existence of a State subordinated to two other States was permitted under the Elements of International Law,since,for example,Poland was once subject to three States:Prussia,Austria and Russia.[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato ed.,Petitions for Salvation of Ryukyu Kingdom,Tokyo:Hosei University Institute for Okinawan Studies,1992.(in Japanese)
    78 Henry Wheaton,Elements of International Law,translated by William A.P.Martin,proofread by He Qinhua,Beijing:China University of Political Science and Law Press,2003,p.41.(in Chinese)
    79 Xiu Bin and Jiang Bingguo,The Subjugation of Ryukyu and Losing the Function of the Investiture-Tributary System in East Asia,Japanese Studies,No.6,2007.(in Chinese)
    80[Japan]Chōken Kishaba,Ryu?kyu?kenbunroku(Vols.1~2),Tokyo:Perikansha Publishing Inc.,1977(in Japanese),quoted from[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato,A Study on the History of Relations between Ryukyu and Japan in the Late Qing Dynasty(I),translated by Hu Liancheng et al.,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2010,p.31.(in Chinese)
    81 Ming Juinn Li,The Sovereignty of the Ryukyu Islands from the Perspective of International Law,Taiwan International Studies Quarterly,Vol.1,No.2,2005,p.56.(in Chinese)
    82[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato ed.,Petitions for Salvation of Ryukyu Kingdom,Tokyo:Hosei University Institute for Okinawan Studies,1992.
    83 ShōTukukōargued,“Japan claims that the government system and political structure of Ryukyu was established by Japan,and Ryukyu is not a sovereign and independent State.However,to determine a State’s government system and political structure,the following rituals or factors are critical:investiture rituals,granting title of a reigning dynasty,giving a royal name,following the calendar,laws and decrees,and rites of a certain dynasty.Ryukyu has paid tribute to China since 1372,when King Satto was conferred as king of Chūzan by China,and the country’s name was changed from“琉求”to“琉球”in Chinese.During the reign of Yongle Emporor,Ryukyu King was given the surname of Shō.Ryukyu follows the calendar,rites and rituals,as well as laws and statutes of China,which has never changed up till now.The post and rank of Ryukyuan officials,the recruitment and resignation of its staff,the issuing and abolishment of imperial orders or decrees,and the clothing system,are all decided by the King and councilors of Ryukyu,without being intervened by Japan.In the treaties signed by Ryukyu with France,the United States,and the Netherlands respectively,Ryukyu signed the date following Chinese calendar and the names of its own officials.Ryukyu is a sovereign State,which is known to all States.That Ryukyu is not subject to Japan is a self-evident fact,which does not need to be proved through debate.”See Wang Yunsheng,China and Japan in the Last Six Decades,Vol.1,Tianjin:Ta Kung Pao,1932,pp.127~129.(in Chinese)
    84[Japan]Kikoh Nishizato,A Study on the History of Relations between Ryukyu and Japan in the Late Qing Dynasty(I),translated by Hu Liancheng et al.,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2010,p.307.(in Chinese)
    86 On 12 April 1877,ShōTukukō,the Grand Master with the Purple-Golden Ribbon(a government official of Ryukyu),sailed to Fujian Province to seek assistance from Qing Court.When meeting He Jing,the Viceroy of Minzhe,and Fujian Provincial Governor Ding Richang,Shōsubmitted the petitions written by the Ryukyu King to them,requesting Qing Government to help Ryukyu settle its problems.He Ruzhang,a Chinese envoy sent to Japan,warned and suggested,“Japan incessantly prevented Ryukyu from paying tribute to China,it would surely annex Ryukyu.When Ryukyu is annexed,Korea would be in peril.”However,Li Hongzhang asserted,“among the best,the second best and the worst plans(presented by He Ruzhang),the best plan is to dispatch forces to call Japan to account,and the second best is to reach an agreement with Ryukyuans to require them to resist the Japanese and China would assist them,when necessary.These two plans seem to make a great fuss about nothing,which might cause panic.However,if we repetitively debate with Japan,Japan would become aware that it is in the wrong,then it might not dare to transform the Ryukyu domain into a prefecture.In that way,Ryukyuans would retain their land,and the invaders would withdraw without violence being used.The last plan seems to be the worst,however,it is actually the one we have to choose today.”See Complete Works of Li Hongzhang-Letters to the Imperial Prince in Charge of Zongli Yamen,Vol.8,p.1.
    87 Tang Caichang,Rules about the Establishment of a School of Chinese and Western Law,in Hunan Provincial Institute of Philosophy and Social Science ed.,Collection of Tang Caichang’s Works,Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,1980,p.27.(in Chinese)
    88 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,Senkaku Islands Q&A,at http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/senkaku/qa_1010.html,12 October 2016;Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,The Basic View on the Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands,at http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/senkaku/basic_view.html,12 October 2016.
    89 In all the researches on the Diaoyu Islands from the perspective of international law,the most representative works or papers by Japanese scholars include:Keishiro Iriye,The Basis for the Development of the Oceans Surrounding Senkaku Islands,Kikan Okinawa[Okinawa Quarterly],March 1971,p.56(in Japanese);Keishiro Iriye,Sino-Japanese Peace Talk and the Status of Senkaku Islands,Kikan Okinawa[Okinawa Quarterly],December 1972,p.63(in Japanese);Okuhara Toshio,The Sovereignty Issue of Senkaku Islands,Kikan Okinawa[Okinawa Quarterly],March 1971,p.56(in Japanese);Ozaki Shigeyoshi,Territorial Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands,Reference,No.263,1972(in Japanese);Midorima Sakae,The Senkaku Islands,Naha:Hirugisha,1984(in Japanese);Unryu Suganuma,Sovereign Rights and Territorial Space in Sino-Japanese Relations-Irredentism and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands,Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,2000;Ozaki Shigeyoshi,Territorial Issues on the East China Sea:A Japanese Position,Journal of East Asia and International Law,No.3,2010;Ozaki Shigeyoshi,Senkaku Islands and Japan’s Territorial Rights,Diplomacy,No.12,2012(in Japanese);Ishii Nozomu,The Available Historical Data and Materials about the Prehistory of Senkaku and Terra Nullius(Land without Owner),Yaeyama Nippo,3 August 2013.(in Japanese)
    90 Sha Xuejun,Historical and Geographical Evidences Supporting China’s,Rather Than Ryukyu’s Ownership of Diaoyutai,Journal of Xuecui,Vol.14,No.2,1972,p.16.(in Chinese)
    91 Sha Xuejun,Historical and Geographical Evidences Supporting China’s,Rather Than Ryukyu’s Ownership of Diaoyutai,Journal of Xuecui,Vol.14,No.2,1972,p.16.(in Chinese)
    92 Li Tingji,Li Wen Jie Gong Wen Ji(Collected Works of H.E.Mr.Li),in Chen Zilong et al.eds.,Ming Jing Shi Wen Bian(The Collection of the Articles on the Management of State Affairs in the Ming Dynasty),Vol.460,Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,1962.(in Chinese)
    93 Long Wenbin,Ming Hui Yao(Records of Ming Dynasty),Vol.77,Foreign State 1,Ryukyu,Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,1956.(in Chinese)
    94 Sha Xuejun,Historical and Geographical Evidences Supporting China’s,Rather than Ryukyu’s Ownership of Diaoyutai,Journal of Xuecui,Vol.14,No.2,1972,p.17.(in Chinese)
    95“Black Tide”is a north-flowing branch of the Pacific North Equatorial Current when it flows along the coast of mainland.It begins off the Philippines,Taiwan Strait,the east coast of Taiwan and flows northeastward past Yaeyama,Miyako and Diaoyu Islands,and then towards Japan and South Korea.It flows at a speed of 4-5 nautical miles per hour on average.When it pasts Yaeyama,Miyako,Ryukyu Islands and Diaoyu Islands,its western part returns south,owing to the wind direction and impact of coast.See Yang Chungkui,China,Ryukyu and Diaoyu Islands,Hong Kong:Union Research Institute,1972,p.135.(in Chinese)
    96 Sha Xuejun,Historical and Geographical Evidences Supporting China’s,Rather Than Ryukyu’s Ownership of Diaoyutai,Journal of Xuecui,Vol.14,No.2,1972,p.17.(in Chinese)
    97 Sha Xuejun,Historical and Geographical Evidences Supporting China’s,Rather Than Ryukyu’s Ownership of Diaoyutai,Journal of Xuecui,Vol.14,No.2,1972,p.17.(in Chinese)
    98 Zheng Hailin,The History of Diaoyu Islands and the Relevant Jurisprudence,Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,2007,p.98.(in Chinese)
    99 This map,in practice,best explained the following statements by Chinese envoys Chen Kan and Guo Rulin:“Then Gumi Mountain comes into sight,that is where the land of Ryukyu begins”,and“Chi Yu is the mountain that marks the boundary of Ryukyu”.See Zheng Hailin,The History of Diaoyu Islands and the Relevant Jurisprudence,Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,2007,pp.98~99.(in Chinese)
    100 Sangoku Tsu?ran Zusetsu(An Illustrated Description of Three Countries)by Hayashi Shihei was published in Japan in the Autumn of 1785.This illustrated book is attached with five maps,namely:Complete Picture of World Distances of the Outline of the Three Countries,Complete Picture of the Country of Ezo,Complete Picture of the Country of Korea,Picture of the Uninhabited Islands,and the Map of the Three Provinces and 36Islands of Ryukyu.See[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Diaoyu Islands Disputes,Hundred Year Tide,No.6,2004,pp.56~62.(in Chinese)
    101 According to Chu?zan Seifu,the Ryukyu Island was composed of three principalities,five provinces and 15 prefectures(35 prefectures in fact).The three principalities were Chūzan,which was constituted of five provinces and 11 prefectures,Nanzan(15prefectures)and Hokuzan(9 prefectures).In addition to that,there were also 36 islands.See[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Diaoyu Islands Disputes,Hundred Year Tide,No.6,2004,pp.56~62.(in Chinese)
    102 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,The Basic View on the Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands,at http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/senkaku/basic_view.html,12 October,2016.
    103 The results of this survey can be seen in the Summary Report of Inspection of Uotsuri Island and Two Other Islands submitted by Ishizawa Heigo,and the Report of Voyage to Uotsuri Island,Kuba Island,and Kumeakashima Island by Hayashi Tsurumatsu,the captain of the Ship Izumo Maru,to Mori Nagayoshi,the senior executive secretary of Okinawa Prefecture,who was acting on behalf of the Okinawa Governor Nishimura Sutezo.See[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Origin of Sino-Japanese Territorial Disputes:the Diaoyu Islands Issue Seen from Historical Archives,translated by Wei Pinghe,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013,pp.166~169(in Chinese);Li Li,Japan’s Illegal Investigation and Theft of Diaoyu Islands in Modern Times,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013,pp.12~14.(in Chinese)
    104 An American Newspaper Article:Japan Should Respect the International Treaties concerning the Diaoyu Islands,at http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2012-10/22/c_123850855.htm,1 November 2016.(in Chinese)
    105 Construction of National Markers on the Kumeakashima Island,Kuba Island and Uotsuri Island of Okinawa Prefecture(JCAHR:B03041152300),Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy,Vol.18,p.572.(in Japanese)
    106 B03041152300の17,Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy,Vol.18,p.576.
    107 Construction of National Markers on the Kumeakashima Island,Kuba Island and Uotsuri Island of Okinawa Prefecture(JCAHR:B03041152300),Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy,Vol.18,p.572.(in Japanese)
    108 Han-yi Shaw,The Inconvenient Truth Behind the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands,The New York Times,19 September 2012;“Ministry of Foreign Affairs”of Taiwan,Taiwan Government Response to the Diaoyutai Islands Q&A on the Website of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs,at http://www.mofa.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=FBFB7416EA72736F&s=FAA8620A0EE72A91,30 January 2015.(in Chinese)
    109 Construction of National Markers on the Kumeakashima Island,Kuba Island and Uotsuri Island of Okinawa Prefecture(JCAHR:B03041152300)(in Japanese);Han-yi Shaw,The Inconvenient Truth Behind the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands,The New York Times,19September 2012;“Ministry of Foreign Affairs”of Taiwan,Taiwan Government Response to the Diaoyutai Islands Q&A on the Website of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs,at http://www.mofa.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=FBFB7416EA72736F&s=FAA8620A0EE72A91,30January 2015.(in Chinese)
    110“B03041152300の29”,Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy,Vol.18.
    111 In June and July,1885,the Home Ministry of Japan sent a secret order to Okinawa Governor Nishimura Sutezo,asking him to survey the Daito Islands located to the east of Okinawa Island.Ordered by Nishimura,on 29 August of the same year,a group led by Ishizawa Heigo landed on Minamidaito Island by the ship Izumo Maru.On 31 August,they came to the Kita-Daito Island,where they conducted field surveys,as ordered,and erected a national marker saying“under the jurisdiction of Okinawa Prefecture”.And Captain Hayashi Tsurumatsu set up a navigation mark,saying“under the order of the Okinawa Prefecture,Empire of Japan,Izumo Maru,a ship owned by Osaka Shosen,created this sea route for steamships”.Izumo Maru returned to the port of Naha on 1 September.See[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Origin of Sino-Japanese Territorial Disputes:the Diaoyu Islands Issue Seen from Historical Archives,translated by Wei Pinghe,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013,pp.150~152.(in Chinese)
    112 Summary Report of Inspection of Uotsuri Island and Two Other Islands stated,“this island,when compared with the map of the sea areas between Japan and Taiwan published by Great Britain,refers to‘Hoa Pin su’,which is recorded as‘Tia u su’on the map.The use of‘Tia u su’is actually a misnomer.‘Kumeakashima Island’refers to Raleigh Rock,which is merely a rock…The map also mistook‘Pinnacle’for‘Kuba Island’.The word‘Pinnacle’means“a high pointed piece of rock”…Therefore,these mistakes are hereby corrected:‘Uotsuri Island’should be recorded as‘Hoa Pin Su’,‘Kuba Island’as‘Tia u su’,and‘Kumeakashima Island’as‘Raleigh Rock’.”Murata Tadayoshi pointed out that,Ishizawa Heigo,the submitter of the Summary Report,mistook“Hoa Pin Su”for“Uotsuri Island”.See[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Origin of Sino-Japanese Territorial Disputes:the Diaoyu Islands Issue Seen from Historical Archives,translated by Wei Pinghe,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013,p.169.(in Chinese)
    113 Zheng Hailin,The History of Diaoyu Islands and the Relevant Jurisprudence,Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,2007,p.75.(in Chinese)
    114 The term“occupation”was translated into“占领”in the Chinese version of Oppenheim’s International Law(9th edition),by scholars led by Wang Tieya,an internationalist from Chinese Mainland.However,this term was translated into“先占”by Taiwanese internationalist Chiu Hungdah in his book Modern International Law(edited by Chan Shun-yee),when he quoted the wording concerning territorial disputes from the same edition of Oppenheim’s International Law.In the view of Chiu,in the context of territorial acquisition,“occupation”should be translated into“先占”in Chinese;however,under law of war,it should be translated into“占领”;they have different connotations.Sovereignty cannot be acquired through military occupation.The Chinese version of this paper adopted Chiu’s translation.See Chiu Hungdah,Modern International Law(3rd edition),edited by Chan Shun-yee,Taipei:San Min Book Co.,Ltd.,2013,pp.514~515(in Chinese);Robert Jennings and Arthur Watts eds.,Oppenheim’s International Law,Vol.1,No.2,translated by Wang Tieya et al.,Beijing:Encyclopedia of China Publishing House,1998,pp.74~79.(in Chinese)
    115 Terra nullius is a prevailing concept of the international law in the 18th century,which was employed by European States to defend their colonial activities.The concept terra nullius in international law was expounded by Emmerich De Vattel,a renowned internationalist in the 18th century,in his book Le Droit des Gens.He justified British occupation of Oceania or European States’occupation of the whole North America.He divided the land of indigenous peoples into two categories:cultivated or uncultivated.Vattel argued,the Europe-led international law should provide that humans were obliged to exploit and cultivate the land they inhabited and used.The failure of unsettled hordes to fulfill such an obligation implied that they had never“actually and legally”occupied these lands.Due to the lack of any recognizable forms of social leaders,these hordes cannot be considered as having occupied the lands under international law,which means that their lands were terra nullius.In that case,according to the principle of discovery and occupation,terrae nullius were open to all colonizers.See De Vattel,Les droit des Gens,ou Principles de la Loi naturelle,appliqués a la conduit at aux affaires des Nations et des Souverains(1758),translated by Charles Ghequiere Fenwick,Washington:Carnegie institution of Washington,1916,p.194.
    116 Robert Jennings and Arthur Watts eds.,Oppenheim’s International Law,Vol.1,No.2,translated by Wang Tieya et al.,Beijing:Encyclopedia of China Publishing House,1998,p.74.(in Chinese)
    117 Robert Jennings and Arthur Watts eds.,Oppenheim’s International Law,Vol.1,No.2,translated by Wang Tieya et al.,Beijing:Encyclopedia of China Publishing House,1998,p.75.(in Chinese)
    119 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,The Basic View on the Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands,at http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/senkaku/basic_view.html,12 October2016.
    120[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Origin of Sino-Japanese Territorial Disputes:the Diaoyu Islands Issue Seen from Historical Archives,translated by Wei Pinghe,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013,pp.150~177.(in Chinese)
    121“Ministry of Foreign Affairs”of Taiwan,Taiwan Government Response to the Diaoyutai Islands Q&A on the Website of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs,at http://www.mofa.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=FBFB7416EA72736F&s=FAA8620A0EE72A91,30 January 2015.(in Chinese)
    122[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Origin of Sino-Japanese Territorial Disputes:the Diaoyu Islands Issue Seen from Historical Archives,translated by Wei Pinghe,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013,pp.222~223.(in Chinese)
    123[Japan]Murata Tadayoshi,The Origin of Sino-Japanese Territorial Disputes:the Diaoyu Islands Issue Seen from Historical Archives,translated by Wei Pinghe,Beijing:Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2013,pp.201~202.(in Chinese)
    125 Liu Dan,Ryukyu Trusteeship Viewed from International Law:A Related Analysis of the Sovereignty Problem of Diaoyu Islands,Pacific Journal,Vol.20,No.12,2012,pp.82~97.(in Chinese)
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