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Underwater Cultural Heritage(hereinafter "UCH") is, undeniably, important for the humankind. For instance, it is a useful tool for the study of history and our ancestors' civilization. Because of such importance, UCH should be well protected. UCH protection has been provided in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982(LOSC) and the 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage(hereinafter "2001 Convention") which is known as a specific law for protecting UCH. There are a number of controversial issues related to UCH. Among them, the disputes over the UCH in the South China Sea(SCS) are most debatable. Connecting the Andaman Sea and the Pacific Ocean, the SCS was historically used as a seaborne trade route. Therefore, it is predicted that the SCS may be rich in submerged archaeological objects. However, the protection of UCH in the SCS sometimes seems to be overlooked. Hence, the risk of the UCH in the SCS being lost is high. Against this backdrop, this article points out three challenges facing UCH protection in the SCS. First, the relevant provisions under LOSC are not sufficient to protect UCH in the SCS, and all the States surrounding the SCS, except Cambodia, have not ratified the 2001 Convention, which is a comprehensive treaty designed to preserve UCH. Second, the SCS involves complex sovereignty and delimitation disputes. Lastly, the domestic laws adopted by the States surrounding the SCS are not mutually compatible. Considering these challenges, the author suggests that, in order to enhance UCH protection in the SCS, these surrounding States should ratify the 2001 Convention, conclude regional agreements, and harmonize their nationallaws.
1 Chistopher Linebaugh,Joint Development in a Semi-Enclosed Sea:China’s Duty to Cooperate in Developing the Natural Resources of the South China Sea,Columbia Journal of Transnational Law,Vol.52,No.2,2013-2014,p.548;Robert Beckman,The UNConvention on the Law of the Sea and the Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea,The American Journal of International Law,Vol.107,2013,p.143;Jeffrey Bader,Kenneth Lieberthal and Micheal Mc Devitt,Keeping the South China Sea in Perspective,p.4,at https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/south-china-sea-perspective-baderlieberthal-mcdevitt.pdf,17 October 2016.
    2 Nengye Liu,Prevention of Vessel-Source Pollution in the South China Sea:What Role Can China Play?,Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law,Vol.15,2013,p.147;Liana Talaue-Mc Manus,Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis for the South China Sea,at http://www.unepscs.org/components/com_remository_files/downloads/Transboundary_Diagnostic_Analysis_SCS.pdf,17 October 2016;Christopher C.Joyner,The Spratly Islands Dispute in the South China Sea:Problems,Policies,and Prospects for Diplomatic Accommodation,in John C.Baker and David G.Wiencek eds.,Cooperative Monitoring in the South China Sea,London:Praeger Publishers,2002,p.55;Mark J.Valencia,The South China Sea:Hydrocarbon Potential and Possibilities of Joint Development,Oxford:Pergamon Press,1980,p.1063.
    3 Zou Keyuan,Joint Development in the South China Sea:A New Approach,The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,Vol.21,Issue 1,2006,p.83.
    5 China Daily,2 July 2004.
    6 Qu Jinliang,Protecting China’s Maritime Heritage:Current Conditions and National Policy,Journal of Marine and Island Cultures,Vol.1,Issue 1,2002,p.47,at http://ac.els-cdn.com/S2212682112000042/1-s2.0-S2212682112000042-main.pdf?_tid=f5e5dee2-94d1-11e6-b7f4-00000aab0f6c&acdnat=1476754197_c51d0a2248dd24c24fb214a6902dedfb,10October 2016.
    7 Liu Lina,A Chinese Perspective on the International Legal Scheme for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage,at http://www.themua.org/collections/files/original/7aa041be256dde0ecdb7d04bccec34a3.pdf,16 January 2016.
    8 Zhu Huayou and Ren Huaifeng,Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the South China Sea and Regional Cooperation,in Myron H.Nordquist,John Norton Moore and Kuen-chen Fu eds.,Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea and China,Leiden/Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2006,p.485.
    9 Zhu Huayou and Ren Huaifeng,Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the South China Sea and Regional Cooperation,in Myron H.Nordquist,John Norton Moore and Kuen-chen Fu eds.,Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea and China,Leiden/Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2006,p.484.
    10 Zhu Huayou and Ren Huaifeng,Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the South China Sea and Regional Cooperation,in Myron H.Nordquist,John Norton Moore and Kuen-chen Fu eds.,Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea and China,Leiden/Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2006,p.484.
    11 Zhu Huayou and Ren Huaifeng,Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the South China Sea and Regional Cooperation,in Myron H.Nordquist,John Norton Moore and Kuen-chen Fu eds.,Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea and China,Leiden/Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2006,p.485.
    12 Nady Phann,History and Current Status of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Cambodia,at http://www.themua.org/collections/files/original/d77fe4436f35606533d74d9fe994f70a.pdf,4 April 2016.
    13 At http://www.kaogu.cn/en/backup_new/new/2013/1026/42636.html,4 April 2016.
    14 At http://www.kaogu.cn/en/backup_new/new/2013/1026/42636.html,4 April 2016.
    15 At http://www.kaogu.cn/en/News/New_discoveries/2013/1026/43034.html,4 April 2016.
    16具体投票情况,请参见Bernard H.Oxman,The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea,in RenéJean Dupuy and Daniel Vignes eds.,A Handbook on the New Law of the Sea,Leiden/Boston:Brill Nijhoff,1991,p.243.一些文件记载有17个国家投了弃权票。然而,实际情况似乎是利比里亚的弃权票最初并没有被记录下来,所以没有算在弃权票数内,如果加上利比里亚,就是18票弃权。截至2014年10月10日,已有166个国家批准了《公约》。
    18 Lucius Calfishch,Submarine Antiquities and the International Law of the Sea,Netherlands Year Book of International Law,Vol.13,1982,p.16.
    19 Sarah Dromgoole,Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013,p.287.
    20文莱在1996年11月5日,中国在1996年6月7日,印度尼西亚在1986年2月3日,马来西亚在1996年10月14日,菲律宾在1984年5月8日,泰国在2011年5月15日,越南在1994年7月25日批准了《公约》,下载于http://www.un.org/depts/los/reference_files/chronological_lists_of_ratifications.htm#The United Nations,2016年3月17日。
    21 Kuen-chen Fu,Essays on International Law of the Sea,Xiamen:Xiamen University Press,2004,p.47.
    22 UNESCO,List Name of Deposit of Instrument on Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage,at http://www.unesco.org/eri/la/convention.asp?KO=13520&order=alpha,25 October 2015.
    29 Kuen-chen Fu,Essays on International Law of the Sea,Xiamen:Xiamen University Press,2004,p.48.
    33 Sarah Dromgoole,Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013,p.290.
    45 Nady Phann,History and Current Status of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Cambodia,at http://www.themua.org/collections/files/original/d77fe4436f35606533d74d9fe994f70a.pdf,28 January 2016.
    47 Robert Beckman,China,UNCLOS and the South China Sea,at http://cil.nus.edu.sg/wp/wpcontent/uploads/2009/09/Asian SIL-Beckman-China-UNCLOS-and-the-South-China-Sea-26-July-2011.pdf,18 October 2016.
    48 Marwyn S.Samuels,Contest for the South China Sea,Virginia:Routledge,1982,p.183.
    49 Bob Catley and Makmur Keliat,Spratlys:The Dispute in the South China Sea,Farnham:Ashgate Publishing,1997,p.3.
    50 Robert Beckman,China,UNCLOS and the South China Sea,p.3,at http://cil.nus.edu.sg/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Asian SIL-Beckman-China-UNCLOS-and-the-SouthChina-Sea-26-July-2011.pdf,18 October 2016.
    51 Robert Beckman,China,UNCLOS and the South China Sea,p.3,at http://cil.nus.edu.sg/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Asian SIL-Beckman-China-UNCLOS-and-the-SouthChina-Sea-26-July-2011.pdf,18 October 2016.
    52 Orlando M.Hernando,The Philippine Claim to North Borneo(Master of Arts Thesis),Kansas:Kansas State University,1966,p.7.
    56 1999年,越、泰、马三国达成了在一小块重叠区域内进行共同开发的共识。该项共识涉及近256平方海里的马泰共同开发区。然而,相关国家仍未就其他大部分重叠海域达成类似共识。
    59 Emma Kingdon,A Case for Arbitration:The Philippines’Solution for the South China Sea Dispute,Boston College International and Comparative law Review,Vol.38,Issue 1,2015,p.129.
    60 At http://www.pcacases.com/pcadocs/PH-CN%20-%2020160712%20-%20Award.pdf,17October 2016.
    62 Kuen-chen Fu,Essays on International Law of the Sea,Xiamen:Xiamen University Press,2004,p.22.
    63 Wendy Zeldin,Taiwan:Law on Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage Adopted,at http://loc.gov/law/foreign-news/article/taiwan-law-on-protection-of-underwater-culturalheritage-adopted/,4 April 2016;下载于http://www.moc.gov.tw/information_250_40686.html,2016年4月4日。
    64 Nady Phann,History and Current Status of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Cambodia,at http://www.themua.org/collections/files/original/d77fe4436f35606533d74d9fe994f70a.pdf,4 April 2016.
    66 Sarah Dromgoole,Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013,pp.65~66.
    67 Sarah Dromgoole,Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013,pp.90~91.
    72 Zhao Yajuan,On the Legal Basis of the UCH Protection on the Two Sides of Taiwan StraitA Comparative Study of the Current Mainland UCH Law and the Related Taiwanese Draft Law,China Oceans Law Review,No.2,2010,p.114.
    76 Malcolm N.Shaw,International Law(Sixed Edition),Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2008,p.645.
    77 Anthony Aust,Handbook of International Law(Second Edition),Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2010,p.42.
    78 Anthony Aust,Handbook of International Law(Second Edition),Cambridge:Cam-bridge University Press,pp.43~44.
    79 UNESCO,at http://www.unesco.org/eri/la/convention.asp?KO=13520&language=E&order=alpha#1,9 April 2016.
    82 R.Garabello and T.Scovazzi,The Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage:Before and After the 2001 UNESCO Convention,Leiden/Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2003,pp.274~275.
    83 At http://www.nba.fi/en/File/701/copuch-ohjeistus.pdf,18 October 2016.
    84 S.Tikkanen,MOSS:Common European Underwater Cultural Heritage-Challenges for Cultural Resource Management,in Jerzy Litwin ed.,Baltic Sea Identity:Common SeaCommon Culture?,Gdańsk:Ministry of Culture of Poland,2003,p.188.
    85 P.Lejoneke and B.Varenius,The BUCH Programme and the Rutius Project,in Jerzy Litwin ed.,Baltic Sea Identity:Common Sea-Common Culture?,Gdańsk:the Ministry of Culture of Poland,2003,p.188.4“Brunei”is used here for convenience instead of the formal name Negara Brunei Darussalam.5 China Daily,2 July 2004.
    16 For the distribution of the votes,see Bernard H.Oxman,The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea,in RenéJean Dupuy and Daniel Vignes eds.,AHandbook on the New Law of the Sea,Leiden/Boston:Brill Nijhoff,1991,p.243.Some documents recorded that seventeen States abstained.However,it would seem that an abstention by Liberia,which was initially unrecorded,was not counted in the abstention number.By including Liberia’s abstention,that number should be eighteen.As of 10October 2014,166 States have ratified the LOSC.
    17 The LOSC,Article 1(1):“The Area means the sea-bed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof,beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.”
    20 Brunei ratified on 5 November 1996,China ratified on 7 June 1996,Indonesia ratified on 3 February 1986,Malaysia ratified on 14 October 1996,the Philippines ratified on 8 May 1984,Thailand ratified on 15 May 2011,Vietnam ratified on 25 July 1994,at http://www.un.org/depts/los/reference_files/chronological_lists_of_ratifications.htm#The United Nations,17 March 2016.
    23 The LOSC,Article 2(3).
    24“Humanity”and“Mankind”mean all the people in the world
    25 The 2001 Convention,preamble cl.10,Articles 2(2),19 and 21.
    26 The 2001 Convention,preamble cl.5,Article 2(5)and Rule 2 of the Annex.
    27 The 2001 Convention,Article 2(5)and Rule 1 of the Annex.
    28 The 2001 Convention,Article 4.
    30 The 2001 Convention,Article 7(1).
    31 The 2001 Convention,Article 7(3).
    32 The 2001 Convention,Article 8.
    33 Sarah Dromgoole,Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013,p.290.
    34 The LOSC,Articles 55,57.
    35 The LOSC,Article 56(1).
    36 The 2001 Convention,Articles 10(3)and 9(5).
    37 The 2001 Convention,Article 10(3)(b).
    38 The 2001 Convention,Article 10(5).
    39 The 2001 Convention,Article 10(6).
    40 The 2001 Convention,Article 10(4).
    41 The 2001 Convention,Article 11(1).
    42 The 2001 Convention,Article 11(2).
    43 The 2001 Convention,Article 11(3).
    44 The 2001 Convention,Article 11(4).
    46 Pratas Islands and Macclesfield Bank were excluded in this article.
    53 The two States have long been trying to solve the problem regarding the overlapping area.On 21 February 1979,Thailand and Malaysia signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Kingdom of Thailand and Malaysia on the Establishment of a Joint Authority for Exploitation of Resources of the Seabed in a Defined Area of the Continental Shelf for the Two Countries in the Gulf of Thailand(hereinafter“MOU 1979”).The MOU1979 provides for the joint developing area,and also prescribes that the Joint Authority of Malaysia-Thailand shall be established under Article III.Both parties shall negotiate to delimit the boundary of the continental shelf within the fifty-year period.If this cannot be achieved,the MOU 1979 shall continue after the expiry of the said period.
    54 Article 2 of the Agreement on Historic Waters of Vietnam and Kampuchea,7 July 1982,provides that the two countries will hold at a suitable time negotiations in order to delimit the maritime frontier between the two countries in the historical waters which is defined in Article 1 of the Agreement.
    55 The two States applied the concept of joint development to the Memorandum of Understanding between Malaysia and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the Exploration and Exploitation of Petroleum in a Defined Area of the Continental Shelf Involving the Two Countries,which was signed on 5 June 1992,instituting a joint exploitation regime for the“Defined Area”in the Gulf of Thailand.
    56 In 1999,Vietnam,Thailand and Malaysia agreed on the principle of joint development for a small overlapping area.The arrangement covers an area of approximately 256 sq nm of the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Zone.Nevertheless,no agreements have been made on most of the remaining overlapping maritime zones.
    57 The two countries concluded Memorandum of Understanding between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Royal Thai Government Regarding the Area of Their Overlapping Maritime Claims to the Continental Shelf,on 18 June 2001.The MOU 2001 aims to divide the overlapping area into two areas,and to attempt,through further negotiations,to define maritime border for the northern Area I as well as to agree upon a treaty for joint development of the hydrocarbon resources in the southern Area II.
    58 The three States signed the 2005 China-Philippines-Vietnam Provisional Arrangement,Joint Marine Seismic Surveys(South China Sea),on 14 March 2005(no longer in force).The arrangement covers the areas over 143,000 sq km in the South China Sea,near the disputed Spratly Islands.It was framed as a“pre-exploration study solely to collect,to process and to analyze seismic data and no drilling and development involved”.However,the text of the agreement was not made public.
    61 Office of Policy,Law and Regulation,State Oceanic Administration ed.,Collection of the Sea Laws and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China,2nd edition,Beijing:China Ocean Press,1998,pp.461~465.
    65 Not include continental shelf.
    68 The Regulations,Article 2(2).
    69 The original word“lull”is believed to be a typo of“hull”by the author.
    70 The 1996 Cambodian Law on Cultural Heritage Protection,Article 2(4).
    71 The 2002 Cambodian Sub-decree,Article 2(4).
    72 The 2015 Taiwan Law,Article 3(1)states,“underwater cultural heritage refers to…that have been wholly or partially submerged underwater periodically or continuously.”
    74 2005 Malaysian National Heritage Bill,Section 66(1).
    75 2005 Malaysian National Heritage Bill,Section 66(2).
    76 2005 Malaysian National Heritage Bill,Section 66(5).
    81 The LOSC Article 303(4)stipulates“[t]his article is without prejudice to other international agreements and rules of international law regarding the protection of objects of an archaeological and historical nature”.
    82 The 2001 Convention,Article 6(1)states“States Parties are encouraged to enter into bilateral,regional or other multilateral agreements or develop existing agreements,for the preservation of underwater cultural heritage”.
    86 P.Lejoneke and B.Varenius,The BUCH Programme and the Rutius Project,in Jerzy Litwin ed.,Baltic Sea Identity:Common Sea-Common Culture?,Gdańsk:the Ministry of Culture of Poland,2003,p.188.
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