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The South China Sea(SCS) airspace is a part of the important base supporting China's management and development of Dongsha, Zhongsha, Xisha and Nansha Islands as well as their adjacent waters. China's entitlement to the SCS airspace should include, all the existing and future rights necessary for the development of these SCS islands, and for the maintenance of the sovereign relations between China's mainland territory and its indispensable archipelagic waters. The freedom of navigation and overflight of other States should be without prejudice to China's exercise of such rights. Currently, the two concepts, "aircraft" and "aviation behaviors", are confused and used interchangeably both in the academic and practitioner circles. In addition, studies on the notion of state aviation behavior are few. Therefore, there is no clear standard to identify state aviation behaviors or state aviation behaviors performed in foreign or international airspace. This paper, by collating and examining the existing concepts and definitions, clarifies the differences between "aircraft" and "aviation behavior." Further, it defines the notion of state aviation behavior after reviewing the purpose and behavioral attributes of state aircraft. Lastly, the author sorts out the standards which can be applied to decide the legality of state aviation behaviors performed in foreign and international airspace.
    5 FAA Says Shooting Down Drones Is a Federal Crime,at http://www.engadget.com/2016/04/18/faa-says-shooting-down-drones-is-a-federal-crime/,22 November 2016.
    6 18 USC 32:(a)Whoever willfully-(1)sets fire to,damages,destroys,disables,or wrecks any aircraft in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States or any civil aircraft used,operated,or employed in interstate,overseas,or foreign air commerce;...shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years or both.这一表述中显然也是采用了“aircraft”,并没有区分航空行为。
    7 1)A类只允许IFR飞行,所有航空器之间配备间隔,提供ATC服务,要求实现地空双向通信,进入空域要进行ATC许可;2)B类允许IFR和VFR飞行,其它同A类;3)C类只要求IFR飞行之间、IFR和VFR飞行之间配备间隔,对IFR飞行之间、IFR和VFR飞行之间提供ATC服务,其它同B;4)D类只要求IFR飞行之间配备间隔,对IFR飞行之间提供ATC服务,对VFR飞行提供飞行情报服务,其它同C;5)E类只需要IFR飞行实现地空双向通信,VFR飞行进入空域不需要ATC许可,其他同D;6)F类空域对IFR飞行提供交通资讯和情报服务,VFR飞行提供飞行情报服务,所有航空器进入空域都不需要ATC许可,其它同E;7)G类空域不需要提供间隔服务,对飞行提供飞行情报服务,只要求IFR飞行实现地空双向通信,进入空域不需要ATC许可,其它同F。
    10 Tarcisio Gazzimi,The Changing Rules on the Use of Force in International Law,Manchester:Manchester University Press,2005,p.132.
    11 James A.Green,Docking the Caroline:Understanding the Relevance of the Formula in Temporary Customary International Law Concerning Self-Defense,Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law,Vol.14,Issue 2,2006,pp.433~435.
    12 R.Y.Jennings,The Caroline and Mcleod Cases,American Journal of International Law,Vol.32,Issue 1,1938,pp.91~92.
    15 Ian Brownlie,International Law and the Use of Force by States,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1963,p.367.
    16 Singh M.Narendra,The Right of Self-Defence in Relation to the Use of Nuclear Weapons,Indian Yearbook of International Affairs,1956,Vol.5,pp.25~26.
    17 Ian Brownlie,International Law and the Use of Force by States,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1963,pp.366~369.
    21 Sean D.Murphy,Terrorism and the Concept of Armed Attack in Article 51 of the UNCharter,Harvard International Law Journal,Vol.43,No.1,2002,pp.45~46.
    22 Christopher Greenwood,International Law and the Pre-emptive Use of Force:Afghanistan,Al-Qaida,and Iraq,San Diego International Law Journal,Vol.4,2003,pp.16~17.
    25 Secretariat Study on“Civil/State Aircraft”,C-WP/9835 of 22/09/1993,presented by the Secretary General at the ICAO Council 140th Session.
    26 ICAO Global Provisions Regarding Aircraft Operations,ICAO Civil/Military Cooperation Symposium,Paris,France,14-15 April 2015,at http://www.icao.int/RO_EURNAT/Other%20Meetings%20Seminars%20and%20Workshops/ICAO%20Civil-Military%20Cooperation%20Meetings/ICAO%20Civil-military%20Cooperation%20Symposium%202015/ICMCS%20PPT12.pdf,24 November 2016.
    27 George Firican,State Aircraft in RVSM Airspace,ICAO Civil/Military Coordination Workshop,Kiev Ukraine,28-31 October 2013,at http://www.icao.int/RO_EURNAT/Other%20Meetings%20Seminars%20and%20Workshops/ICAO%20Civil-Military%20Cooperation%20Meetings/ICAO%20Civil-military%20Cooperation%20Seminar%202013/Kiev%20day%201%20George%20Firican%20State%20Aircraft%20in%20RVSM%20airspace.pdf,24 November 2016.
    28 Foreign Air Operator Validation&Surveillance Course,p.7,at http://www.icao.int/safety/implementation/library/a_icao_convention_annexes_related_to_fao_2009_07_r1.pdf,24November 2016.
    29 Dmitry Kosolapov,Improve Safety for Flight over the High Seas,ICAO Civil/Military Cooperation Symposium,Paris,France,14-15 April 2015,p.4,at http://www.icao.int/RO_EURNAT/Other%20Meetings%20Seminars%20and%20Workshops/ICAO%20CivilMilitary%20Cooperation%20Meetings/ICAO%20Civil-military%20Cooperation%20Symposium%202015/ICMCS%20PPT07.pdf,24 November 2016.
    30 EUROCONTROL,Guidance Material for the Certification and Operation of State Aircraft in European RVSM Airspace,at https://www.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/article/content/documents/official-documents/guidance/2012-cmac-rma-military-guidance.pdf,24November 2016.
    31 NATO Policy for Civil/Military Aircraft Operating in Support of NATO or NATO-led Missions and Operations,at http://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/pdf_2016_08/20160804_1608-NATO-Policy-civil-military-aircraft.pdf,24 November 2016.
    32 U.S.Air Force:State Aircraft Issues,ICAO’s 1st RVSM Seminar for CAR/SAM Region,ICAO’s 2nd RVSM Seminar for CAR/SAM Region,at http://www.icao.int/RO_SAM/Documents/2003/RVSMII/P-Storm-State%20Aircraft-E.pdf#search=State%20Aircraft%20%20%20us%20AIr%20force,17 December 2016.
    1 Du Debin,Fan Fei and Ma Yahua,Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea and China’s Strategies,World Regional Studies,Vol.21,No.2,2012,p.1.(in Chinese)
    2 Li Jinming,The Legal Status of the U-shaped Line in the South China Sea:Historic Waters,Maritime Boundary or a Line of Islands Ownership?,Southeast Asian Affairs,No.4,2010,pp.22~29(in Chinese);Li Jinming,Background and Legal Status of the U-shaped Line in the South China Sea,Contemporary International Relations,No.9,2012,pp.7~14(in Chinese).Gao Zhiguo,the Director of China Institute for Marine Affairs,SOA,argues that the U-shaped line on the Chinese map is merely a line that delineates ownership of islands rather than a maritime boundary in the conventional sense.He wrote in an article,“[a]careful study of Chinese documents reveals that China never has claimed the entire water column of the South China Sea,but only the islands and their surrounding waters within the line.”
    3 Jin Yongming,The Nature of China’s U-shaped Line in the South China Sea and the Legal Status of Waters Enclosed by the Line,China Legal Science,No.6,2012,pp.36~48.(in Chinese)
    4 Article 5 of the Civil Aviation Law of the People’s Republic of China also adopts the same expression,namely,“Civil aircraft mentioned in this law refer to aircraft other than those used for flying mission of military,customs and police operations.”
    6 18 USC 32:(a)Whoever willfully-(1)sets fire to,damages,destroys,disables,or wrecks any aircraft in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States or any civil aircraft used,operated,or employed in interstate,overseas,or foreign air commerce;…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years or both.Obviously,this provision used the word“aircraft”,without distinguishing aviation behaviors.
    7 1)Class A:IFR flights only are permitted,all flights are separated from each other and provided with air traffic control(ATC)service;continuous two-way radio communication is mandatory,and all flights are required to follow ATC clearances.2)Class B:IFR and VFR flights are permitted;other requirements are identical with those of Class A.3)Class C:IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights;VFR flights are separated from IFRflights;all these flights are provided with ATC service,and other requirements are identical with those of Class B.4)Class D:IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights and are provided with ATC service;VFR flights receive traffic information in respect of all other flights;and other requirements are identical with those of Class C.5)Class E:continuous two-way radio communication is mandatory for IFR flights;VFR flights are not required to follow ATC clearances;and other requirements are identical with those of Class D.6)Class F:IFR flights receive air traffic advisory and information service and VFR flights receive flight information service;all flights are not required to follow ATC clearances;and other requirements are identical with those of Class E.7)Class G:flights are not required to separated from each other,and all flights are provided with flight information service;continuous two-way radio communication is mandatory for IFR flights;flights are not required to follow ATC clearances;and other requirements are identical with those of Class F.
    8 Kuen-chen Fu and Zheng Fan,Unity of Archipelago and Freedom of Navigation:Some Suggestions on Applying Archipelagic Regime in the South China Sea,Journal of SJTU(Philosophy and Social Sciences),Vol.23,No.6,2015,pp.5~13.(in Chinese)
    9 Article 1(1)of the International Air Services Transit Agreement provides that:“Each contracting State grants to the other contracting States the following freedoms of the air in respect of scheduled international air services:1.The privilege to fly across its territory without landing;2.The privilege to land for non-traffic purposes.The privileges of this section shall not be applicable with respect to airports utilized for military purposes to the exclusion of any scheduled international air services.In areas of active hostilities or of military occupation,and in time of war along the supply routes leading to such areas,the exercise of such privileges shall be subject to the approval of the competent military authorities.”Additionally,Article 1(1)of the International Air Transport Agreement stipulates that:“Each contracting State grants to the other contracting States the following freedoms of the air in respect of scheduled international air services:1.The privilege to fly across its territory without landing;2.The privilege to land for non-traffic purposes;3.The privilege to put down passengers,mail and cargo taken on in the territory of the State whose nationality the aircraft possesses;4.The privilege to take on passengers,mail and cargo destined for the territory of the State whose nationality the aircraft possesses;5.The privilege to take on passengers,mail and cargo destined for the territory of any other contracting State and the privilege to put down passengers,mail and cargo coming from any such territory.With respect to the privileges specified under paragraphs 3,4 and 5 of this section,the undertaking of each contracting State relates only to through services on a route constituting a reasonably direct line out from and back to the homeland of the State whose nationality the aircraft possesses.The privileges of this section shall not be applicable with respect to airports utilized for military purposes to the exclusion of any scheduled international air services.In areas of active hostilities or of military occupation,and in time of war along the supply routes leading to such areas,the exercise of such privileges shall be subject to the approval of the competent military authorities.”
    13 Zhou Gengsheng,International Law,Beijing:The Commercial Press,p.199.(in Chinese)
    14 Xu Guangjian ed.,Commentary on the Charter of United Nations,Taiyuan:Shanxi Education Press,1999,pp.353~360.(in Chinese)
    18 U.S.Air Force Conducted Live-Fire Drills with Respect to Hijacked Airliners,at http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2003-10-05/153963.html,24 November 2016.(in Chinese)
    19 Xu Guimin,A Review on the Features of Russian Legislation against Terrorism,Global Law Review,Vol.35,No.1,2013,p.57.(in Chinese)
    20 European States Pass Laws Authorizing Shooting Down of Hijacked Aircraft in Order to Avoid the Replaying of 9/11 Tragedy,at http://news.tom.com/1003/3295/2005114-1761852.html,24 November 2016.(in Chinese)
    23 The author attended the fourth meeting of the special group held by the ICAO from 13 to 15July 2015,in Montreal,Canada.The meeting reviewed the application of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and other civil aviation treaties relating to conflict zones.Delegates from 15 States,including China,the United States,Russia and Ukraine,attended the meeting.After discussion,the meeting ultimately adopted the Report on the Outcome of the Meeting of the Special Group to Review the Application of ICAO Treaties Relating to Conflict Zones,which would be forwarded to the ICAO Council.
    24 The aims and objectives of ICAO include:to ensure the safe and orderly growth of international civil aviation throughout the world;to encourage the arts of aircraft design and operation for peaceful purposes;to encourage the development of airways,airports and air navigation facilities for international civil aviation;to meet the needs of the peoples of the world for safe,regular,efficient and economical air transport;to prevent economic waste caused by unreasonable competition;to ensure that the rights of Contracting States are fully respected and that every Contracting State has a fair opportunity to operate international airlines;to avoid discrimination between Contracting States;to promote safety of flight in international air navigation;and to promote generally the development of all aspects of international civil aeronautics.
    33 Huang Lihua,Legal Problems about the State Aircrafts,Modern Law Science,No.6,2000,pp.146~149(in Chinese);Li Wenli,Position of State Aircraft in International Law,Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers,No.3,2003,pp.26~27.(in Chinese)
    34 Rules on Air Traffic Control of China’s Civil Aviation(CAAC Order No.86)was promulgated on 5 July 1999 and came into force on 5 January 2000.
    35 Civil Aviation Flight Dispatcher License Management Rules(CAAC Order No.136)was promulgated on 16 December 2004 and came into force on 15 January 2005.
    36 A Guide to Flight Plan Application and Its Approval for Foreign Aircraft Interim Flight Operations during Olympic/Paralympic Games,a telegraph issued by CAAC,was promulgated in February 2008 and came into force on 1 July 2008.
    37 Rules of Certification of Civil Aviation Aircraft Pilot and Ground Instructor(CAAC Order No.224)was promulgated on 10 July 2014 and came into force on 1 September 2014.
    38 Boeing Makes the History of Converting Civil Aircraft into Military Aircraft,Beijing Daily,22 May 2007(in Chinese).For example,Boeing 737-100 was originally developed as a short-range airliner with a capacity of 65~80 passengers.That is to say,Boeing 737-100was civil aircraft in nature.However,the development history of Boeing products tells,Boeing has developed large jet airliners including series 707,737,747,757,767 and 777,and series 787 is also developed and under trial production.In order to meet military needs,Boeing also converted its airliners into military aircraft.For instance,Boeing 707-320Bwas later converted into an early warning aircraft,which made its maiden flight in 1972;in November 2006,South Korea ordered four Boeing E-737 early warning aircraft,enabling South Korea to surveil the whole Korean Peninsula and some airspace of its neighboring States;in 1977,Boeing 747 was modified to ferry space shuttles,which has been used as shuttle carrier aircraft until now;Boeing KC-767 is an aerial refuelling tanker developed from Boeing 767,which can refuel a Boeing B-52H(a along-range,heavy strategic bomber)up in the air;in 1993,Japan became the primary user of Boeing 767 early warning aircraft,and four such aircraft have been put into service by now.
    39 For example,Israeli air force carried out the“Operation Babylon”on 7 June 1981.It deployed 14 airplanes,launching a surprise strike against a nuclear reactor about 20 km southeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.Israel painted its attack squadron resembling the aircraft of Jordanian air force.When Saudi radar detected the Israeli aircraft and the controllers required the Israeli pilots to report their identities,the Israeli pilots replied in fluent Arabic:“We are Jordanian air force conducting routine trainings.”The controllers believed it to be true.When Jordan radar detected these aircraft,due to the density of the squadron,the image displayed on the radar screen was just a blurring dot,like a large transport aircraft.When enquired,the pilots answered in American English:“It is a civil plane”.The Israeli aircraft muddled through again.
    40 Selection rule of nationality mark:the nationality mark shall be selected from the series of nationality symbols included in the radio call signs allocated to the State of Registry by the International Telecommunication Union.The nationality mark shall be notified to the International Civil Aviation Organization.
    41 The third amendment to Annex 7 was adopted by the ICAO on 23 January 1969,and entered into force on 23 May of the same year.The amendment introduced expressions such as“Common Mark”,“Common Mark Registering Authority”and“International Operating Agency”.In accordance with Article 77 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation,aircraft not registered on a national basis can apply for common marks.The common mark shall be selected from the series of symbols included in the radio call signs allocated to the ICOA by the International Telecommunication Union.Assignment of the common mark to a common mark registering authority will be made by the International Civil Aviation Organization.For example,the ICAO Council decision of 1983 required:the aircraft jointly registered by the Arab Air Cargo(cooperative between Iraq&Jordan)must bear the common mark“4YB”;joint register shall be maintained by Jordan;and Jordan&Iraq shall be jointly&severally bound to assume the obligations&responsibilities which ICAOattaches.
    42 Generally,“registration mark”shall be letters,numbers,or a combination of letters and numbers.The nationality mark shall precede the registration mark.When the first character of the registration mark is a letter,it shall be preceded by a hyphen.According to the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Nationality Registration of Civil Aircraft,with respect to a civil aircraft having not obtained a civil aircraft nationality registration certificate,a provisional registration mark may be applied,when the aircraft is used in test flights,performance flights,orientation flights for export delivery(to be delivered in a foreign State),or in other circumstances considered necessary by the CAAC.Aircraft with provisional registration marks should not engage in passenger and cargo transportation,as well as other business operations.
    43 Carry Forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to Build a Better World through Win-win Cooperation,Address by H.E.Mr.Xi Jinping,President of the People’s Republic of China,at Meeting Marking the 60th Anniversary of the Initiation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,at http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/zyjh_665391/t1170143.shtml,24 November 2016.
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