Exact Controllability of Probabilistic Boolean Control Networks
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This paper deals with the exact reachability and controllability of probabilistic Boolean control networks(PBCNs).Exact controllability of PBCNs is the generalization of controllability of Boolean control networks(BCNs). Firstly, the maximum probability transfer matrix for PBCNs is constructed, and elements of the matrix denote the maximum probability with which one state transfer to another one. Secondly, sufficient conditions for exact controllability of PBCNs are given. Moreover, an algorithm is obtained to construct the control sequence, which force the initial state to the ideal state. Finally, a numerical example is presented to show the efficiency of the approach.
This paper deals with the exact reachability and controllability of probabilistic Boolean control networks(PBCNs).Exact controllability of PBCNs is the generalization of controllability of Boolean control networks(BCNs). Firstly, the maximum probability transfer matrix for PBCNs is constructed, and elements of the matrix denote the maximum probability with which one state transfer to another one. Secondly, sufficient conditions for exact controllability of PBCNs are given. Moreover, an algorithm is obtained to construct the control sequence, which force the initial state to the ideal state. Finally, a numerical example is presented to show the efficiency of the approach.
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