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This paper seeks to build a Single-outline Flat-color 2D Animation ontology theory, which based on several related research units, such as morphological characteristics, aesthetic performance, Gestalt psychology principle and semiotic analysis of iconic sign.
     Introduction section defines the concept of Single-outline Flat-color 2D Animation, and gives an overview of this subject study background, related academic achievements, a brief description of the content, research method and key issues of this paper.
     The main part of the paper is start from the origin of the Single-outline Flat-color 2D Animation, it feature the art of painting as a theoretical premise, and to tease out the form of Single-outline Flat-color 2D Animation is directly affected by the comic art as a historical legacy. And then it goes with logical discourse by WHAT, WHY and HOW. From parsing the smallest visual element of Single-outline Flat-color static image, the study analyzed the contour lines, color blocks and so the relationship between performance and composition, as well as each visual element caused by movement and force during the frame by frame work, and explain the reason of the motion. This part gives the answer of what kind of animation form Single-outline Flat-color 2D Animation is; while in the field of psychology, the well-known theories: Gestalt and the Sense of Order, respectively, from different angles to solve why the audience can cognize, understand and appreciate the Single-outline Flat-color 2D Animation, and even demand in this art form; Finally, the research this part focus on is:through a what kind of semiotic system, we can eventually see the narrative from the Single-outline Flat-color image? And further more to find out the content creators want to express. This part is also the key and difficult problem of the full text. In order to better describe it, some text is a comparison study of the differences between Single-outline Flat-color 2D Animation and live-action film. There are three aspects concern with this study:Firstly, the semiotic characteristic of Single-outline Flat-color image and separated visual elements; secondly, based on the previous study and combination of live-action symbolic images, to study the difference between the two kinds of image structures; thirdly, to compare the different function of image codes between those two.
     The last part of the paper has done a historical review and outlook, rational analyze the status quo and development trend of Single-outline Flat-color 2D Animation, then put forward constructive ideas of the future development.
1 聂欣如,《动画概论》,复旦大学出版社,2006年。第16~17页。
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    3 详见《世界电影史(下)》第82至108页。
    4 段运冬、屈立丰,《欧美动画研究述评》载《世界电影》,2006年第3期。
    5 段运冬、屈立丰,《欧美动画研究述评》载《世界电影》,2006年第3期。
    7 苏锋、方淑芬,《美国“动画文化”现象的成因及演变机制》载《国外社会科学》,2006年第6期。
    9 [意]吉安那尔伯托·本达兹(Giannalberto Bendazzi)著《卡通:百年动画电影》(Cartoons:One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation), Bloomington, IN:Indiana University Press,1994
    10 段运冬、屈立丰,《欧美动画研究述评》载《世界电影》,2006年第3期。
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    12 M. Hoover, Art of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras, from Art History Survey 1, San Antonio College (July 2001; accessed 11 June 2005).
    14 Michael Levey, A Concise History of Painting:From Giotto to Cezanne. New York, Frederick A. Praeger,1962. Page12.
    15 《现代艺术》,http://www.hudong.com/wiki
    16 Michel Seuphor, Piet Mondrian:Life and Work, New York:Harry N. Abrams,1955. P89.
    18 Alexander Sturgis, Understanding Paintings:themes in art explored and explained, Watson-Guptill Publications,2000. Page245.
    19 Michel Seuphor, Piet Mondrian:Life and Work, New York:Harry N. Abrams,1955. P137.
    20 赵培智,《浅议绘画的平面化空间意识》载《美术大观》,2006年第9期。
    22 Michel Seuphor:Dictionary of Abstract Painting:With a History of Abstract Painting. Tudor publishing company, New York.1957. Page 4.
    24 Wertenbaker, Lael (1967). The World of Picasso. Time-Life Library of Art. Alexandria, Ⅴⅱ Books,1967. P143.
    25 John A. Lent, Animation, Caricature, and Gag and Political Cartoons in the United States and Canada:An International Bibliography. Greenwood Press. Westport, CT. 1994. Page3.
    27 David Low, Low's Cartoon History,1945-1953. Publisher:Simon & Schuster. New York.1953. Page5.
    28 乔治·萨杜尔著,徐昭、胡承伟译,《世界电影史》,中国电影出版社,1982。第84页。
    29 COMICS, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comics
    30 Lancelot Hogben, From Cave Painting to Comic Strip:A Kaleidoscope of Human Communication, New York, Chanticleer Press,1949. Page3.
    31 F. D. Klingender, Hogarth and English Caricature. London. Publisher:Transatlantic Arts.1944. Page ⅲ.
    32 Mario Saraceni, The Language of Comics, New York, Routledge Press,2003. Page2.
    34 Mario Saraceni, The Language of Comics, New York, Routledge Press,2003. Page3.
    36 Giannalberto Bendazzi:Cartoons:One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation, Bloomington, Indiana University Press,1994. Page5.
    37 Glenn Myrent:Emile Reynaud:First Motion Picture Cartoonist, Indiana University Press.1989. Page192~193.
    38 Donald Crafton, Before Mickey:The Animation Film 1898-1928, The MIT Press,1982. Page25.
    42 Giannalberto Bendazzi:Cartoons:One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation, Bloomington, Indiana University Press,1994. Page9.
    43 Donald Crafton, Before Mickey:The Animation Film 1898-1928, The MIT Press,1982. Page116.
    44 Giannalberto Bendazzi:Cartoons:One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation, Bloomington, Indiana University Press,1994. Page20.
    45 Donald Crafton, Before Mickey:The Animation Film 1898-1928, The MIT Press,1982. Page153.
    46 Lancelot Hogben, From Cave Painting to Comic Strip:A Kaleidoscope of Human Communication, New York, Chanticleer Press,1949. Page3.
    47 HISTORY OF PAINTING, http://www.historyworld.net Pagel.
    48 Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing, Creative Arts Book Company, new version,1982.
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    57 黎萌, 《电影感知的心理机制》载《电影艺术》2006年5期。
    58 Anderson, John; Fisher, Barbara (1978), The Myth of Persistence of Vision. Journal of the University Film Association 30 (4):3-8.
    59 Joseph and Barbara Anderson, The Myth of Persistence of Vision Revisited, Journal of Film and Video, Vol.45. No.1 (Spring 1993):3-12
    60 庄雪莲、管仁福:《“逐格拍摄法”与“逐格制作法”》载《DVD电影评介》2007年第19期。
    61 庄雪莲、管仁福:《“逐格拍摄法”与“逐格制作法”》载《DVD电影评介》2007年第19期。
    62 Joseph and Barbara Anderson, The Myth of Persistence of Vision Revisited, Journal of Film and Video, Vol.45. No.1 (Spring 1993):3-12
    63 Gutenko, Gregory. Deconstructing Teletubbies:Differences between UK and US college students'reading of the children's television program. Kansas City, Missouri, USA:College of Arts & Sciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City. Archived from the original on 2006-09-22.
    67 聂欣如著,《动画剪辑》,上海人民美术出版社,2006年。第101页。
    70 [美]弗朗兹·博厄斯,金辉译《原始艺术》(1927),上海文艺出版社,1989年版。
    71 陈琳,《装饰理论中的格式塔与秩序感》载《电影评介》2009年第03期。
    72 [英]E.H.贡布里希著,林夕、李木正、范景中译, 《艺术与错觉——图画再现的心理学研究》,浙江摄影出版社,1987年。导论第6页。
    73 陈琳,《装饰理论中的格式塔与秩序感》载《电影评介》2009年第03期。
    74 [法]皮埃尔.吉罗,怀宇译,《符号学概论》,四川人民出版社1988年版。译序第3页。
    75 Saussure, Ferdinand de, Nature of the Linguistics Sign, in:Charles Bally & Albert Sechehaye (Ed.), McGraw Hill Education.1916. P32.
    78 Charles Sanders Peirce, Semiotic elements and classes of signs,1.1.2.
    79 姜竹松,《关于图像符号的肖似性分析》载2006年《中国广告》第12期。
    80 Charles Sanders Peirce, Semiotic elements and classes of signs,2.2.2.Ⅱ.1.
    81 Roland Posner:Charles Morris and the Behavioral Foundations of Semiotics. Ed. Krampen, Plemun Press, New York, 1987. P25.
    82 Robert Stam, Robert Burgoyne, Sandy Flitterman-Lewis, New Vocabularies in Film Semiotics, Routledge; annotated edition edition (April 22, 1992), P.23.
    83 姜竹松,《关于图像符号的肖似性分析》载2006年《中国广告》第12期。
    84 Charles Sanders Peirce, Semiotic elements and classes of signs,22.2.Ⅱ.2.
    85 Charles Sanders Peirce, Semiotic elements and classes of signs,22.2.Ⅱ.3.
    86 姜竹松,《关于图像符号的肖似性分析》载2006年《中国广告》第12期。
    87 徐莉,《视觉符号的图式建构》载《艺术百家》2006年第7期。
    88 Immanuel Kant,Translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohn, The Critique of Pure Reason,1781.
    89 Armbruster, B (1996), Schema Theory and the design of content-area textbooks. Educational Psychologist,21, 253-276.
    90 Schwartz, N., Ellsworth, L., Graham, L.,& Knight, B. (1998), Accessing Prior Knowledge to Remember Text: A Comparison of Advance Organizers and Maps, Contemporary Educational Psychology 23,65-89 (1998).
    91 Brewer, W. F.,& Treyens, J. C. (1981). Role of schemata in memory for places. Cognitive Psychology,13, pp207-230
    92 Robert R. Traill, Thinking by Molecule, Synapse, or both?—From Piaget's Schema, to the Selecting/Editing of ncRNA, published online by:The General Science Journal; —and also byOndwelle Publications,29 Arkaringa Cres., Black Rock 3193, Vic., Australia,2005—and (with an extra supplement(?) and some updatings),29 February 2008.
    93 Robert St. Amant, Clayton T. Morrison, Yu-Han Chang, Paul R. Cohen and Carole Beal:An Image Schema Language, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California,2676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292.
    94 徐莉, 《视觉符号的图式建构》载《艺术百家》2006年第7期。
    95 Robert St. Amant, Clayton T. Morrison, Yu-Han Chang, Paul R. Cohen and Carole Beal:An Image Schema Language, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California,2676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292.
    96 徐莉,《视觉符号的图式建构》载《艺术百家》2006年第7期。
    97 [荷兰]扬M·彼得斯著,一匡译,《图像符号和电影语言》,中国电影出版社1990版。第4页。
    98 详见:[加]马歇尔·麦克卢汉著《理解媒介——论人的延伸》第一部分第二节,第22至32页。Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1964.PartⅠ-2.Page22-32.
    99 Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964.PartⅠ-2.Page22.
    100 Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964.PartⅠ-2.Page23.
    101 [法]皮埃尔·吉罗著,怀宇译, 《符号学概论》,四川人民出版社1988年版。第13页。
    102 Charles Sanders Peirce, Semiotic elements and classes of signs,1.1.2.
    103 徐莉,《视觉符号的图式建构》载《艺术百家》2006年第7期。
    104 [美]威尔伯·施拉姆,威廉·波特著,陈亮等译《传播学概论》,新华出版社1984年版。
    105 [加]马歇尔·麦克卢汉著《理解媒介——论人的延伸》,何道宽译,商务印书馆2000年版,第119页。
    107 Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964.PartⅠ-2.Page27.
    108 Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964.PartⅠ-2.Page23.
    110 Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964.PartⅠ-2.Page28.
    111 《迪士尼首位黑公主揭开面纱》,http://www.filmsh.com.cn/news/2009/11/27/7444.shtml
    112 [法]皮埃尔·吉罗著,怀宇译, 《符号学概论》,四川人民出版社1988年版,第3页。
    113 陈赛,《三维动画:越繁华,越空虚》载《三联生活周刊》,2008年5月。
    114 陈赛,《三维动画:越繁华,越空虚》载《三联生活周刊》,2008年5月。
    4. 苏锋、方淑芬:《美国“动画文化”现象的成因及演变机制》载《国外社会科学》,2006年第6期,北京。
    5. Giannalberto Bendazzi:Cartoons:One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation, Bloomington, Indiana University Press,1994.
    6. Michael Levey:A Concise History of Painting:From Giotto to Cezanne. New York, Frederick A. Praege,1962.
    7. Alexander Sturgis, Understanding Paintings:themes in art explored and explained, Watson-Guptill Publications,2000.
    8. 新锐专栏《蒙德里安》,美院批评,中央美术学院艺术资讯网,2008年。
    10. Michel Seuphor:Dictionary of Abstract Painting:With a History of Abstract Painting. Tudor publishing company, New York.1957.
    11. David Low, Low's Cartoon History,1945-1953. Publisher:Simon & Schuster. New York.1953.
    12. Lancelot Hogben, From Cave Painting to Comic Strip:A Kaleidoscope of Human Communication, New York, Chanticleer Press,1949.
    13. F. D. Klingender, Hogarth and English Caricature. London. Publisher: Transatlantic Arts.1944.
    14. Mario Saraceni, The Language of Comics, New York, Routledge Press,2003.
    15. Glenn Myrent:Emile Reynaud:First Motion Picture Cartoonist, Indiana University Press.1989.
    16. Donald Crafton, Before Mickey:The Animation Film 1898-1928, The MIT Press,1982.
    17. Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing, Creative Arts Book Company, The New Version,1982.
    19. Faber Birren, Color Psychology and Color Therapy:A Factual Study of the Influence of Color on Human Life. University Books. New Hyde Park, NY. 1961.
    22. Emblen, Donald Lewis, Peter Mark Roget:the word and the man. London: Longman,1970.
    24. Anderson, John; Fisher, Barbara, The Myth of Persistence of Vision. Journal of the University Film Association (1978).
    25. Joseph and Barbara Anderson, The Myth of Persistence of Vision Revisited, Journal of Film and Video, (Spring 1993).
    33. Charles Sanders Peirce:Semiotic elements and classes of signs, IN,1977,2nd edition (Peirce Studies 8),2001.
    34. Roland Posner:Charles Morris and the Behavioral Foundations of Semiotics. Ed. Krampen, Plemun Press, New York,1987.
    35. Robert Stam, Robert Burgoyne, Sandy Flitterman-Lewis:New Vocabularies in Film Semiotics, Routledge; annotated edition (April 22,1992).
    36. Immanuel Kant,Translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohn:The Critique of Pure Reason,1781.
    37. Armbruster, B:Schema Theory and the design of content-area textbooks. Educational Psychologist,21,1996.
    38. Schwartz, N., Ellsworth, L., Graham, L.,& Knight, B. (1998):Accessing Prior Knowledge to Remember Text:A Comparison of Advance Organizers and Maps, Contemporary Educational Psychology 23,1998.
    39. Brewer, W. F., & Treyens, J. C. Role of schemata in memory for places. Cognitive Psychology,13,1981.
    40. Robert R. Traill, Thinking by Molecule, Synapse, or both?—From Piaget's Schema, to the Selecting/Editing of ncRNA, published online by:The General Science Journal; and also by Ondwelle Publications,29 Arkaringa Cres, Black Rock 3193, Vic., Australia,2005-and (with an extra supplement and some updatings),29 February 2008.
    41. Robert St. Amant, Clayton T. Morrison, Yu-Han Chang, Paul R. Cohen and Carole Beal:An Image Schema Language, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California,2676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA February 2001.
    43.[荷兰]扬M·彼得斯 著,一匡译:《图像符号和电影语言》,北京,中国电影出版社,1990年3月出版。
    45. Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1964.
    40.[荷]扬 M·彼得斯,一匡译:《图像符号和电影语言》,北京,中国电影出版社,1990年3月出版。
    1. Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing, Creative Arts Book Company, new version, 1982.
    2. Alexander Sturgis, Understanding Paintings:themes in art explored and explained, Watson-Guptill Publications,2000.
    3. Catherine Winder and Zahra Dowlatabadi, Producing Animation, Boston: Focal Press, Charles Solomon, The Disney that Never Was:The Stories and Art from Five Decades of Unproduced Animation, New York:Hyperion,1995.
    4. Christopher Finch, The Art of Walt Disney, from Mickey Mouse to the Magic. kingdoms (Concise Edition), New York:Harry N. Abrams,1999.
    5. David Low, Low's Cartoon History,1945-1953. Publisher:Simon & Schuster. New York,1953.
    6. Denis Gifford, American Animated Films:The Silent Era,1897-1929, McFarland & Co:Jefferson, NC,1990.
    7. Dennis Gifford, British Animated Film,1895-1985:A Filmography, Jefferson, NC:McFarland & Company,1987.
    8. Don Hahn, Disney's Animation Magic:A Behind the Scenes Look at How an Animation Film Is Made, New York:Disney Press,1996.
    9. Donald Crafton, Before Mickey:The Animation Film 1898-1928, The MIT Press,1982.
    10. Eric Smoodin, Animating Culture:Hollywood Cartoons from the Sound Era, New Brunswick, NJ:Rutgers University Press,1993.
    11. F. D. Klingender, Hogarth and English Caricature. London. Publisher: Transatlantic Arts,1944.
    12. Faber Birren, Color Psychology and Color Therapy:A Factual Study of the Influence of Color on Human Life. University Books. New Hyde Park, NY. 1961.
    13. Frank Thomas and Ollie Johston, The Illusion of Life:Disney Animation, New York:Hyperion,1995.
    14. Gilles Poitras, The Anime Companion:What's Japanese in Japanese Animation? Berkeley, CA:Stone Bridge Press,1999.
    15. Giannalberto Bendazzi, Cartoons:One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation, Bloomington, IN:Indiana University Press,1994.
    16. Glenn Myrent:Emile Reynaud:First Motion Picture Cartoonist, Indiana University Press,1989.
    17. Henry T. Sampson, Metuchen, That's Enough Folks:Black Images in Animated Cartoons,1900-1901, NJ:Scarecrow Press,1998.
    18. Jeff Lotman, Animation Art:The Early Years 1911-1953, Atglen, PA:Schiffer, 1995.
    19. John A. Lent, Animation, Caricature, and Gag and Political Cartoons in the United States and Canada:An International Bibliography. Greenwood Press. Westport, CT,1994.
    20. John Halas, The Contemporary Animator, Boston:Focal Press,1990.
    21. John Halas and Roger Manvell, The Technique of Film Animation(Fourth Edition), London:Focal Press,1976.
    22. Lancelot Hogben, From Cave Painting to Comic Strip:A Kaleidoscope of Human Communication, New York, Chanticleer Press,1949.
    23. Marilyn Webber, Feature Animation Writing, GARTH GARDNER COMPANY,2002.
    24. Mario Saraceni, The Language of Comics, New York, Routledge Press,2003.
    25. Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1964.
    26. Michael Levey, A Concise History of Painting:From Giotto to Cezanne. New York, Frederick A. Praeger,1962.
    27. Michel Seuphor:Dictionary of Abstract Painting:With a History of Abstract Painting. Tudor publishing company, New York,1957.
    28. Preston Blair and Laguna Hills, Cartoon Animation, Walter Foster Publishers, 1995.
    29. Richard Williams, The Animator's Survival Kit, Faber and Faber Limited, 2001.
    30. Robert Reinhardt and Jon Warren Lentz, Experimental Animation:Origins of New Art, Foster City, CA:IDG Books Worldwide,2000.
    31. Robert Stam, Robert Burgoyne, Sandy Flitterman-Lewis, New Vocabularies in Film Semiotics, Routledge; annotated edition, April 22,1992.
    32. Robin Allan, Bloomington, Walt Disney and Europe, IN:Indiana University Press,1999.
    33. Roland Posner:Charles Morris and the Behavioral Foundations of Semiotics. Ed. Krampen, Plemun Press, New York,1987.
    34. Stan Lee and John Buscema, How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way, New York: Simon and Schuster,1984.
    35. Steve Schneider, That's all Folks!:The Art of Warner Bros. Animation, New York:H. Holt,1998.
    36. Susannah Shaw, Stop Motion Craft skills for model animation, Boston:Focal Press,2004.
    37. Animation Journal, Founded in, edited by Maureen Furniss, Ph.D., who teaches animation courses at the California Institute of the Arts,1991.
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