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Telecommunications industry as the basic industry of the country, has been taking an important task of the development of national economy and social informatization construction, its development is more and more integrated into the economic and social development. As a pillar industry closely related to the economic life, the telecommunications industry has the responsibilities of providing every citizen with telecommunication universal service. After years of reform in telecommunications industry, social and economic dual function possessed by state-owned enterprise itself makes its have dual forms of public welfare and competitive. As a state enterprise, telecom operator needs take a certain social responsibility, at the same time, as a listed company, it needs take a certain market responsibility. How to balance the social responsibility and market responsibility of telecom enterprises has a very important role on the economic and social development.
     The research on measurement of public welfare and evaluation of the social value creation in the telecom industry "is relatively weak, especially how to measure public welfare nature of telecom industry? How to measure the telecom industry public welfare value? And whether public welfare value influences social value creation? These are key issues of analysis on public welfare components of telecom industry and the telecom enterprises double morphological characteristics. So this article will focus on the telecommunications industry, public welfare change and value creation in telecom industry, and carry on the quantitative analysis on public welfare level of telecommunication industry and carry on value evaluation on the impact factors from telecommunications industry value creation.
     On the basis of statistical data in China, this article estimates the public welfare change after telecom market reform in China, at the same time, on the basis of questionnaire survey, the research use causality and structural equation model to investigate the relationship between the telecom value and social value creation.
     The main conclusions include three points:
     1. Since2004, China's telecom market has experienced two continued market public welfare improve process, above average public welfare index is more than0.70, which means China's telecom market reforms have made maximum success. From the point of telecom market production and profits, China's telecom market at least has achieved great success on the economic benefits; From the consumer welfare perspective, consumer welfare increased from71.2billion yuan to71.2billion yuan in seven years, people obtain the huge welfare growth; From social external benefit, as a national basic industries, telecommunications industry has had the huge boost to other departments and the social and leading role, the indirect effect is2.52times.
     2. Combining the theory analysis and information sources the research gathers the initial item of public welfare value levels in telecommunication industry, then, eight items are random selected respectively to form the initial public welfare value questionnaire. Through the pilot questionnaire test on121staff in sichuan communication administration, and items analysis and exploratory factor analysis on collect data, the research finally formed public welfare value formal questionnaire including six items.
     This study carries on the questionnaire survey on389employees from five different organizations. And the effective sample is randomly individed, one half samples are for exploratory factor analysis (n=195), other half samples are for confirmatory factor analysis (n=194). Exploratory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire includes two-dimensional structure, and accumulative variance explained degree reaches72.16%, and supports the model. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that two-dimensional structure satisfies the requirement of statistics, and fitting is relatively better. This study names the two-dimensional structure of public welfare value levels:the consumer public welfare level and social external public welfare level.
     3. This study carries on the questionnaire survey on389employees from five different organizations, and use structural equation to inspect respectively that the influence on social value creation level by four dimensions of telecommunications industry value level. The research results show that "function value" and "public welfare value" in the value evaluation positively influence on society value creation level, and "sharing of value" regulates the value evaluation's influence on social value creation level. Whether "Space value" and "cost value" have significant influence on society value creation mainly depend on the development characteristics of the study object. In addition to the functional value and public welfare value, the space value and cost value have effects on social value creation in voice services, and the space value has effect on social value creation in broadband service, and cost value has effect on social value creation in informatization services. In three models of voice services, broadband services and informatization, service factors explain degree of social value creation level is over65%. The results meet the requirements that the R2value of dependent variable is high than60%.
     (3) Telecom function value level, public welfare value level, space value level and technical level of value significantly affect social value creation level, public welfare level have direct affect and related degree.
     The study results show, on the background of telecommunications reform and further development, not only the market public welfare caused by the industry reform has very important value, and public welfare value has also significant causal effect on the social value creation level from consumer value perception level, finally the social value creation model based on telecom service is easy to analysis social public welfare value creation behavior in the telecoms industry.
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