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Lenin is the outstanding successor and innovator of the proletarian political party’stheory created by Marx and Engels. He combines Marxism with the Russian reality, foundsthe novel political proletariat party in leading the Russian people to carry out the proletarianrevolution, explores more deeply and enrich proletarian ruling party building thoughts in theprocess of leading Soviet Socialist Construction and the international communist movement.From March,1921to the death of Lenin in January,1924, the Russian Communist Party(Bolshevik) implements the Oriental Socialist Strategy abroad and the new economic policydomestically, the Russian Communist Party (cloth) of in foreign countries, and establishes aone-party political system, these changes strongly develop Lenin’s political thought. Lenin'spolitical thought in this period gains new development and new breakthrough, which is themost concentrated and most fruitful period, marks the highest sublimation of all Lenin'spolitical theory, and represents the highest level of Lenin's political thought, so I call Lenin’spolitical thoughts in this period " Lenin’s Party Thoughts in His Later Years ". This papertakes Lenin’s deep thinking about the party construction in this period as the main line,analyses in-depth its cause of formation, development, theory formation, objective evaluationand contemporary value of Lenin's political thought. The thesis consists of three parts:introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction analyzes the significance of the selectedtopic, the research background domestically and abroad, research objectives, process andmethods, key points, difficult points and innovative points, the definition of basic concepts.Conclusion is the overall evaluation of Lenin's thought of Party and the prospects for futureresearch on Lenin's political thought. The text is composed of six chapters.
     The first chapter discusses the formation and development of Lenin’s Party thoughts inhis later years. Lenin's personality characteristics forged by his special experience, theinternational environment, the domestic environment of the Soviet Union and party conditionstogether form the subjective and objective reasons for the formation of Lenin's Party thoughts.Marxism Party thoughts, petty bourgeoisie political party thoughts, Lenin's early Partythoughts constitute the theoretical basis of Lenin's Party thoughts. On this basis, it clarifiesLenin's writings on political context, and from the main macroscopic development processes: the ruling foundation transited from the military alliance of workers and peasants to theEconomic Union of workers and peasants, the governance transited from the one-partydirection to the guidance of the ruling party, the idea of democracy from the ideal democracyto the realistic democracy, the revolutionary strategy from the "offensive" strategy to "retreat"strategy,which analyze Lenin’s party thoughts in his later years.
     The second chapter is Lenin’s thinking about maintaining the purity of the Party in hislater years. Marx and Engels’ ideas and Lenin’s earlier thoughts about maintaining the purityof the Party form the theoretical basis of such a thought in his later years. The cognitive rootof such a thought is the exploration and practice of the purge and the open recruitment ofmembers of Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik). And the social root of such a thought isthe formation of the world balance pattern and the implementation of new economic policies.Lenin holds that the purity of thought can be achieved through3ways, firstly, the combinationof education and criticism to improve the quality of Party members; secondly, the oppositionof Party factions to keep the ideological unity within the Party; thirdly, the strict observanceof the discipline of the Party by way of punishment to purify the mind of Party members. Healso believes that the purity of the organization can be realized through the following3ways,firstly, strictly meeting the admission criteria and prolonging the probationary period;secondly, combining the purge and the recruitment of members to improve the quality ofParty members; thirdly, preventing the Party's internal divisions and maintaining its unity.Besides, he thinks that the purity of style can be maintained through the following3ways,firstly, to stick to the Party’s mass line and to strengthen the relationship between the Partyand the mass, cadres and masses; secondly, to conduct criticism and self-criticism within theParty and to create the democratic atmosphere; thirdly, to supervise the Party members andcadres and to strengthen the democracy within the Party.
     The third chapter is Lenin’s thinking about Party elites in his later years. The dissertationanalyzes the formation and development of Lenin’s thought about Party elites by reviewingrelevant theories. The knowledge about Party elites during and after the revolution forms thecognitive basis of such a thought in his later years. Such a thought comes into being for thefollowing reasons, the urge of the improvement of the quality of Party elites, thecentralization of the leadership to only few elites in the Party, the division of the Party because of the shortcomings and disagreement between elites of the Party, and the puzzlementabout the change of leadership. The dissertation also investigates the development process ofLenin’s thought about Party elites from the following2aspects, the improvement of theadministration of Party elites, the supervision and prevention of elites from power corruption.Lenin’s thoughts about the choosing and appointment and training of Party elites in his lateyears include: adhering to the principle of best quality when choosing elites; attachingimportance to the principle of optimization when appointing elites; reinforcing the political,cultural and professional education when shaping elites; enhancing the culture of the Partywhen training elites. And his thoughts about the check and supervision of Party elites in hislate years include: prevention of individual arbitrariness as well as the division of the Party;reinforcement of collective leadership with more democracy within the Party; implementationof the division between the Party and the administration with more supervision.
     The fourth Chapter is Lein’s thinking about Inter-party relations in his late years.Inter-party relations which refers to relation, communication and cooperation among politicalparties, including two types of international and domestic inter-party relations. The thoughtsof Marx and Engels become the theoretical source of Lenin’s in his late years, when theestablishment of the Communist International becomes his practical foundation of relationsamong political parties. This dissertation analyzes Lenin’s ideas both on the new situations theCommunist International faces, and on his changing thoughts in his late years from thefollowing three points: First,the changing situation of world’s revolution and Lenin’s attitudechanges. Second,his ideas of the coexistence of two systems. Third,Lenin’s objections to theleft-leading thought in the Communist International. The analysis is based on the following:strategies from attack to retreat, winning over the majority of working class, improving theinfluence of Russian Communist Part, Party construction at low ebb. Lenin’s party relationsare as follows: multi-part cooperation is based on maintaining relations among parties. Thedevelopment of Part relations is focuses on the world’s revolution. Party independence is thekey to party relations. The expansion of Part relations is for its Party development.
     The fifth Chapter is Rationality and limitations of Lenin’s party thoughts in his laterYears. First, it analyzes theoretical, systematic and methodological innovations of Lenin’sthoughts of party relations. This is because that Lenin Achieves to combine the Marxist ideal and reality, accomplishs Marxism in Russia, achieves bold innovation in the era.And then itanalyzes the limitations and its root causes of Lenin’s party thoughts in his later years fromlack of clear thinking about party construction., failed a complete theoretical system, failed todo in-depth global analysis.
     The sixth chapter is the contemporary value of Lenin’s party thoughts in his later years.First of all, the Chinese Communist Party’s conditions have been researched. Thecharacteristics of the Chinese Communist Party change and development are summed upthrough the analysis of the party members and party organization quantity, structure changeand party population ratio changes. On this basis, the significance of analyzing Lenin'sthought of Party exerting influence on the Communist Party of China lies in: it is not only theneed of inheritance and innovation of Marx's party thought, need of learning the experienceand lessons of Party construction, the need to deal with the political parties or changes in theecological environment, but also the need of grasping the ruling law and enhancing rulingability construction. Then, from four aspects such as inner-party relations, relations betweenthe party and the government, party and society relations, inter-party relations, theenlightenment of the Lenin's senectitude political party thought influencing on thecontemporary CPC has been analyzed from the perspective of the Communist party. First, ithas been rethought profoundly that correctly handling the relationship within the Party ofreflection from the inner-party democracy being the life of the party and the understandingof inner-party democratic construction, so that the theoretical innovation of inner-partyharmony will be formed by strengthening the construction of inner-party democracy. Second,it will be formed to innovate theory actively and steadily push forward the reform of politicalsystem, and further harmonize the relations between the party and the government by thereform Party administration, the reform of national basic political system, strengthening theconstruction of democratic system, the reform of the cadre and personnel system, promotingcadres construction to correctly handle the relationship between the party and the government.Third, it will be established that the purity of the construction of the party can consolidate thetheoretical innovation of the party agency relationship by scientific development, learningtype party organization leading the party's ideological purity construction, in order tostrengthen the party's team purity construction leading Party organization construction and construction of service-oriented party organization and leading the party's work styleconstruction, and by reflecting on the relationship between correctly handle the party andsociety five aspects of party construction to anti-corruption. Fourth, it has been establishedthat the formation of theoretical innovation can strengthen the United Front and construct aharmonious political party relation by the development of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics of deliberative democracy, consolidating and extending the patriotic unitedfront, enhancing the United Front for the optimization,and reflecting on the correctlyhandling of relationship between parties three aspects of China's international environment,Finally, it has been analyzed the contemporary value of Lenin’s senectitude political partythoughts influencing other parties in the world.
     In short, Lenin’s party thoughts in his later years has not only established a proletarianparty construction immortal monument, but also has had important reference value andenlightenment significance to the development of all the parties in the world. ResearchingLenin’s party thoughts in his later years, grasping the activities of parties and the summaryand sublimation of Lenin's thoughts of political parties in the world political partyconstruction significance, will help the parties all over the world learn the lessons of differenttypes of Party construction, further promote the practical exploration and theoreticalinnovation itself construction, and boost the sound development of the world's democraticpolitical construction and world civilization.
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