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American federalism is defined by the federal government and state governments together to form a power-sharing system. Since the beginning of the founding of the United States, the controversy that how to distribute powers, functions and responsibilities between the federal government and the states reasonably has never stopped. In the development process of U.S. federal politics, the federal government becomes dominant in the policy process increasingly. U.S. longitudinal decentralization system appears centralization trend. However, the concentration of power can not really overcome the natural defects of American federalism that decentralized political structures often lead to the inconsistency and inefficiency of policy and inter-regional conflicts caused by uneven distribution of federal resources. U.S. federal politics experience new crisis. By using the method of historical institutionalism, this paper tries to trace the historical evolution and development of federal longitudinal power relations, and present comprehensive interpretation on federal longitudinal power relations, from three analysis perspectives of judicature, finance and administration.
     American federalism is a kind of "order mode" which based on the American political tradition and culture. America's unique natural environment, the North American colonial political practices, traditions and local self-government sentiments is the origin of the Federal ideology. Religious concept of covenant, social contract theory, the theory of limiting power of government and sovereignty can be divided are the theory sources of American federalism. American federalism in the formation process has its unique path of institutional change and development which reflected in the different periods of historical evolution of American federalism.
     Federal Constitution of the United States which limits the power that includes inherent powers, enumerated powers, implied powers and shared powers of federal and state governments is the fundamental basis of U.S. federal politics. These powers' relationships among the different levels of power subjects form a composite constitutional structure, and complex administrative operation mechanism and complex judicial system.
     U.S. federal vertical power relations go through dual federalism, cooperative federalism and the new federalism.1789~1865is the period of dual federalism. During this period, state government had more power than the federal government and emphasized the "reserve powers" of state's Constitution and the restrictions on the powers of the federal government. The expansion of federal government power was resisted by states strongly. From1860to1930, the dual federalism was being challenged. Federal power and its supreme power position were recognized by the Supreme Court. The federal government's power in the field of financial regulation, taxation collection and interstate commerce management was extended. After1930, U.S. federal politics came into cooperative federalism period. The federal government began large-scale federal government intervention and regulation of social and economic life in Roosevelt's "New Deal" era. After Johnson's "Great Society" policy, the federal government's power expansion reached its peak.
     Massive intervention on the social and economic resulted in rapid expansion of federal spending and the federal government's huge budget deficit. After Nixon took office, the federal government began to implement the new federalism which focus on the federal and state tax revenue sharing and restore the balance of power relations and try hard to establish a new partnership between federal and state. After Reagan came to power, he tried to further push the "new federalism". The federal government adopted "block grant" and "tax revenues sharing" policies to return powers to states. This policy has been continuously extended since then. After Obama took office, he regained the "New Deal" policy when U.S. financial crisis broke out. The federal government greatly enhanced the federal government's aid efforts in the financial sector and direct interfered in social and economic that broke the balance of power between Federal and state governments once again. The federal government's interference resulted in the U.S. federal longitudinal power relations showed a significant trend that is powers tilted to the federal government once again
     Since the founding of the United States, the federal longitudinal power relation shows the trend of expanding and reflects the characteristics of cyclical development and relative balance. The main factors affecting these power relations include: American political duality culture, American composite power structure, American party politics and a rift between American political ideals and its political system.
     The basic theoretical framework to analyze American federal longitudinal power relations is the United States federal complex power structure theory which includes three dimensions. The first dimension of the theory framework is study the core connotation of system design that is the formation of federal socialist political culture tradition and thought connotation which are protection of states'rights, protection of civil liberties and the protection of minority rights. The fundamental principles of the U.S. Constitution ensure the stability of American federal longitudinal power relations; the second dimension of the theory framework is study the federal system design that is the research of complex power structure includes a composite constitutional structure and complex administrative operation mechanism and complex judicial system. Its institutional connotation which ensure relative balance of American federal longitudinal power relations and prevent excessive concentration of the federal government's power and excessive fragmentation of the state governments' power is U.S. constitutional ideas of separation of powers and checks and balances;
     The third dimension of the theory framework is study the actual operating mechanism and implications of federal longitudinal power relations, which is not limited to the enumerated powers of the federal government in Federal Constitution, but also include the principles shaped by political practice and judicial precedents and extending powers. There are many multiple security mechanisms in federal politics, which is not only maintain the balance of power relations between the federal and state governments, but also achieve the protection of fundamental rights of citizens in the process of maintaining stability and development of the U.S. federal politics.
1 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle:A Journey Through Time in Quest of a Meaning, Berkeley:University of California Press,1978, p.204.
    1 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,毛寿龙译,上海:上海三联出版社,1996年,第10页。
    2 谭融、于家琦:“美国联邦制的发展沿革”,《天津师范火学学报》,2002年第6期。
    3 谭融、于家琦:“美国联邦制的发展沿革”。
    4 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,第15页。
    1 杨光斌:《政治学的基础理论与重大问题》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2011年,第119页。
    2 Daniel J. Elazar, American Federalism:A View from the States, New York:Crowell,1966, p.28.
    1 杨光斌:《政治学的基础理论与重大问题》,第120页。
    1 K.C. Where, Federal Government, Oxford:Oxford University Press,4 edition,1970, p.1.
    1 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle:A Journey Through Time in Quest of a Meaning, p.158.
    2 K.C. Where, Federal Government, p.1
    3 K.C. Where, Federal Government, p.10.
    4 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p.162.
    1 K. C. Where, Federal Government, p.102.
    2 Preston King, Federalism and Federation, Baltimore:Johns Hopkins,1982, p.77.
    3 王丽萍:“当代国外联邦制研究概述”,《政治学研究》,1996年第4期。
    4 王丽萍:“当代国外联邦制研究概述”。
    1 William S. Livingston, "A Note on the Nature of Federalism",Political Science Quarterly, Vol.67, No.1,1952, p.83.
    2 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p.163
    3 William S. Livingston, "A Note on the Nature of Federalism", p.83.
    4 王丽萍:“当代国外联邦制研究概述”。
    5 William S. Livingston, "A Note on the Nature of Federalism", p.84.
    6 王丽萍:“当代国外联邦制研究概述”。
    7 William S. Livingston, "A Note on the Nature of Federalism", p.88.
    8 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p.164.
    9 王丽萍:“当代国外联邦制研究概述”。
    1 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p.166.
    2 William. H. Riker, Federalism:Origin, Operation. Significance, Boston:Little Brown and Co.,1964, p.11.
    3 William. H. Riker, Federalism:Origin, Operation. Significance, p.12.
    4 William. H. Riker, Federalism:Origin. Operation, Significance, p.12-15.
    5 William. H. Riker, Federalism:Orizin, Operation, Significance, p.37.
    6 William. H. Riker, Federalism:Origin, Operation, Significance, p.157.
    1 王丽萍:“当代国外联邦制研究概述”。
    2 Carl Friedrich, Trends of Federalism in Theory and Practice, New York:Praeger,1968, p.2
    3 Carl Friedrich, Trends of Federalism in Theory and Practice, p.120.
    4 Carl Friedrich, Trends of Federalism in Theory and Practice, in back cover.
    5 Carl J. Friedrich, "Federal Constitutional Theory and Emergent Proposals", in A.W. Macmahon(ED.), Federalism:Mature and Emergent, New York:Russell&Russell,1962, p.518.
    6 Carl J. Friedrich, "Federal Constitutional Theory and Emergent Proposals", p.517.
    1 Carl Friedrich, "Federal Constitutional Theory and Emergent Proposals", p.528.
    2 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p.172.
    3 S. Kufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p.175.
    1 James Manor, "Making Federalism Work", Journal of Democracy, Vol.9, No.5,1998, p.10.
    2 Morton M. Grodzins, The American System:A New View of the Government of the United States, p.80.
    3 Daniel J. Elazar, The American Partnership:Intergovernmental Cooperation in the United States, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1962, p.5.
    1 Ronald Watts, "Federalism, Federal Political Systems, and Federations", Annual Review of Political Science, Vol.1,1998, p.120.
    2 Ronald Watts, "Federalism, Federal Political Systems, and Federations", p.121.
    1 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, p.46.
    2 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, p.80.
    3 Michael Burgess, Comparative Federalism:Theory and Practice, Kentucky:Routledge,2006, p.11.
    1 John Stuart Mill, Considerations on Representative Government, New York:Harper and Brothers,1862, p.367.
    2 Edward Augustus Freeman, History of Federal Government in Greece and Italy Preface, London:Macmillan & co.1893, xiii.
    3 详见M. Burgess, The British Tradition of Federalism, London:Cassell,1995.
    4 Sobei Mogi, The Problem of Federalism:A Study in the History of Political Theory, London:George Allen & Unwin,1931,p.290.
    5 S. Collini, D. Winch and J. Burrow, That Noble Science of Politics:A Study in Nineteenth Century Intellec History, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1983, p.220.
    6 Edward Freeman, History of Federal Government in Greece and Italy, p.13.
    1 James Bryce, The American Commonwealth, Vol.1, London:Macmillam & Co,1919, p.4.
    2 James Bryce, The American Commonwealth, p.342.
    1 James Bryce, The American Commonwealth, p.348.
    1 Clinton Rossiter, Ed., The Federalist Papers, New York:The New American Library,1961, xii.
    1 James Bryce, Studies in History and Juriprudence, New York:Oxford University Press,1901, p.256.
    2 Albert Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution,10th ed., London:Macmillan,1964, p.143
    3 Albert Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, p.144.
    4 Albert Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, p.172.
    5 Albert Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, p.172
    1 John Taylor, Construction Construed, and Constitutions Vindicated, New Jersey:The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 1820, p.30.
    2 Alfred H. Kelly, The American Constitution:Its Origins and Development. I (7th ed), New York:W.W. Norton & Co.1991, pp.200-212.
    3 Morton M. Grodzins, The American System:A New View of the Government of the United States, New York: Rand McNally,1966, p.18.
    4 Morton M. Grodzins, The American System:A New View of the Government of the United States, p.265
    5 A.H. Birch, Federalism, Finance and Social Legislation in Canada, Australia and the United States, Oxford Clarendon Press,1955, p.290.
    6 A.H. Birch, Federalism, Finance and Social Legislation in Canada, Australia and the United States, p.291
    1 Terry Sanford, Storm over the states, New York:McGeaw-Hill,1967,p.80.
    1 此学派的代表学者及其著作主要有伊扎拉的《美国联邦主义:从州的视角考察》、拉塞尔·汉森(Russell Hanson)的《治理伙伴》(Governing Partners)、约瑟夫·齐默尔曼(Joseph Zimmerman)的《州政府关系:被忽视的联邦主义维度》(Interstate Relations:The Neglected Dimension of Federalism)和《州和地方政府关系:合伙伙伴的研究路径》(State-Local Relations:A Partnership Approach)等。
    2 Ann O'M. Bowman and Richard Kearney, The Resurgence of the states, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall, 1986, p.124.
    3 Martha M. Hamilton, "States Assuming New Power as Federal Policy Role Ebbs" Washington Post,30 August 1988.
    4 Mavis Mann Reeves, "The States as Polities:Reformed, Reinvigorated, Resourceful" in American Federalism: The Third Century (special issue of The Annals), ed. John Kincaid, Newbury Park, Calif:Sage,1990, p.83,.
    5 Samuel H. Beer, "The Modernization of American Federalism" in Toward 76— The Federal Polity, special issue of Publius, Vol.3,1973, p.83.
    1 Marx Fritz, "Reviews Federal Administrators", The Review of Politics, vol.3,1941, p.147.
    2 A.B. Stafford, "Review of Books:Federal Administrators", The University of Toronto Law Journal, vol.4,1941, p.233.
    3 William Stewart, "Book Reviews:Administering Federalism in a Democracy", Publius:the Journal of Federalism, Vol.4,1974, p.96.
    1 Helen Ingram, "Policy Implementation through Bargaining:The Case of federal Grants in Aid", Public Policy, Vol.25,1977, P.526.
    2 Jeffrey Pressman, Federal Programs and City Politics:The Dynamics of the Aid Process in Oakland, California: University of California Press,1975.
    3 具体可参见:Arthur W. MacMahon, Administering Federalism in a Democracy, New York:Oxford University Press,1972. Thomas R. Dye, American Federalism:Competition Among Governments, Lexington,MA:Lexington Books,1990. Carl 3. Friedrich, Trends of federalism in theory and practice, New York:Frederick A. Praeger,1968.
    4 Robert Schwager, The Theory of Administrative Federalism:An Alternative to Fiscal Centralization and Decentralization, Public Finance Review, Volume 27 (3),1999, P.282.
    1 Richard A. Musgrave, "Approaches to A Fiscal Theory of Political Federalism", p.112.
    2 Wallace E. Oates, "An Essay on Fiscal Federalism", Journal of Economic Literature, vol.37(3),1999, p.1130.
    1 Wallace E. Oates, Fiscal Federalism, MA:Edward Elgar Pub,2011, p.189.
    2 David N. Hyman, Public Finance:A Contemporary Application of Theory to Policy,10 edition, Cincinnati OH: South-Western College Pub,2010, p.167.
    3 Jonathan A. Rodden, Hamilton's Paradox:The Promise and Peril of Fiscal Federalism, New York:Cambridge University Press,2006, p.4
    4 详见A.E. Dick Howard, "Judicial federalism:The States and the Supreme Court," in American Federslism:A New Partnership for the Republic, ed. Robert B. Hawkins Jr. San Francisco:Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1982, p.215-237.
    5 Eugene W. Hickok Jr., "Federalism's Future before the U.S. Supreme Court" American Federalism:The Third Century (special issue of The Annals), ed. John Kincaid, Newbury Park, Calif:Sage,1990, pp.74-83.
    1 Richard B. Cappalli, Rights and Remedies under Federal Grants, Washington D.C.:Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.,1979, p.120.
    2 Sobei Mogi, The Problem of Federalism:A Study in the History of Political Theory, p.9.
    3 Harold Laski, "The Obsolescence of Federalism", The New Republic,1939, p.367.
    4 Harold Laski, "The Obsolescence of Federalism", p.367.
    5 Harold Laski, "The Obsolescence of Federalism", p.367.
    1 这些学者及其著作有弗里德里希编著的《联邦主义研究》(Studies in Federalism)、多伊齐(Deutsch)编著的《政治共同体和大西洋区域》(Political Community and the Atlantic Area)、哈斯(Haas)的《欧洲的联合:政治、社会和经济的推动力量》(The Uniting of Europe:Political, Social and Economic Forces,1950-1957)、拜尔斯和瑞福特(Byers & Reford)合著的《受到挑战的加拿大:邦联的可行性》(Canada Challenged:The Viability of Confederation)、科瑞福(Crepeau)编著的《加拿大联邦主义的未来》(The Future of Canadian Federalism)以及澳大利亚学者马修斯(Mathews)的《澳大利亚政府间关系》等。
    2 John Fischer, "Prerequisites of Balance", in:Macmahon, Federalism Mature and Emergent, Columbia: Columbia University Press,1955, p.58.
    3 Daniel J. Elazar, "Federalism", in Davis L. Sills, ed., International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, New York:Macmillan and Free Press, vol.5,1968, p.335.
    1 A. H. Birch, Federalism, Finance and Social Legislation in Canada, Australia and the United States,1955, p.290.
    2 A.H. Birch, "Approaches to the Study of Federalism", Political Studies, Vol. ⅩⅣ(Ⅰ),1966, pp.15-33.
    3 A.H. Birch,'Approaches to the Study of Federalism', pp.17-18.
    4 A.H. Birch,'Approaches to the Study of Federalism', pp.32-33.
    5 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p.204.
    1 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p. xi.
    2 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p.205.
    3 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p. xii.
    4 S. Rufus Davis, The Federal Principle, p.298.
    5 M. J. C. Vile, "Federal Theory and the 'New Federalism'" in D. Jaensch(Ed.), The Politics of New Federalism, Adelaide:Australian Political Studies Association,1977,1.
    1 William Riker, "Federalism", in Fred Greenstein and Nelson Polsby, Handbook of Political Science, Vol.5, Mass: Addison-Wesley,1975, p.155.
    2 Elaine Sharp& Dennis Polumbo, "Process Versus Impact Evaluation od Community Corrections", in David Nachmias, The Practice of Policy Evaluation, New York:St. Martin's Press,1980.
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    2 楚树龙、董建森:“美国联邦制度的理论与实践”。
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    2 赵文骄:“论基督教圣约观对美国联邦主义宪政的影响”。
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    2 张定河:“美国联邦制的基本原则及其历史演变”,《文史哲》,1998年第1期。
    3 谭融、于家琦:“美国联邦制的发展沿革”,《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》,2002年第6期。
    4 宋云伟:“论内战以前美国联邦政府在州公共管理中的作用”,《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》,2008年第2期。
    1 参见宋云伟:《美国二元联邦主义时代》,黑龙江:黑龙江人民出版社,2009年。
    2 董经胜:“跨学科研究的成果——读《美国二元联邦主义时代》”,《世界历史》,2010年第1期。
    1 Peter A. Hall and Rosemary C. R. Taylor, "Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms," Political Studies, XLIV,1999, p.937.
    2 Paul Pierson, " Increasing Return, Path Dependence, and the study of politics," American Political Science Review, Vol.94, No.2, June 2000, pp.251-267.
    3 Peter A. Hall and Rosemary C. R. Taylor, "Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms," Political Studies, p.939.
    4 Paul Pierson, Skocpol Theda, "Historical Institutionalism in Contemporary Political Science,"Paper prepared for presentation an American Political Science Association Meetings, Washington, D.C.2000.
    5 Peter A. Hall and Rosemary C. R. Taylor, "Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms," pp.936-957.
    1 Stephen D.Kranser, "Approaches to the State:Alternative Conceptions and Historical Dynamics," Comparative Politics, pp.240-242.
    2 何俊志:《结构、历史与行为——历史制度主义对政治科学的重构》,上海:复旦大学出版社2004年,第285-297页。
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    2 [美]戴维·赫尔德著:《民主的模式》,燕继荣等译,北京:中央编译出版社,2004年,第256页。
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    2 详见杨光斌:“新制度主义政治学在中国的发展”,《教学与研究》,2005年第1期。
    1 Paul E. Peterson, The price of Federalism, Washington, DC:Brooking Institution Press,1995, back cover.
    1 Lucio Levi, Federalist Thinking, Lanham:University Press of America,2008, p.11.
    2 赵文娇:“论基督教圣约观对美国联邦主义宪政的影响”,湖南大学硕士论文,2009年。
    3 Lucio Levi, Federalist Thinking, p.12.
    1 Lucio Levi, Federalist Thinking, p.13.
    2 William H. Riker, Federalism:Origin, Operation, Significance, Boston:Little Brown,1964, p.14.
    3 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著,王建勋译:《美国联邦主义》,上海:上海三联书店,2003年,第253页。
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    5 [英]戴维·米勒、韦农·波格丹诺编,邓正来等译:《布莱克维尔政治制度百科全书》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2011年,第240页。
    6 周民锋主编:《西方国家政治制度比较》,南昌:华东理工大学出版社,第208-209页.
    1 Cooke, Jaccb E., ed., The Federalism. Meddletown, p.73.
    2 Cooke, Jaccb E., ed.. The Federalism, Meddletown, Conn:Wesleyan University Press,1961, p.22.
    3 Arend Liphart, "Non-Majoritarian Democracy:A Comparison of Federal and Consociational Themes."
    1 David Brian Robertson, Federalism and the Making of America, Routledge,2011, p.11
    2 谭融:《权力的分配与权力的角逐》,天津:天津大学出版社,1994年,第175页。
    3 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,第236页。
    4 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,第56页。
    5 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,第258页。
    6 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《复合共和制的政治理论》,第24页。
    1 [英]戴维.米勒、韦农.波格丹诺编,邓正来等译:《布莱克维尔政治制度百科全书》,2011年,第314页。
    2 美国地方政府指州以下的县、市、乡镇、特别区和学区等五类政府性组织,相互间没有隶属关系,只是根据人口和地域进行划分,各自在其管辖范围内行使其职权。
    3 所谓迪龙法则是指,1868年,约翰·迪龙法官(Judge John F.Dillon)在一起诉讼的判词中,对州与城市的关系进行了系统的表述,宣称:“州立法机构为自治机构注入活力,否则自治机构便不可能存在。州立法机构可以创建地方自治机构,也可以摧毁它们。……可以这么说,地方自治机构只不过是寄宿在州立法机构意志之下的房客。”转引自[美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆、罗伯特·比什、埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆:《美国地方政府》,北京:北京大学出版社,2004年,第32页。
    1 Deil Wright, Understanding Intergovernmental Relations,3d ed, Pacific Grove, Calif:Brooks/Cole,1988, p.4.
    2 Michael Reagan, The New Federalism, New York:Oxford University Press,1981, p.3.
    1 William H. Riker, Federalism:Origin, Operation, Significance, p.120.
    2 [英]戴维·米勒、韦农·波格丹诺编:《布莱克维尔政治制度百科全书》,第315页。
    1 Daniel J. Elazar, "Confederation and Federal Liberty," Publius,12, No.4,1982, pp.1-14.
    2 谭融:《比较政治与比较公共行政》,天津:南开大学出版社,2008年,第8页。
    3 Donoald Lutz, The Origins of American Constitutionalism, Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press,1988, p.17.
    4 Donoald Lutz, The Origins of American Constitutionalism, p.25.
    1 王怡:《宪政主义:观念与制度的转捩》,山东:山东人民出版社,2006年,第142页。
    2 Ronald L. Watts, Comparing federal systems, p.82.
    3 谭融:“美国联邦政治的理论内涵与社会基础”。
    4 汪建达:“论基督教社会伦理学中的信约模式”,《学术月刊》,2006年第4期。
    5 [美]丹尼尔·伊拉扎著:《联邦主义探索》,第41页。
    1 [英]阿克顿著:《自由与权力》,侯健、范亚峰译,北京:商务印书馆,2001年,第379页。
    2 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《复合共和制的政治理论》,“序言”第3页。
    3 Caleb Patterson, The Constitutional Principles of Thomas Jefferson, Austin:University of Texas Press,1953, p.57.
    4 Adrienne Koch, The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson, New York:Modern Library,1998, p.662.
    5 Caleb Perry Patterson, The Constitutional Principles of Thomas Jefferson, Austin:University of Texas Press, 1953, p.106.
    6 谭融:“美国联邦政治的理论内涵与社会基础”。
    7 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,“代序”第1页。
    8 谭融:“美国联邦政治的理论内涵与社会基础”。
    9 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《美国联邦主义》,“代序”第3页。
    1 [美]汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊等著:《联邦党人文集》,第51页。
    2 Ronald L. Watts, Comparing federal system, p.180.
    3 谭融:“美国联邦政治的理论内涵与社会基础”。
    4 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《复合共和制的政治理论》,“序言”第99-100页。
    1 [美]伯恩斯:《美国式民主》,第62页。
    2 [美]汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊等著:《联邦党人文集》,第240页。
    3 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《美国联邦主义》,第4页。
    4 [美]汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,第314页。
    1 D.J. Elazar, Federalism as Grand Design, Lanham:University Press of America,1988, p.20.
    2 谭融:《比较公共行政与比较政治》,第10页。
    3 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《美国联邦主义》,第95页。
    4 谭融:“美国联邦政治的理论内涵与社会基础”。
    1 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,第176页。
    2 Morton Grodzins, "The Federal System" in Goals for Americans:The Report of the President's Commission on National Goals, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, I960, p.265.
    3 D. Gitelson. Americara Government, Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company,1988, p.51.
    1 James Bryce, The American Commonwealth, London:Macmillam&Co,1919, p.313.
    2 谭融、于家琦:“美国联邦制的发展沿革”,《天津师范大学学报》,2002年第6期。
    3 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism, Chatham, NJ:Chatham,2000, p.18.
    4 Morton Grodzins, "The Federal System" in Goals for Americans:The Report of the President's Commission on
    1 Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Cycles of American History, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1986.
    2 Richard Nathan, Regan and the States, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1987, p.362.
    3 Richard Nathan, Regan and the States, p.362.
    4 Richard Nathan, "Updating Theories of American Federalism", in Intergovernmental Management for the 21st Century, ed. P. L. Posner and T. J., Washington, DC:Brookings Institution Press,2008.
    5 Richard Nathan, "There Will Always Be a New Federalism," Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol.10, February 16,2006.
    1 谭融:“美国联邦政治的理论内涵与社会基础”。
    2 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著,董良果译,《论美国的民主》(上卷),北京:商务印书馆,2009年,第49页。
    3 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第320页。
    4 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《美国联邦主义》,第10-11页。
    5 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第320页。
    1 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第324页。
    2 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第189页。
    3 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第191页。
    4 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第320页。
    1 Carl Bridenbaugh, The Spirit of 1776:The Growth of American Patriotism before Independence,1607-1776, London:Oxford University Press,1975, p.10.
    2 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第358页。
    3 Wallace Notestein, The English People on the Eve of Colonization,1605-1630, New York:Harper& Row,1962, p.6.
    1 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第30-31页。
    2 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第30-31页。
    3 Donoald Lutz, The Origins of American Constitutionalism, Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press,1988, p.25.
    1 李剑鸣:“殖民地时期美国史研究中的若干重要问题”,《史学月刊》,2001年第4期。
    2 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第34页。
    3 [美]纳尔逊·布莱克著:《美国社会生活与思想史》,许季鸿等译,北京:商务印书馆,1994年,第7页。
    4 谭融、游腾飞:“论基督教与美国自由主义的源起”,《历史教学(高校版)》2009年,第51期。
    1 Michael G.Kammen, Politics and Society in Colonial America:Democraty or Deference, New York:Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1967, p.22.
    2 Donald S. Lutz, Documents of Politico IFoundation by Colonial Americans:From Covenant to Constitution, Philadelphia:Institute for the Study of Human Issues,1986, p.352.
    1 [以色列]丹尼尔·伊拉扎:《联邦主义探索》,第172页。
    1 [法]夏尔·托克维尔:《论美国的民主》,第45页。
    2 [法]夏尔·托克维尔:《论美国的民主》,第73页。
    3 [法]夏尔·托克维尔:《论美国的民主》,第65页。
    4 Robert J. Dinkin, Voting in Provincial American:A Study of Elections in the Thirteen. Colonies 1689-1776, Westport CT:Greenwood Press,1977, p.27.
    5 Richard L Bushman, From Puritan to Yankee:Character and the Social Order in Connecticut,1690-1765,
    1 Michael Zuckerman, Peaceable Kingdoms:New England Towns in the Eighteenth Century, New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1970, p.32.
    1 Charles S. Hyneman, eds, American Political Writing during the Founding Era,1760-1805, Vol 2, Indianapolis: Liberty Press,1983, p.99.
    2 Charles S. Hyneman, eds, American Political Writing during the Founding Era,1760-1805, Vol 1, Indianapolis: Liberty Press,1983, p.275.
    3 Harry Alonzo Cushing, ed, The Works of Samuel Adams, Vol.2, New York:Appleton-Century-Crafts,1963, p.255.
    1 Paul Pierson, Skocpol Theda, "Historical Institutionalism in Contemporary Political Science,"Paper prepared for presentation an American Political Science Association Meetings, Washington, D.C.2000.
    2 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第320页。
    1 Jack P. Greene,Pursuits of Happiness:The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture, Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press,1988, p.12-13.
    2 李剑鸣:《美国的奠基时代(1585-1775)》,北京:人民出版社,2001年,第9页。
    1 Donoald Lutz, The Origins of American Constitutionalism, p.32.
    2 [法]夏尔·托克维尔:《论美国的民主》,第392-403页。
    1 Everett Carll Ladd, The American Polity:The People and Their Government, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, 1985, p.77.
    1 王丽萍:“欧洲联邦主义:传统与理念”,《政治学研究》,2007年第4期。
    2 Michael Burgess, Federalism and European Union:the Building of Europe,1950-2000, New York: Routledge,2000, p.7.
    3 Michael Burgess, Federalism and European Union:the Building of Europe,1950-2000,p.8.
    European Integrations, M d:University Press of America,1995, p.444.
    2 袁兆霆:“美国联邦制的嬗变”,《九江学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2010年02期。
    3 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《复合共和制的政治理论》,第5页。
    4 Daniel J. Elazar, Covenant As the Basis of the Jewish Political Tridition, Jewish Journal of Sociology, No.5, 1978,pp.5--37
    4 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《美国联邦主义》,第25页。
    1 刘军宁:“联邦主义:自由主义的大国方案”,来源http://www.aisixiang.com/data/6780.html?page=1
    2 赵文娇:《论基督教圣约观对美国联邦主义宪政的影响》,湖南大学硕士论文,2009年,第5页。
    3 王怡:《宪政主义:观念与制度的转换》,济南:山东人民出版社,2006年,第151页。
    4 Daniel J. Elazar, Covenant and Constitutionalism, New Brunswick, No.4,1998,p.7-8.
    5 [法]托克维尔:《论美国的民主》,第323页。
    1 赵文娇:《论基督教圣约观对美国联邦主义宪政的影响》,第5页。
    2 王希:《原则与妥协:美国宪法的精神与实践》,第15页。
    3 J.Mark Jackson, The Development of American Political Thought, New York:New York Press,1932, p.61.
    4 Perry Miller, Orthodoxy in Massachusetts:1630-1650, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1933, p.228.
    5 Perry Miller, The New England Mind:The Seventeenth Century, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1982, p.433.
    1 赵文娇:《论基督教圣约观对美国联邦主义宪政的影响》,第20页。
    2 Henry S. Commager, ed., The Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions of 1798, The Documents of American History, NJ:Prentica Hall, Inc.,1973, p.131.
    1 佟德志:“美国的限权宪法模式及其民主性困境”,《思想战线》,2006年,第5期。
    2 [美]斯科特·戈登著:《控制国家——西方宪政的历史》,应奇等译,南京:江苏人民出版社,2001年,第20页。
    3 [英]戴雪著:《英宪精义》,雷宾南译,北京:中国法制出版社,2001年,第146-147页。
    4 [英]戴雪著:《英宪精义》,第182-184页
    5 [英]戴雪著:《英宪精义》,第187页。
    6 [英]詹宁斯著:《法与宪法》,龚祥瑞、侯健译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1998年,第103-114页。
    1 杨利敏:“关于联邦制分权结构的比较研究”,《北大法律评论》第五卷第一,2003年春季卷。
    2 蔡宗珍:“国民主权与宪政国家之理论结构”,《月旦法学杂志》1997年第20期。
    3 [澳]约瑟夫·凯米莱里、吉米·福尔克著:《主权文的终结?——日趋“缩小”和“碎片化”的世界政治》,李东燕译,杭州:浙江人民出出版社,2001年,第37-38页。
    4 杨利敏:“关于联邦制分权结构的比较研究”。
    5 杨利敏:“关于联邦制分权结构的比较研究”。
    1 转引自黄小钫:“美国反联邦党人的代表思想及其实践”,《新视野》,2011年第3期。
    2 Patrick Henry's Speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention,5 June 1788, available at http://www.constitution.org/afp/phenry00.htm
    3 Brutus essays,#1-2 and 6-7, available at http://www.constitution.org/afp/brutus00.htm
    4 Letters from the Federal Fanner,#1-2, available at http://www.constitution.org/afp/fedfar00.htm
    1 [美]斯托林著《反联邦党人赞成什么?》,汪庆华译.北京:北京大学出版社,2006年,译者前言。
    2 [美]斯托林著《反联邦党人赞成什么?》,译者前言。
    1 参见参见The Constitution of the United States of America(美利坚合众国合众国宪法),来源:http://www.constitution.org/constit.htm中文翻译载于李道揆:《美国政府和美国政治》,北京:商务印书馆,1999年,附录部分《美利坚合众国宪法》第十条修正案。
    1 杨利敏:“关于联邦制分权结构的比较研究”。
    2 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第61页。
    3 [法]夏尔·托克维尔著:《论美国的民主》(上卷),第62页。
    4 [美]汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊等著:《联邦党人文集》,第266页。
    1 北京火学法律系宪法教研室、资料室编:《宪法资料选编》第4辑,北京大学出版社,1981年,第229页。
    2 [美]汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊等著:《联邦党人文集》,第240页。
    3 Westel W. Willoughby, The American Constitutional System, p.27
    1 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,第45页-46页。
    1 [美]汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊等著:《联邦党人文集》,第267页。
    1 [美]汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊等著:《联邦党人文集》,第265-266页。
    1 杨利敏:“关于联邦制分权结构的比较研究”,
    2 参见The Constitution of the United States of America(美利坚合众国合众国宪法)第一条第八款。
    3 参见The Constitution of the United States of America(美利坚合众国合众国宪法)第十条修正案。
    1 以上参见The Constitution of the United States of America(美利坚合众国合众国宪法)第一条第八款。
    2 参见The Constitution of the United States of America(美利坚合众国合众国宪法)第一条第八款。
    1 参见The Constitution of the United States of America(美利坚合众国合众国宪法)第十条修正案。
    1 美国的联邦制是指美国联邦政府和州政府共同分享权力的制度。在这一制度中,美国的联邦政府和州政府均在特定的范围内独立决策和行使权力,并以宪法为依据保护各自的权力不受对方侵犯——笔者注。
    2 [美]杰罗姆·巴伦,托马斯·迪恩斯:《美国宪法概论》,第327页。
    1 参见The Constitution of the United States of America(美利坚合众国合众国宪法)第六条第二款。
    2 [美]汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊等著:《联邦党人文集》,第154页。
    3 王名扬:《美国行政法》(上),北京:中国法制出版社,1995年,第81页。
    1 本文关注的是美国联邦主义政治主体是联邦政府和州政府.故未以地方政府作为研究的主要对象。
    2 美国地方政府指州以下的县、市、乡镇、特别区和学区等五类政府性组织,相互间没有隶属关系,只是根据人口和地域进行划分,各自在其管辖范围内行使其职权。
    3 即吉奉斯诉奥格登案,Gibbons v. Ogden和库利诉费城港务局案,Cooley v. Board of Wardens of Port of Philadelphia
    1 麦考洛克诉马里兰州案,McCulloch v. State of Maryland
    1 王希:《原则与妥协:美国宪法的精神与实践》,第8页。
    2 王希:《原则与妥协:美国宪法的精神与实践》,第23页。
    3 任东来、陈伟、孙庆等编著《美国宪政历程:影响美国的25个司法大案》,北京:中国法制出版社,2004年,第28页。
    1 宋冰编:《读奉:美国与德国的司法制度及司法程序》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1998年,第97页。
    2 [美]卡尔威因·帕尔德森:《美国宪法释义》,徐卫东、吴新平译,北京:华夏出版社,1989年,第144页。
    3 John E.Nowak,Constitutional Law,ST Paul:West Publishing Co.,1995,p.91.
    1 John E. Nowak, Constitutional Law, p.23.
    2 K.C. Where, Federal Government, p.84.
    1 李景鹏:《权力政治学》,北京:北京大学出版社,2008年,第28页。
    1 谭融《权力的分配与权力的角逐》,第176页。
    2 D. D, Gitelson, American Government, Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company,1988, p51.
    2 谭融:《权力的分配与权力的角逐》,第177页。
    1 David V. Edwards, The American Political Experience, New Jersey:Englewood Cliffs,1988, p.56.
    2 黄安年编:《从战地到史林—邓蜀生九旬文集》,北京:中国法制出版社,2012年10月,第333页。
    1 Danial Boorstin, The Americans:The National Experience, New York:Vintage Books,1965, p.402.
    2 Danial Boorstin, The Americans:The National Experience, p.403.
    3 [美]戴维·罗森布鲁姆、罗们特·克拉夫丘克著:《公共行政学:管理、政治和法律的途径》,张成福等译,中国人民出版社,2002年,第108页。
    1 [美]梅里亚姆著,朱曾汉译:《美国政治学说史》,北京:商务印书馆,1988年,第148-149页。
    2 John Burgess, Political Science and Comparative Constitutional Law, Boston:J. S. Cushing & Co.,1890, p.101.
    2 [美]汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊等著:《联邦党人文集》,第356页。
    1 杨利敏:“关于联邦制分权结构的比较研究”。
    2参见The Constitution of the United States of America (美利坚合众国合众国先法)第一条第八款。
    3 参见The Constitution of the United States of America(美利坚合众国合众国宪法)第六条第二款。
    1 谭融:《权力的分配与权力的角逐》,第177页。
    2 Donoran, J. C. et al, Democracy at the Crossroads, New York:Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1978,p.60
    1 Westel W. Willoughby, The American Constitutional System, p.27
    1 Jonathan Elliot, ed, The debate in Several States Contentions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, vol. Ⅳ. p.537-539.
    2 Kenneth Stammp, A Conception of a Perpetual Union, p.498.
    3 Jonathan Elliot, ed, The debate in Several States Contentions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, vol. Ⅳ.P.591.
    1 Westel W. Willoughby, The American Constitutional System, p.242
    1 Paul Murphy, Near v. Minnesota in the Context of Historical Developments. In Civil Liberties of American History, v.l, New York:Garland,1987, p.685.
    1 Paul Murphy, Near v. Minnesota in the Context of Historical Developments. In Civil Liberties of American History, v.1, New York:Garland,1987, p.691.
    2 Daniel Elazar, The American Partnership:Intergovernmental Cooperation in The Nineteenth-Century United States, Chicago:University of Chicago,1962, p.28-30.
    1 参见The Constitution of the United States of America(美利坚合众国合众国宪法)第一条第八款。
    1 张千帆:《美国联邦宪法》,北京:法律出版社,2011年,第100页。
    1 张千帆:《美国联邦宪法》,第102页。
    2 张千帆:《美国联邦宪法》,第102页。
    1 张千帆:《美国联邦宪法》,第102页。
    1 张千帆:《美国联邦宪法》,第111页。
    1 辉格党的创立者和领导人,但他仍然因善于调解冲突的两方,并数次解决南北方关于奴隶制的矛盾维护了联邦的稳定而被称为“伟大的调解者”,其政见除维护联邦统一外与杰克逊相左——笔者注。
    1 [美]詹姆斯·麦格雷戈·伯恩斯等著:《民治政府——美国政府与政治》,吴爱明等译,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2007年,第81-82页。
    2 宋云伟:《美国二元联邦主义时代》,第58页。
    1 Texas v. White,74 U.S. (Wallace)700,705 (1868)美国学者引用联邦最高法院判例时所使用的标注方式是“判例名称+卷次+U.S.+起始页码,+引文页码+(年代)”。Texas v. White,74 U.S. (Wallace)700,705 (1868)就表示的此案例的判决时间是1868年,其位置在《美国联邦最高法院判例报告》第74卷,起始页码是700页,引文出自第705页。1835年以前的判例还要加上编者的名称,如此注释中的(Wallace)——笔者注
    2 Daniel J. Elazer, ed. Cooperation and Conflict:Readings in American Federalism, F.E. Peacock Publisher,1969, p.44.
    1 Ex Parte Siebold,100 U.S.371,371(1880)
    1 Tennessee V. Davis 100 U.S.257,263(1979)
    1 宋云伟:《美国二元联邦主义时代》,第81页。
    2 [美]杰罗姆·巴伦,托马斯·迪恩斯:《美国宪法概论》,第323页。
    1 王希:《原则与妥协》,第280-281页。
    2 宋云伟:《美国二元联邦主义时代》,第86页。
    1 资中筠:《20世纪的美国》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2007年,第51页。
    2 [美]理查德·霍夫斯塔特:《美国政治传统及其缔造者》,崔永禄等译,北京:商务印书馆,1994年,第167页。
    1 王涵:“美国进步时代的政府治理:1890—1920”,复旦大学2009年博士论文。
    2 王涵:“美国进步时代的政府治理:1890—1920”。
    1 Charles Fairman, Reconstruction and Reunion,1864-1888, p.711
    2 Union Pacific Ry. V. Peniston,85 U.S.5,8(1873)
    1 王绍光:“美国进步时代的启示”,《书摘》,2004年第2期。
    2 [美]杰罗姆·巴伦,托马斯·迪恩斯:《美国宪法慨论》,第329页。
    3 王绍光:“美国进步时代的启示”。
    1 王涵:“美国进步时代的政府治理:1890—1920”。
    l Hall v.DeCuir 95 U.S.485,488(1877)
    2 Hall v.DeCuir 95 U.S.485,488(1877)
    1 In re Debs,158 U.S.564,566(1895)
    2 [美]哈林顿:《反垄断与管制经济学》,陈雨军等译,机械工业出版社,2004年,第174页。
    3 王涵:“美国进步时代的政府治理:1890—1920”。
    1 李剑鸣:《大转折的年代一美国进步主义运动研究》,第145页。
    1 李世安:《一只看得见的于——美国政府对国家经济的千预》,北京:当代中国出版社,1996年,第176页。
    2 [美]德怀特·杜蒙德著:《现代美国》,宋岳亭译,北京:商务印书馆,1984年,第138页。
    1 [美]伯恩斯等:《民治政府》,第76页。
    2 李剑鸣:《大转折的年代—美国进步主义运动研究》,第236页。
    3 [美]阿密泰·艾乔尼:《美国首府政治腐败内幕》,第108页。
    1 [美]赫伯特·D.克罗利:《美国生活的希望 政府在实现国家目标中的作用》,第224页。
    2 [美]亨利·斯蒂尔·康马杰薯:《美国精神》,杨静予等译,北京:光1明日报出版社,1994年,第327页。
    3 Woodrow Wilson, the new freedom, New York:Doubleday,1913, p.163.
    4 [美]阿密泰·艾乔尼著:《美国首府政治腐败内幕》,第174-175页。
    5 [美]梅里亚姆著:《美国政治思想》,朱曾汶译.北京:商务印书馆,1984年,第217页。
    1 Lynn A. Baker, Federalism:The Argument from Article V, Georgia State University Law Journal, vol.13,1997, p.923-924.
    2 [美]迈克尔·格雷弗著:《真正的联邦主义》,王冬芳译,陕西:陕西人民出版社,2011年,第19页。
    1 [美]迈克尔·格雷弗著:《真正的联邦主义》,第19页。
    2 [美]迈克尔·格雷弗著:《真正的联邦主义》,第19页。
    3 Herbert Wechsler, "The Political Safeguard of Federalism:The Role of the States in the Composition and Selection of the National Government," Columbia Law Review, vol.54,1954, p.543.
    4 Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority,469 U. S.528,531 (1985).
    3 [美]迈克尔·格雷弗著:《真正的联邦主义》,第23页。
    1 《斯大林选集》,北京:人民出版社,1971,下卷,第352页。
    1 盖哲娅:“论美国的联邦制和联邦主义——美国联邦与州的关系的发展”,载于《美国研究》,上海:复旦大学出版社,1986年,第123页。
    2 张千帆:《美国联邦宪法》,第114页。
    1 刘绪贻:《美国通史罗斯福时代1929-1945)),北京:人民出版社,1996年,第136页。
    2 [美]伯纳德.施瓦茨著:《美国法律史》,王军译,中国政法大学出版,1990年,第180页。
    1 [美]迈克尔·格雷弗著:《真正的联邦主义》,第19页。
    2 张千帆:“美国联邦政府对州际贸易的调控”,《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学版)》,2001年第02期。
    1 Wickard v. Filburn,317 U.S. 111,147(1941).
    2 张千帆:“美国联邦政府对州际贸易的调控”。
    3 John E. Nowak & Ronald D.Rotunda, Constitutional Law, Michigan:Gale Cengage,2009, p.155-156.
    1 Arthur Schlesinger Jr. The Coming of the New Deal,1933-1935, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,2003, p.19.
    1 邓蜀生:“美国联邦士义的历史演变”,载中国美国史研究会编:《美国史论文集(1981—1983)》,北京:三联书店,1983年,第460页。
    1 Barton J. Bernstein, Politics and policies of the Truman Administration, Chicago:Quadrangle Bools,1970, p.139.
    2 1948年1月7日杜鲁门致国会的年度咨文。
    1 [美]德怀特·艾森豪威尔著:《受命变革》,复旦火学资本主义国家经济研究所译,上海:三联书店,1978,第338页。
    2 Robert M. Collins The Business Response to Keynes,1929-1964, New York:Columbia University Press,1981, p.153.
    1 Richard H. Leach, American Federalism, New York:Norton,1976, p.14-17.
    1 Robert Divine, Since 1945:Politics and Diplomacy in Recent American History, New York:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,1975, p.145
    2 Boyd, American federalism,1776 to 1997:Significant Events Analyst in American National Government, p.134.
    3 Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:Lyndon B. Johnson,1965,Volume I, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office,1966, p.704.
    1 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism,2nd, Chatham, NJ:Chatham,2000, p.123.
    1 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism, p.124.
    1 Lyndon B. Johnson, Speech to the New York Liberal Party,15 October 1964, Public Reports, p.1350.
    2 李洪山:“尼克松的新联邦主文”,《世界历史》,1985年第11期。
    1 谭融:“美国联邦制的发展沿革”。
    2 Susan B. Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, The Historical Statistics of the United States, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2006, p.1105.
    3 Jonathan Welters, Save Us From the States, Governing, June 2001.
    4 Elisabeth R. Gerber & Ken Kollan, Introduction-Authority Migration:Defining an Emerging Research Agenda, Political Science &Politics, Number 3,2004.
    5 John J. Harrigan, Politics and Policy:in States and Communities, fifth edition, Harper Collins College,1994, p.2.
    1 谭融:“美国联邦制的发展沿革”。
    2 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism, p.125.
    3 Susan B. Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, The Historical Statistics of the United States, p.1105.
    4 Virginia P. White, Grants:how to find out about them and what to do next. New York:Plenum Press,1979, p.125.
    5 United States Government Printing Office, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:Richard Nixon-containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the president, Washington,1976, Vol. 1, p. 1398.
    6 United States Government Printing Office, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:Richard Nixon-containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the president, Vol.1, p.637.
    1 Congressional Quarterly Service, Congress and the Nation:A Review of Government Politics, Washington,1976, Vol.1, p.34.
    2 United States Government Printing Office, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:Richard Nixon-containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the president, Vol.1, p.286.
    1 United States Government Printing Office, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:Richard Nixon-containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the president, Vol.1, p.638.
    2 United States Government Printing Office, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:Richard Nixon-containing the Public Messages. Speeches, and Statements of the president, Vol.1, p.668.
    1 李洪山:“尼克松的新联邦主义”。
    2 United States Government Printing Office, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:Richard Nixon-containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the president, Vol.3, p.117.
    3 李洪山:“尼克松的新联邦主义”。
    1 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism, p.126.
    2 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism, p.128.
    1 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism, p.129.
    2 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism, p.129.
    1 吴木銮:“美国政府间委任研究的发展:一个研究央地关系的新视角”,《经济社会休制比较》,2010年05期。
    2 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism, p.130.
    1 Frank Annunziata, "Jimmy Carter and the Death of the Welfare State," USA Today, November 1980, p.607.
    1 谭融:《比较政治与比较公共行政》,第26页。
    1 A.B.Saye,J.F. Allums & M.B.Pound,Principles of American Government.N.J.:Prentice-HaIl,1970,p.78.
    1 宋世明:《美国行政改革研究》,北京:国家行政学院出版社,1999,第241页。
    2 Richard S. Williamson. Reagan's Federalism:His Efforts to Decentralize Government, Lanham, MD: University Press of America Center for the Study E. of Federalism,1989, p.92.
    1 宋风轩:“美国20世纪80年代以来的减税改革及借鉴”,《税务研究》,2004年第5期。
    2 宋风轩:“美国20世纪80年代以来的减税改革及借鉴”。
    1 徐再荣:“里根政府的管制改革初探”,《世界历史》,2001年第6期。
    1 Iwan W. Morgan, Beyond the Liberal Consensus:A Political History of the United States Since 1965, London:C. Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd.1994, p.205.
    1 David Osborne and Ted Gaebler, Reinventing Government:How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Tranforming the Public Sector, M A:Addison-Wesley Company,1992, pp.35-282.
    2 William Clinton, "Remarks by the President in Announcement of Initiative to Streamline Government," Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents,1993, Vol.29, p.3
    1 William Clinton, "Remarks by the President in Announcement of Initiative to Streamline Government," Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents,1993, Vol.29,p.4.
    1 National Partnership for Reinventing Government, Boost.for Kids:Better Opportunities and Outcomes Starting Today, February 11,1999, pp.2-5。
    2 National Partnership for Reinventing Government, Skills for a New Century:A Blueprint.for lifelong Learning, November 4,1999, pp.2-10.
    3 President Signs Medicare Legislation, The White House,2006.
    1 Frances Towsend, The Federal Response To Hurricane Katrina:Lessons Learned, The White House,2006.
    2 George Packer, "Comment Obamaism", The New Yorker, April 13,2009, p.21.
    1 "Coming down to earth", The Economist, March 28,2009, p.24.
    2 Jim Malone,"Obama Moves Toward Sweeping Ideological Change"
    1 Peter Baker and David Herszenhom, "Obama to wall ST:'Join Us, Instead of Fighting Us'," The New York Times, April 23,2010, A1.
    1 U. S Treasury Department Financial Regulatory Reform:A New Foundation, June,2009, pp10-88.
    1 童建挺:“联邦制的分权功能:基于美国、瑞士、加拿大、德国、奥地利和澳火利亚的比较”,《经济社会体制比较》,2009年03期。
    1 Richard Nathan, Regan and the States, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1987, p.362.
    2 Richard Nathan, Regan and the States, p.362.
    3 Richard Nathan, "There Will Always Be a New Federalism," Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol.10, February 16,2006.
    1 [美]伯恩斯等:《民治政府》,第76页。
    1 谭融、于家琦:“美国联邦制的发展沿革”。
    2 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,第15页。
    1 Richard Nathan, "Updating Theories of American Federalism", in Intergovernmental Management for the 21st Century, ed. P. L. Posner and T. J., Washington, DC:Brookings Institution Press,2008.
    2 童建挺:“联邦制的分权功能:基于美国、瑞士、加拿大、德国、奥地利和澳大利亚的比较”。
    1 宋云伟:《美国二元联邦主义时代》,第58页。
    2 Robert Kelley, "ideology and Political Culture from Jefferson to Nixon."The American Historical Review, Vol. 82, No.3,1977, p.558.
    1 唐士其:“美国政治文化的二元结构”,《美国研究》,2008年第2期。
    2 Erik H. Erikson, Childhood and Society, New York:Norton,1963, p.285.
    3 Joyce Appleby, "The American Heritage:The Heirs and the Disinherited," Journal of American History, No.74, 1987, pp.812.
    2 唐士其:“美国政治文化的二元结构”。
    3 [美]汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,第184页。
    1 [美]汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,第286页。
    2 C., Leo Strauss, What Is Political Philosophy? New York:Free Press,1959, p.86.
    3 James Bryce, Studies in History and Juriprudence, New York:Oxford University Press,1901, p.256.
    1 [美]汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,第115页。
    2 [美]汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,第224页。
    3 [美]汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,第238页。
    4 [美]汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,第241页。
    1 [美]汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,第117页。
    2 [美]斯托林著《反联邦党人赞成什么?》,译者前言。
    3 转引自黄小钫:“美国反联邦党人的代表思想及其实践”,《新视野》,2011年第3期。
    1 [美]汉密尔顿等:《联邦党人文集》,第267页。
    1 Richard Nathan, Regan and the States, p.362.
    2 Richard Nathan, "There Will Always Be a New Federalism," Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol.10, February 16,2006.
    3 [美]塞缪尔·亨廷顿:《失衡的承诺》,周端译,北京:东方出版社,2005年,第5页。
    1 [美]塞缪尔·亨廷顿:《失衡的承诺》,第4页。
    1 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国公共行政的思想危机》,毛寿龙译,上海:三联书店,1999年,第160页。
    2 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆《被遗忘的传统:宪法层次的分析》,载麦克尔·麦金尼斯主编《多中心治道与发展》上海:三联书店,2000年,第191-208页。
    1 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《复合共和制的政治理论》,第5页。
    2 [美]文森特.奥斯特罗姆《工艺与人工制品》,载《多中心治道与发展》,上海:三联书店,2000年,第498页。
    3 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《复合共和制的政治理论》,序言第11页。
    4 Vincent Ostrom:The Covenantal Basis of American Federalism:Religious Roots, in The Meaning of American Federalism----Constituting A Self-Governing Society, p.57.
    1 [美]詹姆斯·伯恩斯等著:《民治政府》,第41页
    1 谭融:《比较公共行政》,第36页。
    2 [美]施密特:《美国政府与政治》,第56页。
    1 谭融:《比较政治与比较公共行政》,第35页。
    1 [美]伯思斯等著:《美国式民主》,第81-82页。
    1 [美]施密特:《美国政府与政治》《美国政府与政治》,第65页
    2 [美]施密特:《美国政府与政治》《美国政府与政治》,第62页。
    1 [美]伯恩斯等著:《美国式民主》,第82-83页。
    2 David B. Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism, p.129.
    2 吴木銮:“美国政府间委任研究的发展一个研究央地关系的新视角”。
    1 [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆著:《美国联邦主义》,第261页。
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