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Numerous scientific studies show that climate change, which has been attracting more and more attention, is highly likely to be caused by the excessive accumulation of greenhouse gases in atmosphere. Since the industrial era, large amounts of CO2have been released from human activities and production processes, causing serious damage to the equilibrium of climate. Meanwhile, human beings have been increasingly aware of the necessity and urgency to control CO2emissions in the face of extreme weather conditions, food shortages and spread of disease caused by climate change.
     From the perspective of economics, this paper starts from analysis on the causes for the excessive emissions of CO2and the possible solutions based on externality theory and public goods theory. Compared with administrative regulations and the imposition of carbon tax, the CO2emissions trading scheme, based on the theory of property rights, shows inherent advantages in cost and efficiency. Nowadays, this kind of mechanism has been widely used in international and domestic fields. The analysis in this paper suggests that in the presence of market imperfections, such as transaction costs and market power, the effectiveness of this mechanism is largely dependent on the initial allocation of property rights (i.e. the CO2emission permits).In fact, different allocation modes and methods will exert systematic influences on the trading cost and efficiency. In addition, attention is paid to pointing out the symbiotic relationship between economic development and CO2emissions, resulted from the limitation of energy substitution efficiency as well as the emission-control technology. It implies that international allocation of carbon emission permits plays a decisive role in a country's future development. For less developed countries, CO2emission is a kind of "right to development" and will affect the possibility and magnititude of welfare improvement of their citizens.
     Given the importance of CO2emission permits allocation, Chapter four of this paper suggests that the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", widely used in international climate negotiations, should be used as the basic principle to guide the allocation of emission permits at home and abroad. In this chapter, energy is devoted to reviewing the formation of this principle, interpreting its connotation, coping with the doubts and challenges facing it, and reaffirming its rationality and legitimacy as the basic principle guiding global climate action. To elaborate its applicability to the allocation of CO2emission permits, this chapter stems from the theory of property rights and follows the research paradigm of economics to illustrate that the allocation results based on this principle may contribute to the overall improvement in marginal global welfare and consist with efficiency principle of the property allocation. It is proved that the flexibility and inclusiveness of this principle can effectively facilitate the delimitation and allocation of property rights, and ensure its stability and successful execution after delimitation and allocation.
     With the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" being established as the basic principles of CO2emission permits allocation, Chapter five proposes international allocation method based on this principle. The sorting of existing researches shows that because researchers from different countries only focus attention on the interests of their own countries, the proposed allocation schemes differs significantly from each other, which are often incompatible and even in opposition to each other. To evade historical responsibilities, most allocation schemes employed by developed countries ignore the development needs of developing countries. On the other hand, the allocation schemes proposed by developing countries tend to overemphasize the disadvantages of their own country, and throw the full responsibility of emission control on developed countries. To break this deadlock, this chapter starts from the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" to reform the allocation modes in Kyoto Protocol. On the one hand, based on the concept of "common", this chapter emphasizes that countries worldwide are producers of greenhouse effect as well as the victims of climate change, and therefore, all of them are obligated and required to make contributions in climate mitigation action. On the other hand, based on the concept of "differentiated", this chapter gives full consideration to the difference in the population, historical responsibility and future development needs of countries worldwide, proposing multi-index allocation schemes based on the indices such as population size, cumulative emissions, transferred emissions and human development.
     In domestic field of CO2emission permits allocation, existing researches focus more attention on the comparison and the selection of free and auction allocation modes, and ignores the complicated procedures and substantial cost when CO2emission permit is directly granted to enterprises by the State, resulting from the vast territory and the large quantities of industries and enterprises in China. In addition, the difference in regions and industries (enterprises) in China is so obvious that resorting to a unified allocation pattern is neither fair nor effective. In view of this, Chapter six decomposes the domestic allocation process into two stages including regional allocation and enterprise allocation, and brings forth specific allocation schemes based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities". During regional allocation, efforts are spent in constructing the indicator system of CO2emission permit allocation and calculating the allocation coefficient and quantity of CO2emission permits in each region by dint of "multifactor weight allocation model based on information entropy" from four aspects including emission control responsibilities, emission control ability, emission control potential and future regional development. During enterprise allocation, this chapter puts forward staged operation mode that shifts focus from free allocation mode to auction allocation mode. This process will ease the obstacles from interest groups during the early implementation of the trading scheme, and will gradually strengthen the responsibility of the polluters, guarantee the fair competition among enterprises, further mobilize enterprise enthusiasm in emission control, and truly reflect the scarcity value of CO2emission permits. Furthermore, it is noted that the international competitiveness of the enterprises involved in the CO2trading scheme is influenced by industrial heterogeneity to varying degrees. In consideration of this, the "industrial exposure factor" is constructed to measure the influence on enterprises based on the difference in energy intensity, emission reduction ability and cost transfer capacity. Compared with the auction allocation, free allocation is less costly. Therefore, it is suggested that during the transition from free allocation to auction allocation, the enterprises in industries with high exposure factor should be treated differently from various aspects, such as, prolonging the time of free allocation or reserving the allowance of free allocation in auction allocation mode for the purpose of reducing cost impact and maintaining its international competitiveness.
     After systematic conclusion on the research achievements herein, Chapter seven attempts to put forward some policy suggestions for decision makers. On the one hand, in the international negotiation of CO2emission permit allocation, the suggestions include displaying the image of a great responsible country, firmly upholding the principle of'"common but differentiated responsibilities", and actively boosting the legalized process of this principle to realize the fairness and rationality of the allocation results of international CO2emission permits. On the other hand, as regards the allocation of domestic CO2emission permits, the effective information collection mechanisms, the registration and tracking mechanisms of emission permits, and the supervision and inspection mechanisms of the emission sources are recommended to be established to achieve scientific and effective allocation of domestic CO2emission permits and lay a solid foundation for subsequent transactions. By this way, emission control effect will be maximized to assist China in fulfilling its international obligations and then attaining low-carbon development on the basis of controllable
① 注:“温室气体”是指大气中自然或人为产生的的气态成分,能够吸收和释放地球表面、大气和云发出的热红外辐射光谱内特定波长的辐射,并将其俘获在地表,从而导致“温室效应”。《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》中主要涉及二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亚氮、氢氟碳化物、全氟化碳和六氟化硫六种温室气体。其中二氧化碳由于占比最大,最为受到人们关注,而国际惯例也是将其他温室气体折算成二氧化碳当量来计算排放量或控排量。
    ② 参见《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二条。
    ③ 参见《京都议定书》附件A,附件B。
    ① 参见《京都议定书》第十匕条、第六条和第十二条。
    ② 注:每一个单位的AAU对应一公吨二氧化碳当量。
    ③ 参见《京都议定书》第三条第7款和第8款。
    ① 参见《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二条。
    ① 参见《里约环境与发展宣言》第十五条原则,以及《联合国气候变化框架公约》第三条。
    ② 注:美国橡树岭国家实验室二氧化碳信息分析中心(Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center,文中简称"CDIAC")
    ③ 注:GtC表示十亿吨碳。碳排放量与二氧化碳排放量之间的转换系数为3.67。即1吨碳排放量折合3.67吨二氧化碳排放量。
    ① 参见《联合国气候变化框架公约》第四条。
    ① 参见:《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》。
    ① 参见《联合国人类环境宣言》中第七条声明。
    ② 参见《联合国人类环境宣言》中第二十四条原则。
    ③ 参见《联合国人类环境宣言》中第十二条原则。
    ④ 参见《联合国人类环境宣言》中第九条原则。
    ⑤ 参见《联合国人类环境宣言》中第二十三条原则。
    ① 参见《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔协议书》的相关内容。
    ② 参见《里约环境与发展宣言》第六条和第七条原则,《联合国气候变化框架公约》第三条以及《生物多样性公约》序言部分。
    ① 参见《里约环境与发展宣言》第六条和第七条原则。
    ② 参见《联合国气候变化框架公约》第三条。
    ③ 参见《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《里约环境和发展宣言》的相关内容。
    ① 参见《京都议定书》第三条。
    ① 参见《联合国气候变化框架公约》前言。
    ① 参见《联合国宪章》第一条。
    ① 参见《2010年人类发展报告》(联合国开发计划署,2010)
    ① 参见欧盟委员会《Directive 2009/29/EC》。
    ② 参见《美国清洁能源和安全法》。
    ① 注:本部分研究框架参考了姜晓川(2012)。
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