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The idea of sustainable development has risen widely since1960s around the world. It is impossible for the economy and ecology, as an indivisible whole, to have benefits and wealth in the world of ecological destruction, mentioned in the report of Dialogue about Wealth and Welfare by the Club of Rome in1981. Therefore, there has no doubt to predict that ecological economics (hereafter referred to as eco-economics) is going to be the mainstream in economic development which leads to the revenge of nature. Under the background of long-term economic growth, and accompanied by the severe ecological environment damage, the Chinese government proposed the strategy of the construction of main functional areas on the basis of profound reflection of China's regional development theory. It is only a few years since the Chinese government put forward the construction of optimizing development zones, key areas for development, restricted development zones and prohibited zones according to the1lth five-year development program up to now. Thus the exploration and research of main functional areas have not formed system yet, especially the eco-economics as an important theoretical basis of main function region has not paid enough attention to. This paper aims at not only looking for an eco-economics theory foundation for the main functional areas, but also finding the current application of eco-economics in order to form the theoretical system.
     The main functional area is a new thing that was born in the specific historical stage of the development of China's economy, society and culture. What' more, it is the first case which was born under the specific national conditions around the world. The construction of the main functional areas can divide into several parts such as division, planning, implementation and policy performance assessment and so on. The eco-economics plays an important role during the process of division, planning and policy performance assessment. From this perspective, this paper systematically studies the eco-economics in the application of main functional zones'development.
     This dissertation comprises of three parts, in which the first part laid a solid foundation for the paper. The first chapter is the starting point of this study, which introduces the writing background and significance. The author comprehensively reviews the research status and achievements of the main functional areas and ecological economics at home and abroad. What's more, the research ideas, content, structure and methods also proposed in this chapter. The second chapter summarizes the basic theory of main functional areas and ecological economy in general. With profound connotation, the main functional areas differ from other districts, which mean different types of functional zones have their own direction of development. In addition, this strategy has a profound impact on China's regional economic development and reconstruction. As a new interdisciplinary subject, eco-economics has specific research objects, categories and nature, and reflect the ethics, which differs from the mainstream economics. The paper also further illustrates the basic theories and methods of eco-economics.
     The second part is the core of this paper. Chapter3expounds the basic theory of eco-economics in main functional areas, and discusses the profound theoretical basis from the view of eco-economics. Besides, the theory of eco-economics is not only the basic theory of the ecological economic system, but also the basis and prerequisite for the construction of the main functional areas. Equilibrium theory of ecological economy and eco-economic efficiency theory are also the key reference for the division and planning of main functional areas. A reasonable division is the first step of the construction of the main functional areas.Chapter4studies the direct theoretical basis of the division of the main functional areas from the perspective of eco-economics. Eco-economic zone theory can use as a direct theoretical foundation of the main functional areas' division. From the perspective of eco-economics, the author mainly discusses the facts of division in the main functional areas, which involves resources environmental capacity, development density and development potential. The planning and implementation of the main functional areas are the key part during the whole process. Chapter5studies the planning of main functional areas under the view of eco-economics. Eco-economics, which providing guidance for the planning of main functional areas in three aspects to ensure the feasibility:one is to provide the specific principles, ideas and methods. Secondly, the development of ecological agriculture can use as a way to build main functional areas. Thirdly, the construction of ecological city should become the focal point of the plan. Chapter6studies the ecological compensation, which is the most important eco-economic policy. The article reveals the reasons of ecological compensation of the main functional areas, points out the ecological economic value is the value base of the compensation, analyzes the correlation theories, including public goods, externality theory and regional compensation theory, focus on the traditional economic ethics as the compensation rule for the main functional areas, and finally proposes a compensation mode combined with national condition.
     The third part is the practical application of the previous research. Chapter7explores the application of eco-economics based on the instance of main functional zones' development in Shandong Province. The author first introduces the environment condition and the recent economic development especially the development of ecological economy in Shandong Province. On this basis, the author makes a division for the seventeen cities in Shandong Province into different functional areas by collecting the recent statistical data and using SPSS statistical software from the angle of eco-economic development. In addition, the author proposes the corresponding ecological economic policy according to the different main functional areas. After that, the author proposes the plan for the ecological industry in Shandong Province, and puts forward the transformation idea of ZaoZhuang, a resource-exhausted city, to an ecological city. The author summarizes the paper, and finally gives an outlook of the future study in this field in the last part.
     In a word, this paper devoted to build a bridge between eco-economics and the construction of main functional areas, furthermore to make a combination of both and promote each other.
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