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While Internet Society becomes representation with future significance in the nowadays, supply of virtual community order is the most significant social issue. However, understanding of social order generation exists dual-counter ideals of spontaneity and artificial. So supply of virtual community puts into troubles between self-regulation and governance.
     Actually nation and society are supplying subjects of social order. Relation of nation and society goes through the process of syncretism, schism and blending. Both self-regulation and governance only present their roles and counter-relations of order supplying in the nation and society. Nation and society not only are schism relations but also exist coupling relation. Harmonious symbiosis totally shows relations of nation and society. On the point view of harmonious symbiosis in the nation and society, analysis of social order generation keeps going. Social order includes social inherent order, explicit order from national intervention, and the whole order coupling inherent orders and explicit order. Harmonious symbiosis of nation and society provides a framework generating virtual community order. Its characteristic is to integrate self-organization theory, regulation theory and governance for analysis virtual community order fully.
     Virtual community as a self-organization system has the ability of self-generation. The article use“course-affair”method to analyze the cases. Therefore, rules of virtual community order generates as leader apprarence, formation of main topic,activists, comments’orgenization,carding comments, issue limition from notes,comments ensurance and unifying coeds.Its self-organization presents four points----sport guiding issue tendency, ornizational point of promoting contents collection,limited point of controlling issue wave and code point of unifying issues. These points without outer-intervention will play role by self. Conditions of“planning order”, comment leaders of“casue order”and the common rate become“the order parameter”of virtual community. Then it analyze genertive mechamisn and self-stabality of virtual community inherent order by game method.It consquents only equalium satuationof virtual community participators, which is the inherent stability of virtual community.
     However virtual community has the problems not to overcome by itself. It needs national intervention to fetch up shortcoming of virtual community order. The article shows that regulation model of virtual community is the general activity order and typical shape containing specific aims direction, specific administrative organization and its course mode based on specific policy, economy, culture and society in the nations. Due to subjects of virtual community regulation acting on the point and strengthen for the objective by various means, they derive from three representative management models----up-bottom direct regulation, up-bottom plus third party indirect regulation and bottom-up plus third party inspecting model. Analysis of three models by game concludes their characteristic and benefit.
     For failure of governance in virtual community, the inherent order and explicit order of virtual community need to be integrate so to be overall order by overcoming the shortages. Mechanism of synergetic governance presents two order coupling. Government, Internet enterprise and internet users consist of multi-subject system of virtual community regulation. They form two interact routine of“bottom-up”and“up-bottom”based on relevant benefit. Negotiating democracy shows the multi-governance of virtual community. By the ideas of cooperated game, combining the relations of different subjects in virtual community: government, internet enterprise, internet group and non-benefit organization generates a course mechanism. Based on this, they solve the problems of virtual community governance by dialog, negotiation, cooperation and participation.
     System analysis of generative mechanism in virtual community provide the academic foundation of correspond strategy to promote virtual harmony. It advances the inner-harmony of virtual community, push the external harmony and reality overall harmony. The inner-control mechanism for inherent harmony of virtual community is combined by checking notes, sharing resources, monitoring language and confirming comments. The effective means of promoting explicit harmony in virtual community is to integrate relation of governance subject by solving department tendency, to adjust and reform governance means of virtual community by enhancing authorization, to ensure governance standard and authorization and rights. Governance strategy of overall harmony in virtual community depends on cultivating multi-governance subject, enhance collective identity of internet users, exploding participation in social governance and constructing co-participating model of fellow mechanism
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