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     论文分为五章。第一章分为两个部分,首先测制和详细描述了尖山剖面,其次报道了保存软躯体构造的单属种埋藏现象,并对这一现象作了初步探讨。第二章简单介绍了本文所涉及的翻吻动物几个现生门类的主要特征。第三章对澄江动物群化石中的蠕虫化石的保存、埋藏、生态等方面作了进一步的研究探讨。第四章描述和研究了滇东地区澄江动物群中的翻吻动物13属13种,分属于线形动物:Cricocosmia jinningensis、 Maotianshania cylindrica, Palaeoscolex sinensis, Mafangella haikouensis gen. et sp. nov., Tabelliscolex hexagonus Han, Zhang, Shu, gen. et sp. nov. 以及Tylotites petiolaris Luo et u.鳃曳动物:Paraselkirkia sinica, Xiaoheiqingella peculiaris.兜甲动物:Sicyophorus rara.门类未定:Acosmia maotiania, Corynetis brevis, Laojieella thecatus gen. et sp. nov., Jianshanella lubricus gen. et sp. nov.。其中Mafangella haikouensis gen. et sp. nov, Laojieella thecatus gen. et sp. nov., Jianshanella lubricus gen. et sp. nov., Tabelliscolex hexagonus Han, Zhang, Shu, gen. et sp. nov. 为4新属4新种。在以上属种中发现大量的虫、迹同在的化石,为研究早寒武世的翻吻动物的运动方式以及遗迹化石提供了直接依据。在Cricocosmia jinningensis表面发现附生的可能的腕足动物Inquilinus haikouensis gen. et sp.nov.,这种不同物种之间的迄今为止最为亲密的关系在澄江动物群研究中尚属首次报道。
Since 2000, the worms in Chengjiang fauna have been investigated more thoroughly, systematically and dedicatedly. The amounts of the genera and species have increased greatly; A great of progresses on preservation, taphonomic and ecology etc have been achieved. Based on the studies of former, the author makes these achievements as follows:
    1. Jianshan section of Haikou was measured and described and some monospecific layers were reported in Chapter I.
    2. Several phyla of introverts are briefly introduced in Chapter II.
    3. Further examinations have been made on preservation, taphonomic and ecology of the Chengjiang worms in Chapter III.
    4. 13 genera and 13 species including nematomorphs: Cricocosmia jinningensis, Maotianshania cylindrica, Palaeoscolex sinensis, Mafangella haikouensis gen. et sp. nov.,
    Tabelliscolex hexagonus Han, Zhang, Shu, gen. et sp. nov., Tylotites petiolaris Luo et Hu; priapulids: Paraselkirkia sinica, Xiaoheiqingella peculiaris; loricifera: Sicyophorus rara; phyla uncertain: Acosmia maotiania, Corynetis brevis, Laojieella thecatus gen. et sp. nov., Jianshanella lubricus gen. et sp. nov., are described in Chapter IV. Of which 4 new genera and 4 new species are established. Discovery of a lot of fossil worms with their traces provide direct clues to study on the locomotion style of the worm and indirect evidences for trace fossils to find their producer. Cricocosmia jinningensis was attached by the brachiopod Inquilinus haikouensis gen. et sp. nov., this most intimate relationship between different genera has not been reported before in Chengjiang fauna.
    5. Based on the material of Chengjiang fauna, the evolution of introverts were discussed in Chapter V. The early introverts have been divergent in the Early Cambrian. The common ancestor of introverts may has a retractable proboscis.
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