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In the elastic dynamics range, the scattering of out-plane line source load by a semi-cylindrical hill of cylindrical elastic inclusion in half space is studied by complex variable method and the Green's Function method; By the Green's Function method and the "conjunction" method, the scattering of SH-wave by an interface cylindrical elastic inclusion with a semicircular disconnected curve, the interaction of an interface cylindrical elastic inclusion with semicircular disconnected curve and linear cracks impacted by SH-wave are investigated.
     The scattering of out-plane line source load by a semi-cylindrical hill of cylindrical elastic inclusion in half space is studied by complex variable method and the Green's Function method. Firstly, in the elastic half space with the semi-cylindrical hill of cylindrical inclusion, the arbitrary displacement field while bearing out-plane harmonic line source load at horizontal surface is given as the Green's function. Then, with the method of dividing the district, a standing wave in the inclusion and the scattering wave outside can be constructed seperately. In order to satisfy the continuous condition of the displacement and stress around the common boundary condition, a series of infinite algebraic equations can be obtained to settle this problem. In the end, as examples, numerical results of dynamic stress concentration factor and the ground vibration in the horizontal surface are presented and discussed.
     The scattering of SH-wave by an interface cylindrical elastic inclusion with a semicircular disconnected curve near two-phase mediums is researched. Firstly, we can divide the space into up-and-down parts along the interface. In the lower half space, with the suitable Green's function constructed above, the semicircular disconnected curve can be constructed when the two parts are bonded which is continuous in the interface impacted by SH-wave by the "conjunction" method. And the expressions of displacement field and stress field are obtained under this situation. Finally, some examples and results of dynamic stress concentration factor are given and the influences by the difference parameters of mediators and the incident wave are discussed.
     The far field solution of SH-wave impacted by a cylindrical elastic inclusion with a semicircular disconnected curve near bi-media material interface. Based on the progressive expression of the Hankel function with the large enough independent variable, The displacement mode of scattered wave at far field and scattering cross-section are given. The influences to the far field solution by different parameters are discussed.
     The scattering of SH-wave by an interface cylindrical elastic inclusion with a semicircular disconnected curve and linear cracks originating at the curve near two-phase mediums is investigated. Along the interface, the whole space is divided into two parts. With the "conjunction" method and the method of crack-constitution, the semicircular disconnected curve and the linear cracks are constructed when the two parts are bonded along the interface. Some examples and results of dynamic stress intensify factor are given with discussions.
     The interaction of an interface cylindrical elastic inclusion with semicircular disconnected curve and linear cracks impacted by SH-wave is investigated. In this problem, the linear cracks and the disconnected curve is not connected. By the Green's Function method, complex variable method, the "conjunction" method and the method of crack-constitution, the subject is inverted into the solution of the dynamic stress intensityⅢmode of the interface cracks. And some results of dynamic stress intensify factor are discussed.
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