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The main purposes of this study were to develop a valid instrument about employees' help-seeking intentions, to examine the gender, age and work experience differences and to explore the predictor role of social axioms in help-seeking intentions for EAP services. A total of207respondents returned usable questionnaires. Three parts were designed for this research. The purpose of part one was to validate the self-developed research instrument, Intentions to Seek Employee Assistance Programme Services (ISEAPS) that was being used for the first time. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was used. The analysis of the22-item ISEAPS produced a new18-item, four-factor structure version. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient for the new scale was (α=.88).Part two examined two category of employees' the "on-the-job" and "out-of-the-job" employees and their differences in help-seeking intentions. There was no significant difference between the "on-the-job" and the "out-of-the-job" respondent employees in their overall intentions to seek EAP services. It also examined gender, age and work experiences differences in help-seeking intentions for EAP services. Expected gender differences in help-seeking intentions for EAP services were demonstrated. Part three used Social Axioms Survey (SAS) to explore the predictor role of social beliefs in help-seeking intentions EAP services. Religiosity and Fate Control emerged as significant predictors of individuals' intention to seek professional EAP service. Implications for research are discussed.
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