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With the continuous development of human civilization, human beings created more and more wealth. But, at same time, it also brought heavy burden on the global ecosystem and environment. As the continues development of economy, environment and ecosystem were also more and more seriously polluted and damaged. Biological species rapidly extincted. Natural resources were excessively used. Global climate became warm. And serious pollution incidents happened frequently. Ecosystems and environment's worsening caused more and more countries'governments attentions. They began to develop various policies and systems to protect environment and reconstruct ecosystem. In China, since 1978, with the fast economy development and the urbanization, people were wealthy day by day. But, in this process, China has also paid a quite big price. The most urgent problem suspended in front of us is how to go out a harmonious development path between the Chinese characteristic economy and the ecological environment.
     Eco-compensation is a concept about balancing development between economy and environment. Its goal is protecting ecosystem and environment from human beings' activities harm and realizing the harmonious development. This meets the sustainable development requirement. Therefore, many countries have established the eco-compensation mechanism. Eco-compensation is a public system which utilize market and government method to adjust interest relations according to ecosystem service value, ecological protection cost and development opportunity cost. And it aims to protect ecosystem and environment and promote humen beings develop harmoniously with the nature. Establishing ecological compensation mechanism is the essential way to realize the harmonious develomment between Chinese economy and ecology.
     Theoretically speaking, ecosystem and environment value theory, externality theory and public good theory is the economics basis of ecological compensation mechanism. Ecosystem served for humanity through various ecology functions, which is essential to humanity's survival and development. But ecosystem and environment have externality and some characteristics of public goods. Thus, "free ride" phenomenons are commen. If we do not establish ecology compensation mechanism, "tragedy of commons" will appear finally. Ecology compensation mechanism has some principles on compensation responsibility and standard. On compensation responsibility, we have to observe "polluters pay", "users pay", "benefitors pay" and "protectors benefit" principles. On compensation standard, we have to observe "no net less", "synthesis" and "feasibility" principles. And most countries' government used fiscal method in their ecology compensation mechanism, such as transfer payment, eco-tax, tax differentiation and marketable permits, which have their own advantages and disadvantages on reliability of pollution control, efficiency and feasibility on management.
     Practically speaking, some developed countires gained a lot of experience from their eco-compensation exploration which is worth our country studying. In Canada, federal and local government drew up a series wetland policies according the country's wetland situation to protect wetlands. For example, Manitoba government impleted ecology service drive plan, Manitoba bank tax credit, habitat compensation fund, and so on. Canadan wetland eco-compensation practice reflected that laws ensured the efficiency of eco-compensation and policy goals should pay equal attention to development and protection. In Holland, government departments construct eco-compensation projects during highway projects. Holland experience told us, we should pay attention to unification of central government policies and local government policies, to the effluence to cost estimate from inflation and uncertainty factors. In European Union, government made eco-compensation plan while developing agricultural. European Union attached importance to supervision and evaluation, and controlled eco-compensation cost carefully. It also unified education and economic prompting. All of these were worth us studying.
     To construct Chinese eco-compensation mechanism, we must profit from other countries advanced experience and unify our country's concrete conditions. On one hand, our country's ecology situation was stern, which manifested in ecosystem degeneration, heavy resources pressure, serious environment pollution and more ecology disasters. Therefore, in our country's the eleventh five years plan, government proposed main function zone strategy. This strategy divided the national territory space into four kinds of main function zones as optimizing development zone, key development zone, limiting development zone and forbidden development zone, basing on natural rescources carrying capacity, current development density and potential, considering our country's futural population distribution, economy layout, conditions of national territory use and urbanization pattern. Based on the strategy, the environmental protection department considered nature protection areas, important ecology function areas, mineral resource exploitation and basin water environment as the key direction of eco-compensation. On the other hand, our country's eco-compensation was basicly lead by governments. This decided fiscal would ocuppy a key position in eco-compensation mechanism in a long time at future. Thus, when our country construct eco-compensation mechanism, we have to fully consider the fiscal factor. The influence of public finance to eco-compensation mechanism construction was related with fiscal hierarchy, which manifested in three aspects. The first aspect was the influence of budget hierarchy. Because budget hierarchy is the basis of public goods supplies, which is relative to hierarchy setting of eco-compensation mechanism. The second aspect was the influence of different fiscal means, which is relative to eco-compensation's effect. And the third aspect was the influence of different finantial power. It is related to compensation standard enactment. So, the total frame of Chinese eco-compensation mechanism is considering ecology fuction areas and fiscal hierarchy as clues constructing a synthesis eco-compensation mechanism.
     China has set up nature protection area system in very early to protect ecosystem and ecological multiplicity. But many nature protection areas explosed more and more problems along with the increasing number and fast development. As one kind of forbidden development zone, most of nature protection areas'problems were about economy. The reasons of these problems were:firstly, eco-compensation to nature proctection areas was not enough; secondly, the compensation object classification system lacks the standard; thirdly, nature protection areas' responsibility was not balanced with the fund distribution; forthly, the compensation way was not abundance. We could solve these problems through below meatures:(1) improving government's investment mechanism and defining all levels of the government's compensation responsibility clearly; (2) developing compensation fund channel and establishing the omni-directional investment mechanism; (3) strengthening fiscal support and equalizing public services; (4) eco-immigration.
     Besides the nature protection area system, Chinese government issued "National Ecology Function Regionalization"in July,2008 and determined 50 important ecology function regions initially. These important ecology function areas have important meanings to guarantee ecology security and adjust ecology adjust ecology functions. NEFR also pointed out that each kind of ecology function areas had urgent problems to be solved. Therefore, promoting the corresponding ecology compensation mechanism appeared especially important. Actually, Our Government has already paid attentions to the protection and construction of ecology function areas and implemented many projects related with it which has made certain progress. But there still has some problems need to consummate. Regarding this, fiscal policies may play following roles. Firstly, fiscal policies could guarantee the sufficiency of compensation fund. Secondly, fiscal policies could guide industry of ecology function areas developing reasonably. Thirdly, through fiscal policies' supportment, the construction and restoration of main function of each kind of ecology function areas can be strengthened. Forthly, the fiscal incentive mechanism could encourage the public to positively participate in the construction of ecology function areas.
     Mineral resouce exploration is another important direction of eco-compensation. Because the mineral resource mostly distributes below the surface, exploration definitely will change the surface ecological environment and the underground rock layer structure of the mining area, which will bring a series of negative ecological effects. In view of these negative effects, Chinese central authority and the Local authorities formulated many kinds of compensation methods and policies related with the government and repairation of environment in mining areas. These methods and policies have positive effects on supervising mines restorate ecological environment, but also have some problems, such as the ecology fees reiteration, the possibility of missing the occasion to restorate environment, adding redundant responsibility to mines and so on. From a fiscal perspective, we could consummate eco-compensation mechanism of mineral resource exploitation through inspirit policies on environment protection, improvement of mine environment government fees and mine ecology insurance system.
     The basin water ecosystem is special in all ecosystems because of the unidirectional fluidity of water. It developed a series of complex interest relations which caused the eco-compensation into a special topic. Although the central and local governments have been advancing basin water environment protection positively during a long time, the basin water ecological situation is still unoptimistic. There still had many urgent problems. If these problems were not handled properly, economy development, society stabilization and individual health would been affected. Both of market methods and government methods had the deficiency in adjustment quarters interest relations was the reason of these problems. The only solution is to establish basin water eco-compensation mechanism. In the mechanism, government participation is a important part. They can do two important things. One is government can compensate directly through fiscal transfer payment, public eco-compensation fund and eco-tax. Another one is it can support basin eco-compensation by government's management and the surveillance functions.
① Ruud Cupers.Guidelines for ecological compensation associated with highways[J].Biological Conservation,1999 (90):41-51; Ruud Cupers. Ecological compensation of the impacts of a road[J]. Ecological Engineering,1996 (7):327-349.
    ②Allen A O, Feddema J J. Wetland Loss and Substitution by the Permit Program in Southern California, US. Environmental Management,1996,20(22),263-274.
    ③ Pagiola S, Landell-Mills N, Bishop J. Making market-based mechanisms work for forests and people. In S. Pagiola, J. Bishop,& N. Landell Mills. Selling forest environmental services: market-based mechanisms for conservation and development, London, UK:Earthscan,2002. 261-290.
    ④ Wunder S. Payments for environmental services:Some nuts and holts. CIFOR Occasional Paper No 42,2005:3-8.
    ⑤ Pagiola S,Arcenas A, Platais G. Can Payments for Environmental Services Help Reduce Poverty? An Exploration of the Issues and the Evidence to Data from Latin America. World Development,2005,33(2):237-253.
    ① Bienabe E, Hearne R R. Public preferences for biodiveisity conservation and scenic beauty within a framework of environmental services payments. Forest Policy and Economics, 2006(9),335-348.
    ② Johst K, Drechsler M, Watzold F. An ecological-economic modeling procedure to design compensation payments for the efficient spatio-temporal allocation of species protection measures. Ecological Economics,2002(41):37-49.
    ③ Moran D, McVittie A, Allcmft D J, et al. Quantifying public preferences for agri-environmental policy in Scotland; a comparison of methods. Ecological Economics,2007, 63(1):42-53.
    ④ Herzog F, Dreier S, Hofer G, et al. Effect of ecological compensation areas on floristic and breeding bird diversity in Swiss agricultural landscapes, Agriculture. Ecosystems and Environment,2005(108),189-204.
    ⑤ Dietschi S, Holderegg-er R, Schmidt SG,et al. Agri-environment incentive payments and plant species richness under different management intensities in mountain meadows of Switzerland. Acta Oecolo,2007,31(2):216-222.
    ⑥ Kosoy N, Martinez-Tuna M, Muradian R, Martinez-Alier J. Payments for environmental services in watersheds:Insights from a comparative study of three cases in Central America. Ecological Economics.
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    ② Zbinden S, Lee D R. Paying for Environmental Services:An Analysis Of Participation in Costa Rica's PSA Pmgram. World Development,2005,33(2):255-272.
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    ⑤ Sierra R, Russman E. On the efficiency of environmental service payments:A forest conservation assessment in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Ecological Economics,2006, (59): 131-141.
    ⑥ Wunder S. Payments for environmental services:Some nuts and holts. CIFOR Occasional Paper No42,2005:3-8.
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