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The information industries enjoys a vital position in China's national economy, but the software industry took the information industries mainstay, it is more and more important in the national has become one of the pillar industries in the information industries, it has played a more and more important role in supporting national economic development. How to develop China's software industry and surpass advanced world level in the crucial time has become the national economy development the important topic. At present, software outsourcing became an important tendency in the world software industry.
     However many difficulties and problems remain in the software outsourcing business, , and the limit of human resources become more and more difficult. The software industry is the intelligence industry, the technology-intensive industry. It can be said that the key factor of the development of software industry is the talented person. The talented person is the software enterprise's wealth, the human capital is the basic guarantee which the software enterprise develops, is the software industry development core essential factor.
     At the present stage, there are many problems in the quantities, qualities and the personnel structure, which seriously impedes the development of the software outsourcing and even the entire software industry. Therefore, on the basis of the analysis of existing problems, the restructing of the human resource system will help raise the competitiveness of the software outsourcing business, and is of profound theoretical and practical significance on catching up with and surpassing the advanced levels.
     The main content of this dissertation is: Firstly,by using the theory of human capital and human resources development,the dissertation analyzes the present stage of China's software outsourcing business;Then we analyze the game of the potential investors using the game theory;Finally, in the framework of the theory of value net,we establish a innovation system of human resource development,and make a empirical analysis of Shandong Province software outsourcing business human resources.
     Based on the complexity of the innovation system of human resource development of software outsourcing business , the paper will use many kinds of research technique to study. This dissertation use the following three basic studying methods: dialectical analytic method; comparison analytic method; Authentic method.
     This dissertation mainly has the following five creative areas:
     1. The dissertation Selectes theresource development system of software outsourcing business as study objective. Under the guidance of the theory of human capital and human resources development, it explores the problems and causes of China's software outsourcing business.
     2. The theory of value net is applied to the development of human resources management first time. Based on the concept of value net, the paper analyzes the potential investors' common benefit and behavior fo the software outsourcing business.
     3.By using the game theory,the dissertation analyzes the game of the human capital investors,including the software outsouring enterprises and the job seekers.Due to the uncertainty of the future receipts,the potential investors of the game would not invest themselves from the perspective of selfishness,and want to benefit from other investors' investment.So we can explain the dilemma in the supply and demand of the human resources.
     4. In the framework of the game theory,combining the result of the game analysis and the benifit of the potential investors,we build a innovation system which isi nteractive and comprehensive, and enterprises to fully participation.
     5. on the basis of the analysis of the academic analysis,the dissertation makes the empirical research on the innovation system of human resource development of the outsourcing industry.Further more, we put forward some specific proposals.
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