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Rorty's liberal utopia or liberal ironist utopia is conceived with the intention tobalance the relationship between public justice and private perfection. Its genesis is outof the respective predicaments caused by the fundamentalism complex of the traditionalphilosophy and the fundamentalist foundation of analytical philosophy. Irony is the coreelement of Rorty's liberal utopia while metaphor is the tool of irony.
     Rorty's irony inherits the original implications from Socratic irony and irony inliterary or daily context. His ironists are the radical anti-fundamentalists andanti-essentialists and the most typical ironist is a thorough non-metaphysician. All in all,an ironist is a postmodern deconstructionist, who deconstructs any fundamental, central,essential, binary or ultimate stuff of traditional philosophy, and even philosophy itself.Meanwhile, he pursues an incessant process of autonomy and self-creation, getting outfrom under the fetter and constraint of reality, material, any absolute stuff or the givenrole to gain the liberated, unrestrained passion. In the course of such continually radicaldoubting and deconstructing, he secures fresh self-recognition and new identity throughdialogues. The tool that an ironist uses to go in for such never-ending self-creation ismetaphor, or, metaphorical redescription.
     Rorty's view of metaphor, on the one hand, drops the traditional idea of languageas a medium, thus getting rid of the view that there exists a common human nature toserve as the foundation of morality. On the other, it enables Rorty to include all thebooks by all theorists as literary texts, to provide examples for new possibilities ofself-creating redescription and to put all the texts into historical context for metaphoricaland ironic rereading and redescription. Thus the culture is reconstructed towardliterature-oriented structure. Such a view, on the one hand, promotes the merging ofculture, and on the other, changes the structure of culture, making it impossible fortheology, science, philosophy or literature to dominate as capitalized authority over all the other disciplines. Rorty's metaphor is the world-making redescription. It is literarynarratives which are descriptive rather than philosophical arguments which aretheoretical that makes much greater contribution to the moral edification for the utopiancitizens. Therefore, Rorty's praxis is an expression of poetics.
     Like his irony, Rorty's metaphor also emphasizes on contingency and is a rebellionagainst the traditional philosophy's pursuit for certainty, thus being alsoanti-fundamentalism and anti-metaphysics. Both metaphor and irony are culturalconstituents to promote tolerance and reduce cruelty and they both symbolize theawakening of subjectivity. Metaphorical redescription is a powerful tool for Rorty'sironists to engage in self-creations while irony pluralizes and diversifies metaphors.
     Rorty's liberal ironist utopia is more of a new construction of cultural structurethan a political theory, the utopian nature of which is its substitution for traditionalphilosophy. It is a middle way between postmodernism and liberalism. Thejuxtaposition of liberalism and ironism not only generates a literature-oriented culture,but also creates a new perspective of and a new approach to literary reading to make itpossible to reveal the coexistence of both ironism and liberalism in literary works. It, onthe one hand, discloses the acute insight to the contingency of human existence, and onthe other, demonstrates human cruelty, so that man's consciousness of self-recognitionand self-creation could be awakened and at the same time, the sense of tolerance,sympathy and empathy that are necessary to human solidarity could be expanded.
     The foothold of Rorty's liberal ironist utopia lies in the public/private division,which is not a traditional binary-opposition style of division, or the family/society kindof physical area division, not to mention the self-splitting division. It is the division ofdifferent purposes of metaphorical world-making. Public metaphors enhance humansolidarity and private metaphors promote self-creation. The identity of ironists beingliberals and ironists all at once implants a sense of danger and fear of bringinghumiliation to those they redescribe, so they care about human solidarity and avoid any potential undermining of it. In the meanwhile, they privatize their irony so much so thatit won't cause cruelty in the public to weaken solidarity. Public justice and privateperfection harmoniously coexist, each getting its due. Rorty brings forth a new hope andpossibility of human life while deconstructing fundamentalism and metaphysics. Thismakes him one of the outstanding constructive postmodern thinkers.
    ②Richard Rorty. Contingency, Irony and Solidarity [M]. New York: Cambridge University,1989.版权页下一页.中译本中此页被略掉。
    ①相关评论参见:Intercollegiate Review35(1999), p3–13.
    ①Richard Rorty.“Trosky and the Wild Orchilds,” in Philosophy and Social Hope [C]. London: Penguin Books,1999, p.3–5.
    ①参见Colin Koopman. Pragmatism as Transition: Historicity and Hope in James, Dewey, and Rorty[M]. New York:Columbia University Press,2009.
    ①参见James Tartaglia. Rorty and the Mirror of Nature[M]. New York: Routledge,2007.
    ①参见James Tartaglia. Richard Rorty (Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers)[C]. New York: Routledge;1edition,2010.
    ②参见Richard Rumna. On Rorty (Wadsworth Philosophers Series)[M]. Beverley, Massachusetts: WadsworthPublishing,1999.
    ①参见:Markar Melkonian. Richard Rorty's Politics: Liberalism at the End of the American Century[M]. New York:Humanity Books,1999
    ②参见:Michael Bacon. Richard Rorty: Pragmatism and Political Liberalism [M]. Lanham Maryland: LexingtonBooks,2008.
    ③参见:Christopher J. Voparil. Richard Rorty: Politics and Vision[M]. Lanham Maryland: Rowman&LittlefieldPublishers, Inc.2006
    ①参见Brad Frazier. Rorty and Kierkegaard on Irony and Moral Commitment[M]. New York: Palgrave McMillan,2006.
    ②参见David L. Hall. Richard Rorty: Prophet and Poet of the New Pragmatism[M].Albany: State University of NewYork Press,1994.
    ①参见Alasdair MacIntyre. Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues [M]. Chicago: OpenCourt,1999.
    ②论文见:Thomas McCarthy.“Ironist Theory as a Vocation:AResponse to Richard Rorty’s Reply”[J]. CriticalInquiry16(Spring1990):649.; Jean Bethke Elshtain.“Don’t Be Cruel: Reflections on Rortyian Liberalism,” inThe Politics of Irony: Essays in Self-Betrayal[C]. ed. Daniel W. Conway and John E. Seery. New York: St. Martin’sPress,1992.; James Conant.“Freedom, Cruelty, and Truth: Rorty versus Orwell,” in Rorty and His Critics[C]. ed.Robert B. Brandom. Malden, MA: Blackwell,2000.; Simon Critchley.“Metaphysics in the Dark: A Response toRichard Rorty and Ernesto Laclau”[J]. Political Theory26, December1998.
    ①James Tartaglia. Rorty and the Mirror of Nature[M]. New York: Routledge,2007. p29.
    ①Richard Rorty. Consequences of Pragmatism [C]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota,1982. p169.
    ②同上.第156页.译文略有不同。原文参见:Richard Rorty. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature [M]. PrincetonNJ: Princeton University Press,1979. p166.
    ③Auguste Comte. The Essential Comte [C]. S. Andreski ed., M. Clarke trans., London: Croom Helm,1974. p19.
    ①黑格尔.精神现象学[M].贺麟等译.北京:商务印书馆,1997.第12页.原文参见:Georg Wilhelm FriedrichHegel. The Phenomenology of Spirit [M]. trans. A. Miller, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1977. p11.
    ①理查德·罗蒂.哲学和自然之镜[M].李幼蒸译.北京:商务印书馆,2004.第279页.译文略有不同。原文参见:Richard Rorty. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature [M]. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press,1979.p300.
    ③Richard Rorty. Consequences of Pragmatism [C]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota,1982. pxviii.
    ②同上.第160页.译文略有不同。原文参见: Richard Rorty. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature [M]. PrincetonNJ: Princeton University Press,1979. p172
    ④Wilfrid Sellars. Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind [M]. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,1997.P180-81.
    ①Wilfrid Sellars. Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind [M]. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,1997.p107.
    ④Richard Rorty. Consequences of Pragmatism [C]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1982. pxix
    ⑤Richard Rorty. Objectivity, Relativism and Truth: Philosophical Papers, vol.1[C]. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1991.p13.
    ③Richard Rorty. Consequences of Pragmatism [C]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1982. pxx
    ①W. V. Quine. Two Dogmas of Empiricism. in his From a Logical Point of View [M]. Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversity Press,1953. p42.
    ①Webster’s New World Dictionary, Third College Edition [Z].New York: Prentice Hall,1994.
    ②M. F. Quintilian. The Institutio Oratoria of Quintilian [M]. trans. H. E. Butler. Cambridge, Mass.; London:Harvard University Press,1995-98,[9.2.44], p401.
    ③Webster’s New World Dictionary, Third College Edition [Z].New York: Prentice Hall,1994.
    ①Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics [M]. trans. H. Rackham. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1934.4.7.3.-5. p24.
    ②参见: S ren Kierkegaard. The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates: Together with Notes ofSchelling’s Berlin Lectures [M]. trans. P. Guyer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,[1841]1989.; AlexanderNehamas. The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault [M]. Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress,1998. and Virtues of Authenticity: Essays on Plato and Socratics [M]. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1999.
    ③参见: Henri Lefebvre. Introduction to Modernity [M]. trans. J. Moore, London: Verso,1995. p12; GregoryVlastos. Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1991. p29, p44.
    ①Dilwyn Knox. Ironia: Medieval and Renaissance Ideas on Irony [M]. Leiden: E. J. Brill,1989. p29.
    ②Holy Bible. New Revised Standard Version. The Books of the New Testament. Shanghai: National TSPM&CCC.Mathew xxvi68. P55.
    ③参见:Jerry Camery-Hoggatt. Irony in Mark’s Gospel: Text and Subtext [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1992.; Edwin Marshall Good. Irony in the Old Testament [M]. Philadelphia: Westminster Press,1965.; KarlAndrews Plank. Paul and the Irony of Affliction [M]. Atlanta: Scholars Press,1987.
    ①George. A. Kennedy. Classical Rhetoric and its Christian and Secular Tradition from Ancient to Modern Times[M]. London: Croom Helm,1980. p24.
    ①Gregory Vlastos. Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1991.p23.
    ①Gregory Vlastos. Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1991.p44.
    ②Alexander Nehamas. The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault [M]. Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press,1998. p86.
    ①转引自Claire Colebrook. Irony [M]. London: Routledge,2004. p9.原文见:Aelius Donatus.Ars Grammatica. inGrammatici Latini[C]. H. Keil (ed.).vo l4. Leipzig. p401.
    ①Wayne Booth. A Rhetoric of Irony [M]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1974. p193.
    ②Dilwyn Knox. Ironia: Medieval and Renaissance Ideas on Irony [M]. Leiden: E. J. Brill,1989. p8-9.
    ①Dennis Howard Green. Irony in the Medieval Romance [M], Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1979. p6.
    ①Garnett Gladwin Sedgwick. Of Irony, Especially in Drama [M]. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1935.
    ②William Blissett. The Secret’st Man of Blood: A Study of Dramatic Irony in Macbeth [J]. in Shakespeare Quarterly,1959.10.3: p397-408.
    ①Hayden White. Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe [M]. Baltimore: JohsHopkins University Press,1973. p375.
    ①Mikhail Bakhtin. Dialogic Imagination [M]. Austin and London: University of Texas Press,1981.
    ②罗蒂的行文中,一直把反讽主义者称为“她”(She, her),而把形上学家称为“他”(He, him).本文为顺应中文表达习惯,除引文之外,将反讽主义者统称为“他”。
    ②Richard Rorty, Philosophy as Cultural Politics [C]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2007. p97.
    ②Richard Rorty. Consequences of Pragmatism [C]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota,1982. p16.
    ⑥Harold Bloom. The Anxiety of Influence [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1973. P78.
    ①Richard Rorty. Philosophy as Cultural Politics [C]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2007. p82.
    ①Webster’s New World Dictionary.3rdCollege Edition. p852.
    ①参见: Max Black.“Metaphor” in Models and Metaphors: Studies in Language and Philosophy [C]. CornellUniversity Press, Ithaca. New York: Cornell,1962.
    ①George Lakoff&Mark Johnson. Metaphors We Lived by [M]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1980. p3.
    ①George Lakoff&Mark Johnson. Philosophy in the Flesh [M]. New York: Basic Books,1999. p335.
    ②Paul de Man. Blindness and Insight [M]. New York: Routledge,1983. Chapter1.
    ③Paul de Man. Allegories of Reading [M]. New Haven: Yale University Press,1982. Chapter10.
    ②同上.第28页.更多相关内容参见:Mary B. Hesse. Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science[M]. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1980.
    ②此文收录于1978年2月份关于隐喻本质及使用的跨学科研讨会的论文集《论隐喻》中。详见:Sheldon Sacks.On Metaphor (A Critical Inquiry Book)[C]. Chicago: Chicago University Press,1979. p159-161.
    ③参见:W. V. Quine. APostscript on Metaphor. in Sheldon Sacks. On Metaphor (A Critical Inquiry Book)[C].Chicago, University of Chicago Press Journals,1979. p159-161.
    ①Davison.“What Metaphor Mean,” in Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation [M].2ndedition. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press,2001. p244.
    ①Davison.“What Metaphor Mean,” in Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation[M].2ndedition. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press,2001. p246.
    ①参见:Nelson Goodman. Ways of Worldmaking [M]. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co.,1978.
    ②Gary Gutting. Pragmatic Liberalism and the Critique of Modernity [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1999. p63–64.
    ②Michele Moody-Adams. Theory, Practice, and the Contingency of Rorty’s Irony[J]. Journal of Social Philosophy25,1994. p214-215.
    ①Jean Bethke Elshtain. Don’t Be Cruel: Reflections on Rortyian Liberalism. in The Politics of Irony: Essays inSelf-Betrayal [C]. ed. Daniel W. Conway and John E. Seery. New York: St. Martin’s Press,1992. p206-07.对比:Richard Bernstein. Rorty’s Liberal Utopia. In The New Constellation: The Ethical-Political Horizons of Modernity/Postmodernity [M]. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,1992. p274.伯恩斯坦说:“20世纪的恐怖和大屠杀能被重新描述为‘看起来好’似乎可以算作罗蒂立场的反证法”。
    ①Richard Rorty. Robustness: A Reply to Jean Bethke Elshtain. In The Politics of Irony: Essays in Self-Betrayal[C].ed. Daniel W. Conway and John E. Seery. New York: St. Martin’s Press,1992. p220.
    ①Robert Adams. Finite and Infinite Goods: A Framework for Ethics[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1999.p388.
    ①Richard Rorty. Robustness: A Reply to Jean Bethke Elshtain. In The Politics of Irony: Essays in Self-Betrayal [C].ed. Daniel W. Conway and John E. Seery. New York: St. Martin’s Press,1992. p223.
    ①参见John Rawls. Political Liberalism [M]. New York: Columbia University Press,1993. p77.
    ①John McCumber. Reconnecting Rorty: The Situation of Discourse in Richard Rorty’s Contingency, Irony, andSolidarity [J]. in Diacritics, Vol.20, No.2(Summer,1990), pp.2-19. p7.
    ①理查德·罗蒂.偶然、反讽与团结[M].徐文瑞译.北京:商务印书馆,2005.第7页.原文参见:Richard Rorty.Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1989. pxv.
    ①参见:Barbara Johnson (ed.). Freedom and Interpretation: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures1992[C]. New York:Basic Books,1992.
    ②Michel Foucault. Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews[C]. edited by Donald F.Bouchard. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1977. p230.
    ③Jürgen Habermas. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity: Twelve Lectures[M]. trans. Frederick Lawrence.Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,1985. p276.
    ④Richard Rorty. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature[M]. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press,1979. p178.
    ⑤Richard Rorty. Consequences of Pragmatism[C]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota,1982. p150-151.
    ①Richard Rorty.“Postmodernist Bourgeois Liberalism”[J]. in The Journal of Philosophy80,1983. p583-589.
    ③同上.第69页.柏林的原文参见:Isaiah Berlin. Four Essays on Liberty[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1969. p172.
    ①Wilfrid Sellars. Science and Metaphysics: Variation on Kantian Themes [M]. New York: Ridgeview Pub Co,1993.p222.
    ①参见:Robert B. Brandom.(ed.) Rorty and His Critics [C]. Oxford: Blackwell,2000.; Charles Guignon&DavidR. Hiley.(eds) Richard Rorty [C]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2003.; Alan Malachowski. RichardRorty (Philosophy Now)[C]. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,2002.
    ②Richard Rorty. Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity [M]. New York: Cambridge University Press,1989. pxvi.
    ①Günter Leypoldt. Uses of Metaphor: Richard Rorty’s Literary Criticism and the Poetics of World-Making [J]. inNew Literary History,2008,39: p148.
    ②Harold Bloom. How to Read and Why [M]. New York: Scribner;1stTouchstone edition,2001. p195.
    ③理查德·罗蒂.哲学、文学和政治[C].黄宗英等译.上海:上海译文出版社,2009. p73.
    ④Vladimir Nabokov.“On a Book Entitled Lolita” in Lolita [M]. Harmondsworth: Penguin,1980. p313.
    ⑤Vladimir Nabokov. Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited [M]. New York: Pyramid,1968. p86-87.
    ④Richard Bernstein. Rorty’s Inspirational Liberalism. In Charles Guignon&David R. Hiley.(eds) Richard Rorty[C].124-138.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2003. p137.
    ⑤Ibid. p138.
    ①Philip Larkin. Collected Poems [C]. edited by Anthony Thwaite. London: Faber,1988. p153.
    ①Philip Larkin. Collected Poems [C]. edited by Anthony Thwaite. London: Faber,1988. p165.
    ②Lolette Kuby. An Uncommon Poet for the Common Man: A Study of the Poetry of Philip Larkin [M]. The Hague:Mouton De Gruyter,1974. p1.
    ①Athol Fugard. Notebooks1960-1977[C]. edited by Mary Benson. Johannesburg: Ad Donker.1983. p172.
    ②Athol Fugard. Boesman and Lena [M]. Cape Town: Oxford University Press,1983. p41.
    ①Athol Fugard. Boesman and Lena [M]. Cape Town: Oxford University Press,1983. pxvi.
    ②Andrew Foley. Courageous Pessimist: An Interview with Athol Fugard [J]. New Contrast8822(4),1994:63-69.p69.
    ③Fay Weldon. Praxis [M]. London: Sceptre,1978. p49.
    ①Richard Bernstein. Rorty’s Inspirational Liberalism. In Richard Rorty[C]. Charles Guignon&David R. Hiley (eds).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2003. p137-138.
    ①Richard Rorty. Remarks on Deconstruction and Pragmatism. and Response to Simon Critchley. in Deconstrutionand Pragmatism: Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau and Richard Rorty [C]. C. Mouffe (ed.).London: Routledge,1996. p43.
    ③参见:Jügen Habermas. Justification and Application: Remarks on Discourse Ethics [M]. trans. Ciaran P. Cronin.Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,1993.
    ①Richard Rorty. Remarks on Deconstruction and Pragmatism. and Response to Simon Critchley. in Deconstrutionand Pragmatism: Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau and Richard Rorty [C]. C. Mouffe (ed.).London: Routledge,1996. p17.
    ①Richard Rorty. Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth Philosophical Papers, vol.1[C]. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press,1989. p198.
    ④Clifford Geertz. The Uses of Diversity [J]. In Michigan Quarterly Review25, no.1,1986. p121.
    ①Richard Rorty. Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth Philosophical Papers, vol.1[C]. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press,1989. p209-10.
    ③Richard Shusterman, Practicing Philosophy: Pragmatism and the Philosophical Life[M]. London: Routledge,1997. p122.
    ④Ernesto Laclau. Deconstruction, Pragmatism, Hegemony. in Deconstruction and Pragmatism: Simon Critchley,Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau and Richard Rorty [C]. ed. Chantal Mouffe. London: Routledge,1994. p65.罗蒂的回应参见:Response to Ernesto Laclau. in Deconstruction and Pragmatism. p74–75.为本部分的连贯性,此处不过多展开更多的批判内容。更详细批判内容参见罗蒂对约翰·罗尔斯社群主义(尤其是麦金泰尔、泰勒等人)所提出的对自由主义批判的答辩:Rorty. Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth Philosophical Papers, vol.
    1. p175–96.;就实用主义和种族的批判参见:Cornel West. The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Genealogy ofPragmatism [M]. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press,1989. p206–10.
    ①汉娜·阿伦特.人的境况[M].王寅丽译.上海:上海人民出版,2009. p46.
    ①理查德·罗蒂.后形而上学希望[M].张国清译.上海:上海译文出版社,2009. p382.
    ②Nancy Fraser. Solidarity or Singularity? Richard Rorty between Romanticism and Technocracy. in Reading Rorty[C]. ed. Alan R. Malachowski. Oxford: Blackwell,1990. p312–313.
    ①Richard Rorty. Against Bosses, Against Oligarchies: A Conversation with Richard Rorty. interview by DerekNystrom and Kent Puckett, Prickly Pear Pamphlets, no.11, ed. Matthew Engelke and Mark Harris. Charlottesville:Prickly Pear Pamphlets,1998. p60.
    ①Gary Gutting. Pragmatic Liberalism and the Critique of Modernity [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1999. p62.
    ③Richard Rorty. Contingency, Irony and Solidarity [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1989. p91-92
    ①Richard Rorty. Justice as a Larger Loyalty. in Richard Rorty: Critical Dialogues [C]. ed. Matthew Festenstein andSimon Thompson. Cambridge: Polity,2001. p223–37.
    ①Richard Rorty. Response to Daniel Conway. in Richard Rorty, Critical Dialogues [C]. ed. Matthew Festenstein andSimon Thompson. Malden, MA: Polity,2001. p91.
    ③Richard Rorty. Against Bosses, Against Oligarchies: A Conversation with Richard Rorty. interview by DerekNystrom and Kent Puckett, Prickly Pear Pamphlets, no.11, ed. Matthew Engelke and Mark Harris. Charlottesville:Prickly Pear Pamphlets,1998. p61.
    ②Richard Rorty.“Truth and Progress”, Philosophical Papers, vol.3, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1991.p172.
    ①Jedediah Purdy. For Common Things: Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today [M]. New York: Alfred A.Knopf,1999. pxi.
    ②Ibid. p9-10.
    ③Brad Frazier. Rorty and Kierrdegaard on Irony and Moral Commitment----Philosophical and TheologicalConnections [M]. New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2006. p1.
    ①Alasdair MacIntyre. Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues [M]. Chicago: OpenCourt,1999. p153–154.
    ②参见: Alasdair MacIntyre. Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues [M]. Chicago:Open Court,1999. p153.
    ③Jean Bethke Elshtain. Don’t Be Cruel: Reflections on Rortyian Liberalism. in The Politics of Irony: Essays inSelf-Betrayal [C]. ed. Daniel W. Conway and John E. Seery. New York: St. Martin’s Press,1992. p207.
    ①Richard Rorty. Justice as a Larger Loyalty. In Richard Rorty: Critical Dialogues[C]. ed. Matthew Festenstein andSimon Thompson.223–237. Malden, MA: Polity,2001. p235.
    ②Alan Malachowski. Richard Rorty [C]. Princeton: Princeton University Press,2002. p136.
    ①Simon Critchley. Metaphysics in the Dark: A Response to Richard Rorty and Ernesto Laclau [J]. Political Theory
    26December1998, p.812.
    ①Anthony Rudd. Kierkegaard’s Critique of Pure Irony. in Kierkegaard: The Self in Society [C] ed. George Pattisonand Steven Shakespeare. New York: St. Martin’s Press,1998. p90.
    ①Richard Rorty. Reply to Simon Critchley. in Deconstruction and Pragmatism: Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida,Ernesto Laclau and Richard Rorty [C]. ed. Chantal Mouffe. New York: Routledge,1996. p43.
    ①罗蒂的种族中心主义观可参见Richard Rorty. Introduction:Antirepresentationalism, Ethnocentrism, andLiberalism. in Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth, Philosophical Papers vol.1[C] Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1991. p2, p13–14.同一卷中,亦见Solidarity or Objectivity. p29. and On Ethnocentrism: AReply to Clifford Geertz. p203.
    ①Anthony Rudd. Kierkegaard’s Critique of Pure Irony. in Kierkegaard: The Self in Society[C] ed. George Pattisonand Steven Shakespeare. New York: St. Martin’s Press,1998. p.92.
    ①Anthony Rudd. Kierkegaard’s Critique of Pure Irony. in Kierkegaard: The Self in Society[C] ed. George Pattisonand Steven Shakespeare. New York: St. Martin’s Press,1998. p92.
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    ①Richard Rorty. A Pragmatist View of Contemporary Analytic Philosophy. in Philosophical Papers, vol.4,Philosophy as Cultural Politics [C]. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,2007. p134.
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