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Water bodies are primarily polluted from chemical issues, physical issues and microbiological issues. At present, the research of water pollution of biology is seldom reported. The Pearl River is one of the best rivers over the 7 great rivers in China. However, parts of the Pearl River are seriously contaminated, especially in the region of the Pearl River Delta. The objective is the region of Guangzhou in the Pearl River here, using the relative theories, methods and techniques from biology, chemistry, environmental sciences, electrochemistry and molecular biology etc., the biological contamination of Guangzhou parts of the Pearl River is primarily discussed and studied involved in its detection and rehabilitation. The primary research achievements and discoveries are showed below: the synthesis of ferrocenyl peptide-DNA conjugate using solid phase peptide synthesis;the preparation of ferrocenyl peptide based electrochemical biological biosensor, additionally, its morphology and non-specific adsorption are also studied;ferrocenyl peptide electrochemical biosensor is successively applied in the detection of toxic bacterial and viruses;the effects of inlet water rate, concentration of sodium chloride and temperature on the oxidation-reduction potential are also studied;the changes of characters such as the value of pH, oxidation reduction potential, free chlorine, conductivity, dissolved oxygen etc. at the semi-closed and closed states are studied, based on those, the reveal of the reason that electrolyzed oxidation water can have high oxidation reduction potentials;the new mechanism of disinfection for oxidation reduction potential using electrolyzed oxidation water based on the objective of E. coli;the primary and simulated research for the rehabilitation of biological contamination in an aqueous environment, and the bacterial or viruses in the biological pollution water sample are inactivated by means of electrolysis, in addition, which have not a effect on other physical-chemical characters of the water sample.
    The primary research achievements show that the convenient and effective detection of biological contamination in an aqueous environment using modern molecularly diagnosed techniques and the direction to the rehabilitation of biological contamination in an aqueous environment. Comparison with conventional detection and rehabilitation techniques and methods, the novel studies are performed in this project.
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