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     第三章着重对全球环境治理的结构进行研究,分析现有全球环境治理安排在结构方面存在的缺陷。首先,本章分析了全球环境治理的理想结构模式,论述了合理的权威分配和完善的国家跨国转型对于全球环境治理安排效能的重要意义。其次,本章具体分析了各类治理主体之间的权威分配对治理安排效能的影响,这也是全球环境治理结构的第一个要素。一般来看,能够承担一定的全球或区域环境治理功能,分享环境治理权威的治理主体共有六类:国家、次国家政府、政府间国际组织、国际非政府组织、企业和科学机构。而全球环境治理的功能(Governance Function)则包括议程设置、建立框架、环境监测、履约核查(Verification)、规则制定、建立规范、强制执行、能力建设、资金供给九个方面。本文经过研究和论证,阐释了在特定的全球环境治理安排中,上述诸治理主体在各个功能领域中的权威分配缺陷,是导致全球环境治理安排效能不足的第一个因素。再次,本章具体分析了国家在参与全球环境治理时发生的变化对治理安排效能的影响,这也是全球环境治理结构的第二个要素。本章提出,国家在参与全球环境治理时的“跨国转型”(Transnational Transformations)构成了这里的重要变量。国家的跨国转型是指,从中央政府作为国家参与国际事务的唯一重要代表,转变为中央政府各部门、次国家政府、乃至立法、司法机关共同参与到全球或地区环境治理事务中来,并形成部门间、次国家政府间和立法、司法机关之间的跨国合作这一过程。本文的研究认为,次国家政府间、各国立法和司法部门间的跨国合作,对于全球环境治理安排的有效性具有重要意义。而现有全球环境治理安排中国家跨国转型的不完善,是导致全球环境治理安排效能不足的第二个因素。
This study sets various international arrangements and transnational arrangementsto global environmental issues as research subjects, studies the problem of “Why theexisting arrangements of global environmental governance are not able to manage theglobal environmental issues effectively?” This thesis will study the defects of the ar-rangements of global environmental governance from the view of the structure and theprocesses of global environmental governance, based on the existing researches.
     Conforming to approaches—raising questions, literature review, making hypothesisand hypothesis verification—this thesis is divided into five chapters in addition to in-troduction and conclusion.
     An overall explanation about the thesis is made in the introduction part, includingtheoretically verifying the rationality and the authenticity of the researching issue, ex-pounding the scope and the significance of the study, reviewing existing solutions tothe researching issue, introducing the fundamental viewpoints and approaches adoptedto conduct the research, and pointing out the innovations and limitations of the re-search.
     There are five perspectives of existing research to this research problem: theperspective of anarchy and inequality of international politics; the perspective of di-vergence among nations; the perspective of contradictions among global, regional andnational interests; the perspective of the theory of global governance. These researches have profiled the reasons of the inefficiency of existing arrangements in global envi-ronmental governance. Based on these researches, this thesis uses the theory of globalgovernance as basic origin of thoughts, focus on analyzing the defects in the structureand the processes of existing arrangements of global environmental governance. Andthen, research on the problem of “Why the existing arrangements of global environ-mental governance are not able to manage the global environmental issues effective-ly?”
     In Chapter One, current arrangements to deal with global environmental problemshas been analyzed and reviewed. At the beginning, this chapter has explained the con-tents and characteristics of global environmental problems and analyzed the constitu-ency and features of global environmental governance, then grounding on which, fourmajor global environmental problems—climate change and atmospheric pollution,ecological deterioration, marine environment, cross-borders transfer of harmful sub-stance—and their governances, has been discussed. As following, the formulation, de-velopment and difficulties facing ahead of international environmental treaties areanalyzed. Then at the closing part of this chapter, functions and limitations of impor-tant governing arrangements, such as international organizations, non-governmentalorganizations, cross-border social movements, has been reviewed.
     The second chapter has explained the rationale of the structure and process ofglobal governance, conceptualized so key ideas, established and verified the analyticalframework for the thesis, which has lied down the theoretical foundation for the analy-sis of global environmental governance.
     Focusing on its impacts on the efficiency of environmental governance, the thirdchapter has analyzed the structure of international global governance. And then somestructural defects existing in international global governance has been revealed. Thischapter has first analyzed the ideal global environmental governance model andpointed out the significance of two structural elements, reasonable authority distribu- tion and impeccable national cross-border transfer, to the efficient global environmen-tal governance. Then, the structural defects existing in global environmental gover-nance reality has been studied respectively. The confirming procedure of durable or-ganic contaminant in “Stockholm Convention”, the controlling arrangements on ozonedepleting substances under the framework of “Vienna Convention” and its “Montréalprotocol”, and the acid precipitation governance in East Asia, have been selected tostudy the influence of misbalanced authority distribution. Cases like insufficientcross-border legal cooperation under the framework of “City Plan on EnvironmentalProtection” and “Basel Convention” has been chosen to demonstrate negative impactsof insufficient national cross-border transfer on global environment governance.
     In this thesis, the structure of global environmental governance includes two as-pects of elements: the first is the authoritative allocation among governance body invarious global environmental governances; the second is the characteristic changes ofthe governance body in various global governmental governances. The first element ofthe structure of the governance: the authoritative allocation among governance body invarious global environmental governances. Generally, main governance body whichcan undertake particular function in global or regional environmental governance, andshare the authority of environmental governance are nations, sub-national government,super-national institutions and international organizations; and internationalnon-governmental organizations and its transnational networks, transnational corpora-tions, scientific organizations and its transnational networks. Global environmentalgovernance function includes nine aspects, which are: agenda setting, frameworkbuilding, environmental monitoring, performance verification, regulation establishing,norms establishing, enforcement, capacity building and fund supply. With research andargumentation, this thesis expounds that, in particular arrangements of global envi-ronmental governance, the first element leading to the inefficiency in global environ-mental arrangements is the defects of authoritative allocation governance body in var- ious functional areas.
     The second element of the structure of global environmental governance is thecharacteristic changes of the governance body itself. This research believes that, thehost variable is the Transnational Transformation during the process of national partic-ipation in global environmental governance. Transnational Transformation refers to theprocess that central government as the only significant representative represents nationto participate in international affairs turning into each department of central govern-ment, sub-national government, even legislation, judicial department all participate inissues of global or regional environmental governance, and form a transnational coop-eration among departments, sub-national governments, legislation and judicial depart-ments. Transnational Transformation of nation is of great significance to issues ofglobal environmental governance. Objectively speaking, without participation ofsub-national government, regional environmental governance would be extremely dif-ficult. While the cooperation to regional and global environmental issues among de-partments of central government and legislation, judicial departments of each countryneed to be strengthened. This thesis argues that the second element which leads to theinefficiency of the global environmental arrangements is the general deficiency oftransnational transformation in arrangements of global environmental governance.
     In Chapter Four the process of global environmental governance, that is, how en-vironmental governance is conducted, has been paid special attentions, so as to showthe defects and limitations in the process of existing international environmental go-vernance. First, in order to analyze the ideal global environmental governance model,this chapter has explained “Tri-cycle Processing Model” at the beginning. Then, theinteractive defects, between science cycle and politics cycle, politics cycle and marketcycle, market cycle and science cycle, and their impacts in global environmental go-vernance reality have been analyzed respectively. In the analysis,“Summary for Poli-cymakers” in IPCC report, the determination of controlling long-term temperature rise at2℃, and many cases in the process of compiling “Global Biodiversity Assessment”have been selected to demonstrate the point that it is the defects in the process of glob-al environmental governance that lead to the insufficient governance.
     “The Process of Governance” on the arrangements could affect global environ-mental governance arrangements remarkably.“The Process of Governance” can be ab-stractly understood as “How the governance is achieved”. Global and regional envi-ronmental governance are all proceed in these three fields which influence each other:scientific research, political policy and market; and nation, international regulation,organization, transnational corporation, nongovernmental organization and its transna-tional networks, scientific institution and its transnational network these six gover-nance bodies of global and regional environmental governance work and perform au-thority of governance distinctively in that three fields. Hence, those six governancebodies form an interaction among science, politics and market. This thesis demon-strates that the third element leading to the inefficiency of arrangements in global en-vironmental governance is the defect of interaction of various governance bodies inglobal environmental governance.
     Chapter Five has generally concluded the analysis in above chapters, and takingglobal climate governance practices as the object of empirical analysis, comprehen-sively verified the influences of structure and process of global environmental gover-nance on governance efficiency. In the first part of this chapter,“Efficiency Distribu-tion Model of Global Environmental Governance” has been concluded. Then, takingthe determination of emission reductions in “Kyoto Protocol” the determination ofemission reductions under the framework of “Clean Development Mechanism” and“cap-and-trade” Mechanism, the rest of this chapter has made a comprehensive verifi-cation of all the viewpoints proposed in this thesis.
     The conclusion part has summed up the whole thesis, and analyzed the governanceof global issues in an age of globalization from the perspectives of Global studies and global governance.
    2John W. Meyer, David John Frank, etc.,“Structuring of World Environmental Regime,1870-1990”, InternationalOrganization, Vol.51, No.4(Autumn,1997), p.625.
    3参见Thomas Princen, Matthias Finger,“Introduction”, in Thomas Princen, Matthias Finger eds., EnvironmentalNGOs in World Politics: Linking the Local and the Global, London: Taylor&Francis e-Library,2003, p.2-8.
    4Ted Trzyna, eds., World Directory of Environmental Organizations (Sixth Edition), California: California Instituteof Public Affairs,2001.
    5迄今为止的五期《全球环境展望》(Global Environmental Outlook)分别发表于1997年、1999年、2002年、2007年、2012年。
    1UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook5(Summary for Policy Makers), p.6,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/pdfs/GEO5_SPM_English.pdf
    2参见UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook5(Summary for Policy Makers), p.7,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/pdfs/GEO5_SPM_English.pdf
    3参见UNEP, UNEP Year Book2010: New Science and Developments in Our Changing Environment, p.33-35,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/yearbook/yb2010/PDF/GYB2010_English_full.pdf
    4UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook5(Summary for Policy Makers), p.9,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/pdfs/GEO5_SPM_English.pdf
    5UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook4(Summary for Decision Makers), p.11,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/GEO4/media/GEO4%20SDM_launch.pdf
    1UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook4(Summary for Decision Makers), p.10,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/GEO4/media/GEO4%20SDM_launch.pdf
    2UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook5(Summary for Policy Makers), p.10,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/pdfs/GEO5_SPM_English.pdf
    3参见UNEP, UNEP Year Book2010:New Science and Developments in Our Changing Environment, p.14,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/yearbook/2010/PDF/year_book_2010.pdf
    4参见UNEP, UNEP Year Book2010:New Science and Developments in Our Changing Environment, p.26-27,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/yearbook/2010/PDF/year_book_2010.pdf
    1UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook4(Summary for Decision Makers), p.19,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/GEO4/media/GEO4%20SDM_launch.pdf
    3参见UNEP, UNEP Year Book2010:New Science and Developments in Our Changing Environment, p.54-55,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/yearbook/2010/PDF/year_book_2010.pdf
    2参见Matthew J. Hoffmann, Alice D. Ba,“Introduction: Coherence and Contestation”, in Alice D. Ba, Matthew J.Hoffmann ed., Contending Perspective on Global Governance: Coherence, Contestation and World Order, NewYork: Routledge,2005, p.1-14.
    1Frank Biermann, Philipp Pattberg, Harro van Asselt, Fariborz Zelli,“The Fragmentation of Global GovernanceArchitectures: A Framework for Analysis”, Global Environmental Politics9:4, Nov.2009, p.14-40.
    2Harro van Asselt, Frank Biermann,“From UN-ity to Diversity? The UNFCCC, the Asia-Pacific Partnership, andthe Future of International Law on Climate Change”, Carbon and Climate Law Review1(1), p.17-28.
    3IPCC, Climate Change2001: Mitigation–Contributing of Working Group III to the Third Assessment Report ofthe Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC), p.626-627,转自IPCC官方网站:http://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/tar/wg3/pdf/10.pdf
    1Hof, Andries, Mechel den Elzen, Detlef van Vuuren,“Environmental Effectiveness and Economic Consequencesof Fragmented Versus Universal Regimes: What can we learn from Model Studies?” in Global Climate Gover-nance Beyond2012: Architecture, Agency and Adaptation, edited by Frank Biermann, Philipp Pattberg, FariborzZelli, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press,2010.
    2Vormedal, Irja,“The Influence of Business and Industry NGOs in the Negotiation of the Kyoto Mechanisms: theCase of Carbon Capture and Storage in the CDM”, Global Environmental Politics8(4), p.36-65.
    3Yearn Hong Choi,“Cooperative Environmental Efforts in Northeast Asia: Assessment and Recommendations”,International Review for Environmental Strategies, Vol.3, No.1,2002, p.137-151.
    4Frank Biermann, Olwen Davies, Nicolien van der Grijp,“Environmental Policy Integration and the Architectureof Global Environmental Governance”, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law&Economics,Nov2009, Vol.9Issue4, p.351-369.
    1Timothy Swanson,“Relations Between Nations: the Reasons that Different States View the Same Problem SoDifferently”, in Timothy Swanson, Sam Johnston, Global Environmental Problems and International Environ-mental Agreements, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,1999, p.69.
    1Timothy Swanson,“The Evolution of International Environmental Agreements: Negotiations after Negotiations”,in Timothy Swanson, Sam Johnston, Global Environmental Problems and International Environmental Agree-ments, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,1999, p.170.
    2Timothy Swanson,“Relations between Nations: the Reasons that Different States View the Same Problem SoDifferently”, in Timothy Swanson, Sam Johnston, Global Environmental Problems and International Environ-mental Agreements, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,1999, p.69.
    1Timothy Swanson,“The Foundations of International Environmental Law: Recognition, Negotiation and Evolu-tion”, in Timothy Swanson, Sam Johnston, Global Environmental Problems and International EnvironmentalAgreements, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,1999, p.85.
    1Mancur Olson,“Foreword”, in Todd Sandler, Collective Action: Theory and Applications, Michigan: The Univer-sity of Michigan Press,1992, p.2.
    2Marvin S. Soroos,“Global Institutions and the Environment: An Evolutionary Perspective”, in Regina S. Axelrod,David Leonard Downie, Norman J. Vig edited, The Global Environment: Institutions, Law and Policy, Washing-ton, D.C.: CQ Press2005, p.21.
    1Elizabeth R. DeSombre,“Understanding United States Unilateralism: Domestic Sources of U.S. InternationalEnvironmental Policy” in Regina S. Axelrod, David Leonard Downie, Norman J. Vig edited, The Global Envi-ronment: Institutions, Law, and Policy, Washington, D.C.: CQ Press2005, p.181-182.
    2Wakana Takahashi,“Formation of an East Asian Regime for Acid Rain Control: The Perspective of ComparativeRegionalism”, International Review for Environmental Strategies, Vol.1, No.1,2000, p.97-117.
    3Myungjin Kim,“Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia”, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal Vol.22, No.3,2004, p.191-203.
    2See Yasumasa Komori,“Evaluating Regional Environmental Governance in Northeast Asia”, Asian Affairs: AnAmerican Review, Vol.37,2010, p.1-25.
    1Hidetaka Yoshimatsu,“Understanding Regulatory Governance in Northeast Asia: Environmental and Technolo-gical Cooperation among China, Japan and Korea”, Asian Journal of Political Science, Vol.18, No.3Dec.2010,p.227-247.
    1See Peter M. Haas,“Addressing the Global Governance Deficit”, Global Environmental Politics4:4, Nov.2004,p.1-15.
    1Martin Janicke的相关研究对作者有很大启发,参见Martin Janicke,“Dynamic Governance of Clean-EnergyMarkets: How Technical Innovation Could Accelerate Climate Policy”, in Journal of Cleaner Production,22,2012, p.50-59.受知识结构影响,丘吉尔提出的“三环外交”也是笔者如此命名的思想来源。
    1Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment, June16,1972[UN Doc. A/CONF.48/14/Rev.1], para.6.
    2Andree Kirchner,“International Marine Environmental Law: Editorial Introduction”, in Andree Kirchner ed. In-ternational Marine Environmental Law: Institutions, Implementation and Innovations, Netherlands: Kluwer LawInternational,2003, p.1.
    2National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Earth System Science Overview: A Program for GlobalChange (also known as the Bretherton Report), figure2.4.2,1986.转引自威廉·克拉克:《环境问题的全球化》,载约瑟夫·奈,约翰·唐纳胡主编:《全球化世界的治理》,王勇、门洪华、王荣军、肖东燕、高军、戴平辉译,北京:世界知识出版社2003年版,第78页。
    3有关的讨论可见Matthew Paterson, David Humphreys, Lloyd Pettiford,“Conceptualizing Global EnvironmentalGovernance: From Interstate Regimes to Counter-hegemonic Struggles”, Global Environmental Politics,2003Vol.3No.2, p.1-10.
    4相关资料可参见Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics (the
    5thEdition), Boulder: Westview Press, p.117-269.以及张海滨:《环境问题与国际关系:全球环境问题的理性思考》,上海:上海人民出版社2008年版,第237-239页。
    1See Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics (the5thEdition),Boulder: Westview Press, p.16-19.
    2具体讨论可参见Jon Hovi, Tora Skodvin, Steinar Andresen,“The Perisitence of the Kyoto Protocol: Why OtherAnnex I Countries Move on Without the United States”, Global Environmental Politics3:4November2003, p.1-23.
    1M. G. J. den Elzen, A. P. G. de Moor,“The Bonn Agreement and Marrakesh Accords: an Updated Analysis”,RIVM Report,2001.
    1John McCormick,“The Role of Environmental NGOs in International Regimes”, in Regina S. Axelrod, DavidLeonard Downie, Norman J. Vig ed. The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy (Second Edition),Washington D. C.: CQ Press, p.84.
    1Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics (the5thEdition), Bould-er: Westview Press, p.165.
    1UNEP, UNEP Year Book2010: New Science and Developments in Our Changing Environment, p.33,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/yearbook/yb2010/PDF/GYB2010_English_full.pdf
    4John Lanchbery,“The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora(CITES): Responding to Calls for Action from Other Nature Conservation Regimes”, in Sebastian Oberthur,Thomas Gehring ed., Institutional Interaction in Global Environmental Governance: Synergy and Conflict amongInternational and EU Policies, p.166-167.
    2UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook5(Summary for Policy Makers), p.10,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/pdfs/GEO5_SPM_English.pdf
    3UNEP, UNEP Year Book2010: New Science and Developments in Our Changing Environment, p.59,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/yearbook/yb2010/PDF/GYB2010_English_full.pdf
    4UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook4(Summary for Decision Makers), p.10,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/GEO4/media/GEO4%20SDM_launch.pdf
    1资料来源:世界自然基金会,转自UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook5(Summary for Policy Makers), p.11,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/pdfs/GEO5_SPM_English.pdf
    1《对公海上发生油污事故进行干涉的国际公约》,第一条。参见,http://www.gdmsa.gov.cn/fg1.asp? id=1117
    2《对公海上发生油污事故进行干涉的国际公约》,第三条。参见,http://www.gdmsa.gov.cn/fg1.asp? id=1117
    3《对公海上发生油污事故进行干涉的国际公约》,第五条第一款、第六条第一款。参见,http://www.gdmsa.gov.cn/fg1.asp? id=1117
    2《21世纪议程》,见http://www.hwcc.com.cn/newsdisplay/newsdisplay.asp? Id=44316
    3参见Andree Kirchner,“International Marine Environmental Law: Editorial Introduction”, in Andree Kirchner ed.International Marine Environmental Law: Institutions, Implementation and Innovations, Netherlands: KluwerLaw International,2003, p.3.
    1Agustin Blanco-Bazan,“The Environmental UNCLOS and the Work of IMO in the Field of Prevention of Pollu-tion from Vessels”, in Andree Kirchner ed. International Marine Environmental Law: Institutions, Implementa-tion and Innovations, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International,2003, p.31.
    2Agustin Blanco-Bazan,“The Environmental UNCLOS and the Work of IMO in the Field of Prevention of Pollu-tion from Vessels”, in Andree Kirchner ed. International Marine Environmental Law: Institutions, Implementa-tion and Innovations, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International,2003, p.32.
    3David H. Anderson,“The Role of ITLOS as a Means of Dispute Settlement under UNCLOS”, in Andree Kirchnered. International Marine Environmental Law: Institutions, Implementation and Innovations, Netherlands: KluwerLaw International,2003, p.19-20.
    3Lorraine Elliott, The Global Politics of the Environment (Second Edition), New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2004,p.67-69.
    4Lorraine Elliott, The Global Politics of the Environment (Second Edition), New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2004,p.69-72.
    1UNEP, Global Environmental Outlook5(Summary for Policy Makers), p.10,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/pdfs/GEO5_SPM_English.pdf
    3UNEP, UNEP Year Book2010: New Science and Developments in Our Changing Environment, p.14,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/yearbook/yb2010/PDF/GYB2010_English_full.pdf
    1David Leonard Downie, Jonathan Krueger, Henrik Selin,“Global Policy for Hazardous Chemicals”, in Regina S.Axelrod, David Leonard Downie, Nroman J. Vig ed., The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy (the2nd Edition), Washington, D.C.,2005, p.128.
    1David Leonard Downie, Jonathan Krueger, Henrik Selin,“Global Policy for Hazardous Chemicals”, in Regina S.Axelrod, David Leonard Downie, Nroman J. Vig ed., The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy (the2nd Edition), Washington, D.C.,2005, p.132.
    2UNEP, UNEP Year Book2010: New Science and Developments in Our Changing Environment, p.26,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/geo/yearbook/yb2010/PDF/GYB2010_English_full.pdf
    1Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995, p.2-3.
    1Robert W. Cox,“Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory”, in Timothy J.Sinclair ed., Global Governance: Critical Concepts in Political Science, New York: Routledge,2004, p.5.
    2“全球公民社会”是国际关系研究中一个颇有争议的概念,很多研究对其进行了讨论。但总的来说,即便是比较激进的保守主义文献,在强调国家的主导地位的同时,也无法完全否认全球化时代非国家行为体的兴起,及其跨国联系的逐步密集;而只能对其重要性进行质疑,但又很难否认其愈发重要的趋势。因而,可以认为“全球公民社会”的出现是全球化时代的一个重要特征。具体讨论可参见:”Reconstructing WorldPolitics: The Emergence of Global Civil Society,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies,1992,21, p.389-420.以及Ronnie D. Lipschutz, Judith Mayer, Global Civil Society and Global Economic Governance: ThePolitics of Nature from Place to Planet, Albany: State University of New York Press,1996.
    5Martin Hewson, Timothy J. Sinclair,“The Emergence of Global Governance Theory”, in Timothy J. Sinclair ed.,Global Governance: Critical Concepts in Political Science, New York: Routledge,2004, p.230.
    2See Peter M. Hass,“Addressing the Global Governance Deficit”, in Global Environmental Governance4:4, Nov.2004.
    2Hideo Nakazawa,“Between the Global Environmental Regime and Local Sustainability: A Local Review on theInclusion, Failure and Reinventing Process of the Environmental Governance”, in International Journal of Japa-nese Sociology,2006, Nov.15, p.69-85.
    2Evan Schofer, Ann Hironaka,“The Effects of World Society on Environmental Protection Outcomes”, in SocialForces, Vol.84, No.1,2005, Sept., p.25-45.
    2See Jennifer Clapp,“Transnational Corporation and Global Environmental Governance”, Peter Dauvergne ed.,Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, Northampton MA: Edward Elgar,2005, p.284-298.
    3See Peter Newell,“The Marketization of Global Environmental Governance: Manifestations and Implications”, inJacob Park, Ken Conca, Matthias Finger ed., The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance, New York: Rout-ledge,2008, p.77-96.
    2See Kishan Khoday,“Mobilizing Market Forces to Combat Global Environmental Change: Lessons fromUN-Private Sector Partnerships in China”, in Review of European Community and International EnvironmentalLaw,16(2)2007, p.173-184.
    2Jonas Ebbesson,“Transboundary Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Matters: Fragments and Foundationsfor a Future Framework”, in Gerd Winter ed., Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change: Perspec-tives from Science, Sociology and the Law, p.155.
    2Mattew J. Hoffmann, Alice D. Ba,“Introduction”, in Alice D. Ba, Mattew J. Hoffmann ed., Contending Perspec-tives on Global Governance: Coherence, Contestation and World Order, New York: Routledge,2005, p.8.
    2Arendt H.,“What is Authority?” in Between Past and Future, Cleveland and New York: Viking,1968.转自戴维·米勒,韦农·波格丹诺主编:《布莱克维尔政治学百科全书》,中国问题研究所,南亚发展研究中心,中国农村发展信托投资公司组织翻译,北京:中国政法大学出版社1992年版,第45页。
    1See Barry B. Hughes, Continuity and Change in World Politics: The Clash of Perspective, New York: Pren-tice-Hall,1991, p.48-81.
    1Mattew J. Hoffmann, Alice D. Ba,“Introduction”, in Alice D. Ba, Mattew J. Hoffmann ed., Contending Perspec-tives on Global Governance: Coherence, Contestation and World Order, New York: Routledge,2005, p.8.
    1See James N. Rosenau,“Global Governance as Disaggregated Complexity”, in Alice D. Ba, Mattew J. Hoffmanned., Contending Perspectives on Global Governance: Coherence, Contestation and World Order, New York:Routledge,2005, p.135.
    2Oran R. Young,“Regime Theory and the Quest for Global Governance”, in Alice D. Ba, Mattew J. Hoffmann ed.,Contending Perspectives on Global Governance: Coherence, Contestation and World Order, New York: Rout-ledge,2005, p.92.
    4James N. Rosenau,“Global Governance as Disaggregated Complexity”, in Alice D. Ba, Mattew J. Hoffmann ed.,Contending Perspectives on Global Governance: Coherence, Contestation and World Order, New York: Rout-ledge,2005, p.133.
    1Peter M. Haas,“Addressing the Global Governance Deficit”, Global Environmental Politics4:4, Nov.2004, p.1-15.
    2Peter M. Haas,“Addressing the Global Governance Deficit”, Global Environmental Politics4:4, Nov.2004, p.1-15.
    2See Barry B. Hughes, Continuity and Change in World Politics: The Clash of Perspective, New York: Pren-tice-Hall,1991, p.251-255.也可见苏长和:《全球公共问题与国际合作:一种制度的分析》,上海:上海人民出版社2009年版,第88页。本文对于国际公共物品分类的阐述,参考了上述研究。
    2Frank Biermann,“Global Environmental Governance”, in Khi V. Thai, Dianne Rahm, Jerrell D. Coggburn ed.,Handbook of Globalization and the Environment, Boca Raton, London, New York: CRC Press,2007, p.137-155.
    1Anne-Marie Slaughter, Thomas Hale,“Transgovernmental Networks and Emerging Power”, in Alan S. Alexan-droff, Andrew F. Cooper ed., Rising States, Rising Institutions: Challenges for Global Governance, Baltimore:Brookings Institution Press,2010, p.48.
    2See Peter M. Hass,“Addressing the Global Governance Deficit”, in Global Environmental Governance4:4, Nov.2004.
    1See Peter M. Haas,“Addressing the Global Governance Deficit”, Global Environmental Politics4:4, Nov.2004,p.1-15.
    1也有学者将其概括为“权威场域(Sphere of Authority)”。See James N. Rosenau,“Global Governance asDisaggregated Complexity”, in Alice D. Ba, Matthew J. Hoffman ed., Contending Perspectives on Global Go-vernance: Coherence, Contestation and World Order, New York: Routledge,2005, p.133.
    2作者参考了彼得·哈斯关于全球环境治理诸主体的功能的相关研究,See Peter M. Haas,“Addressing theGlobal Governance Deficit”, Global Environmental Politics4:4, Nov.2004, p.1-15
    3以EBSCO数据库检索结果为依据,检索关键词为environmental governance; environmental policy+governance;environmental policy+regimes; environmental policy+institutions,检索日期为2012年10月10日。
    1Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Jane Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: Westview Press,2010, p.53-63.
    2Peter M. Haas,“Science and International Environmental Governance”, Peter Dauvergne ed., Handbook of Glob-al Environmental Politics, Northampton MA: Edward Elgar,2005, p.383-402.
    3Thomas Princen, Matthias Finger, Jack P. Manno,“Translational Linkages”, in Thomas Princen, Matthias Finger,Environmental NGOs in World Politics: Linking the Local and the Global, London and New York: Routledge,1994, p.217-236.
    4See Jennifer Clapp,“Transnational Corporation and Global Environmental Governance”, Peter Dauvergne ed.,Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, Northampton MA: Edward Elgar,2005, p.284-298.
    1Sanjeev Khagram, Saleem H. Ali,“Transnational Transformations: From Government-Centric Interstate Regimesto Cross-Sectoral Multi-level Networks of Global Governance”, in Jacob Park, Ken Conca, Matthias Finger ed.,The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance, New York: Routledge,2008, p.132-162.
    2Sanjeev Khagram, Saleem H. Ali,“Transnational Transformations: From Government-Centric Interstate Regimesto Cross-Sectoral Multi-level Networks of Global Governance”, in Jacob Park, Ken Conca, Matthias Finger ed.,The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance, New York: Routledge,2008, p.132-162.
    1Liesbel Hooghe,“Introduction: Reconciling EU-wide Policy and National Diversity”, in Liesbel Hooghe edited,Cohesion Policy and European Integration: Building Multilevel Governance, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1996, p.16.
    1David Leonard Downie,“Global Environmental Policy: Governance through Regimes” in Norman J. Vig, ReginaS. Axelrod ed., The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy (Second Edition), Washington D.C.: CQPress,2005, p.64-83.
    2Peter H. Sand,“Global Environmental Change and the Nation State: Sovereignty Bounded?”, in Gerd Winter ed.,Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change: Perspectives from Science, Sociology and the Law,New York: Cambridge University Press,2006, p.519-520.
    1该概念可参见:Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States, International Undertaking on Plant Ge-netic (Conference Resolution8/83of the FAO), Article1.
    2Raustiala K., Victor D.G.,“The Regime Complex for Plant Genetic Resources”, International Organization58(2004), p.277-309.
    3Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Jane Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: Westview Press,2010, p.139-140.
    1不同附件所列的物质管制标准不同。附件A为“完全禁止(Elimination)”,附件B为“严格限制(SeverelyLimited)”,附件C为“无意中产生的(Unintentionally Produced)”。
    2Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Jane Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: WestviewPress,2010, p.148-149.
    3Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Jane Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: Westview Press,2010, p.148-149.
    4See Stockholm Convention’s website at http://chm.pops.int. and Earth Negotiation Bulletin atwww.iisd.ca/process/chemical_management.htm#pops.
    5“Summary of the Fourth Meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee of the Stockholm Con-vention:13-17October2008”, Earth Negotiation Bulletin15, No.161
    1Iwona Rummel-Bulska,“The Protection of the Ozone Layer under the Global Framework”, in Cees Flintermaned., Transboundary Air Pollution, Netherland: Martinus Nijhoff,1986, p.281-296.
    2J. Farman et al.,“Large Loss of Total Ozone in Antarctica Reveal Seasonal ClOx/NOxInteraction”, Nature315,May1985, p.207-210.
    1“Summary of the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol:22-26November2004”, Earth Nego-tiation Bulletin19, No.40. www. iisd.ca/download/pdf/enb1940e.pdf.
    1Robert Boardman, International Organization and the Conservation of Nature, Bloomington: Indiana UniversityPress,1981, p.88-94.
    2Patrica Birnie,“The Role of International Law in Solving Certain Environmental Conflicts”, in John E. Carrolled., International Environmental Diplomacy: The Management and Resolution of Transfrontier EnvironmentalProblems, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1988, p.107-108.
    3See Pamela S. Chasek,“Environmental Organizations and Multilateral Diplomacy: A Case Study of the EarthNegotiations Bulletin”, in James P. Muldoon ed., Multilateral Diplomacy and the United Nations Today, Boulder:Westview,2005.
    1Thomas Pricen,“The Ivory Trade Ban: NGOs and International Conservation”, in Jack P. Manno, Margaret L.Clark, Environmental NGOs in World Politics: Linking the Local and the Global, New York: Routledge,1994, pp125.
    2US Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal Register,54(110), June9,1989,24758-61,“Moratorium on Importation ofRaw and Worked Ivory From all Ivory Producing and Intermediary Nations”.
    3公平的说,20世纪80年撒哈拉以南非洲的主要象牙产出国,为打击偷猎进行了巨大的努力。但由于偷猎现象的过度广泛,政府力量显得相对不足。See Thomas Pricen,“The Ivory Trade Ban: NGOs and InternationalConservation”, in Jack P. Manno, Margaret L. Clark, Environmental NGOs in World Politics: Linking the Localand the Global, New York: Routledge,1994。
    4Thomas Pricen,“The Ivory Trade Ban: NGOs and International Conservation”, in Jack P. Manno, Margaret L.Clark, Environmental NGOs in World Politics: Linking the Local and the Global, New York: Routledge,1994, pp126.
    5Thomas Pricen,“The Ivory Trade Ban: NGOs and International Conservation”, in Jack P. Manno, Margaret L.Clark, Environmental NGOs in World Politics: Linking the Local and the Global, New York: Routledge,1994, pp126.
    1关于东亚酸沉降治理中各类治理主体的发展变化,及其所拥有的权威,本文参考了Yasumasa Komori的研究,See Yasumasa Komori,” Evaluating Regional Environmental Governance in NortheastAsia”, in Asian Affairs:An American Review,37:1–25,2010.
    2Wakana Takahashi,”Problems of Environmental Cooperation in East Asia”, in International Environmental Co-operation: Politics and Diplomacy in Pacific Asia, Paul G. Harris, Boulder, CO.: University Press of Colorado,2002.
    1See Yasumasa Komori.” Evaluating Regional Environmental Governance in Northeast Asia”, in Asian Affairs: AnAmerican Review,37:1–25,2010.
    2Anna Brettell,“Security, Energy, and the Environment: The Atmospheric Link”, in In-Taek Hyun, Miranda A.Schreurs ed., The Environmental Dimension of Asian Security: Conflict and Cooperation over Energy, Resources,and Pollution, Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace,2007, p.93.
    3Y. Ichikawa, S. Fujita,“An Analysis of Wet Deposition of Sulfate Using a Trajectory Model for East Asia”, WaterAir and Soil Pollution,1995, Vol.85, No.4, p.1931.
    1Yoon, Lee, and Wu,“The State and Nongovernmental Organizations in Northeast Asia Environmental Security”, p.212.
    2Yoon, Lee, and Wu,“The State and Nongovernmental Organizations in Northeast Asia Environmental Security”, p.215-216.
    3Yoon, Lee, and Wu,“The State and Nongovernmental Organizations in Northeast Asia Environmental Security”, p.225.
    1Michele M. Betsill, Harriet Bulkeley,“Transnational Networks and Global Environmental Governance: The Ci-ties for Climate Protection Program”, in International Studies Quarterly,(2004)48, p.471-493.
    1Michele M. Betsill, Harriet Bulkeley,“Cities and the Multilevel Governance of Global Climate Change”, inGlobal Governance (2006)12, p.141-159.
    2Ute Collier,“Local Authorities and Climate Protection in the EU: Putting Subsidiarity into Practice?” Local En-vironment2, no.1(1997), p.39–57; Benjamin De Angelo and L. D. Danny Harvey,“The Jurisdictional Frame-work for Municipal Action to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Case Studies from Canada, USA and Germa-ny,” Local Environment3, no.2(1998), p.111–136; Darryn McEvoy, David Gibbs, and James Longhurst,“TheProspects for Improved Energy Efficiency in the UK Residential Sector,” Journal of Environmental Planning andManagement42, no.3(1999), p.409–424; Thomas Wilbanks and Robert W Kates,“Global Change in Local
    3Places: How Scale Matters,” Climatic Change43(1999), p.601–628.Richard Gilbert, Don Stevenson, Herbert Giradet, and Richard Stren, Making Cities Work: The Role of Local Au-thorities in the Urban Environment, London: Earthscan,1996, p.69.
    4Intergovernmental Committee on Ecologically Sustainable Development (ICESD), Future Directions for Austral-ia’s National Greenhouse Strategy, ICESD Discussion Paper, Canberra,1997; J. M. Lumb, K. Buckley, and K. A.Auty, Greenhouse Action and Local Government: The New Directions, report prepared for the National Envi-ronmental Law Association, Melbourne: NELA,1994.
    1Michele M. Betsill, Harriet Bulkeley,“Cities and the Multilevel Governance of Global Climate Change”, inGlobal Governance (2006)12, p.141-159.
    2Lilian Yap,“The Basel Convention and Global Environment (Non)Governance:‘Trasfromismos’ and the Case ofElectronic Wastes”, in Undercurrent, Vo.3, No.1,2006, p.23-33.
    3Basel Secretariat; Philippe Rckacewicz, http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/trends-in-transboundary-movement-of-waste-among-parties-to-the-basel-convention.
    1UNEP, UNEP Year Book2010: New Science and Developments in Our Changing Environment, p.4,转自UNEP官方网站:http://www.unep.org/yearbook/2010/PDF/year_book_2010.pdf
    1Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: WestviewPress,2010, p.117-119.
    1Andre Nollkaemper,“Responsibility of Transnational Corporations in International Environmental Law: ThreePerspectives”, in Gerd Winter ed., Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change: Perspectives fromScience, Sociology and the Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.180.
    2Peter Newell,“Towards a Political Economy of Global Environmental Governance” in Peter Dauvergne ed.,Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar,2005,p.187-189.
    3See James Connelly and Graham Smith, Politics and the Environment: From Theory to Practice, London andNew York: Routledge,2001, p.183-216
    4See Sanjeev Khagram and Saleem H. Ali,“Transnational Transformations: from Government-centric InterstateRegimes to Cross-sectoral Multi-level Networks of Global Governance”, in Jacob Park, Ken Conca, MatthiasFinger, The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance: Towards a New Political Economy of Sustainability,London and New York: Routledge,2008, p.132-162.
    1See Darrell Whitman,“’Stakeholders’ and the Politics of Environmental Policymaking” in Jacob Park, Ken Conca,Matthias Finger, The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance: Towards a New Political Economy of Sustai-
    2nability, London and New York: Routledge,2008, p.162-192.
    See Lorraine Elliott, The Global Politics of the Environment (Second Edition), New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2004, p.114-116.
    3See Peter M. Hass,“Science and International Environmental Governance”, in Peter Dauvergne ed., Handbook ofGlobal Environmental Politics, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar,2005, p.383-402.
    4Peter Newell,“The Marketization of Global Environmental Governance: Manifestations and Implications”, inJacob Park, Ken Conca, Matthias Finger, The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance: Towards a New Po-litical Economy of Sustainability, London and New York: Routledge,2008, p.77.
    2See Marc Williams,“Knowledge and Global Environmental Policy”, in Peter Dauvergne ed., Handbook of GlobalEnvironmental Politics, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar,2005, p.383-402.
    3See Fariborz Zelli,“The World Trade Organization: Free Trade and Its Environmental Impacts”, in Khi V. Thai,Dianne Rahm, Jerrell D. Coggburn ed., Handbook of Globalization and the Environment, Boca Raton, London,New York: Taylor&Francis Group,2007, p.177-216.
    1See Andre Nollkaemper,“Responsibility of Transnational Corporations in International Environmental Law:Three Perspectives”, in Gerd Winter ed., Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change: Perspectivesfrom Science, Sociology and the Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.179-200.
    2Mukul Sanwal,“Trends in Global Environmental Governance: The Emergence of Mutual Supportiveness Ap-proach to Achieve Sustainable Development”, in Global Environmental Politics4:4, Nov.2004, p.16-22.
    3See Stacy D. VanDeveer,“Effectiveness, Capacity Development and International Environmental Cooperation”,in eter Dauvergne ed., Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA,USA: Edward Elgar,2005, p.95-110.
    4Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: WestviewPress,2010, p.99-100.
    1Martin Janicke的相关研究对本文有很大启发,See Martin Jannicke,“Dynamic Governance of Clean-energyMarkets: How Technical Innovation Could Accelerate Climate Policy”, Journal of Cleaner Production,22,2012,p.50-59.此外,受知识结构的影响,丘吉尔提出的“三环外交”也是笔者如此命名的思想来源。
    1Stephen Peake,“Policymaking as Design in Complex Systems–The International Climate Change Regime”, inE:CO Issue Vol.12, No.22010, p.15-22.
    2See Thomas Koetz, Katharine N. Farrell, Peter Bridge Water,“Building Better Science-Policy Interface for Inter-national Governance: Assessing Potential within the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and EcosystemServices”, in Int Environ Agreements,201212, p.1–21.
    3Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: WestviewPress,2010, p.179-189.
    5See Robert T. Watson,“Turning Science into Policy: Challenges and Experiences from Science-Policy Interface”,in Royal Society Publishing, at http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org
    1IPCC官方网站:《政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)介绍》, http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/ipcc-faq/ipcc-introduction-ch.pdf
    3Alison Shaw,“Policy Relevant Scientific Information: The Co-Production of Objectivity and Relevance in theIPCC” in Breslauer Symposium, University of California International and Area Studies, UC Berkeley, athttp://escholarship.org/uc/item/0d81p739
    1John Houghton,“An Overview of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Its Process of ScienceAssessment”, in R. E. Hester, R. M. Harrison ed., Global Environmental Change, Cambridge: Royal Society ofChemistry,2002, p.5.
    2Keith,“Shine of Reading University”, in Reuters,20Dec,1995.转自庄贵阳,朱仙丽,赵行姝:《全球环境与气候治理》,杭州:浙江人民出版社2009年版,第243页。
    3See Kevin Mooney,“UN Climate Summary Designed to Dupe, Critics Say”, in CNSNews.com Staff Writer, Fe-brurary2002.2007.
    4See Beatrice Cointe, Paul-Alain Ravon, Emmanuel Guerin,“2℃: the History of a Policy-Science Nexus”, in ID-DRI SciencesPo. Working Paper, Dec.2011, at www.iddri.org.
    5Alison Shaw,“Policy Relevant Scientific Information: The Co-Production of Objectivity and Relevance in theIPCC” in Breslauer Symposium, University of California International and Area Studies, UC Berkeley, athttp://escholarship.org/uc/item/0d81p739
    1See “Copenhagen Accord” Article2, http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2009/cop15/eng/l07.pdf
    2See IPCC:“Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change2007”,http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/syr/zh/spm.html
    3Beatrice Cointe, Paul-Alain Ravon, Emmanuel Guerin,“2℃: the History of a Policy-Science Nexus”, in IDDRISciencesPo. Working Paper, Dec.2011, at www.iddri.org.
    1See Kathi K. Beratan,“Complexity and the Science-Policy Interface”, in Khi V. Thai, Dianne Rahm, Jarrell D.Coggburn ed., Handbook of Globalization and the Environment, Baca Raton, London New York: CRC Press,2007, p.527-553.
    2Marja Spierenburg,“Getting the Message Across: Biodiversity Science and Policy Interfaces–A Review”, inGA/A, Feb.2,2012, p.125-134.
    1Robert T. Watson,“Turning Science into Policy: Challenges and Experiences from Science-Policy Interface”, inRoyal Society Publishing, at http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org
    2See David D. Kemp, Global Environmental Issues: A Climatological Approach (Second Edition), London andNew York: Rouledge,1994, p.121-144.
    1See Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: WestviewPress,2010, p.164-179.
    2V. H. Hey Wood,“Global Biodiversity Assessment”, at http://ressources.ciheam.org/om/pdf/c23/CI011056.pdf
    3See Robert T. Watson,“Turning Science into Policy: Challenges and Experiences from Science-Policy Interface”,in Royal Society Publishing, at http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org
    4See Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: WestviewPress,2010, p.226-235; S. A. Mitchell, C. M. Breen,“The Role of Research in Informing the GovernanceProcess of the Use of Ecosystem Resources”, in Water Policy9Supplement2,2007, p.169-189.
    5Robert T. Watson,“Turning Science into Policy: Challenges and Experiences from Science-Policy Interface”, inRoyal Society Publishing, at http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org
    1Marja Spierenburg,“Getting the Message Across: Biodiversity Science and Policy Interfaces–A Review”, inGA/A, Feb.2,2012, p.125-134.
    2See Marja Spierenburg,“Getting the Message Across: Biodiversity Science and Policy Interfaces–A Review”, inGA/A, Feb.2,2012, p.125-134.
    3See Julian Saurin,“Global Environmental Crisis as ‘Disaster Triumphant’: The Private Capture of Public Goods”,in Environmental Politics10,4: p.63-84.
    1Peter Newell,“The Marketization of Global Environmental Governance: Manifestation and Implications”, inJacob Park, Ken Conca, Matthias Finger ed., The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance: Toward a NewPolitical Economy of Sustainability, London and New York,2008, p.77.
    2See G. Kristin Rosendal,“The Convention on Biological Diversity: Tensions with the WTO TRIPS Agreementover Access to Genetic Resources and the Sharing of Benefits”, in Sebastian Oberthur, Thomas Gehring ed., In-stitution Interaction in Global Environmental Governance: Synergy and Conflict among International and EUPolicies, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: MIT Press,2006, p.79-103.
    3See Peter Hass,“Science and International Environmental Governance”, in Peter Dauvergne ed., Handbook ofGlobal Environmental Politics Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar,2005, p.283-402.
    4Peter Newell,“The Marketization of Global Environmental Governance: Manifestation and Implications”, inJacob Park, Ken Conca, Matthias Finger ed., The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance: Toward a NewPolitical Economy of Sustainability, London and New York,2008, p.77.
    5Peter Newell,“Globalization and Sustainable Development: A Dialogue of the Deaf?” in International Review forEnvironmental Strategies,2002,3, p.41-52.
    1See David Leonard Downie, Jonathan Krueger, and Henrik,“Global Policy for Hazardous Chemicals”, in NormanJ. Vig, Regina S. Axelrod ed., The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy (Second Edition), Wash-ington D.C.: CQ Press,2005, p.125-146; Lilian Yap,“The Basel Convention and Global Environment(Non)Governance:‘Trasfromismos’ and the Case of Electronic Wastes”, in Undercurrent, Vo.3, No.1,2006, p.23-33;
    3See Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Asia and the Pacific, http://ch.bcrc.cn/column.jsp?id=1256805408531¤t=1
    1Peter Newell,“The Marketization of Global Environmental Governance: Manifestations and Implications”, in inJacob Park, Ken Conca, Matthias Finger ed., The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance, New York: Rout-ledge,2008, p.78.
    2See Alice Palmer, Beatrice Chaytor, Jacob Werksman,“Interactions between the World Trade Organization andInternational Environmental Regimes”, in Sebastian Oberthur, Thomas Gehring ed., Institutional Interaction inGlobal Environmental Governance: Synergy and Conflict among International and EU Policies, Massachusettsand London: MIT Press,2006, p.181-205.
    2See Jon Hovi, Tora Skodvin, Steinar Andresen,“The Persistence of the Kyoto Protocol: Why Other Annex ICountries Move on Without the United States”, in Global Environmental Politics3:4, November2003, p.1-23.
    3Charlotte Streck, Jolene Lin,“Making Markets Works: A Review of CDM Performance and the Need for Reform”,in The European Journal of International Law, Vol.19, No.2, p.409-442.
    1Jan-Peter Vob,“Innovation Processes in Governance: the Development of ‘Emission Trading’ as a New PolicyInstrument”, in Science and Public Policy,34(5), June2007, p.329-343.
    1REN21, Renewables2011Global Status Report, Paris,2011, at www.ren21.net/globalstatusreport/g2011.
    2See Martin Janicke,“Dynamic Governance of Clean-energy Markets: How Technical Innovation Could Accele-rate Climate Policy”, Journal of Cleaner Production,22,2012, p.50-59.
    1See Martin Janicke,“Dynamic Governance of Clean-energy Markets: How Technical Innovation Could Accele-rate Climate Policy”, Journal of Cleaner Production,22,2012, p.50-59.
    2Martin Janicke, K. Jacob, Environmental Governance in Global Perspective–New Approaches to EcologicalModernisation (Second Edition), Berlin: Forschungsstelle Fur Umweltpolitik, Freie Universitat,2007; Martin Ja-nicke, St. Lindemann,“Governing Environmental Innovations”, in Environmental Politics,2010, Vol.19, No.1,p.127-141
    1N. Jonstone ed., Environmental Policy and Corporate Behaviour, Cheltenham and Northampton: Edgar Publish-ing,2007; OECD, Towards Green Growth Paris,2011.
    1Robert T. Watson,“Turning Science into Policy: Challenges and Experiences from Science-Policy Interface”, inRoyal Society Publishing, at http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org
    2See Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: WestviewPress,2010, p.164-179.
    3See Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics, Boulder: WestviewPress,2010, p.164-179.
    1Liliana B. Andonova, Michele M. Betsill, Harriet Bulkeley,“Transnational Climate Governance”, in Global En-vironmental Politics9:2, May2009, p.52-73.
    2See Suraje Dessai, Nuno S. Lacasta, Katharine Vincent,“International Political History of the Kyoto Protocol:From the Hague to Marrakech and Beyond”, in International Review for Environmental Strategies, Vol.4, No.2,2003, p.183-205.
    1See Michel G. J. den Elzen, Niklas Hohne, Bernd Brouns, Harald Winkler, Herrmann E. Ott,“Differentiation ofCountries’ Future Commitments in a Post-2012Climate Regime”, in Environmental Science&Policy,10,2007,p.185-203.
    2E. Lisa F. Schpper,“Conceptual History of Adaptation in the UNFCCC Process”, in Review of European Commu-nity and International Environmental Law,15(1)2006, p.82-93.
    3Pamela S. Chasek,“Margins of Power: Coalition Building and Coalition Maintenance of the South Pacific IslandStates and the Alliance of Small Island States”, in Review of European Community and International Environ-mental Law,14(2)2005, p.125-138.
    4Future International Action on Climate Change, at www.fiacc.net
    1Jorgen Wettestad,“European Climate Policy: Toward Centralized Governance?”, in Review of Policy Research,Vol.26No.3,2009, p.311-329.
    2Joseph E. Aldy, Eduardo Ley, Ian Parry,“A Tax-Based Approach to Slowing Global Climate Change”, in NationalTax Journal, Sept.2008, p.493-516.
    3Charlotte Streck, Jolene Lin,“Making Markets Work: A Review of CDM Performance and the Need for Reform”,in The European Journal of International Law, Vol.19No.22008, p.409-442.
    1Michele Betsill, Matthew J. Hoffmann,“The Contours of ‘Cap and Trade’: The Evolution of Emissions TradingSystems for Greenhouse Gases”, in Review of Policy Research, Vol.28No.12011, p.83-107.
    2Charlotte Streck, Jolene Lin,“Making Markets Work: A Review of CDM Performance and the Need for Reform”,in The European Journal of International Law, Vol.19No.22008, p.409-442.
    1See Suraje Dessai, Nuno S. Lacasta, Katharine Vincent,“International Political History of the Kyoto Protocol:From the Hague to Marrakech and Beyond”, in International Review for Environmental Strategies, Vol.4, No.2,2003, p.183-205.
    2Beatrice Cointe, Paul-Alain Ravon, Emmanuel Guerin,“2℃: the History of a Policy-Science Nexus”, as IDDRISciencesPo. Working Paper, Dec.2011, at www.iddri.org.
    3主要参考资料包括:the UNFCCC CDM website; the rules of procedure of the EB in decision3/CMP.1,“Modali-ties and procedures for a clean development mechanism”, available athttp://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2005/cmp1/eng/08a01.pdf; Baker and McKenzie (2004); Legal Issues Guidebookto the Clean Development Mechanism, p.23; and Green, J.F.(2009).“Delegation and Accountability in the CleanDevelopment Mechanism: The New Authority of Non-State Actors”. Journal of International Law and Interna-tional Relations4(2):33—34.
    1CDM Policy Dialogue Report,“CDM Policy Dialogue Research Programme–Research Area: Governance”, Oct.1,2012, p.71-84.
    2See Liliana B. Andonova, Michele M. Betsill, Harriet Bulkeley,“Transnational Climate Governance”, in GlobalEnvironmental Politics9:2, May2009, p.52-73.
    1Klaus Hasselmann, Terry Barker,“The Stern Review and the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Implications forInteraction between Policymakers and Climate Experts: an Editorial Essay”, in Climatic Change200889, p.219–229
    1Joseph E. Aldy, Eduardo Ley, Ian Parry,“A Tax-Based Approach to Slowing Global Climate Change”, in NationalTax Journal, Sept.2008, p.493-516.
    3Charlotte Streck, Jolene Lin,“Making Markets Works: A Review of CDM Performance and the Need for Reform”,in The European Journal of International Law, Vol.19, No.2, p.409-442.
    1Jorgen Wettestad,“European Climate Policy: Toward Centralized Governance?”, in Review of Policy Research,Vol.26No.3,2009, p.311-329.
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