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Objective: To investigate the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome oftraditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine through theory andliterature research. Effects of Wenshen Jianpi Huatan Decoction onmetabolic syndrome rat body weight, blood lipid, insulin resistance,tumor necrosis factor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorgamma and AMPK signaling pathway, to explore the effect of JianpiWenshen Huatan Decoction on MS rat obesity, insulin resistance,energy metabolism,thus study on the mechanism of action of warmingkidney and invigorating spleen and resolving phlegm on metabolicsyndrome.Methods: The30male SD rats were fed for one week later,were randomly divided into the blank control group, MS model groupand Wenshen Jianpi Huatan Decoction group. MS model group andWenshen Jianpi Huatan Decoction group using high-sugar high-fat dietfor12weeks, to replicate the rat model of metabolic syndrome. Inmodeling the same time, the blank control group and model groupwere given normal saline,Wenshen Jianpi Huatan Decoction groupwere given the same dose of the drug Wenshen Jianpi Huatanprescription drugs.At the last day of the rats were feed for12weeks,the rats weight, height, systolic blood pressure were measured and taken the blood from the rats,heart,take the perirenal adipose tissue,application of biochemical analyzer lipids, fasting glucose, seruminsulin using ELISA method to measure and calculate HOMA-IR index.After the detection of drug intervention in addition to the aboveindicators, measured by ELISA in serum TNF-a, measured AMPKand LKB1protein expression in adipose tissue, use ofimmunohistochemistry, and preclude the use of RT-PCR detection ofadipose tissue PPAR-γ expression, Western blot detected adiposetissue AMPK, LKB1protein.Results:⑴model group rats afterapplication of high-sugar high-fat diet for12weeks, body weight ofrats, systolic blood pressure, LDL, TC, TG, fasting bloodglucose, serum insulin and insulin resistance index were significantcompared with the control group of rats increased, while HDLsignificantly reduced, compared to the above indicators werestatistically significant (P<0.05).⑵After drug intervention, theweight, systolic blood pressure, LDL, TC, TG, fasting bloodglucose, serum insulin and insulin resistance index of Wenshen JianpiHuatan Decoction drugs rats compared with the model group weresignificantly decreased, while HDL significantly rise.The aboveindicators of the two groups of rats compared were statisticallysignificant (P<0.05).⑶The TNF-a levels of MS model group weresignificantly higher than the control group and Wenshen Jianpi HuatanDecoction drugs group,was statistically significant (P<0.01). After drugintervention, Compared with the model group, the TNF-a levels ofWenshen Jianpi Huatan Decoction drugs group were significantlylower, the comparison of TNF-a levels between the two wasstatistically significant (P<0.01).⑷Model group PPAR-γ expressionwas significantly lower than the control group and Wenshen Jianpi Huatan Decoction drugs group, the comparison of PPAR-γ levelsbetween the three groups was statistically significant(P<0.01); Afterdrug intervention, PPAR-γ expression in adipose tissue of the druggroup was significantly higher than model group, both of which werestatistically significant compared (P<0.01).⑸Model group P-LBK1,AMPK expression was significantly lower than the blank control groupand Wenshen Jianpi Huatan Decoction drugs group, the comparisonof P-LBK1and AMPK levels between the three groups wasstatistically significant (P<0.01); After drug intervention, theexpression of P-LBK1, AMPK adipose tissue of Wenshen JianpiHuatan Decoction drugs group was significantly higher than the modelgroup, compared with the two groups was statistically significantindicator (P<0.01).Conclusions:⑴After the treatment of WenshenJianpi Huatan Decoction, The body weight, lipid levels, bloodpressure and insulin resistance index of the rats which suffering fromillness of metabolic syndrome was significantly decreased.
     ⑵Tumor necrosis factor is a key factor that will lead to metabolicsyndrome, when metabolic syndrome occurring,the body's tumornecrosis factor will increase, while warming kidney Spleen candecrease the tumor necrosis factor of the rats which take a disease ofmetabolic syndrome.⑶PPAR-γ is another key factor that will lead tometabolic syndrome,when metabolic syndrome occurring,the body'sPPAR-γ will decrease, while warming kidney Spleen can increase thePPAR-γ of the rats which take a disease of metabolic syndrome.⑷Theexpression of LKB1/AMPK signaling pathway in the rats which ake adisease of metabolic syndrome appeared significantly decreased.Sothis proved that the LKB1/AMPK signaling pathways is a factor that hasclosed relationship with metabolic syndrome. Wenshen Jianpi Huatan Decoction can cause the the expression of LKB1/AMPK signalingpathway of MS rats to be raised. The above results suggest that,Wenshen Jianpi Huatan Decoction can prevent the emerge ofmetabolic syndrome, The effectiveness of Wenshen Jianpi HuatanDecoction to treat the metabolic syndrome is clear and effective.
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